HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIELD DENSITY TESTPhon' e 954-784-2941.. p GOANN5D,' er lax-964484-7875. 8.00-9484 919 e-d:' www.fed-eng-coM & TESTING INC. AkLudec.'# ;'V 13th Ave Pompan� Bea�h, FL-33069 - r d en 'ts iel D T�S dMohi0adt6d S.0 .4938 'pto. A gyst -2018 U Prpject' PrciO.6sed'Single,Fa�nily-HQm6.� D ch,: FL 34957 'Order M n! Be'a­ 18CMT2107::-.. Address: 10725.S.- ClceEin- DrW�'Lotl 63,Jerlse' '92- -Pernilit M DS-� iRl�l Area'Test6l: --Bulldin�'Pad' ...... NH n' n' Ath W Rock. Tech: M8teri8il.Ty09:::- BroW Sa'd w -Triaces Client' MekRy- hstructioh, Inc.:::.'. R Compaction- ..eq..: Address,- 10967'S.'. Ocear! Drive ....... Method.' D-1 557 ASTM. 6 en b" PrOdt6r Jens ri� Beach,: FL. 34957 -Dry, Pr6btor - .0p imurn ... Test Probe. Moist yawe .1-Moistore .','Compaction: - .',Pass:. TEST- LOCATION - -.Density. De pih PCF # J. PQF' I..' NW Cornbrof-Pada- 1.2. FG 8.1'. J'09-0*.j-A0.0'.� Yes: - -9 12' -.FGJ:7-.5- 104.1. 109.0.- 5* 5%. Yes 2:. - C6rner of Pad N E. FG 7.7 .103.9 -109. 0: .0. Pad -12 3. 'SE Cother of Yes ..4- SW.Corn'e-r:6f Paid,.' 12'.'- FG .6.3 -:104.3: ...16960.' :05.7% �7 - 7,. 9: .10. A 1. 4, - 0. 13: 4 RemArks' '-'See Reveese side (Pa§e:2.6f 2).f6r.AddltiQnSl Information fdr�. Disclaimer Thils'Sr-a Coriiii0a . cti6n Tds . t.onlko m the tdp 1 -of thei:�ad and is not avierifidAtion: of ScAl Berjjjfig Capacit�. J'. Legendfor-Elevation: - Y:: PR Proofroll lj�,3.�Ast,2nd, 3rd-Lift.. :Submitted.h SL'= Springlind FL ='Final Lift ..Fed I-Ehpilpebrin Tpstlfig,� l6c... era SG Subgrade' BG'=. Bel6vV-Grade 7'Base6our I s6 B0P'='-B6ttoM 'of Foblih Florida Reg. No. 59394 BC- g.. z J 4547i Certificate of-Auftri at, on R Too. of Pipe FG'= Finished' Grad6 sibmiff6d as the cofifidbrit6l peopertybf cKents, and'authorization for pLthlica statement& 1' utual.'protect16h to clients, the. publib: apd.pu`�selv6s, all -reports are tiroh. of yp -&ondluslohs.or extracts� from or regardifig.our re orts is reserved pending.our-w lien approval. Adensity te dd rmines. the de6nie of compaquon ol th&t4_sjed, layer of material p Ti St. 1:6 — Xe� ... �iructure. The results 66js bqtov�, the pr9po,-ad does hot replace hinatl6n. These density tests do.not cerfify:the underlying'soil.mat only;.*A density a. soil bearing capacity deterr do not prie'c'lude,or' uarahtee tfia't'futurd s eftlernent a6d 6rackind will not'ocd6r.'A soil boring test ls� required to.certify t ha�t the -u proposed structure 9 . . . . s'il bo . 6 �6e'4u6le' thdi6itabilityof the underlying.'. without settlement: if no soll'.6oring6 have be" rify't a underlying soi si We recommend that o ngs"be pe orme! Pnpei�ormeq'tove h /S formad ory.thit-1vork.. poll to'support the proposed -st�ubfure. After laying dormant for apenod of 90 days of after. heavy rain torms-retesting must be �Oer -PAGE I �f 2