HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2190 TillS Isn"NTllIlF~ ~",k Ihis.. ...... 6\h .... __t.y of .....n....... _.._. ~......_ _... '.._....... . ,\ Il. 19 2'1 , _'..~n .._._....___.. _ ... _. ..___. .... _ "_"_n'. . ............... .:XU1J, _D.,..p.._Jll~().. _..___..._ __............... .......__.... ............._..... ........ ............... of 'M ,.......,. ..f ~n. l.uo 1t ... and l"a'~ of . Plot' 1ela... .... ......... ... part "3.... ..f .h<- IiN l'3't, an.1 . ........... _ ...._. ........_ 1. L. >>..P...I.._.l:.....Dean apd. Vlh .Buo. ......... ... ,.... "nun,~..r 5t 0 Luoi. . .....1 :-;'a" or.. ....... Plot'ide ... ~.J.e8 "f!"" ".on,1 p..m. II , ~. 39U ---'--"--'-'-' . !lll~l! f!..Q.- .-----.-..--.......--.-.- _._. .___... '_'_" ..... J t ..tIl....BIAI..." . .41,--....._._._ __'_ _QUIT-CLAIM DEED , ~;. ~ \\"IT~F.SSF.TII, Thai I..... ",id l>a.' y or t"" Ii..t I'3rt, 10. :anti in cnn.id<-U'k>ll ..r .h<- 'um ..I . _-'__'_'___'" T.tD...Dollau.'Dcl.. Q\hu ..:tel.WI nl._.Q.QJ181hr8.t 100 .. ...._ ._...'. ..... ..._........ . ..lIDJIC in har.d ptid b)' .~ said par.iea ..I tht- 'c-ro&>d I'3ft. .:1c: rrnipt .htrtof ;. ht,tb). ~l.........~lllt". lu B .. rtmi.w. rtln....1 :and quit.clairntd, and .". Iht~ p,.~n" do.C. nl1li<e-. r.ku~ aOtI qui..tlail1l unl" 'he said !,art le8 of Iht <<<.-1 ""I and. ..... thelr ...... htiu and ....iKns f..run. all .~ "oc1l1. til'.. illl~tt't. claim and dtlft.\nd ..hich t~ ,a;.1 ra". "3 .. of .'" lint ,...... .... Q ..... in and In th~ f..IJ....inr. ..~'Crit>td t..t 8. pi<<~. or ,>arct!.8..1 land. ~ s1tuate. lying aDd be1ng in the caunty.af Sto Luoie. state af PlcU'lh . .. ta~..l t :_..._......_...._____..._...._ __.._._.__._......_.._._.._ "_".__ __.. "" ..... ....-..... The. l'r..'halfoftheHQrthJr88:1i. Quar.tar_of .the Horthwest Quarter.. of . the ......_..._IlQrthnst.Q\U1rtor _ nrt. of mriQt.mri....ot 1J1ti L ()f soot ian BigMu (8) 0 .Township ..._........_Tblrty~.t1Ye. (3~) u ~o~tb. ..Rangou .PQr.\i...l~O 1..:B.at ..oon\al,nlng nyo.sores.. (~) . ___.__....._.I!IQ l' O. . or. ._l.t It, 0.._......_._._..__._..._.___.__..______..__._..___.._...._...__.........._.._...~.__.__.._._..__..._._........._ ""'-"'_'_ Theu..3oy th Ea 8~ ...Qua t:\ lit ...Qf _ ~btL.uQ r..\.bI.turLQ.1.la r..h.f._of._Ihe.mH.Ol.:thu.B.t..uQua1' t e 1'. O._.m........_ '._. _.........__J8.1'1. 9.f mr'1 Qtu.~ )_.Qtu.S~.ol!.o1!_!1gbl_.J e 1..TQMlsbJp Tb.ld"3~tJ.Y.o...1.35.J ..50u. thu......__.. ...uof. uQnge..por 1;"3 .t4Q) _.h.e\. ..~Qn:talnll1&._tQou{lOJ. BOue 0 .1lIQ "4L..O.t' ...leea........_.._.... u"'''''u. .Tbeg1'8otot. aodgranhe8u..o:f...thia _do.ed. are. the hei1'Bstulp1f.snd.wldOl'. of._..... ..... ........ ............. Cha l' lea Bean o. DoOtl8sod....and u1:t...la..:the..lotent...otu.th18 QODveyaDce..to.yes t .' t he-c. ,,'_._..m_ oot lre..intereBt.o:f. Cbul~.B B~on...1.U...th.e nt)p~n'.t"3 her.elndeaor1b.ed ..1n :the. B8 i<1 ...... '._'" grBn~,.e"o~_...__....._.._ 10 11.-\\''': --'SII TO lUlU). 1M ...,nt'. I.,..."th~r .ilh all and ,in!:ular I"" aM'u'lrllancn Ih...unt.. I........!!inj[ ,... ;" any...i.. appnl.inilloc. an.1 all 1M f'''t;d..... ri~h:. .ilk. inl('tt.., and c~im .hal"'Ot\-tr uf lht' $3.itl ~rt. '1__.. of 1M fire, ~rt. t'nh.-r in ta.. ..... ('fjaity. I.' I~" onl}- rfortr u<-('. l'f"I'l('tit and . IS WITXESS WIIF.REOF. Ih. ...,id ",r' '1 u... ..f 1M Ii". put h;l ...B..... .. ~r~nnt.' ~t .' u.... . het haOtI.. ;In" .nl ., ,h<- d.). I I..h,>(.f of 1M said part1eS of ,h<- ><<"".1 ""t, .....__..____thQ.1f._.._._.._.......u._..... IM-jr~ aft4:t aC4i~n,. ft..,-ntr. and }-nr (lr~l a'J()\'~ "'ritlen. _..~~I:~~;:I a;:.~;::~;!i~{::~~~.___._ _~______ ! ..._._....._ E ...L.Payoe_........__ ...~ _ .... ... ... ~lll1e. Bean. ..h.....__._.. (~U ~.. .(~.t.l STATF. OF _._.__.._...._lLORID.!....._._.._.. ..___.____ Counl)' 01 _'"'.......__.'_''''' ST.... l:,UCIB__ '_"""_''''_'_''_'_''''__ ., I HF.RF.RY ('F.RTIFY. Thai on Ihi, cia)' ....'...-mally appnrtd before: Iftf', an nfficn cluly aa.hnri.M I.. ""mini-In <>a'''' a...1 laic.' ac"no"'rlltm~nt.. .Ul1l1e Boan. widow. . ----_.--.-------------.----.---______._ ______..._______________.__...___._..__.._n.._ h_____'_ ....h___...._.._..o__... ..'__ ........___. ._." ______+... ,.. me .....0 kno..n to' I1r th<- ",non.. .k<c!ihtol in and .00 u<<tJ''''' the for<'!r..il1lf in'.rn~1 and ... no she a<"""..I~.IKM kf..r.. _ lint . ........ Bhe . ..... e:"<<tJ'~d l'~ ..._ fr~ly an'" ..oIunluily r..... Ihr pu"".... .,,".in u!,,,.<td. ~nrtrmm'y-~ nll'.I lCr~.y ~lC,G[ ..__..___._...::=- ._.__.....u__._.__...._ . .......... DwK..~~..1li( Jt.. fhI ~:It" ~'xat -----------_. .._.____.._ - .................._......._...._h..._.._...._.. .-_....._._..~..-.-. .-....--....... ....."'" __4>.. ...-'d-to--:-4.:-- W-...-ll "''''.JI.~...... U..~....-*--. tI,....~!_ _~'4....II"'.~~.kA.'.U~ ....j.__.;~Jf_.lil..~~f"..~..IIi..~ ....~lli._ _41 "..'nl_~IA>lC!itIJtn~'4-~~h~~ ~....~...KK~~i~I~~~l~~j..~~~tr~Y\~~(i~~4-.~~""'~m.~~~~~ ~~"'..~.~,......~!...,;...~_~~~i4,,~.t>....d1\. WITNF.SS my hand and ofticial ,nt, .t._.l'_~ L1!1~.r..QJL____(M.IlI}. oL.... 3:t o..Luoie ........ ...._..and l'tatt' nL .Plor 1da IhiL_.61il1_.._......day nL..._.Jl8"3 ___...___....._...A. D. 19...2..7. l) _.____._.____.._... ..B... ...;....... r~.YI1.e.._.___.....__......_.. ,,_..__ .... Hatary Publio. state at ~lor1da, . ~~ O.oDlllliBOi Ol'~~ ~e~ '~1...c;,l1..::.1.9$..~=-, l J ./ __._lbyoLJul:i.. at 4~2~.P. U..._......._ ..:\. O. 1927. . Bf. IT RF.MF.MBF.RF.D, That nn 'hiL_...._._23rd.__. I, ___._P._.O......Bl4reJ..___._____. ._.~__._ _...._.......__..... ('1,,1. of I~ Cir....it (.....r. in and fM ",;'1 ("",nly. I han duly rKord...t Ihc: ImtgoinK Quit.Claim IJ<-td iJ? the I'ublit RKord, of said Coanty. I~ WITNF.$$ WJlF.R"OF, I ....n hn.unto st:i my hand and the st:al ..r said (....." ,he: day .nd ynr abmre .rill"" /~ 0' N~cord VeriHc.d 'n-" ..'. ..... .1'- .C._.Bldt"ed... (~al) Ck.k C'rcuit ('oUII. a ~~''''', <... .___.J ~~i~t~i~~~i~J~ .