HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2182 I 3~~ ____.. ......_.._XLU.B. ':lEBB...BT.VIR-.___.____......_ TO _. 'LOBI)).! . EAST. COA.nT.RU.LYlAY pCCII2AllY_.___ QUIT-CLAIM DEED 'Or v .....-. TIII~ n:m;NTURI;' ~h.l~ Ihi, ... ~l'd.. . -.--.-.-..-.-. -"-'-'P-"'-'''' _.._... ..._....._. .......8118 ll. .., IIv ,..~..t.~ of '" Rlohlao4.\ ... ...... _... .._-<by of ...._. .... ...H......... lay .\ I). II) 27. htl..-ffn \fobbaDcL samuel .J ..\1ebb. .,her . hUBband . .. and ~Ial~ nL. .13outll. Cal'oJ,lna...... ..part lelJ..f Ih<- ,,'" ~,t. and lLORlD.lUST. COAST. JU.IIJU.Y - COUPAllY .d..8 OorpOl'et1on 01'8801..od and. ex1at1ng under the ..laW8 ot . oJlX-~---"'"' tho " -..: ~t.\tt' of . 'lor ida .. ...', f . nf Iht' .<<Oft,' pall. WITSl-:!'SETII. Th.\t I.... "'.\ 1"'" le8 01 I"" fi,.t ....,t, f.>r and in .......;.It'ul;.... of Iht' <un. .,f . ....d._ 9.ne ..J)()lle.r...!.~ dC?t!;.!t.!__Vt!'.!1.!~ b~~~)!!J.!..der !..t.!~!l.~...__...__. _....d.....dPh ...~ in lu"" ....;.\ h)' II... sa;.1 pall. - f. of Ih~ S<<oI\.1 ....,t, tbr rt>"ri&>t .butof i< Mrtby ....kno.lcdttftl. haVe .d"',,, r~nti..... rdn~1 and 'lait.cbi_d, and h>- t~ pr~~Il" ,L. . '~mi~, ..lust' and quit.chi.. uo'" Ih~ said ...art .f.. 01 I~ <<<end part an" . 1 t8 8U008880ra P' ll.u. and a..igns r"rnn. all I"" rilCht. lill~. intur>l. ~laim and l!~nund ..-hieh ,~ said ....,tl.e8. of lhe: f"S! ('arl ha Ve . .... in and '" Iht' follo.i~ ct~1>ftf lying and belng in the COWlty ot S~. Luo1e. and state ot rlorida, IUCXXJPmDtXur par.-dBh. of Ialld./IXDx to-w1t: A strlp of land twenty-fhe (26) feet w1de on the '.feate\'ly s1de of. adjo1n1ng and pnrallel1ng the-.preaen& .~1e8terlY -11m1 t .ot-the.l' ltlbt.-o~....a1' of t. he Ylor1daRaet Cooat-RaUw8Y" 80.,oe8 . that traot of land de80~lbed 8a follOwB: Beginn1ng at 8 etake on the south 11no of the land deeded. to Han.y- Wr IHeharde by- WU~1811l.1I rRloharda by de8d dated Uovember 23~d. .1886. and reoorded In Deed Book L. page 43. B~ov8~d COl1oty Reoo~da. sold line belng the boundary 11ne betwo'enWllUam ,.-Rloharao and-Hat'l'y-".-"iUonarda; anel aali 'Btake being 26 feet Weat of the oente.:r...of_tbe .ot'!glnalrnalo .traok, _ot.tbel"l..QJ'Jda ~st .CQaet ;taUway; f~oo said point of. beglnolng run South 6'10 OO""eot to the Savaunah; thenoe in a 1I0rthwesterly dlreotlon. meandering -the marg1n ot.-theSaV8nnah, -to. a-.Unerunning l'ol"\h 6'10.001. Eaat. "P9ralle1 to. the flrst oOl1rae and 8t a dle)anoe therefrom of 24.42 ohalns 00 meaaured on a line at right anglea.t,osaldfirs\ OOUl'88;.then08i'a1ong said 11no' running'lfol'th' 69000'.F;aet. ..trom the ;~4!~g!~e-:~ i~:t :n;~;~i~!~~e~~~~le~fo;~'i 1~~~~g1~~~~~:r~~it:~~~tga t~e~p~t~~lo~ 1~~:i~~ i ~:~ be.1ug a P8r:tot GQvernment_ L9t _a. _ Seol1.QJL3~_._ '.,L'o",nship. 36~O\lth.. Ha\)gCL~l ~Qt. snd. a part of Government Lot 1 'or 1I0rtheaat quarter of 1I0rthea8t quarter) of Seot1on 6. Townshlp 37 south. :aaD~8 4~' E88t.~pnd.being the ~ameltlPcl..\haf"'W8a oQnveyed by Hat't'-yW.-RlohsJ:.ds.and wifo\o SamUel .We u b eed <<ateo dBroh 21 t 1 96. ano rebo ded In D~ed 300k ~ pa 339. B~ v I'd COW11iy . ~QOr~8 .~nto1QO the. aomed1an!..tha __JIaoQonvoyed by 3aml.lel.F L\'feb~ to. E~!aB .i'lefJ~ gy deed dated AugUBt 8th 1910, and reoorded In Dee. Book 8. page 219, st. Luoie County Records. . AIQoA, BO.mllc~ of the 8b0Y8ddeBQI'1bed_tracU.Of11and thsht IBdboilDdecl. on the liodh by the land of' O;jl.ltton, on the East b{ the Town of Clearv ew. 011 t e i'leat by the savannah and on the Soq.tnJ~Y.~.bQd_~ownebi.plined .bQ ._"-QeJL~<H,gebJ.p_,~..PdSouth. naOge .41. D1JJt. SlId 70wnshlp3'1. SOl1tb. Bange 41 East, being a part of Government. !cot 3. Seotion 3~, TOWIlShip 36 south. ::&nge 41 ::ast. TO II.-\\'F. ..\XI) TO tlOLl). Ih<- ..1l'M. 1.'!(t'lhu "ilh all and sin>lubr Ih.. apt.urtmaDCt.. Ih"<1JI,I.. '''.'''>lin>l .... in ally.i... aP:_"13ini.,<:. :..,,1 .11 ahr ..'t.11("'.. ricIn. I.tW. ulttr('.;,t ~n41 cbirn .~ti(l("-fr uf tb~ .t.ai.l ran 188 oi 1M fir~l part. t"ilhcr in b.. .)f' ('f.nit.,.. ht Ilk" "..I)" r'....p.' tiCf'". ItC"11('ti, ~nd ht-h,l(.r ..f tl~ sa;.1 ...arlf ... of Iht -.<<....1 pa", . ......... its .BI.lQOeaaOre IS WITS I,::':' WtlF.kEOF. I"~ <:1i.1 10&'1 lea ..i :!::- ~"'I ""11 I... ve and .l"t-ar fir:(,t at_.\.(' ,,-rith"p. ~--'''~'?i~::~ ~~~_~=:=-=::~~ I ~ :anti ~~~n" fHu'Tt'r. their hl'rnsnf;); !t~t h...",1 S .n.1 ....1 a ,.... d.\)' .ure. Ella B'u\'lQbb _____~o.mue1 F... Webb . .I~...I.) t :'nl.) STATE OF _..Soq~hCaroUn& __.....__ ...._......_._.___. ('....nly of. B10h1and ....uu.. ..........._....._....__.........__..._ I lIF.kF.I:Y l"F.KTIFY. ThaI on Ihi. .b)' ~,,,,,,,,II)' a~rtd b<r....~ ptr. :ao .oK",.r .futy aolhc...iud t., :><Immi<tn nalh. "",I I...".. 3'''nn.'...lttmml<. ......_ .._ ._..._~.l]'_~_~~_. \Tf?.!J_:tJ_._tl!~c:l__~~~~~~... ?~"e b ~..,__h~.~... hUB baud tn..... ...n ",:",wn 10.... tI... ~n,,"..8 dr"nil....1 in .",1 ...:. ....<<u,..I lhe: f"r<'!l:oifll{ in<I'u......., _I they the- lhal u.. .....1 . n....ul..1 Ih<- ...._ fu..I)' and ....lunluily for lhe: .....P<"" Ih.,~in n...r..'~, ac"..""....k.., '...r..u I1lf' .\~J) I FUKTIIEk ('ERTIFY. Th.ll tilt" ~i.I....._.._..._..::___.lUl~. D, . Webp .......... "00..... lu me- I.' .... - the: ..ifr of lh~ sai,L __.._____~~!!lUe.!...~~.~~b...._......._........_.u........u_ 00 a s~parat.. and ...,inl" ~umin:IIlK"" ,...1.:<11 al1\l nudt- b)' anc\ ""ior., ...... ,qoanld,. _I aparl ir...... hu ..i.1 hu"oallll did &<"no,.I...I!I:~ I~t ..... r-.<<ut,,1 1M fQrrJ(..iJlJi: n...I (or In., pull....... of rrlinqui.hin!f, aJittuling and Co''''..~;n!C all h~, ,~hl. litlt' and int"~<I. .hrth<-r 0' do..~r. ",,,,,,,.I<2d vr ..f .~par.\I~ pr~lIy, .Ulolof)- (/I" ~bit:aN~, in and to) I~ I~s <k..ri~1 Ih<-,.in. and lhat <hr nUblt'd sai,1 l>ttd fl\~'" and ....'anl...nl)' and "itlWUI .ny c...... pubion. ronstraint. aPl,rmC'n..ion l.r irar of nr from m-f said hw.b:and. ~~~~~_~~t~'I'~~~~~~"'=~!' ~l ,~:~~rii~~~~",,, "wJf~][Xl(lO(XXXX . Ihi'....~::~ 2(~u._ U8#'..--------........-...--:........ 192.7 . ( I. P: 3eo1) :,.6t8r;i..~..ubllo~.3~;t~i~~rSo~{h C-orolina-" BY..Qolllllllsalon C)xp1re88.tutl1e plea!Jl.4l'e. Qf ~he ovei"ilor or "3. -c. ~,---...,.-----= IIF. IT :U;),JF.},fBF.i<"U, That on Ihi. n__.______?.~~l1__ __ __._.. . n___n_..day of ..._Jla}' I .a 1; _l..1: ~!l.A~J I. ._n .n....-\. O. 1')2 ~ I, __.-'---___..____~.!_9.~.~~!l.~.__ ______..____.._._\_.. _ _ ..._.._... .... tfIIHc of 1M l"ircvit ('ourt in and i..r ""ill l',_y. ~,~ duly rcc>>rd<d lhe: for.-g"inll: Quit-Claim Ikt'd in I~ I'ubl;" I(~ror'" of said ('oanty. 'X WIT~F.~S WflF.I(F.O..', I ha,~ ht'rwnto !rl my ".and and lhe: St'al .., ..ioll.....rl ,..., ct~T and )nr 'Ibon .,iut'l1. P. C. ELDRHD Q~ ~_// G,.8~ . (~aJ) CI~." l'ir.-uil Cvurt. \ "eritied -~ "of( " ' I'l.P'- - "'" ~i~J~ti~i;~~~tlt~;~~1~f 1 "- ~. ~ ] ~. : J 1 ::..' ~ I