HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2181 ..-1WlY-ll. T~1U'l'LW1 -----.---.-........._........llXRiLl...B...._DOUll____ QUlT~CLAIM DEED 381 ( TIll!; INIlENTURK Made: Ihi. . . ""'_'''_' 2.. ._.__'_ ...._..____._...da). of.. ............._._... !'eb. .....-.... .., ..........__.....__...A Il. 19 2 7.~ ~t..tfl1 .- -. -........-..................- .. . ...... .__ _.__..Jlar~_.U.....BenU~-A_..1dow._______ __....__..__.___....__.._...._..______.____ of Ih~ ('(>Ut,I)' of .. like. _ " ............... an.1 !;tll~ of ...._.K.u~Q.OQ...._....._._.... . ._.._.. ._. . put ..1... of I~ Ii"t put, an.1 'n ....._ ._. ...._..... . "_"_"_ __.___...._ ij1.~.tJ.~..l;lt..~g.J.~I.._.!.f1:'.e.e_.d. tt~~tt.l'_._.._. ........._.. .__._............_.__..._.._.....__._._.._.___.....:.. ..I I~ l'"""t). ,)f . st, . Luo ltt . .. .._ a....1 Slat~ oL.._........... F'~orld.a..._. ..put ..1.. 01 Ih~ ,<<ond part. WITSI;~S.:TII. That tl... ",i<1 I""t 1.. of I~ r,,,t ""It, fnr and in con<i<lc'al...... ..I t~ 'un, nf !l.OJ) ..el.. 00 /"40.0 .:.:::_.~..... ":...::' _- ._::'_. .':'. ..._..._.__.._..... .._......_...... Dollars. in hand ""HI b)' I~ said pari 7... . of Ih~ smlII,l pa,t, the: rt<<ipt wbe:tol i. M~by :1clmo..Icdtt~f. h18 ._............ wnisnl, rC'ln~.1 aIMI qllil-<:laimftJ. and by t~sc: pr~s~nt. do.... ea r~mi..., rckas~ and quit-claim unto the: said part . ~.. of I~ S<<Ond pa.t and . her ........... t"'~ ._..kin and usig", fornC'f', &111M right. titl~, inlt~t. claim and dtmand ..hich t~ said pa'l }J..... of Ih~ first pa,t ha 8.............. in and to Ih~ follo...ing dHCribcd J..,t._.__pi<<L or parttl.__olfand,JfilIiIDt Situate, lying and being in the County ot St. Luoie, state . of.. i~or1da t '" t 0....1I1t :_.__.___.,.._______________..._._._____..._.:...__._______... ...._.__.....____._.... ____.__ . . . H" ...-.Lot.. Uumbel'-.~lft.y.Jout-..(b4} .ot .11 t.daQs Sub.dl vis10n .uper...-.--~.-._.__._. _.._....plat.l'tlool'de4 ..1ut.hjl..QUloo.of _.the .CIOl'k.ot..1ihe._ClrQu,11i..9o.urJ. ot_...... .. ........................-.......- st. -.Luo1.... Oounty.....,r~o~ida. ...in .P.let Boolc.l'oul' (4).at.page___._-=--__..._.___ ......-....-...-..... .......--.... .-.-......---Se"en~...ona._l'll..} ...______.__..._....._..__._.._.:_.._.._..________._____._'__'_"'_'_'_ _._-~-~._._...__.--_._----.----.._-.--_.__._----- ---..-----------.------..----.--..--------.--.----------.--.------..-.---..---.-----..---.---.-----.-.---.----..- ..._____. - u_..,_..___._. _...____.u._. _____...._.__..__..__.__.____________.____________._____.._._._.______..._.__..___.._.____n.._________...______.___._____.__.___ -----.._-..- ---.....--.- --."-- ---'.-..--..-----------..-.--.-----...-----------..---.---- ----_._._..__.~_.._._...__._----_._....~--.-- -.--_._-------"---------- ----_. --...-..--...---.-.------ ---.-...----..---.-----------.-------.----.------------.-----.--....---------.-..-----------.------ -.._.. ----- -..---------.----..-..------------.------.--------.---.-.-------.---------.----..---.-.-----------.- .------.-----.--.----.---..----.-----------------.------------.---..---..----..-...------.--.-----.--.---..-...-------.--.------- ( TO 11.\ VI-: A:-:I> TO 1101.1>. tl... saln<'. tUlC<lhu ..ilh all and ,ingular .~ al'l'ulI~lI.anccs Ih~n..U!I.. lor.....'!:in!' ..r in an)'"i<~ al'lor,..i,.:.,g. .ml ;,!1 I~ Ntak, ,i~ht. .itl... illlrr~'1 .an.t claim ..lul<oc:.-rr 01 I~ !'aid p3ft ..7.- ..I Ih<- ti"l 1"'". rilhrr in l.a... .... Ctjuil)". 10. I.... ...>I~' ,.'optr U'r. loenrtit .alld I...hoof of I"" .aitl put 1... of Ih<- .....00.1 part. _.,~......__.har.._____........ heir" and a~'\i":I" rc.rr\.~r. n, WITXESS WIIEIU.:O;:, Ihr "';.1 1""1 y. of the: fin! pari ha. 8 _....._ h....runlo sri .:IntI It''3r fir~t ..b....wr ,,-riUrn. Sig""". sukd ar~1 <!r1i.-rrw in (l,r<nK'r of: l --- Hera Ha)'oard ..B.aOQn ------ --- i ...__.0. . Jl....Gott _.._. _______.____.__ her. . han.l. . an.1 ....1 '.. , I.... d.ay ...__..._..__...._.U~ry.J!... B~nt ley. ........___.___..__.____.(Sul.) -..:=,:=::..::.c-:.:=-......-.-...........-.===-:...::::.....(~~IJ STATE OF ____.__.Xen1iuoq.____ I Count). 01._.....__._...... Eike.._.______..___ I llIi.RF.HY CEKTIFY. That on Ihi, da~ pU<OII..IlIy appc:.arw before.......:a~ oI\icu tluly all.h<..ir...1 In .a.lmini,.u <>3lh, amI ta"~ ad:""..I~"!'i:IlIt1II', ....._.._____._. ..___..Mg1'y..U~_.B~H!~.l,'y._~~ld..Q.~___~______.._._ ...._..._......___...._...__...._._.....___________ 10 mr ...r11 kno...n to I... Ih~ I>t'r<<",.. dr<crihcol in and ..ho rx<<utw t~ for<1{"inl: in'llllmmt anll.. she .... ."_.' aclmo..ltdJ(N btfor~ me :on. ~ that S~tt.. .._... _. ..ntcUtN .he: 53_ fr~ly and ...oIunlarily for I~ purr.o"" thrrrin n..'~s~J. .\XU I FURTIIER CF.RTIFY, Th::1 I~ said__..________..._._._......._. ,_,,,,_""......_... _.....__.._. .......__._..._____.__..___.._ kIlO.... 10 mr t" k Ih~ ..:f~ 01 Ih~ .aid...... on a ~ratr and IlTi".I~ euminalion. .akrn and m.ade b)' anJ bdQr~ me, '.....r.ttdy and apart i",m M... !'aid h",I..nd. did aekno...ltdJ(~ llut .~ r,,<<ut~d the: for~oins: IJt.td f"r 1M PUf]lOS<' 01 rtlinqui>bing; alkrtatir.g and coovtying all bu riK"t. Ijlle: and inlr'~'t. ..hrt~, of .ro....... h<",,,,.I~ad or 01 s~ar.tlr ~ropcrty. stalutory (,r t<luilabk. in and 10 t~ land. d~scribtd I~rcin. and Ihat >h~ neeoted said 1><<<1 ir~ly and ,..,Iont"';!). and ..ilhoul any com- pulsion. roD'lrainl, a.....~hruAoo C1r fnr 01 C1' from her said hu,band. WITNESS m)' lund and ulliri.al ,ul, at_..E.1k.evlllfl_Counl)' oL._Plk6..__..__.._._..2nd ~Ial~ oL_. Ke.lltuok7._.._ -(~-r=-' _day of __...___.1.*' k ~ --- .-- - A. D. 19_~.'l. O. 11. Goft ! "iiotar-:l-publlo"~'''plJi:e-cour)ty ,-J:y':"-at-Lal'g--e:- IN. P. Seal 14'_~.R~~...e~p._.~~._~~_.!~2~. .._~ _.._~.._==-=._-:-:=-.:...:_:-=- lhi, U. C' f: 1 ~ BF. IT NF.ME~IIIIi.RF.I), That on IhiL.. __.._____20.th.. I, __._____..__.._.._ .lLC t_..ELm.1UL_ ._._.._._..._...day oL_U8,y. ...at...!j: o.'-..&.. ..11.. .___A. I). t9.2~ __._. _.____._l.lulc 01 .he: Circuit Courl in and for said County, hur 01..1)' reeordtd t"~ I"'t'g<.;mr Q:til.(1aim lkat in Ihe: Public R<<ords of said County. IN WITNF.SS WIIERF.OF, I hne hrrc:unlo sri my hand and the seal 01 ",ioI ('ourt t~ day and ).....r abo.-r "'rillm. " . d VerUied Reeof Ri~~~:~rJ~~;~~~~{~, t :' .. ... .:'J:::~;.f{f~l~~i~~)