HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTAIR DETAILS2,4'-2" k SITTAr. B, Room Oct 115, C -_ 0. 0S windoui Schedule Mark Size Window Description ,-I* x 5'-B' SINGLE HUNG ,-in x 31-2* SINGLE HUNG '-:2# x 3'-2- SINGLE HUNG 1-0. x Y-4, FIXED GLASS - ALL Windows to be white ESP aluminum windows with tint. Provide muntin's and structural mullions per elevations. See product approval chart for window manufacturer information. - ALL windows to withstand Pressures stated in Permit Information Box on these plans. - ALL windows in bathrooms to be tempered - ALL windows within 18" of finished floor to be tempered unless im act rated. - veril'g ar, masonrg/rough opening sizes prior to ordering windows. Door Schedule Mark Size Door Description A 31-04 X ( '-a;a FIBERGLASS B C-O" X 8'-On GARAGE DOOR C 12'-Od X 8'-0" GARAGE DOOR 12'-Off X V-Sw SLIDING GLASS DOOR E 3'-0" X (,'-8* 20 MIN FIRE DOOR F 3'-Ow X 4`8" SOLID CORE - WOOD G 2'-So X V-S" SOLID CORE - WOOD H 2,-(a X LI-Sm SOLID CORE - WOOD 7-4s X V-So SOLID CORE - WOOD - POCKET DOOR K X-00 X (.'-Sn SOLID CORE - WOOD - BI-FOLD - ALL exterior a IncludinmPmra cims to tvfistay ans. g a aqe ox 4 pressures stadrin permit ion on ese p - verlfg all masomrg/rough opening sizes prior to ordering windcxus. - See product approval chart on these plans f or exterior door manufacturer information (including garage door) - Pra/ide one exit door (swing tUpe) that is 3'-0" wide minimum and one emergeneg escape door (not shuttered). If e�u:ape door has glazing then it must be impact resistant and shall NOT be thru garage. This mag be the same door if it meets both criteria listed above. SEAL CONCRETE BLOCK AT DOOR AND WINDOW OPENINGS WITH CONCRETE SEALANT FRIO TO BUCK INSTALLATION PER FBCR IOS First Floor Square Footage First Floor A/C 5 12 sq. f t. Garage 541 sq. ft. First Floor Total 10S3 sq. ft, Second Floor Square Footage Second Floor A/C = 942 sq. ft. Covered Porch Total III Sq. ft. Second Floor Total = IOE;3 sq. ft. Under Roof Square Footage Breakdown First Floor Total = 10 5 3 sq. f t. Second Floor Total-= 1053 sa. ft. I a = r = 'nln/ ;,+ r I FLOOR FLAN I ola pace Under 00 TYPICAL NOTES: SCALE 1/4" 11-01, A/C Space Breakdown 1. Contractor to veriF9 ALL notes and dimensions prior to First Floor A/C 5 12 sq. f t. 2. proceeding with work. Contractor to STRICTL ' enforce ALL OSHA F:equirements. Second Floor A/C 9-42 sq. f t. 3. ALL Lumber to be used . (� is Beam, Rafters, etc.. 4o have Total A/C Space 1454 sq. ft. a minimum 1,400 P.S.I. fit �r stress. 4. 5- No dissimilar metals to to ALL Concrete used for ch. labs shall be min. 2.500 PSI concrete. Total Cubic Volume 11632 sq. ft. ALL Concrete used for oertical filled cells, cont. tie beams etc.- to shall be 3,000 P.S.I. c ncrete and/or 4,000 F.5-1. grout mix 11. ALL ceramic tile surfaces installed shall conform to ASTM A108.1 thru A108.4, 6. Orquiall at ceilings shall b , leveled and attached to bottom chord A108.1. A118.1, A118.3, Al3iO and A131.1 of trusses with screws pia FBC R102.3.S. concrete shall be presstre treated. 18. Cement, fiber —cement or glass mat psum backers in accordance with ASTM C1288, Ci:325 OR Chlel and installe9d I.A.W. manufacturers recommendations shall 1. 8. ALL wood in contact wit ALL wall dimensions are i Dminal and not finished well or stud dimensions. be used as ba�ker for the wall tile in tub areas and Wall panels in shower areas. cl� low flow. 19. Insulation including facings such as retarders or vapor permeable members installed ALL plumbing fixtures to : )e )rain heater in iccordance within floor —ceiling assemblies, roof —ceiling assemblies, wall, crawl spaces and attics 10. Contractor to Provide at water shall have a flame spread index not to exceed 25 with an accompan in� smoke with the current edition c ' the Florida Plumbing Ccde. developed index not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance Wlt9 STM E 84. fl. Contractor to Provide a 2'—$" wide door at one bathroom for Insulation shall compig with F.B.C. R311t-- handicap accessibilitg requ floor to ements. bg Governing Building Department 20. ALL materials used below base flood elevation must be flood resistant- This is to include 12. Lowest finished e set all wall coverings in garage and elsewhere if applicable. 13- survegor to set in field. Wall and Ceiling shall hay ? a flame —spread classification of not greater 21. ALL drawiri(Is and written material herein constitute original work of this firm and the same or ang part with -put written consent than 200 per FBC R3 )2.9.1 @ thereof MAY NOT be duplicated, disclosed, distributed or used in ang manner have developed index of not greater of this firm. Ang user therecif, without consent, shall be indebted to this firm for full commission. 14. Wall and ceiling finishes s all a smoke— 15. than 490 per FBC R3( All exposed attic insulatic 2.9.2 i materials installed on attic floors shall have a critical radiant flux not less than 0.12 we materials exposed on the t per square centimeter. Exposed foam plastic nderside of the roof decl,l or on the attic walls insulation Shall compIg 1 (1, with F.B.c. R3](. — see I G board material she ermit info box of code edition � conform to ASTM C34, C19, C415, C511, CL30- C931 WALL SYMBOL LEGEND psum C4.0, C1002, cIO41,Cl 1-1, C1118, C1218, C1395 or C1394 and shall be installed A (1) tts kar %,wf at 40" IT-11" MASTE LBEDRO �A 1Cq t call> Tc Pei", , j:�, 24'-2�2, Va. 'o Low I fir - - - 53 OWN �w JA 0 Ov K[TCHE14 M LIVINC. NO CIC-P-12 11 L SECOND FLOOR PLAN 211 > according to the following: (roi., m lvz.o-5.1 CB5 walls 1-11i Ce S SO I W11-111 concre e at, 9. + ]IT—n"t 14, k A A�� V)" o c ir walls ur% to 15'--0"* li� risers at Or wa Tg " ickness Location Orientation M S' M! '&_&ng perpendicular )'2 Walls Either Direction Ceiling Perpendicular 18 Walls Either Direction Ming Max. spacing Nall mg options for o.c. or Ula S Up, Q !d . 14 ibor am - vall into For walls over 10'-0" a special inspection is required b ang licensed structural G treads at icing or fasteners installation of dr, 14 wood Ira in er oneer to review and approve the vert. steel fristalia ion in the footings. "Mum Nall$ I Screws mi is tj new ers in -the wall cavitg and into beam. 2* x n. Ickmess 13ga 1 3/8 Ic ig with 19/44" head �R = 2' x 4" non —bearing stud walls — see sections. Insulate 0,098m diamet�lrr x 1 1/4' Iomq with R-11 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and annular -ringed >r 5d cooler nad Non —A/C spaces OR u.otso- cia. )c 1 5/8, long with 53633555M = 2" x 4' bearing stud walls — see sections. Insulate 15/44' head- - with R-11 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and Gjpr rd ulul 0.080 dia. x /8�oa with 4/32" head. -1. 12- 13ga 1 5/9" 1019 with 19/44' head or- 0.098' diamet er x 1 3/8' long annular-rimiled Dr 4d coder mail OR: al. Ij7_ 0.0112" diiii. x 1 1/8" long with 1/4' head ON' Gqpsum board iail 0.09V dia. � �,a- ��,+k IQ//A' 1,..A Non —A/C spaces = 2" x 4" bearing stud walls — see sections. Insulate with R-19 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and Non —A/C' spaces = 2' x S' bearing stud walls — see sections. Insulate with R-19 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and Non —A/C , s aces * top of wak height is clear span of block to bottom of first structural beam This aDDlies to the garacie area onl_4 in this case. 24'-f" ALE 1/488 = 11-01, 3� High CLOSET 2" dia. handrail ABOVE attached to Wall w/ min- 1 1/2" between STAIR DETAIL Scale: 1/2" = I`011 co _V lill r 'r Ln Ln 000 -0 CIT q) C Q) 13 to L_ Q3 yl K 4-3 0 00 d) Ln C-4 r- () Q_ 43 OD 4) 43 Ln QD a -air C = C4 C14 U C: OD 00 E Q I - r I U a 0- rl. Do C4 C4 L_ M -0 Ur_T_ u or-r— a x Z 00 V E < LL I 93 UI _U M 701W Sheet 2- OF S. Comm 4 18-92 -FILE COPY RECEIVED JUN 2 9 2C18 ST. Lucje county, Pep,mjtu!