HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2160 360 -__.___Jm:J. -B...R....J.W).>>LIDB.OW TOI ~._.__c.J.n_Q'-..r_Q.F'f ~.Q~_ _....... __..____.... __________ ._____ 9~~I:C_L.~It'w:LQ~~P._..______.__ .. Till!: INIlENTURF~ lIa~ thi...._ .2~.r4....__._......_....._...._.._ -thy af..._._.. J.!m.,._._..__.,..___.._... .-.-.-.-_._._.__......t\. -0. 19. ~~.., htl...~n ____.._._...__.___ M~.~. ~_J~.t_..JJ.t.....U.!.4.4.l'~j'.Q.Q.k.l.,- .__________.______..______._.___..__._...__.__ __'_"_'_"'_"_'_"_'. of t~ (',)"..t). of... ... Sa1ntLu.o 18 -" -'" . ......... and Slat~ (Of.. .... ... Plot' 1d. ..............__.._.._._........._. part ._...... of I~ fiN pa,t. alld -,-- ~.ht. .9.t ty _9t._IQr.l_ f1U.Qo.....a.!Jl\m,l"o.1p.a.l..'O.O.fn.Or.aU9J.LQt__ tbo....5\.\O... Q1..'10\,14. .d............__........... hua...~.. ._ _........ .. ... ..... ........... >IIZ..ol1lll4",.. ............................ .._....... .......... ..__...._..._.........._. pa,t Y...... oi 1M ,,<<notd l'll". :] WITSE:;SJ-:TH, Thai t~ ",i.1 part... '" of th<- li"l part, far and in """idt-nlio.", ..I th<- '..... of........_........_.... ....._.. _.._..... _ ........._............__.... ___~en_Dollara ..and -Clther.._V41u.ab.lJL.QQD8.1U.rat.1ona..._____.___.___...._...__.__..........._.....__.............~ in hand paid b)' l~ said pa,1 ~. ...- 01 Ih~ ,tCMd pa,t, the: nC~;PI wh~rcof i, M~by ackno.ltd&td. Iu ........ .......... '~mi..-d. ,~In~.1 and "uit.cbimtd. aft.! hy Ih<-~ pr~unt. .:......-..... nmi'C', ~Ins~ and qait-<lail1l unto tM said ""rt.. y.... of Ihc- ~ part and 1 ta. allO08a8ora or. hPiM-....- auign, fO~'"ff, all I~ ri,ht. till~, illl~rc>t. ~uilll and d~mand ..hieh I~ said part ......._._ ..I Ih~ fint part ha ........_.. in alld 101M f"'lowi"l: rl~'Crih<t1 101_._., j.iece-....... or pa,..~L_. aj "'''II. t<>-...it: ...------.----..'fb.I..Ea.8t...tlt1ie.eD..t.8JlLo.f...l&.t__1..._B1oa!c .17_..~ ..AB8eBBOr~ 8d.Plat.__..___..._... ""__". ....... ... . __.____..._._. '8 . QbQlIOLOP. ..lluPDlOP_ ..().t__ ~h~....rJ~.l9..o.._UQ.rI..9t.,UQrp~h...z9Y.1':~h.S~1'~.~t . _......._...._._..... . _....__._.....__.___..~~t8c.lplAay.. ._. :J.,~.2..t) L.!.a..!.c:1_:J,~~_..f~~.~~8__.!QQ...:ff:l.~~._ <l.r:! ._~.()~r.~h..!~_~!.~h..~'c;.1:'.e8t~ p' ..._ ---------------..-.-.--.-.--- _~_.__.___._n_....__.._.____.___._. _____________________..___._______.__.. ___........____.__._...._ ._. ._.__ u _._.__. --------------------------.-... --.. .......-.. ..-.-..... -.."- ----------------...--.------.--__..._._.__..____.._____0__'__ -----------------...--.----------------------------------.--.-.---.---.-----..-----.--......---....--.....--.---. ---------...--.--...---..---...----...-....------.-----------...---.-----. ..---...--....--.---.-..-------.-....--...............-.-_.._....- -..---.-----.--.-.----.----.--------- ..--.-----------_.______.______..._ _.____..h._._____._. ______.__.___.._.__......___..... - _t()~.. Q~reQ~...'('.Jgb~._J)t_~.~:l.9.J,.__9.~.b~t'._ Pl!lLlJ.9.._J!~~ ..Qf__tl1ELQ~~d . Ql,tY__9t _Fort _flE;lfQ8. P~Ql' idO. _.._i ~8 BUQQeB.oOrBOt' aSBignS. ..__.._...__________... ........._. ................ ... _......... ... ............. . TO itA \"E AX!> TO 1101.1>. 1M """", l<-':"Ih~r .ilh .11 ,...d ,illlCalar lhe: al'l'urtenancrt Ih~'<1111t., 1~1<"'llinll: 00- in a!1)....;~ :l1'l"',I.inifi!:. aOlI 311 I~ ~stal~. ';Jl:hl. Iii Ie. inle'~<t and cia in. ....1_'.., ,.f th~ !'aid part __... oi lhe: lir<l pa,t. ~ithe:r in h. or fila;t,.. I.' th..' only rf\'1~r u'~. I....,~fil ali<I ....hoof of lhe: .aHl pa,t... y.- of tI.... .troatl part, ___.1 tB. .8.110aesllO..t B..or.._._...... ..._. . .]ggl~a"~n' i"r~.~r. J IX WITXESS WHEREOF, Ih~ m,1 (.all __... 01 Ihe- li"l part ha ....._.._...._. hct-~anto '~I ... .........._. ..._...._._.. hand... an.1 .,..1 .. ,I>.- ,b,. a",1 )'~ar r;UI above: wriUen. Si~ snk.1 and "din<<'d in (.r~~ of: I __ ..__.K.r g.lI.L.LL..A.lmV.o4.._________ ._._C. _B. Knigbt.. _... .. _ . _.. . .._..___..___:5 ...H. _J,u,!l.(\lebr90ke ._...._.........__.____... i ~I) '-'=:: (Snu !:TATI-: OF __.__l'1.Qrlcla._....____.___ } Counl}' oL..--------St..-fluole ----.-..---___ S I HF.Kl-:RY (,F.RTIFY, That on Ihis day (~...anally appnrrd ""f,..e: 1llO". an oIIie..r dal)' aul""'..;:1 '0 a.lmini-!~r oalh, a",1 I.".. arknowkthcn...nl<. to ..... ....U known to I... th<- ~r<on... d.:ceriJ.... in a",1 .ho ~"KUtw t~ f..r<1ltoinl!: i"'ltumft11 antl.._... I"'t. ._._...._15..11:.:1... ....u_ _. ..........."...,,,1<11 th<- .._ f,~I)' and wolwtUrily for I~ purpo...-s Ih~rti" ...I'r....w. __..__..____.,..__..___~.!'_ ~..... >>.!_H.......~!"<!~J,_e.~roo ks ___..________..~.__.._...__.___......_.__. she .. arknn..I~"I1~d ....f..r~ '"" AX[) I 1:l:KTIIER l'ERTlI'\", That lhe: said. kno.." t.. _ 10 ~ I~ wjf~ of the: saMI. _______...____._.._._..__......_...__.._....._.....___.._.__.._..___...__.__.____.__......_.... on a sq>aUI~ and pri\-..I~ namm.l;on. takffl &rod made- by and ....for~ _, 'rp:lraldy and aparl Irom htf .w,1 ho.hand. did &<:knowltdl(~ lhal .he: e-"...,ut..1 lhe: for<1ltoing ~ for the: l>"I1:OSC: af rclinquUhing. alimating and cOIlnyinlt all h~r r;,chl, t;t1e and intUtsl. ..h~l~r of do...r. ho"",>I~ad or ..i ~par~le pr~rly. slal"lory oc- ~uitabk. in and 10 1"" bod, d~ribro thertin, and Ihal W u...,utw said Dttd f,ttly and ,'olunlarily and .;Ihout an}' rom- pulsion, conslraint. app't~mion or f~ar of or f,om ~r ,aid husband. 1 WITXESS my banG and oIEcial ,...1. al-ZOf.t._.P.l.er..aS.__Coanl}' oL..St .._Lu.ole__....._.__._.and Slal~ of. .. ?lorlda .... Ihi,__~~.1,"4.___..day oL____.1Yllt. ._..__.A_ D_ 19...2.6. I. -.-.-.....-.-....--_...._..A..li...._ft.t ew.ar.cl___.________.__......_ notary Publio tor the State ot Flor1da at Large. ~y ,COQlli118.J:lion.~ _~l'ea. .~o':J. -W~~?B ~.- '~:':'_:'-"::' _ } I, BR IT RHIEMCERED,'That on this_.......zQ1L P. C. ELDRED .by oL.Apr1.l.._.at..~:.~2....P._ll..__A. [). 19.27, I __________.Ckrk of Ihe Cireui: Court in alld lor said (~our"y, han: duly nrordtd t~ fortltoing Quit.Claim Ikc-d in I~ Public RtronIs of said County. IX WnNF.l'S \~'IlF.REOF, I ban h<rrunto Ht my band and the ual IIi said Court I~ day and ,....r abon .rittm. .___~_._._..____._._. ___.__.___~ I_Q.. ...!lJm.lnL.__........._ (~~I) CI~rlr Cireuit Court. u,~o-uC>.. i 'e.~ ,~... 4 e. (.... ~~ CO ~~ -. L ',' ,'. ,',,' ,'.,:~~~tj~~;~~~i ~;f~t~~~I~;~~~%t~~1