HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRUSS DRAWINGA=LIFE SAFETY WARNING This symbol identifies Life Safety Warnings that should be read given special attention by all persons installing trusses. SPACING NOTE ALL TRUSSES ARE TO BE SET AT 2'-O: ON CENTER EXCEPT AS NOTED MULTIPLE PLY TRUSSES MUST BE ASTENED TOGETHER PER ENGINEERING BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWING TO DETERMINE ® IF MULTIPLE PLY. DON'T LIFT TRUSSES WITH SPANS LONGER THAN 30' BY THE PEAK. CONSULT BCSI 30' Span�Ior less A 30' to 60' Span A& \ I ,(i� degrees Spreader Bar or less /_ ► g inespan approx. REFER -0 BCSI rsss must be set this way if crane used- s�uss s on exempts, W,,r truss may not mvtch. �st crane operator sets truss this way. iTag Approx 2/3 to Line 1/2 of Span REFER TO BCSI ass must be set this way if crane used. This is on example, truss may not match. Insist crone operator sets truss this way. All load bearing walls, headers, beams & lintels must be in place at indicated height before trusses Q are installed. AIR F--IANC"�LER NOTE= UNLESS NOTED ELSEWHERE ON THIS LAYOUT, THESE TRUSSEy ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR AIR HANDLERS IN THE ROOF OR FOIt ANY OTHER A/C REQUIREMENTS. THIS MAY BE IN CONFLICT WITH BUILDING CODE AND A/C DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. CONSULT WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND A/C CONTRACTOR. Carrying Girder For Truss to Truss Connections see hanger/connector schedule in engineering package. SEAT PLATES BY CHAMBERS Aso x..nc muu oNa � CORNER DETAIL OVERHANGS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY r upset=1/4" heel=315/16" PLUMB CUT END 2 x 4 Top Chord WALL HEIGHT 8' END DETAIL: TYPICAL VAULT upset=11/4" heel=315/16" PLUMB CUT END 2 x 4 Top Chord WALL HEIGHT 8' TYPICAL END DETAIL TRUSSES FOR THE FIRST MODEL SHOULD BE SHIPPED AND SUCCESSFULLY SET BEFORE ANY MORE TRUSSES ARE BUILT FOR THAT MODEL. _ • ARR ANGE WITH CRANE OPERATOR IN ADVANCE FOR A SPREADER BAR OF 18' - 24' IN LENGTH a I • Do not stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & properly nailed to straps & hangers ' l — I 7 i ®I�I��®I�I�II��■I��QMI�I�I���I®I®I�' i/,�Iwo lVWZY41 0l iMIZZI: � II t/; LeiLTA MAW/ n I N l , �I I I J VERB D P NEB LOAD WEN wT AT E II�I��I�II%Ilw�l�l�llll�l�l�l►� 010 NOMINEE it Me ro,i, i, ,lli„%i/iWMAiIMM/0I „00 AI®ImImimimimimimimimi I�I�I�I®I®IMISSIONS l I I ®I®I®Imimimimimim _\t.•1 �\_ INVERTED V WEBS AT CENTER W/9' B.C. PANNEL. LOAD W1(2) 41 I&EIMIMIMIMIMIM IMNS GRA FABRICATION AGREEMENT* ' 7RMO CANNOT Ba arARTED UNTR Tula AMU bRW M SMW a RETURNED The loyal deemlpNort d6w popalywhaw is tttssea wa M tMalad le : . Vim ad W"M 1:1'Iw•n. eta be ritde inatrM •oomdance wet thb in= pbarttmt dlspan IryotR wAi&ltla tw asks euttaltYfm detenriip.ertoondt tabrkoWn dtle trees. . 2. N date wWw lndes bYOA haw boat treraed W tw totdmslpwd. .S. weie WItIon troika s poMded by t}rtaed nW to Chanbm Trm writ tan (1M drys ad detvay lets totdarslprsd agrttaa 0* no bededwpa wa be snowed.-b tei avert Mill tweet ttotloe k ftattlaltsd Cewtlbao Treys a1W haw tltrM d.SD days b wNdt b begk r ipdrs r•gdro4 orto atbeft" dlwattwses, d f.Tlmlbme t 4. Ttw udaagnodockrowMd7oarswlpt0f! t-0r'smtsnsyalwtby Tpl&wmk 0. Datwsry k to Job 114e. It Is In Wyare-roapata6 W to reek• a» Job aft auk" for ddNsry. Cltarttae lw tw ads srthorpy to debmi» tw aeebatydmeJab alb at a ptilbn diM lab ape for deMay. Chambers Ttm will be rwporwfble br droop ddwry sty Taw buys b responsbk per sdt9tlo00 ddwry w9waes t Chambers Tnra hin b teddwr tteeam Jab ape b riot pwpaod inr ddway or buys k not pnpeIW for ddwry d btwaat. 9rrysrk rsaporebb b Chi nibers Tnsa for bttigj mW due b ales omtdbom 0. Pike es shown In 7 below b subJed to alw V It any d=M we made tt ytlttiytitR A 01 per Itmit tee far reNsbrw Trey be dwrged by Clw snow TnaL . 7: Thk k ■ PURCHASE ONDER to Cewnbas,Trm of to am agreed 04 ar pnit , iyleeirwrt a manname pke. knii welt be aside on ddrary atd W wpdn tmma d re1 to feteery. kwalm maybe made at sattsdded darns dotwry t boyar amwd soosM ddymY of fderlwted tumor The undersigned egress to pay Ctwmbms.Trm laaoram sttontsl/a fee torcotecitim In evert of pgwnmR not daily made. 1-121G parmoret seJyce dfarge will be added ford tarns not paliru tttt tens. . 0. Satspoo ar Wtlok aetytNwn on tlta sheet mrwUhMs sWeattat b d terms herat� & in mreMaatlon of OtmMtaa Trm adaedtq oredt for Its mabdel 4w uMa4Qsd atomdtlmYY gtemaiees prymatt when An of wrl and d iWst>bdrwa owed to chad are Tim by.a w edpr rewFArtg MOWN and the unditini sd sWoaa b plif iiii kgebbdudng dnitu ktagtrrwya bee, Ifdd" In pwolwt for be ttwdathe "a Q' 1Ingo award d tm �PtWn wncxNrq tlis apraarwM, tlw resew tmldwd hmaader or related to herst6 tba Pestles aWae twt tw apb wws liar NW volt adbn wa be-Satt " t:any. Betide. 11.OealanrwporwmlltaNp-NodortdShindadAridMaxiriumdedGulde6ssOn RaipawEatlet rot Cmwtudlon UAV Meld Pbb Caatecbd WoodTnoaos M1WrPWnrA4-200r - .. DATED Sam — Asp eaderbarmrjborog"per'EC9i-0wbptwedijtry3tista9 - Mumple ply trusses must be fastened together pee engbmwlnp belm they are wt fanure to duo so can resultin roof c lIMPI Temporary and permanent bradng am mqulred artd can save Ufa and property and b the rispomlti ft of the tow erector. Study the eontsrlb of the Wormaflon paokst Ineluded on d4ftly before saphup trUteee. 7iIMsnx*b*z tand1,—'pgr*@Wjpr rltglsybdorropa� Tosses trust be set plumb and square Do n iiet bunks or stack of PV*VO t rooftop mabrbll or any . 'aq+W ' nasal bads on trusell ebb can cause coft DO'NOT SET TRUSSES USING THIS LAYOUT USE LAYOUT DELIVERm WITH TRUSSES TO SET TRUSSES CHAMBERS TRUSS INC SCANN&I AROMM ►�: By _. 8t Lucie Count, 3106Oleander Avenue Fort Plerce; Florida 34982-SM - 800-551-5952 Foditme 7T2-465.2012 Fret 7T1466.871i . try... RW -h 7724992.2012 abaft 772-2864M , -.- Architect's or Architect's representative's shop drawing approval is NOT a "double check" of the contractor. The contractor shall remain responsible for checking field measurements and other construction criteria. Architect's approval covers general roof shape, review of truss strapping, and loading on structure from gra,N y and uplift loads and their re ec-Iive locations 92.0/93.2 MIMIK 4.2 5 3 S DESIGN CRITERI EOC. -- A I A P A County SAINT LUCi# ' ' Building Department ST LUCIE COUNTY %-� Wind Design Criteria ASCE 7-2010 Wind Design Method MWFRS/C-C hybrid Wind ASCE i Roofing Material Shingle or Shake Loading in PSF Roof R.D.L. 0 is To Chord Live 20 p Top Chord Dead 7 4.2 oBottom Chord Live 10 Non -Concurrent w I o I Bottom Chord Dead 10 3 c TOTAL Load 37 7.2 0 Duration Factor 1.25 '0ro 3 I Wind Speed 165mph m o. Top Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. Bottom Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. Highest Mean Height 15'-0' Building Type ENCLOSED Building Category II:Non Restrictive Exposure Category C Barrier Island No Conforms to FBC 2017 R.D.L=Restrain Dead Load C.B.=Continuots 2m Lim Verify DESIGN CRITERIA shown above with the building department and your engineer. Design Criteria is the responsibility of the Buildin net and/or E ineer of Record. Chambers Truss Inc. Drawing Name: M11392 1 /4 = 1' WScale: 82 total trusses, 15 different trusses. MI 4: RLC ACAD: RLC Reviewed By. Date:10/07/15 Revised:0321/18 FOR 14'4• ' s' a• ' 1a' a• I 1+I' 4• s'-40 WYNNE BUILDING CORP. INDICATES LOAD BEARING REQUIRED BY TRUSSES i' SPECIAL D AREAS ARE OF PORCH LEFT C DESCRIPTION: SUPPLIED BY BUILDER PORCH RIGHT SPECIAL CONCERN &MUST BE G 71' CARLTON 3BED REAR PORCH ATAHEIGHT OFB'o• CHECKED CAREFULLY & MAY j PAGE 1of1CUSTOMER INITIALSEACH PAGE ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR i INDICATE DEVIATION FROM 15 TRUSS DRAWINGS ARE ATTACHED TO LAYOUT M 11392