HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2212 ~ 0, O. GaUD A1GLm~ 'to- .a.-Aa.-I1-IaLIlt . 'QUIT-CLAIM DEED - ----~..----_._- -----------~-.._------.._...--_...~_._-_._'----_._------------_.......-..------------.----.-- .-_. .-_.. . --r.~-T~~IS l~~~URF.. ~I:~ th~___~=_._.k_~===_~~=--==-;;t--=-' -~-~~~~~;: httwrca -l.----- ----. . I _ __q~._Q.!_~J..M~_.&M....Kf.l.Wlt..Jl..L.GUDttL.h1&_.1I1:t..__~__.. -.:.-..:.--:___.._____ 1 I i (II Ihe ('OUIIly III ,_ .._... ..__..._.......,_~ ...........___....._...._..._.._and Slale 01,___... _.__..____......,...______l'Irt 1'.1 (If l!,eo IInl part, uof i I ; l.19 .........- I I ~ ~ ~ f 1 f i I I j I I J Ii I I I t __..______.___._______o...'..At_.Ullttl'..._._..:.._..._____.____.___.-_-'_"--"_'"'' ......._......._ 'of lhe l'aanly <l1.....__.-....:_S.t.._;,~O!.!.-.. ....,......... . ........ and $tale of ._.. ____._.._~~()~.1~.., ....._.._____.. ...,_.. part y..._ of 1M _0n4 part. W1TNF.~~F.TlI:.'l'N1 I.... "Aid pa'I188 of Ibt filii part, f",r and In roil.ldr~aliM of lhe sum of.......__._ ....___.._..._.........__............. ....___.........._ One (11.09) an~ o\he!:...yaluab.lLQ,QJ!IIl4.tmt.l.olll____.___ _.-:....__..:...___....... I] iD band ..... b)' ihe uid pari ~..n_ of lhe !lh~ pari. lhe I'<<elpt wbereof Is 1.neby aclmowkdatd. ha..ye_._.__ rrmised. rm.std and 'I1Iit.dalllWd, and by lhese p~r.ll 00_._.... r~~, reku" and quit.cIaim unt.. the ulet part....J._ of lhe S<<COd part anU___...h18._...._._..____.... heirt and au/an.. fore\'ff, all .he nahl, litle, lnle,ul, cbim and drmand ,..hich the ~ part..le.s of 1M firll pert l\a.Ye..__ in and 10 1:1(' f"llolwinll drurh<! \ IodL~ ('i<<tS or pan:eL8.. of bad, ",.;c~c'1:u#u.~.iAt~~ ~~d.vb..j1i .tI.~~t4:a~'41~,I(~. ______~Q.~.~r,g..~...~....g,.-..Q.f-.lUg-~.~..ot....9.LA..._.lt1Utr.~Jl.1'1;) l. of._.th.ou >>l..of. _ the.. Win Qf.. the I , ____,,__,__ 5ft..Q.1.._~~..._@t_~.~_~.~_~1!.!9JL.?.L..~J!~~g'-'R..~. .~o.~lh ...Jltn8~L..Q..J~.~.~ ...~~.o~~pg..~o..___ _.__________P1a!..!~.~d Jl~Oh 16!. 1924 in Plat ~oot_~!~!t__~Q_5t !._~:uo1e__Co~tl_~.!.~_~~a..~..._~ --=-------- TO 11.-\\',,: Asn TO JlOI,U, Ihr nme. 1.'Irlhff ,..ith all and si."...lAr Ihr apparl........... IMnant.. hrlon<<inrr Of' in anywiS(' al'P<"la....in,r, and all 1M t'stalr, ri.hl. litl~. inltn<1 an" ,biln .hal_nr of lhe said part1.SB. of lhe firsl part, dl....~ in bw or ceaui!)', I.' lilt' ooly r"'l'<'r uS('. l~fil and I it brhool of tbe said part. I: _ of thr 0ft'0II<l pari. ___~..______.__._ ......._....._ hrfro and "'len' f....t'wr. IS WITNESS WHERF.oF, the ~ part1..~1J of Ihr fiuI 1'&'1 ha..veu__ I"":nmlo <t'L..__tb..Y:' '__'''___ bandS .. and sral S, lhe da)' and )'ur first abovr .nillm. SiKtlCCl. ....W and ddin'.... in pre<ence of: I _~.Iu.....I!....J.olu:1llOJL...:.--:.-_ _ J ~ .1. Ke11u!_.__._____....._____. B.~. War.-CO.-aa. STATE OF .._..Cl'JtU~ll._ Coanly of. .___.a~__ 1 HF.R":OY CF.RTUY, :rhal 011 Ihis day ptt-.ally appeared brfon tar, an ofticer duly authoriud 10 admio..l<< <glh, and lake acl",,,wk.11o"ltJftll" ___....G.'-_O.._. .Gr1ner.__...:..__.:..._._..:.f$eal) ......._.......__.....__. !~ '!.!.....P... _f?!._.<!~.~!'_........_.__._.... ($eal) } G .._Q..t..Ji:rJ.Jlt.l:....IDl.~.fl....JU....C.~ _9.rtJ:1u_ to me .....1\ known 10 lit lhe (>('r0nn8 <<<cribtd in a';" ,..ho n<<utrd lhe forc.oinrr in'l~ and___ _.J;h..y. _.._...... "'" _ . :ac""""'~rd bef...r - lhal .. .,_..._t~,z __.__.__ ('X('(1Jtcd lhe: .a_ fr~1y and Y<>hmtarily I.... lhe parpows lhen;" nl'<<....... j i I , i I I , t I t ! ! I / I i \ {. I I i j , , . , i I , i ! ~ I I I I I Mra. <!!.~!_9n.P.tJ'______.____.._.._..________ G. C!...irj...~..tl'.___._. ____,_._.____..__ AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, Thai tM said. kno..... 10 III(' to br tbe ..-ife of lhe ..;,L.__ 011 a Kparalr and p,inle uaminari<... tak.... and malk bT and brfort' -. sepuatdy and aparl frOCll her ...id hu.haod. did a.clmow~ lhal .he u<'CUlro ~ f....t1lOioc Dttd for tbe parpmr of rdioquisbinc. a1icnati... and tOClY(')'i"ll' all Mr riahl, litle and inlrrt\l. whrther 01 do..rr, ......Irad or of <C'(>&ralr property, ttalll!ory or rquitabk. in aacI 10 thfo land. detcribed tbercia. and thai the u<<utccl said Deo:-d Ic<<ly and Yoluntarib and .iIhoul an)' eom- palsion, c:onslrainl, apprrhcnsion or fa, of or f",,,, hc:r uJd batband. WITNESS my baiid and ~_ ~0~088 Coanty oL...Iar.e._:.......-....:...._.and Stale of G:..' Ihi.~.!'.~ r ~n.\. --^- D. 19....2.7 . (Seal) , P. 8.6; J. .1. Kellam zr;-'P;-Tai-e-CO-na-- -_._.~---_.----------_..-.._--_._._-----_. ~-- ---------- STATE OF Fl.ORIDA. Co>lID'y of St. I.acie } d.y d~.ptlSmb.r aL~:..6a...J.._...._^. n. 19)~.7 16th -I BF. IT REYEUSERF.J). That _ \hi. I, ___ P. CJL:.Kld~4 ___~_Clnk or the CirCllil CGlut ill and for saioll'.....y. bne dal)' recordnl lhe foc~ Oail.CIaim Dred in the Pub:ic R,'(IMtb of eaid eo.aty. IS WITNESS WI F.-,bft OO""'to set my band a'~ the sal of said ('..rt lbe day a.... )"llr ..bon writ-. . . \ , ~______~~....c___I.TJ')nn. ____(SaL) ~ hi>' ~ ~~lr. Cimlit Court . ~'..t~ B)'_____ - -. Z- - ----....Oeputy Cltrk. ~ ,!.JC4,) ____.... '. v<Y. . ) ~f%~fI1~i,~~~1~~~t,~~~ -., T,' . "'. . ,.. ,.; . ';:'-:~~:c~'.\~t~~~~~~i