HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENTPERMIT #: BUILDER/C 40 ft I 'Kb Planning & Development Services Building & Code gulation Division 23CIO Vi ginia Ave Fort Pierce FL 34982 SCANNED 772-462-2172 0ax 772-462-6443 BY St Lucie CoLinty CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION� SOIL TREATMENT. ? 65- 0`a'13 e�OB ADD NTRACTOR: do't- PEST CONTROL CONTRAUOR: EVICT -A -BUG PEST CONTROL LICENSE# :J13175775 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have subterranean termites in accordance with the star Square feet if area treated: _356 Percentage of solution: .05% Date of Treatment: Footing 3e�']A;—z / 1-7— L476A4-�PV(4nean GLvj A, C3 L & PEST CONTROL INC. ated the above described construction for of the National Pest Control Association. icals used: DOMINION 2L I gallons used: of Treatment: 'F — 2 ab Ist Treatment Ist Treatment Re -Treat Re -Treat )5LDriveway Pools 1st Treatment 1st Treatment Re -Treat L—Per' or Final Inspe Re -Treat S,igiiature of Exterminaf6r k,-' Date Note: There must be a completed form for each required treatment or re -treatment and this form must be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspe I ction or the scheduled inspection will fall and a re -inspection fee charged. FBC104.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatment for prev6 shall be provided to receive duplicate Treatment CertlAcai providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to an Certificate shall pro v1de the product used, IdentIty of the, treated, chemical used, percent concentration and numb6 protective treatment If the soil chemical barrier method be completed pnor to Anal bulldIng approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspectic the electrical panel box cover,, listing all the tr Revised 7/24/2014 tion of t6imites, A k�eather resistantjobsite posting board 5 as each required protective treatment is completed, another copy for the bulldIng permit files, The Treatment pficator, t1me and date of the treatment, site location, area of gallons used, to establIsh a venfl'able record of or termite prevention Is used, Anal exterlor treatment shall for CO,, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on itments and dates of applications. I 1 '10. COUNTY, L Planning & Dei Building & Code 2300 V Fort Pier 772-462-2172 lopment Services ,egulation Division linia. Ave FL 34982 ax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTIO4 SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: 1805-0273 . JOB ADDR BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: WYNNE DEVELOPMENT PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: EVICT -A -BUG PEST CONTROL LICENSE#: JB175775 'We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pr subterranean termites in accordance with the standa Square feet if area treated: 225 LF Percentage of solution: .05% Date of Treatment: 01-25-'2019 Footing Ist Treatment Re -Treat Driveway 1st Treatment Re -Treat Other Ist Treatment Re -Treat Si Note:. 777ere must be a completed form for each required site to be picked up by the Inspector at t1me of each Insve fee charged FBC104.2.6 Cdrtificate of Protective -Treatment forprevend shall be provIded to �recelve duplIcate Treatment CertIfIcates pro vidIng a copy for the person the, permit Is ls�ued to and a CettifIcate shall pro vide the* product used,, identity of the app treated, chemical used, percent concentration and number o protectIve treatment If the soll chemical bamer method for be completed jorlor to Anal bulldIng approval St Lucie County requires for the final inspection i the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treai Revised 7/24/2014 RECEIVED MAR 2 0 PermItting Department St. Lucle.Cftnty : 192 MEDITERRANEAN BLVD N PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL 34952-8553 & PEST CONTROL INC. ated the above described construction for of the National Pest Control Association. used: DOMINION 2L gallons used: 125 of Treatment: 11:00 ist Treatment Re -Treat I" Treatment Re -Treat erimeter for Final Inspection D1,11ally signed by PAUL C LUGA�A JR IL C LUGARA JR Deis: 2018.11.01 14:18:06 "00 01-19-19 re of Exterminator Date nent or re -treatment and this form must be on the job or the scheduled Inspection will fall and a re-Inspectlon of termites A weather resistantjobsite posting board each required protective treatment is completed, 'her copy for the bulldlng permit files, 777e Treatment itor, t1me and date of the treatment, site location, area 911ons used, to establIsh a venflable record of mite pre ventlon Is used, final exterlor treatment shall CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on Bnts and dates of applications. Planning & De�elopment Servic - es 0Tn�hWOVD&�­,., Building & Code Regulation Division iCOUNTY 4441�'_ 2300 Virginia Ave F L 0 R I D A— At. Fort Pie ce, FL 34982 ".7. 772-462-2172. Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PtRMIT #: 57 -W- -7 3 JQ,4 AD BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: W--aaak PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: EVICTA PEST CONTROL LICENSE.#: JB175775 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have p subterranean termites in accordance with the stand Square feet if area treated: 6;k Percentage of solution: -05% Date of Treatment: - 2-J5� - )9 Footing Ist Treatment Re -Treat ,Driveway Ist Treatment Re -Treat —Other Ist Treatment Re -Treat I Note. There must be a completed form for each re4 sA(& to be picked up by the inspector at time of each fee charged. FBC104.2.6 Certfflcate of Protective Treatment forprew shall be provIded to receive duplIcate Treatment CettlAcai pro v1ding a copy for the person the permit Is Issued to an Certlrlcate shall pro v1de the product use4 Identity of the, treated, chemical used, percent concentration and numbe protective treatment If the soll chemical barrier method be completed prior to Anal building approval. St Lucie County requires for the final inspectic the electrical panel box cover, listing all the tr Revised 7/24/2014 ITE & PEST CONTROL INC. ated the above described construction for of the National Pest Control Association. icals used- DOMINION 2L I gallons used: .7 Z) e of Treatment: 2 '1 b 5�st Treatment Re -Treat 1st Treatment Re -Treat ,erimeter for FinalW nature of on P L V P treatment or re -treatment and this form must be on the job �tlon or the scheduled Inspection MY fall and a re -inspection Non of termites. A weather resistantjobsite posting board 5- as each required protective treatment is completed, another copy for the bulldIng permit files. The Treatment plicator, time and date of the treatment, site location, area of gallons used, to estabish a ver1fl'able record of ;r termite pre ventlon Is used, final exterior treatment shall for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on tments and dates of applications.