HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJO ' SEPH E. SMITH, FILE # 4432872 '. CLERK OF TEE CI R BOOK 4129 PA [�E�CEIVED JUL 2 3 2018 PPRMrr?4UM8M� [ ST. LUCle County TA SCANNED Tt-QFF,,4',E%WT LUCIE COUNTY IT COJ;L� TY BY 1380 R N5 4 9,9 AM V IT , � 11 37 25, TRUE AND CORRIEC OF THE St Lucie Cou* EVIT itt N, The undersigned hereby given notice th3t-improvernent will.�e:madc tQ certain real propeAy, �nd in accordance with Chapter'713, Florida statuie&thefollrowing information is provided, -id the � otice bf commencement. 1. DESCRIPTIOti-OPPIROPER1,Y (Lagal doscription and street adajitg).TAX FOLIO Num!Ekj 30.6-11.1 �0'001 -0).0'01/jo St%DrVISIO& ys]BLOM—TRACT�—LOT BLDG LgAr—w—a _UNIT_ \A5M _F��CLVd 6/7 .34 39 all that oatt lyinq northeast, of �s 2. GENERAL -DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT;_ 3. OWNER INFORMATION:.%, a. Name $IF b:Address.-8000 'S- U81,. Suite. 40� d. Name And address of fee simple titleholder (if other tha 4. CONTRA'CTOWS NAMIE,-ADDREM ANDPHONE? '8000 S. U81, -Suite 462., P I SMIM'SNAhM ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMi 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PEON . E NUME PerSoMwithin. the State of Aorida designated by Owner ul D7. Section 713.13 (])(a) 7., Florida Staniuts- NAME,,&DDRESS AND Pfl'(5NE NUM31ER- 8. In addicion to himself or ficrsqlf; Owner 6esig:nwes the f0214 C�o 713.13'(1)(b). Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMSEP: 9. Expiration date othotice-of corainencernertt (i . he expiration specified) — -20— Signature of bwtzgr or Ownerl� Authoriicd,OfricerADiiector/Partne.r/M4n2ger C dAntere.31 i�Lpyoputy— Wynne Development.Corooration AND BOND AMOU I NT: i whom notit,Ls or other documents4may be served as provided by nish Lakes Blvd. to receive a copy of the Licnor'3 Noti= a3 provided in Section is I year from the date of r6cording unless a different date is 201- 0590 Matthew Lyle Wynne, V-i-c e — P-ros —4 dent Print Name and Piovideftnatqryls Tkle/Ofrice State offloiidi county of St: - T-11 'i e - The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this davof .20 B Matthew LVIe WV T y nne vi a— c autho"rity ... e.&; Owner. officer, trusice, attorney in fkct) (Name otperson) -.'(Typ or, VorWynne Builclinc) Corporation (Name of party on behalf of whom instrumene was executed) Personally Khown—e011prodoctd K�'ibllowing type df!D:�— Majety pubft Stalto of FWAa 3�A 1% juU041na"I klajl�— , my 0,,MjiW rG 08942 (PH nt,ed'Name, of Notary Public) (Swatore of Nbcary Publi6� 04:11): E*— 1011=020 Under penalties of perjury, I . d I eclare that I have read the forego.i ag and tharthe facts in it'are tive.to the b�&st of my knowledie and belief Oeciion 92.525, Florida Staimps). Slgr�ature(s) of Owrter(s) or Owner(WAtithorized Officerf0irector/Partner Mianager who si ped above: By-.— By- Ittv. 08131=7(ltcoiding) I