S bs'o''i I on A
lnvtsti�ati '.Repo
. . .
... . . . ...
. . . ... . . . ...
ed'-e'r m
A TESTIMS. INC.. :-mr*vw.fed-'eng.pofn,
li�nt.": .'-','Mel-4y'Con§
trlicti. hi
on, c.,
Ma&- MEdds
-A ddr&�::
.10 cean nve.
967 S. 0
Jensdn-B'each� FL 34957:
Proposed SiiiOe Fianuly Home..: - -
Lot 103.
. . .
.. . . . ...
Tiiesd Feb' �6�,-201.8
ay�.. r�4ary.
. . . ... . . . ... . . .
Tue�day,: RbrWfry 6,'20 i 8
.10725 S. �Ocean Drive, Lot 103 ...
Jepsen Reach, FL 34957
pa�6 2 --- ...
The,boring log(s),WA61ied p"res'6nt a'detaile-d description of th6'.soils.encoiini6ied.9t.each'loc�tion.. The.'so'il'stratificatioini
sh6Wn, on 'the boring log(s) is'based on Ilie, examinatidn of �the- recovered 96il s�mples and intei-bretatiom of the drillees
log(§).- It'indicate's' only theappioximato, anes between sbilAypes. 'The' tual -ti itio ' b6twe ':adj
l5ound" ac rans ns en acent
soil'types� may'be gradual.:
From a the:site is suitable'forth6-cohst�uotionofth i)iojj6sed stru tuie.'.,6rovide
c d.
that -the surfa ce: sand. layers -are compacted in. place, and pro . o'f rolled.-Local.ized areas:of lo''Pse,'indterials, i . f present, - w*ill'.
be'P . onie evident: duking's'ite clearing, grubbing- and proof rolling and must be removed prior.to filling,-opprations.
-13, At 11 t
qsed -on our' underkanding.'6f -the proposed' structure and the �inforrn io 'ob ained from our:5:4d boring log(§);�: we
recommend the f6flowinkpio'cedures.for foundation design:: -
1)" Strip: the ent ie -footings. and bu area - plu'. five p st the: out' :perimeter of iopsoil.an'd
i ilding co'nsti on s s �O)Teqt a er
........ �:gfqund. vegetation- (w-4qn'pAcou*er6d)., down: t6:clean, gt4�ularsmaterial. -Any:unOergrqimd structures.- utilit
Aines,- toot systems and. drainage trenches, eid. -must.
be remp ed in th r -entirety fro' b e'n' ath th -pr p*sed
y qi in e e o o.
construction areas-.* The. city'arborists should be contacted prior io"any'l'aildoleariil2to.'veiif co
..y: n1pliah6eWith..* .
any local co es'.
'Saturate -and compact. all construction areas With d hedvy'self propell6d.vibrator-y roller to:a minimum -of 95% of
the ASTM D 1557 modified'vroct6r. m6thod. Make- draft of ten (10) the-' Her in each.
passes. with po
3Y Care should be tAkeft whenusing vibrationin case of existing structures In.the vicimity. -of the construction.'area. -
... . . . . . . . . .
If vibration: cannot- be -used f6r 'c�o''mpa�tion,-'stati�..coriipaQtion may� b6:applied.' However, -in this.case', the.'.
compacted laVer should not-ex'ceed. 6'hiches in thickness.
4): :Backfill construction-areas.to proper elevation if needed usifia a clean- arafiular material placed in lifts not to. - . .
.(12) inches in'thickness and compacted as.beritem 2.,
....5).- RPpresentativP'samples-of the bh-site andbro06s6d: fill material shouldbe colle d.'festbd io:d6tenhine the
classificaticin and coinpaction'c'haracteristies.
construdtion'fill material --above rgani s
6)� -All the. -water table shall- b& clean, grand ar: 'soil; ftee of. o c. ot.othet
_.Aeletori6us material,'. and- shall -contain no more than twelve: (12) perc6ntfines Oassipg:a.U.S. Standafd-No.-200-
siew (9.075mm),.axid, have a Unified Soil Clas ificAti' ioii of, GP, OW-I.GP-GM -G -GM� SP
s on. (USCS).designdt
or SW. No -sizO g .(3) inches shall bo-iised-ift the to 12,incheg-offfiebuildiiig.pad.
particle. reater than three P.
7):: Fill. Material'below -themater table shall..be Washed free', draining gravel. such 'as FDOT No. 57. stonie or.
equivalent to � about .12 inches: above.,th&: water table. unless dewatering. is ii§ed.-. Whefi'dewaterin use fill
g.is d
material shall. be'. clean granular:soil, fre6. of orgamcs:or'.6ther. deleterious -material, andshall: co'ntain.nomore -
than twelve (i 2) p
ercent fines passing a U.S. Standard No. 200 sieve (0.075mm).-
Tuesday,-�ebrugry 6,'.2019
10125 S.-Ocean Dzive, Lot IQ
j 'Bea . . . .. . . .
ansen ch, FL,349.57
Page 3
11. d sificat -procedures.' taking'an �4de uate number'. of 'field' density tests, in ea . c I h:l' f
.8)' Yefif a en c ion _
y by. q ayer o
,compacted material- Density -te§ts: shall .'be - performed- on the 'slab' areA's, fbotigg.'4reA§- interior be4 wall
footings-:and::colunim, pad f6otings.', Tfiis� :must- be scheduled aftet Taimp., and - Spray and/or',
Com—actio but b6f6re: Re" orcmg ee I f r' 'rif r t' 'is- ready in-plake',it must be'r,emoved
p n,, ihf St' I Plaqeffient. J ei o cing s eel al
roffi all.areas to be tested priOrtoperfo.riniii densities-.,
A . fte'r'.the'jfistallati'n- of plumb ing and e: lectrical pip
o any ing;- - we recommend that, -the.. disturbed'. area. 'be.-
ed aiid-additioilal-ddnsitie's-tests be.performedtovdrify: er conipaction,of the disturbed areas.
... prop.
.10)-All_'6f.th6 abbv'e-Cje'otddhi&Al Work shall- �be': performed- tindet'Ilie, suPervisibii. --of :Federal EfighideiiAg', & -
Testing's geotechtical engineer'. or -his ri presentative to Nerify' -conipliArice -With our.specifications- and the - - .
P orida Build ing C od e -Please'cal I u s at.954-784- 2941 f6r
.11) In the evenf.of existing structures; 6xisting".fd6tin o§6d dfam'a' Iiii6s pr . ovisions.shall: be'niddle. by: the. - -
gs or prop ge
-structural engineer and site contractor, to Protect 11 fbotings from unde :and.exp.0sute... The �dotechnicAl
engineer shall be notified of these conditions to evaluate the, applicability Qf--his:recomitendationg.
The, above,foun'dation recommejidations.bein�:achiev and'verifie -.it.-
ed 4� is, our� opmion. that The proposed structure be
designed.for. a. shallow foundation s' -stem: with�.a permissible: soil 4earing -0essure'not. to exceed 250O.P. S X. B'Uildmi
7ad certification requires. s.atisfactory completion. and- ven cation -of all the above foundation rec6mm6ndations.'.'..
Slabs Placed 'upon compacted fill'm be designdd-using a-modiihis. of subgra'&reaction value- of 200 i The follo
pm win
soil'patameterg shall -be -used f6fretainink. wall. designs:
. . . ... . . . . ...
Soil. unit mo ------------ ------ ------------ ------
weight ist- 110 Opf
-Soil eight buoyant' pcf: -
unit w,
-A -fri6ti6n-! .300'
ngle. of internal ---- -- -------- ---------------------
----------- ------------------------
Active Earth ess' cooffi
pr ure c a .0.33
-Kp);� 3.0:
'P, ------ ------------- ------- ------- ------ --------
An :of Wall -friction for. steel pil'e's-"------ 30".
--------------- ---- - ---
4Afigle. of wall- ffiction for'cohdi6te' brick walls ------ 200
Angle- of wall friction f6r unboAted stebl--` --------- --------- ----------- ----------------
.. . . .. 150
Ek6avations. shall'hot. exteiid-mithin one- (1). foot - of the, a'nale of rebose., next to existing -footings :or -structures unless
q underpinned. Trenchin shall be' in compliance, with: the Florida Iquilding - -.Code .'OSHA - and. Trench Safety Act -
requirqmen�s. Sh6iino. shall be designe d and inspected.bya' Floridaji&.ens6d professio'nal.enizineen.
Pfovisions shall be made by -iliq architect-,'�aigineer- of re6or& and _c6ntract6r-.to -address. differential settlements,when
tying in new -to existing: structures.: -Mikin�. of 'different foundation 'types, shall not be - used, unld�g. provided: With
e ansi6nioints to
�cp o. address differential settlement.
Tue�day,-Febniary 6,'2018 ...
10725 S. Ocean Drive, Lot 103
Jensen'Bea6h, FL34957
Detailed -settl6inentanaNsis _mias.be . yQnd" the scope 'of this: 'report, - Comparing the -fleld' test .'data - obtained in this
:.'ey,-plbr,atioh-with,,our,pxpepence.'With.striictukes.'§i.ni.ilarto.those'.orppo§ed:for.,this.projqct,.ih.e 6stimate4nia,ghitude of::
'these settle s 'is 05 to I inch: Due to- the itr:natuie 'f.th substrifa6emat s,', the fouhdat on settlements,
merit granul. 0 e. enal i
shoufd.-occur As. the loads afeapOlkdarid should.b6;virttially''nc'gligiblo by4lie e'nd'.of the:buildiilg shell c6nibletion'.
All outside around suffApes, mustbe sjope.d.a*ay. from. the: struPtur.e.to avoidwiter Accumulation and Dondin -All r' 'am.*
aw from all bui I Idin '�6undaii6ns Vciifyall water, sdwe', plumb 'spriWdeT,and-dfai
waters 'shall be, discharved r, ing mqge
I h are. priop,erlv fun6tionihgwith no lbaks.iii the�'viciriitybf the -f6undation.
i es
116rati6n;: there is always: the �p6ssibil Y: that. conditions' - may. e
Rdga�dloss of 'the thoroughness- of A: geotdchniddl ekp it b
different from those'of thetest. locat ons' ther re Frigine &T.estirig, hi�. doe subs 'il
i 66' Ve'Oeral: ei
ng s�no.t:guararrtee.a:�V. q
corid�tio'n'b6t'w'e'enthe'bore,t6-si holes-. Asiid 'plan',§h6NV�mg'.tlie'fo6ati'ori the:p dposed siru6fuid was,rof Pi6vIded-atthe
pr S
. . . ... . . . ... . . . ...
tim e the -soil bon'n s were performed. -Once Dlans and.'spe!difii�,qtions'hay.b:beeii, finalized And drawn Federal Engineering -
Tes ing I�nc. s hall'. be pK ovided'a:co py:of:t he'finia I lized plans'. an specific ations.: fo r review. For' 6 urate':
t d a :more, ac
p A: Al- of siibsuffac,6:condifions, the. site'co'ntrActor:should peif�rm test 'its.: If different conditions - areiend6unt&ed -
ortray p
Fedefal Eiigineer�ng:& Testigg lnc�.,: shall behotifidd to'rdvibW thd findings'aridinake AAy recorhmendations as, Ticeded-.-
In Accepting this report the client unddrstands that'all data from the soil bofingsis:int6ndcd for foundation anal'' ""nl
ysis.o. y
timat&". The. site contractor m''ust ffirniliafiz& themselves
And. is. 'not to be used for ekcavAfing, bpckfilling. or ppeinges s,
with thei ob site edriditions.
, nvironmental ana sis -of the soil materiAlsds-no Dart�of thokove of servides.-Jf 6rivi-tonm6rital
1Y. 4. analysis� of soils is::
requ�iredw6 can,p�o.vide a-proposal.f6rippi-fornuffig aii�enVii6nti�6iital:.analysis-6f t,h6:soil matehals-.':For.Eiiv.if6mndntal..
due diligence a Phas&-I a d/of Ph sd 11 E ninchtdI'Site Assessment is'recomnibrided.
a nviro 1
Ive f
As. A: mutual: piotection'to: clidnts,.'ihe'ppblic and 'ourse s,'all r6pcirts �are'subniitt6d 'as. the: confidential property- o
d on state'mdnts� . 'Conclusionso . r ex ra
cli6nts-,�An. iaiith6rizati' fbipublicAtio"n.of t cts-."frombr re�ardjiig bu'frep6rts is r6ser'yed
p6oding.6w.writt appr 1,
Federal.:Efi T' t rtqmty_ -to: e o ervi e your �qjec
gineenng ps ing,:Jnc�.:apprecidtes, the. op' b f 9' ce to: at -.this phas' of �p t.,
po You
ee to- if we may -be of further. service to
P16ase-feel ft' contactus
�fth nc,VE.�
eTAI: I�ng
defing'& Tesiffig,
`Ploii&LR6g:. No."-593.9,4'
- 71
fwdti� of Auth6iizati&i 54
ite.. �otafi
)*Ae'a nCD r
WN W" C-1 I !IV,,, �"Mm
LKX;Artr Futi�`*
qup A
V 2018 Goog [a
Image C 20,118 TerraMcInc5
. . . . . . . . ...
Federil, Engin�erhig,&'To's.tHig ln�.:2-5o sW. 13th A V.E"Pom'pano Bedch., FL. 3300:(954)..'784-r294.1
...Co'' elaiioh.'Of,Peiietritio"n-lkesisiince -with Relitive'Denifty. and Cbn�istincy--.:
anue ne-Penetrometdr
D� C6�
Resii�tanee -
St midard Penetikion -
Relative-Densit y
-0 -10
:0 - 4,'-'-
Vpr 'Lpo'se
m I -'5 10:
'26-'� 45
11 20.:
-45 -75
V Fi
pry, Tm
76 420'...
''Ver 'Ppnse
Sitts &. Clay
P�naniic C6 n�e- N-netromete-r- - -
-'Stariddrd Peneti�tion'
-P6ietrometeri Res'Wance - -
-:11 'Blows'.
Vqr -Y. Wt
7 -�A 5
-S f
0 t:'
6.� 10.',:
3 1 -�'45
11- 15-:
-46.- ...
'16 '30:
:.V. stiff...
-:91 - -150.
.31 50
Rock Hardness Description'.
Rock cor6 6niihbles'*heri aridled
r -co
Cdnb edk� r W-i - hkids
P. th. yotir
-Moderate'ly,ffi�d : ". . I . .
.... 'T. hiniedgeis'ofr6ck C'oreziah b,e'broken with fnigers.
Thin-ed�e§ of k6ek cor6. cdr1ti6t:be-bfoken:with:fing6rs .
R6pk c6re- rifigs'whensitTuck with a: ha'n' ime*r -
Sand Quantity Modifiers.
'Vpr' ce 1
.'Slighi'T.r ace
'-5 �'10:%.
10 1-5. %
.15 30
30 %.
Silt- Clay QuantityModiriers,:.'
:::0 5 -b/o..-::-
Silty tcidyey
Vei�r-Silty-/ Clayey',
ions-o . . .. . . .
Liniftat Liabilit
'An ly�is
W�rrahty.'. a andRe6am'mendations. cont.
We warrant that the services peff6rmed by Federal Engineering. and Tefting; In Accepting this report: the -client, understands that all data froth the soil boring
hic. (F.E.T.). are conducted in, a -nianiier'corisistent.with the level of skill And' is. intended Tor'fotindation. analysis only and is hot to-156 used for excavatir'
'care - ording.rily,ex.etoised Py members of the.grofessioncurtently practicing. backfilling or pricing es.timates..In accepting this report the client understands.
under similar . conditions. 'No, other,wariant ies expr . ess6d, or* implied*, are: that a . 11 data . from th . e soil b o fing i . s intended �fbr foundation, analysis only . and.
made. While the' services: of F.E.T' . are an integral and va -part Of the. 'for exca'
luable a is. not. to be used:. vat,in& backfilling or pricing estirbates. The -site_
design and donkructi.on process, do not.Warrant, guarantee, o.r.insure.the, contractor must. firniliarize themselves with the -job. site conditions... Soil.
#dlity of com�le.tenes§- of �ervices-o.r.sati§fhctofy pqfforniance proVided:.by 'boring(s),, on: unipArked'vac.ant'prioperty or existing :structure(s), to: -be -
other inenibers.df the.constfuct.iop procqss'and�bnthe� construction plans and, demolished. is considered 'preliminary �with, further bbring(s) to be performed
spe6ificatioris which we have not - prepared, 'nor. the'ultimiate'p'eiforman6e of' after]pro-posed building pad is staked out. Report recommendations are -based -
building, site materials. As � mutual 'protection :to clients, . the 'public. and'. 'pfimaril�- on, data -from test borings made at the -locations 'shown on the test
ourselves, all reports.are submitted as the confidential prop6rty:of'clieiits, and. boring -.reports: 'Soil' variations - may. exist between bo'rings and . inay: riot
authorization for -publication of stateffients,'conclusions or extracts. from or: become.evidePt until. construction, -If variations are then noted,. F.E.T. must.
r eg4rding: our r eports -is r eserved p end in g our written �app ro val. Report§.are' be contacte d so that field condi tions can.-be.exan I iined, . an& recommend . atio . n I s
not intended for 3rd party use.
revised: if- necessary,-. The Geotechnical report states Put understanding as to,
the: location dim6nsiofi�, and. structurial f6aturqs'p'ropo�ed of:the site, Any.
Stibsurfike-Eipl6ration. significant 6hafig6s in- the nat&6, d sign, or location of the site improvements
Subsurfhce'exp�ordtion is nortnally Accomplished, by.tqst borings., The soil,� must be: communicated to: F'.E.T. ' 'so -.'that the Geotechnical. Analysis,'.
c oriclu s ions, *and recomm6n dation s can b e Appropriate ly adju s ted.
boring log includes s-amp I i ng i nfo rmati on, description 'of the. materials.' .
recovered, approximate, depths of boundaries between soil and rock,strata and
gr oundw Ater data.' Th e 16grepriesents "condition s spec'ific'ally at the location"
and time the boring Was inide' 'The botindari6 -b6tWeen different soil'iti-ata Constradion
Cotiftructich oWervatiori and testih� is an im ortant eleirient of Geot6chnical
�r ated At specific d6pths; �6wevdr,thdse depths'are in fact 60t)roxirriate
ar - endent upon the frequendV'of sampling-. - The transitions -between soil servi'�es.' The. Geotechfiidal Engiheer's Field Representative (Field Rep.). is the'.
. . . ... . . . ...
stiatum, are 'often gradual. Water level. readings are made At -the time'the "owners representative" observing 'the work of the contractor, performing,
.boring was. performed and can- change with, time, precipitation,, canal levels, 'iests,,.a`nd,reporting'data from such*tests and observations. 'The Geotechnical,
local well drawdown,'and other -factors.- Regardless -of ifielhoioughri'ess ofa - - En ne 'es c 0
gi er's Field Representative 'do not dire't the d ntra6tor's construction -
G.e6techni.cal exploration there is always- a'possibility that conditions.may be. means,'meth6ds; op6rationi,. or personn6l.: The' FieldRep. does not inierfere:-
different from those of the te9t,locations; tIJerefqr6.FZT.. doeg not guarantee. with -the, relationship' between- the owner and the. contraQtor,.and except -a§ an
any subsoil condition surrounding !4e bore test holes; 'For a m ore accurate obseriver,.does not become a substitute own- er on site.' Tbe, Field R i*-6nly:.
ep � S..
liortriyal of - subsur�Ace conditions; the �it6. contractor should perform tests collecting datEifibr our.Engineer to review.. The'Fi6ld Rep. is re ohsible f6r
pits: If different conditions at& encountered, F.E.T.'shall, be notified to review his/her f6ty. hl . t o sp ty.
sa o Y, bu , has ii re onsibili for the safety of other personnel
the finding� and make any. recommendations as heeded. and/or the general public at Ahe site. -If the Field, Rep., does not -feel that the
site is offering a�safe en ironment e.
v fior him/her, th Field Rep. will stop his/her:.
observation/ testing until he/she deems. the site is, safe.. The- Field -Rep: is an.
'important memb er "of a tea in . whose resfionsibi lity is':to obsie rve 'the test afid:
Laboratory. and Field Tests: work b�5ing done and report to the client whether that work. is being carried
Tests. at& performed in accordance with specific ASTM. Standards -unless 'out in 'general conf6rmance with the plans and'§peciflcatiom.! -
otherwise indicated. A]l criteria: included,ih a given ASTM Standard are not
always rquired and performed. Each tescreport indicates the: measurements
and determinations actually Mad&..
Limitations of.Rep
(�ersh Federal Engineering. 4 Tes ing,. Inc. shall have no'liability, in contract, tort. o - r. -
i epor s
p.qf-Tqsts'1R t
-All Aest results,and/or reports: prepared by. F.E.T. pursuant to this agieement. otherwise, for.any inaccuracy. defect, or.omission.in interpTeting this report
arid/or Addendum(s) thereto' shall remain -the property. of F.E.T; 'until - all and 11 J any. e h liability.f6r losi:p'rc�fits ai 11,
sha not , n vent aye any. or ny oder
monies -due and.owing to F.E.T. under this. Agreement and/or A dderidum(s) indirect ... I c6nse uen ial; 6iemol�ry-or'pimi A
specia . inci enta q . t tive amaaes.. In
thereto, are paid.in . full.. the event. of futufe conflict between. owners. and 'contractors the following,
applies- F.E.T.(s) legal and/or company representation And preparatift.f&
.. .... ... representation fees'will be billed on'im hourly rate, i.e.'.depbsition' 'expert'.
Analj,�iis and Rebomm-endations
witne�s, etc. F.E.T: ! has no obligation to amend its conclusions or-
TV- �-otechni.cal-rep.ort.i§ prepar�d primarily.to aid in. the design of site work
. I . . - . : - 'recommendations zifier-tht'date o'f,this'report. -Any alterations or'changes in -
at, ctural foundations. Although ilie-information in the report is expected
the Iodation Pf. the. project should be brought to our attention at the -earliest
to' be suffi cient. for'these purposes, it i� not intended to. determine the,6ost of
convenience for rev.i6w. an.d'applicability.of this,*reporf.
construction'or to stand Alone as *construction specifications.
.:.Ph orie'. 954-784-2941.--
..:...:800 4849.1-9:
4 -78.7
Fax M4 84 .6
Pbmpah6 Beach, FL-33069
f4id-ehg*;d0' M'*.:,*
PartialList ''fStry ces''
G -oote''hinica[Engi neering -Services
Soll I-Aggreg(ate.Tests,
Fi' Ild iitp ioh-Sei
n. eci rvices.
:.Fill.& Quality QOntrolkis . pjdttioijs'-.,_ ._-Backsdatt6r:
P6fisity T6stg
.y Cbrripaction'Tagt§ -
Demutkin 'In ti
Extrabtiorisi & (3rbdatibns
Grain Siba-Arralysis
I '�-Inspectiohs--.. -
Bdi din
Moisture Contents:,
Pile Driving l6speotions' -
-Bulk:Spqcifid. Gravity.
Soil Classific'ati6"S-
Pile Load'Tesis -
-Cores for Thic"'kness. Diatermifiatio'n'
Limerdck-Bbarino -I�atibs
'Florida'Be'afnn' '-
Steel I nspection:
I - - . 1. .. . ... .. :,..
Va I ue s".
'Tht Id InsOeqti6h-:.
-Asphc s
!ItAsse�;' meht.':'
:'Vi6raki o*n Monitoring--
-Condrete.Strefigjh--TdstIrTb. -
E.A. Abriasion
Geotbchnical,E eering,,
FDOT ["!�peiqtilcinic� -
. . . .
'Found'ation'.1 )6sjo� &: Recorn meficlation - -Core
Schmidt Hbrrimibt Testing
QO Mah gement.''
Earthwork Inspections-.
Subsoil 16vostidafjoh �:Ajr
:Pile' Load Calc6laiibfis - :::
Cohcretd Unit.Wei0t"..-::-
QC Concrete Ins Ions.
QC As h6lt. lfi�Dectibns
Piling histallati6n,IVIOnitori
I a en ng..
Fe)W IStr gth-Te�§firi
. .. ...
EnVir6nment rin S er,V id e s, .
Phase. .1 Site -Ass. ess M''Onts.
. . . ...
Phas4 11 Site:Ass ssmentg:
L BasdPa'Int 9
ead qrw Y�s
Site, I hspe.dfions,'.'.,
Ph.ase(l F.blIow* ijp;on, Confaminbted, Sit s
Rioppirt and Analysjs
Research - of Prooeqy Recdfds-
-IhstaIhtiorfof-M6.njt6ri6g W6ifs' '..'.e' ..A.
Jr Mo pi oring.,
-'$ioil 130ring�
aie -A
Sbilarid:G rid ..r nalysi.
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.T.AS 165 Field F8s'tehe'rWithdrAw'aI:T6st..
TAS- 106 T116 Uplift T
T4s'-124 b6il-bharinber 4 B(jhded: Pull.Test.'.
T-AS. 126 Moisturei Survey -
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-Sheet. Insta.1latiori Insp6btio.h:
RetrOfit Mitigption/. Certifica
:.Roof Drainage CalWations.,.
Amelban 05ncrete miarni bade:
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Engineering'-C6un'll. . .
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