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f ~ J. I I, I ( "n:.. ~. d .~ --____NRS.I._.ADlllLJ...Jr.lQIJB. '1'0 ____.____.J~u'J...Ql...lQRT...n.IBQ' . _ .__. QUIT-.~LAIM DEEp 4f 351 r I 1 TIlI~ l~OF.N'I'URF.. ~hd~ Ihi,.. ._.~ula'h _. _, _...~ __ .__----Alay of......._._..__....._.... Jl1n"...._.._......_.............._._.._._.". ll. 1926..... b.'tw~n -'--'-"..,-. -...._._......._..___.....1Ir. ....Anni.-.ll.... _n8~___.__________.____..._....__....__..___..._.._ of tlK' Coont). nf S81n\ . Luo 18... ..u......_. ',u"_"'__' and ~tal~ of ._._ .... ..._ i'lor id.._ ._ .__...___....__.... pau lell nf I~ first pa,t. and u.the.CU~.of. }pod .~laru. .a..JIlunlo.1pa]...QQtlu>>raUQD. o.f.. t.he. St.ate.of l"lol'lda. ._....___-....-.....-....._ "'k~"I(..~ .. . '" .. .... -1IlII-4 r ..i .,- ".--,.,. -..... - ......-.-. ....-.... ..nO' . ..... pau . 7... nf th~ '<<'Ond pan, WITSF.~~F.TIl. That Ih<- ..;'1 pallies of I~ first palt. f.... and in co,,,idt-UI;.'" nf IlK' .um "'! . . .-..___.... .__._._.._.....___.~'Du.Dol.l'u tLI.D.~.__Q.t.bH-!ll..\l8blQ. ..QOn~ 1.4'.r~t.l. 011~...._ ..._..................._....._._. ~ . , , in hand paid h)' I~ said pa,t y. ._.. nf th~ ,trond part, t~ ~ipt .~rtol i, ~rit). ac"....'.kd".-.\. ha VO... ""n, r~mi<nl. ,t-Ir.~1 an.1 '1ui:-d:oi~, and 11)' tMSi' pru~nts dou ........ rtmi..., rtk-u., and quiHlaim unto t~ uid pan...'... I,f the s<<olld pan .aoo...ita. 81l008SHOrS.... .....itmr- aui"" I"r~\-n, all I~ riRhl. lill~, i"'~~'I, claim and d~mand .hx-h t~ said pa,t.ie. cf Ihe: firsl palt ha Te ........... in and 10 Ih~ folt.,winr drscribffl ~ Iot.--. piK~...._. or parctL_ of lan<!, I....it: .' ~ l --____...__.The...88.t_..>>B-1't.....Qtu.Lo1i_a.._Bla.ak....2._..HIlU.. .Sub~di vision .u. d.eBor! bed.ao.....______..__... , . ""--'''''-''''-' ..toll".8:.__ beglnnlug...aLsQllth_Jldge....ot_aa14...1ot..snd. rWUllDg...llOl'thew_..._.__.__.__.._..... -------...--.-... a. wid th .o:f..tive.t.et ..a_.dla.t.ano.e.._o.t._ one.",bund.r.ed..and. aixty..tM "..te e t_...._...._.___._~_ .....-....-._. mol' e... 01'..18as ._ t beIL_t ayn iog....tiLno.1hlag... at.a..1lQ.1D"L_'tllo~h\Utd1' od. e 04__.._____.._......_ --.---.-----.1ih 1\"\7 t}18h~4fe...t.h.,,, aeut.h-.HlWt--&t....llald..-lot....-a8...ahow.u..on~.th.-.map.__.-..:...--..-_ -'---.-- of-1i he.1' elooa-t.lon..o'f.-.&lop.th--lIour-tll-.;)tl'ee'...jje t...wa'1...1926 ..---..--..-----..-.--- ---.-.--.....---------.---------------______0-_____--._._______.___.___.______ ----.---.---.-.--- ----..-------"--..-----... .---.----"'--------------.--...---------------.-----.-------- ..:f~l'...'~r'~ ~..~lgb-t_.Q~.~.l..JH._._O_,.b..~:t...P.'!..~ 11 0 1l8..!_~~_.~h~....!!~ 1c!._!::.1:..~ y.~f.1'()t'.~._..f.! ~!.~e.'n~'J,gt'!~a.. L_ .1 ta..81l0o.aa01"8. 01". .8881gne .__.____...n__ __.__......__._..._....._. ....__._.__......_n.n___.__... ___._...______...._____.. TO H.-\ \'E "XI) TO 1101,1>. ."., "'_. I"K\"I.....r ..-ilh all and ,ingnbr Ih<- aPl,urt.-nancH Ih<r\"unl.. btlonp(injl[ or in an~...-i... app<-rlaininj(. and .11 Ih<- "'I.t\", rijl[ht, lil~. illl<<\"'1 and claim .'~I>O<'\'\"r of Ih~ .aid I'art 1._ of Ih<- ""I 1''''1. eilha in la,.' or "Iuil~'. I" Ih<- onl)' p,,'pu u.... loffi~fil an.1 I...OO"f of the: ,aid p.'IY__ol I~ on:ond pan, _.__._i1ia...81l00tU1B.o.rIL.Ol'_._.___.. _.._n._.._....~ a"iJln. j"'~"\"f. IX WITNESS WIIEREO.... Ih~ said S':OIl ~.~~ of Ih~ lint part ha_.\fe.__ ~'~lInlo .~L. and )'ru 6nl aoovt ..-riutn. $igucd, ~akd and dtlin.w in prt<ft>Ct of: thei\' ..n___. _. ___. ._ . hand lJ ....011 .~.I . 8. Ih<- .by --I AnD 1 e . ~h.....1f~I1..!t~.__...._.._.__...__ .. (~'11.) ___~b...l_'J..~__~l.19..r. llUl.l8Dl. Waaner ~T.-\TE OF .1'l.Q1'14& Counly ..f.____ __31.L,1;.I!.Q~~. I HEREBY CEJ{TIFY. That on Ihi, cia)' pc:roonall)' apptar~ ._. .......... JOhu wagoer..._....... .(~al.) } belort me, an oIIicu dul)' aUlhoriud I.. a')mini<l~r oalh. amI lak~ acknowl..I;tltK'llt<, ____.____._1Ir.a.. _.ADn1.tl...B.......JIagn.ar_.8.Dd....olo.hn..Jrq.ne.r_______._...___._...._______..______~.... to _ ,"II ""o..-n I" b.- Ih~ ptr""" _ 8.k<..<:ribtd in an.1 ..-ho \"ucul~ ~ for<'goinl( in..rumml an.!......... '."'. ._....they . . ...3ckoowl\"dgw btC"r.- me: Ih:ot . ...__ the1____._.._.......x<<u4 I~ ..me: fr<<Jy and ,.oIl1ntuily for I~ PU'PO~ Ih<-"i" npr\"<~. ,\/',;U I FUnItE\{ CERTI1'\". Thai th~ said.____lI!:.l.JQJ!~_'..1}, .WQKD.er ...___..__.... koo"" 10"'" to bt Ihe: wif\" 01 Ih\" ..id_._.___._J.O..h'L_trQg.J!~____________h._._._..___...______.____...________ ..... a S\"paralr and private: tuminalion, lak~n and ma~\" by and btfor\" mc:, '~par.altl)- and aparl lrom h<< .aid hu.I"",,1. did ackno...ledg\" lhal .~ ~...cutw the for~goinK ~ f..r tll\" purpose: 01 rdinqui<hing. alicnaling and connyinR all hu right, lilk and inlu~'I. "'''''Ih~r ,.j ,lower. homr'lnd \"of 01 S<pU3t~ v~rlY, ,:.alulory .... <<Juitable, in and 10 Ih~ land. dtscribtd ~rdu, and thai ."., u<<ulro .aid Uttd Ir<<'... and 'oIUl.laril~' and without an)' com- p....ion, constraint, aw,~hw.i"" or frar of or fmlll h<-r said hu.band. WITNESS my h=1 and official Sat, at__1'9.r~llb.Q._'_COunly oL__.. st.,..:r,.~.1.e h..'_.. I"is__.l~t.h. ........ ._d:oy 01 ._}~~______._..A. D. 19..?~. (Sea!.) /-..-, _yo P. .se8~1 . J ST^TE~ FLORIDA, J CounlY O(~_L~.5."/ ... ..2.><1 !'Ial~ of l).Ql'.~!l,a. ---.-nhe1...~....t.Ta1~or~li.-.---- :10 8\'1 Puu 0 ..).IY_..OQ&:IID1Q~lQn n"::!t.Pl."('.~~..Ool...J!. '.12g~... '_ BE IT IU':MF.llCF.RED, That 01' Ihis.. 28th P. C. ELDRED day of.__4J,l!.U.L~U: 4IL?.~. _"...._.....A. D.19'?.'1... f. __ ______..._Ck,k of t~ Ci,euil Court in ano) for said Counly, han duly r<norckd ~ fOl'fluinlf Ouil.Cbim ~ in l~ Public Records of said Coaaty. IS WITNF~.\.-':HF.RF.OF, I ha.r ~rflll1to Irt my hand and ~ sc:al of said ("_rt I~ clay and )Tar aoon .rillm. /' ..... '\ , ct .0t.Seal)\ _.__._..._..._..___._.._r~_.cLm.PRJn>.. (~L) n Cltrk Circuit CourL ....\d. ~"" On'/, '-'07 .,... ~ec O/'f/ V: , (} I'"Jf,' ief/ ;~~t~~iJ~~j!f~\twi~~; ',~" . ..' :,'...-Z9j~~A~~~~~f