HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE02-26--'19 10:56 FROM- 7728787656 T-139 P0001/0001 F-207 V- in- Fo� 772-462-:21, Requdstfor 30-6ay Date: J\Q �L\,9 Projed Address. 09 1 MR THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF I PROPERTY, OOR A PER-IOD'NOT TO. 9XCEED THIRTY AND E(ZUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A -FINAL M PJ�QUI& WE'HE1R�B-YACkN0WLEDi-jE AND Adktt-fi I. 7h1s teMPGrarY Power riplea-Se2, is muwte.d for - 0WjPancY Or any tYpe, Wier Man that pennitt 2. As witness by.our s�grjptute S, We here agre by . ". e Includitig Building Division Policy� which is incoz 3. A-11 conditions and requirements flst�td' in the'att Power for Te�ftg"havo-.bwn fiffllM'aind the. i; 4- Aflre4uest� ibr.an e�ftntion beyond 30 days rr the rea�on'fbr the re a� quest. -PoWer m be rom, the Final Inspection ha� not been approvkl wim the Stop Work'Order.' WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE To HOLD HARM, ALL LIM=ES AND .0-AIMS . -OF ANY TYPE OF'.NX OF THXS TRAN5ACT19N, INCLUDIM3 AN Y DAMA08 DISCONNEMON OF ELECTRicAL powER, IN THfE I AM�Qli mMt Sdevims 116-R''e"g"utation ViVision AV.P... SCANNED �34982 By i fax'772-462.-64'43 St Lucie Courdy 00'r-aty Power Releas.e k Mrnber. \S!�� MICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESM13ED PAYS,. FOR THE PURPOSE 0F`7EST'1N'G SYSTEMS 'ION. IN CONSWERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE � above sMd purpose a*, and there vAH be no by.cohwuWon -during this timo- period. abide by-all'tefts and co�dltlons of this agreemerit, rated hexelin by ref�rence. 'ed document entided"'Requfre�ments -fbr 30 Day mise is ready fbr compliance inspection, be:rnade in w0ting to ft Building 'Official stating A"from the site anOfbr a S6p Work Order issued if 30day.s. A fee af $100-00, Vill be reclbired to lift ST. LUCIE COUNTY; AND THEIR EMPLOYEFS FR6M WHICH MAY APISE NOW OR IN THE. F=RE OUT N'tMAY BE INCUR ED . RE DU9 TO THE OF VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 75.15-9 57TIVI-4 FEB 2 6 2019 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL