HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2169 -..----~__1I.._.ll. nJUP1\BLL...1! nT TCy 36H [ TillS INIlENTUlU" }'b.l~ thi, .........__....22.4..__ _.__._....,..__.....d..). "L.._........._...4\.P.t'U. -...-_.......__..._.____...._A. 1>. 19J1?... bctwttr. .---.- "--'-__'" H._ll. . C8lll>>be11.. OncLG1'ILOA...L..._.OaIQP b811..._h1IL:~1.:t8_..._.____.._..___..._.._.._.______...___ ..( I~ (""UIII)' of..... ...... ..~~e. ................ ...... ._.........._... and Slat~ of............. ..l,o~~dll...._._......_._...._..__........... puti_~.!. c.f t":: lirst part, and ....-...-.-.......................-............__...___.______9.!!.~J~_.B..!....A!.~!~....__...._._..___.._.____..._.....____..._.............._.__..... "_"_....._._....._ .- 'j . , . . 1 ; ------.____CU.UX...lla..ABBO!lt _..__.._Ql}IT':~L.AI~_ ~.t;gP.._. 01 Ih. ('oollt). nl.. ." Indian River. .. .... ....._.... ..':.... :"..1 Slat~ or ......._.._. i'l or 148 .. ....:.. """ . .......part y..... of the: 'ffNld put, \\'lTNE~~i:TII. TI"'I lIlt' <aid pardes. of Ih<- fint part, for a.... it; wn,i-l~'.lk'" of 'h<- sum of .. ... ---'--.....-..- . Ono. aDcLQ~.b.Q.f._.'e.1WlblL..Q.QP..lIJ..ill.aU.2.111___._....__..._.._.._........... --......---...__........._.._........._..DvUm, in hall" paHl 10). I~ ..;'1 pa,t ..y..- nf Ih~ 'taJlld pa,t, the: recdpt whu~f i. ~,~by :uknowk<llCw' h3'a'e ..__.... _.. ~misN, rf'ln.w an.1 quit.dairnrd, .;. and by th<-... p,~,<C,t. d......__.. nmis.. rd.a... and quit. claim IInlo the: said partY..... of t~ S<<OI1d pa,t and. ..............._..........hls ..... ........._ htitS and auigD$ :-'rt\'~r, all I~ riaht. titl~. intuc.t. clainl and d~mand ",hich t~ said part... 18Bof th~ 6nt pa,t ha .V.._....... in and to Ih~ following <!~scribW lvt .lJ. pitt~8 .. or pnuL.S of land, 10-"';1: .... . 8 Uua ted.ln..tha.county ..O:t.. Sain.t....!.ua1B.9_.state.o:t..lUOr ida...kno\fu811d..deBOrlbed_.._......... .......... ....~ 8 .. 1.0],:)..0111) 1.._ ~Q..~.~~L_..3Q.~.~he-,!~ Lq~~.1~J._. Q.~_~<?ut.h".l3lJ~ .q 1181' ~.e.!....01."..::?c>.!1.!h~.!i. ~~..._.___.__ , . . q uar t.er . and3outhwoat _quarter._.o:f_Sol1.t.h.eaat...q wl1~.hr_ otSou.theaat_Q u.at' trJl'l _.......___.._...... seoUon Th lr:\Q.OD.. ~QJm.eh1.P...~b." r.1;3_t..l"~..':3Q.it;b...JJa nge .~b"r.~}'..'p~J).~ . EEaQ~..__....__...._.._......_.._.. _._ ........_.~~.~~.!!.n.~!ltJ._~!.ent1._ 80reS . of 18nd . more or le~~___..._.___.__...__...._...___..._..u___ -.-.--.-.------.....-...---.---..--.------------------- ________... -_....-..._-_.__.-___-..0.- ___._.___________________________.___ _________ ____________._________._ ------------------------------------------- -------..--------.... ..--------.-------..- -------_.___..__....___________.__..__u _______._______._______ '-'-.- ..... _.__..._......._._n.__._.____ -.___..._________..___________.__ ._.___.._..___. __"'___..._.__.h__'.__ [ TO 11.-\\'1-; AXil Tn 1I0U). till: .alD<'. tog~lhu ,,'ilh all and ,ingular Ih<- al'l'urt~nan<TS Ih~,...rnl.. 1>e\.."'Kinll:' .,. in any...i~ al'l,,"rlaining. and all ilK' ('~t.alt.... rikhL titl('. inttrt..:.t antI claim ..hal~\f"'f'r f,)f th~ 'aid par.1.~_~_. nf the- riut p;arl. rithtr in b.. Hf ('lluit,r. tv the- on!).. prnPf'r USf'. Ilt"l1tfit 3.nd. ""hoof of I~ S:iid partY.- 01 Ih<- s<<on" part, _. his ---------- __.__....h.._....Min ami a\'~nJ (,.rt,.tr. IN WITl\I'$S WHEREOF. Ih~ uid pa'L18Sof th~ 6"1 pa,t ha... ve..._ M~unlo "I ..__........1ih<tl-t.. __.. han.IS.. :1n,1 ~.l ..... I~ .by and y'nr 6rst ab..\.~ ...,;IIen. Sil(lIw. ~aktl and ddinr~d in p'~5ffiC~ of: ____._...HlIleD.HWIIiDle.r_______ ....D. B.. Alex&Dder H. J.I.-...9~!DP:t'~1__!.___..__.....________u.(Snt.) Gr~oe L.._C&l)Ip\)eU ..___ _'... ...... ....(~..t.) STATE OF ___'!~!J..l!~.._.. Counly ol...._......_._._...~ll~._______ I HEREIn' CERTIFY. That on thi. day ~rsooi,;y I appesrro belo,~ lll(', an oIIit-tr duly aulhnri.... .., admin;,tu oaths and lalc~ "d:nowl~IKrmnl', f'. ______...__.._._______..H....u LC~mp~.f!U to _ .-dl "no..." 10 I... II.., .""son.. ..kscribtd in and "00 U<<uIW t~ forCltoinlC in.l,urnmt and h8S .. __n.__." U"___ "_.u_o__. _....0_.._._. ._n_ . a(lcnowl~dj{ro ~Ion "'" lhat ... .......... he .-........-......_... .U<<Ulro I~ sa_ (,<<Iy and ..oluntarily for the: PUIpO!16 IMr~i.. uprr..w. ,\ND I FURTIIER ('ERTlFY. Th.1 th~ "'id..______.~!..~(t.~...Jo.. _.9~.IIlP~e:J...1.._..._~.._._..__..__. \"lO",n to m.: to ~ I"~ ..if~ 01 Ih~ S:iid___..____.__H. U!.....Qampbell ...._.___.__..___.__..._._____._______ "" a ~'at~ and pri,'alc ~..miruli..... lab" anti mad~ b)' and bclor~ rm, 'cparatdy and aparl fr..... hrr said hu.ba...L di.1 ac"no",lc:dll:~ that 'M u..-uIW tb~ forrgoinj{ Dttd f,>r lhe: purp.~ of rdinqlli,lting, alimatiog and connying all hu rill!>!' lilk and inluc.l. ..h~hu of dowu, oomt;tn I or of ~ral" property. .talulol)' or ftJuilablc, in and 10 Ih~ land. d~scri~ I~rcin, and Ihal .h~ u<<uIW ..id Dttd flt'dy' and volul'larily and ..ilhoul any rom. puls;o... conSl,aiul. apprcMn.ion (;f fur of or from hu Said hu.band. WITNESS my band and n8icial _I. at._J,U,am1.___COOnty of.___~.Il~___.__...._........_and ~Ial~ oL_F.:J...c:l.I:'.!~~____.....:. - -2:"7~'" yof...._...~~1"~..!______^. D.19_2.7. ,. (Seat)/ -~ot81"yy.~M}o~U:ttgot..l'torld8 8tLSr-ge. II. P. Soa1) i -U1...oomm1ss1one~lr e8~~j'e~_ _9 9"1.93.~. Ihis. @ Counll of ti~:; -.., r Ill'; IT RE}Jf.lllll-:RHD, 'Ihat on Ihis._. I, __._____.~!..J~J~~ED 3O~h ..__.rh.y oL_.t.p'rJ.J,I..JIL!J .!..~.~.A......lJ..._-^. D. I~~t __._...C~,k oi the Circuit Court in and for said Coaoly, ha.... duly rcrordW I~ fougoing Quit.Claim rlttd ;n t~ Public Records of SOlid Collllty. IN WITNF.SS WIIEREOF, I hav~ Mnmto set DlJ hand aDd the ~al of said ('ourt the day and )T.l' abon .-rillm. ~ __._...._.__..___.....____~~_..~_"._~DRED (Seal) '. (") Oetk Circuit Court. ~.~\e~ B)"Q~.<::,.-..Q....I~~ l.'1uk. ~ \~\ 0 ~O , err> 'V' ( ./ ~ff~ ~l~%~~%f;.~~?;.i;\j~r~~ii~~::~~:~Z~i ~". 6"C ...V-..~.h--"'1. A.j"'" .r~.........A ~~,,,"'":i.~:i~:~"~":'~':;-:->_- )~:?~~i1.:};~~t~~.i;~~;~f:'~~~~:.;.~~ .~t:t~~ ~t?; ~~t;-:~