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~......... \\TrSF.~~F.Tn. TNI I.... ..id P3J1H , ... nf I~ Ii,.t ""rt, 1.>1 and in (-ol"i<kral~.... of th<- 'UIIl ..f '_'__'__'_ ....._._...... .._. ...... ..__...... .................. -- __.___'lln .1Io~l.tl-ADA_.QthO'LDlw~..._QODlldora.llon. ._.._.a.__I_1 _...,.._ ...._......'lloIbu, rt 376 , ---i.-~.-4Qbe1'_auA-.1fa._. ___....._ ____ 'to . .:' . ---.--.J....ll.....OdOll.___________._.__ - - ..---- ---.--.-... ..---..--.-...._.._.____.____ _____._..._9~!:r..9h__~_L~LQ~~~__. ~, i I ". TlilS INOI-:NTVRJo:, )Ja<.lc: thi,._..___.__...ll'h.._______...-Aar ,...--.-.....-...----.-..---.*7-..-....:....._...." D. 19..2', ....t"ftll ___.._'I.._J.._Q.o.~tr _.J01Dld_.lly_.h11...1t.ll._QOr.....GOb.r__________._____.._...___ ollh<- l'ount). of ...... '-"'_.. at. Lllal...... --'-........_:.. ......_ uul St.l~ oL...__..................norlda._._._...__.._.__ ""rl_ ,._ of 11-.(' lint part. apd ...._____.__..__.J. . B ...QdOIl.__.__..__~___._._......___.___...___ _..______.....___. __,,_,___..___._.._ ......_.__ ul IJM. ('''''''t). ,.1.....-. .... .. ...... _. ..... .81. Luo 18 ""...'.'_ and :;1311' 01 ... ....__...._.. 'lor 14&._.. ...._..........._.. .._...._... part 7.... III th... 'H_J put. . , in haM paid 'by Ibc ..HI part.... 7... 01 I~ 'tnlftd part, lhe n<<ipt "Mr~f j. ,,"th). atkoo..l~lt<<'<1. ha.' __......'" ~miwd. r~n<w and 'luit-claimro, and by Ih<-~ pr~_\S do. .. . nmi~, rd~~s... and quit-cbim unto th~ ,aid part. 'I..... of I.... s<<ond part ar.d ....._._._ hiB _..... ....-.-._.._......h~iu and assign, fornro-, all I~ riJlhl. tillc-, il!l.....st, d.im and dt....and whkh t~ aaid pa'L_.J'.. of th~ fiut part ha 8....:__.... in and 10 Ih~ f"llowinll d~...~ihtd 101...... pi~.-..... or par<<l._._ of land,JEUII s1tuat., 171ng and being in the OOlluty of st. Lu01e, state .0:t..Jll.orlda, _.to!tll it:. ____________._._____ .---._.._..~_._.______...._._....h_.... . -.-----..---.-.-----...-... Lo\.ft8nt~.-(20.L.1n. .Al1a48Wl...3.\!..b41vle1on. .o:! .Gov.8l'nmen\..:.-.___...____.__........ '_'h._. ..'-'-.-.-. ...-....--_..._-.---..-LQt.nr.....18J.._.su.t1oD~br.ee...( 3} . _.!01Dl8hl]L Thl t'.:tl~f.1Y'..._..._... .._........... -:-..--... _.._..'_'''h_' __.._ _..____ ( 3~Ls.O\lth ....RI.Da.....l.ot'.U_.1..QJ .....81......o.oordlq.\Ci...h._pla .:\.__.................._. -"--'''- -..-.----...,---.~... 8ald...ubdi.Yla1oJLr.acorded...1n...Plath.-Book...'-...t....page.._71. ..___......._...._.._....._.___ - . -..-------.-..-..----____ of ..s.\....L\lQlfLC.oWl.t~...R.aQ%d8... --------...---------.------.---------.------ ----.-.------..-----..-------..~-..._.-.~---_._--_._--------------------------------..-------_______ _.__.__.._..__..__.h.._._.~_.__.____ I~ WITXESS WIIEllI':OF, Ih~ said pa,t'. '" ..f Ih~ lint "",t ha... a _. .. h<-nuntO '~I . .... his .. 30ft )-f'ar 6nt al"wt' wriut'1l. ...... ...- . hand .. . and ,ul .. .. Ih<, d3)" f~: '1 l -------.------------.--......-------------- -----------.-.-...------------..-------.-.---------.-------.-----.---------------- ..--.-....... ...__..____._______n_....~_.. ..._..._._..._..___ "".___.__ _.________.______ ...________________u__._.._______. _. _'_...__'_.__.__ _ _. . TO H,\\'E AXI> TO 1101.11. Ih<- Salll<', 1.~lh~r wilh all and ,ingubr d... al'l'urt....~n...... Ih~n-unt" ......"'~i"l/ or in any...i... awerl.ining. an.1 all I~ ('Ialt-. rillhl, lill~. il1l..~'1 and claim ...""1........, of th~ ..i. 1 ""rtJ'.- "f I"" foUl ""fl. ..il...... in law ,.r ~quil)'. I.. I~ onl)' l'I\'Ptr u.~. 1;"f1~/it and ~~ bmool of lhe: .aHl part ..7.. of I.... sreond \""t, __..:..._his.._._ _'. htiu and a~'~n' furr,.tr. giKIKd. '~akd and ddinr<<1 in pr............ of: ~ -~---- ~ '-'--- 'L.~. __G9.~!l~.__.':'......_..:..__...__ 1 ~all ___.'mB..._.2.U~___ _ Belen ..8.._ Grah ..._ _...._.'_. ....... Cora Gober __..._u............. .u'_ _(St'al.) snn: OF _. _ ~OB.IDA___.__..____ ('OOOI). oL.....__..._ s.t.. .Lu41....-..--.-_.. I HEREBY CF.RTlFY. ThaI on Ihis day pc-r<unally a~.,w bt'fore: ...... an olli<<r duly aulhorizM I.. admini'l~r nath. and b\:~ adnowlwltmwl', ____--:._'-_~L.B......Gobfn._ .a.od..b.i.._.ili......a.or..._Goll.er___...__.._..~.__.__... .._.__......___._..__......_...._......_......... . _ 10 ",.. _II kIlO.." tn I... \he: ~r;<,"... &scribffl in amI "00 ureulw the: lor~oinlt in'lru",",1 and ..._....... th07.. . aclmo.-ltdKw ~I.,,<, m~ lha\. _......11 he)'u_...._:._~.u.e:"Ct'~III..1 I~ .._ (,.....I). and volunlarily lor l~ (>UIJlOWS Ih<-rrin up....wd. :\ro;D 1 l'l;RTIIF.R CERTIFY, That Ih<- ..id._. _.OQ.r.._...GQb..r--.:..____.__....__... ...__..__......______.____ _.__._... kno...n to ",.. 10 br I"" ..if.. (,f 1M ...id... __._____ J.'! ....~~_Q.Q~~!.___...__..__.__ ____.____ _.____..__.___....___ on a sq>a'al~ and (>rinl~ ~umm.I:on. lak..... and ma~ by and ~for~ tDl.', '~panldy and apa,1 fmm ~r ...id hu.hnd. ,Ii': acknowkdK~ 1""1 ,h~ u.....ltd 1M fortKOinlf Dttd for I~ pur;""" of r<,linquishinK. alinuling and connyinlf all h.. riKhl. lilk and inl.....I. wh~lh" nf "',,,'ro-. hom<slnd ,.r 01 <<para I.. propnl)'. .blulory or ~iullk, in and to I~ land, dncribtd I~rdn, and thaI .~ uttUtw said Iln-<I frcd)' and ,...Iuntllil)' and Wilhoul au)' <,om. p....ion, conslninl, aw,dmuK>n or In' of or f ,om ....r said husband. WITNF.SS my hand and nIlicial _I. at.~.Qrl..l!1.8r.o.a__CO.JlJI). oL.at._.Luo18_______..2nd !'tal~ of..Plor 14a.._ ...A. D. 19..2'1 ) _____._.,...._!l.~.._.,().:J..~~_______.____.._........__ Notary Publ10 JI.;r CI?~!a81.onnexpy: .aJu1~:81.b "_ .19~O ..'.~:':'-"__ } ..________..Ckrk of I~ Circui! Courl in and f.... said ("ounty, ~I.' .J ~ " t I, Dt-: IT REUJ-:)JCJ-:RED, That on tltit .....f._lh_-Bld.U4 ~.4tA-_~_--.daY oL-.-...----Jl.a7_at._1.O~a8..AU ._A. U. 1927, han duly r<<9CdW I~ f....~g Quit-Cbim Ikw in I.... Public H<<ord. of uid County. lro; WITNESS WIIF.I(E ban hnnmto SI1 ID)' hand and lhe: seal 01 said Coon t~ day and )"ftr ahovr .rit...... -...~-f-7/J._.. J.>>. -.C.-..mrt4..a;~k-ci~;;it.(;~.~~al.) .'7---~-~.. ."""" C.... - 1 i l i ; ,~~ .~ ~e<'''' ~t> o . aCJ .~~ ~~~~~~1;0:~~~~~!{i~~~it