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... P" ~.._1Itr ... _.._.....' d_' ..dd........._. '..'" ...._ .......... ...._...._ part.. '1..... of th~ !O<<OIld part.
___......____.Q l'1'~L 01.. r.OR!. rlIBQI.__...____,
TillS ISOJ.:STllllt:. Ma.~ thit ........ 26\h ......_...__..__.____..--Aay of...._ ...JW1a ..,.._..__..____.--,._..____..__._,\. I>. 19~6. bel"'ffil
_....._..._......_........_..__._._. _.._.. ._.._ KA\hat In..lIaA.t.. ___.___..__.____...________..______.._..._...._._..___....._._____
of tlw ('(IUIl!)' ..~.. . Sa! n\ Luo io and ~Ial~ oL........l'lor ida _........__.._..____.____..pa,t ....h.._ of I~ "ut "",t, and
._____...._ t.he.. C1 \~. o~~or;' . 21eroa... a m\Ul1a1paL.oorporaUon.. .CIt..the. S-tl.lt.a. of...l'lor Ida...._._~....._.........
WITNF.~l't-:T1I. That Ih<- <3itl 1'2'1 . '1. of t~ "..I pa,t, for amI ill t\l.oi<k~I;."" ,.f the- ou,,, ..f
__..T.tn. ..])Qllo.~ I..Jm~. Q\ htt._y.a.l1le:bl,__Q.QlUi1ttral1o nll....__________._.___.._...... .--.-...-.IUR
ia band pai<l by I~ said "...t 1..... ..f Ihe S<<Md part, Ihe nceiJ-I wberrof is ~,(b,. adtno..ktlacd. toll J. ........._.. nmi.ed.' nln~ and '1uil.daimtd.
and by thue pruffil' doeS .. nmi>t'. r~I(,,'e and quit.claim un:.> th~ said part ..3.. ..f lhe S<<Ond part and 1 tS..S\lO08880rs ..or"'IO.._4
...igns fo>lnc-r, all ,~ riJl:ht. litl~. inltre>l. (laint and d~maOtI ..hie" t~ said pa,t ..1.- ,.f Ihe first part ha.8..._.. in and to the following d~n"hffl
It'I......, pi<<~. .... or ra',c1..... of land, to...it;.
..... _........__........_.......'~be . ~8'~ .~"tml~..tl'~_:t'!.\.J~t...L:Q~...1.~. ..Bl~ok. ~ I. k":~U.:-S\ll)U,"1e1e)Q. ............
..... _.._......._....... ..8!il. el\O.Rem.. ~ b.'.MP..9t....lbQ._-n1.oj)('-U(mot.lIQ:r.~b.I'Ql,U'.~h...S1;r !Utt.. Q8 \~d..
_ ._. ...___. ......_..~fil! _!.9_~_6... .._B.!'.!~_!~_~_.!~01~ .Ji~_'_~~_~_..~ll_H()~~l1 ~~.!!r~l1.~~ r~..!t~.~. ._.._.:.......... ".
__'_'4___'_.__'_'___~'_'___'_ _.....___._...______.___..____'"---..___..___________..._______._.________________..._0___.._ __... _......_.. ...
.__..___.__.._....._.._.___..________._...n....... ___0_____.___________
. . .
__._t.Qr..!it reftt ..r 19M .Qt'..!l'~)T_Qr.Q~]:l~r_pl!~llQ._l!~j!_.Ot' _u~bQ_Q~ 1d_CJ.~1'..9t .POrt .1>1 tn".oQ 1..Flot' lda ,
. ...._. U 8 8 uuoe 8 s or BOI' . assigns 1....____________.._.._...____._...._... .. .... ................. ._....._ ........._........... .. ...n.. .
TO 11e\ \"1-: .-\XU Tn 1I01.U. lhe: "'Ill<'. "~Ihtr .ilh all and sinl:ular I.... al'Purtma,,"", t"~rffint.. bt'....Jl:in!( Of n, ....,..~~ "pr--rtainin!l:. ,,,,,I .11
the- r~tat('. r:;:h!. !!!'-, !nttrt't ~nd cbiJn ,-tQ't;ut"H'r of t~ $ai.1 part 7.-- ui the- 6r" polrt. ~ilh<-r in Ia... .~ ~IDity. II' t~ only rropf'r Us.f". hmrl1t .nd
Sil(Md. ...akd and ddi...r~d in pr~<C'Il(e: 01:
-.---.- \ .
____.___._ ~~ ~b.t!r.lq~ ..UQAt.tt-' .'.___.._._._._._. (~l. >
3 ~...
bc-ho..f 01 I~ saHl raft. '1..-. of lhe: >ttOI'Id part, ___.1 ta....8I.lCO.eSBOf.S... or...__...____ ._._......__.. 1r&~"..ilI:llo f....nu.
l~ WITXE$S WHEREOF, I.... ",itl P3U .1...- 01 I~ Ii"t part ha .8....._... ~~nto oet.. .._ her'h~'_'_""""_ . ha"Jt~r and <nl....., I.... da)'
and Jar fint ahov(' _-riU~
__. ___~~.rn..~.f!_~~~.~.
_.._aJ.apQll.tt...l.l_ll ~r~.
_ .1 ~al.)
STAn: OF ___h.Hew...JerSe:l_____.
COUnl}' oL_.._._.. h'" A:t ltlp:tJo __ ..__._..___
1 IIF.REBY CF.RTII'Y, That on Ihis day ~r<nnal'>'
appn,~d ;,dor~ mr, an ofIi<<r dul)' aatoori.rd t.. adminr.trr nalh. and bk~ acknowk-d!CJn.nl-.
... _ ....._.__.._:_...____.l:.ather1Ut...UoAf'ee
to Ill<' ...dl kno..n I" ~ lbe ~r"", .. .1r"'rit....1 in .nd who uttUlW t.... f.)r~oinK in.<lrumnot and .... ._ ..
!hot . ... she .. . _... ........ _..uttUlw Ih" ""Ill( frttly and ..oIunlarily for I.... pUIpo,," t....r.in upr..<nt.
acknoukdl(M f"..f..rt' IJW"
Mm I l:URTHf.R CERTIFY, Thai the: ",id_.. -lCather.1.na.. UOAfe. .___._._._.___.__.__....___......___...
kno.... 10 Ill<' to ~ I"" ",ile of DXJI&. Rohel'.t....J.lQJ.f.e. .._..._______.___...__.._........._ ....__.... ......_
OIl a St'paralt and prinle ~nminali(lC1, takm and mad" by and bdor.. ..... Stparakly and arau frum hu wd hu.t~ did acJcnoo.-lt<l!(. tha; ..he Uh"uIW
tile lor~oinll I>tt'd ior I~ pulpOS( of rclinquisbing. alintaliolt aDd c.onnyinll all ber ri~bl. lilk and inIU.o" ..h.tlw, of oo....r. ho_,I~ad nr oi .~ral~
propt,ty, .lalutOfY or c:qaitabk. iD a.... 101M lands oKstribtd Ibudn. and lhal oM u~culW said l>wd f rffly and .."Iunboly :and ..ithoul any rom.
pulsion, OOIUlrainl. appr~hmsiOll or f~ar of or from ~r ..id husband.
WITNESS m}' hand and olIicial ,ul. atAt.lan.tlCL.tat:l.._Cnanty oL_._...Atlan1i1o ._......._.......and ~Iate of. liew Jet S01.. ...
Ihi,._._~~~:b._.._...._...day oL.____.J!ql.,.______A. D. 19...~.
( S<-:il
James Burt
----Ilo.ta~y-p\ibIlo-ot: -~-i~---:'--"'-'--"'-'-'"'''''-'''
.. .. '::;':"_. :ll1....'.OIllI'J.18B10n.Expires.APrUl. .1931.
I, _
BE IT RUIEYBF.RED, That on Ihis._..28th.......
P. _C..... 1-'J.DR~P.'
day oL_April.....a~....2;..4~_l'.._..U..___.._A. 0. 19 2 "I
('Ink of the: Ci,aail Court in and f,,~ <aid Count}.,
han duly r.......ltd tbe fortl{oing Quit.Claim Il<<d in lhe: Public Ruo,ds of said C<nillty.
IS WITNESS WIlf.RF.OF, I ban hcrasnto st1 my haod and the seal of said (....rt !Iw day a'" 1ftr aboYe ..rilt....
_...____....._...._..!'~_..<!.!~.rL...__....___...._._(!'t'at. )
. ""'n. .. Ckrk Ciffuit ('ourt.
By. \,;;,. ~o.- Q.. Il.. . ~ r a."
r.Ct.S001' .
. ..- E._ ~ .......