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I _...._...-~......_~....__ll..!.._r_~_ '..~r.l._.~4 _~..!t~u. B. '.rr, bU..J.lf.'_~ l
I ..11"e ('O'lnl)' of .. .--.--.......>>.".....,__...._.........____.___. and Stale of .___.llor14a _.......__ ..__..__....__.partleB.. of lilt' fiuI pa,l, and I
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1 ...--.-.. ---.....-..--.... _______..ltDD!....!t.._'t~h.rb.....'____.__________._____....__.._______ !
I ..I I"e ('011I.1)' "L,. .. .........-... S_1i . LuQlt... ..--.....---. - -- .lkl Stale of ..____... .llor.ld._...._._........._... ....._.._.. parl.Y....., 01 Ibe second pari, l
! . WITSI-:$SF.TII. Thai Ihr saKI pUll.. of I"" first pa,l. for and in tM~i<kralion of Ihr sum of ...._._ .................._ ... ............. .__.._... .........._ _.._
--'___.~~__t..~.u~@..Ji.D~._9!M.~._Y!Lluabl. O_gnB 1de..r_&t!..()P.JS...________.__._
in hand paid b)' II:c said pa''--J:..- of the .tcOnd pall, lhe rec~ipl .hereof is hert'b)' .ckoowkdgrd, ha. _n..... ..:... rrmilt'd, r~....t ....1 quiHlaimc-d.
1nd b,. IM~ Nt'~"" 010.;.__... rrmi<c, rrlt-ue and quil-daim unto lhe Slid paltl'..__ of lhe _ond pari .nd......__...._.h.r. ..... ._.. ......._..__.hein and
auian. fo,r<tt. all lhe riahl, lidt', inlerc.I, claim and demand which lhe laid pard.es. of lhe f.fll pa,l ha V'...._.. in and tn lhe f"Uowinc dcscribro
JoL,..., pie<<- or parreL_ of laM, au..x 8ituate, lying and being in th. County of st. Luoie; state of;
. 'lC)rt4.......\Q~.U.t ' ______.__.___..______.._
.----.. "~~-'gQ.@.~ _'-.ctlg,_At.!D4.!,ld 'J.gl!..\l...l!.~!.J!~ _t.b,~_J)()~~~~8~_Q.~tlr ~:t_.~.! _.~C)_lJ,~l!~.!o!i...CilU&t"-
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-~.II'... o..t...StO-'.10A._:r~k~i~.~b;rt.b_tQ.JmM~R._D!.t..tZ~~!.D. _~o~~h.llfl~' ..r9.~~1:_~~_~.~~ _~.~.! ai.!1~!!8... ..
..to. urtil.lnanA .0n....hal;f_u&Clna.._.JIKl.l'~LQr_.1..IUl'--_.J1Q..pt...'h. _:f~lo.Jng_ dt.8.or1b. td.._p at'.o.ll.. .of...J.an4 :
_.JI.g1n .at -...polnt...OD..~01U1DhlJL.llnl_.1.Q67_l.i...ft..'_.uLof_..tb.e...S .outhea.at._.QOrDQ.I'....of.._Jle.o.Uon..
.!h1r,J'!!thr...._!o:m~p_ fhi!' ty-fl V8 SOU ~ ~'.. R&nB-o....lOI'-ty....Ba.a.t..'--th.O'D.oe..!a.s.t_23.2...6..h.l.~.~_
_hihanoe .1Iorlh ..1OSUL:f....t....._lhenCL.Itlllt...IlU....:fu.l.._tmna "h.SOI1.tluIt.aUl'1.7..aJ.ong...as t..l'i8bt _..0:1
_wV .. Of~ol't.P.1er.o"!!1.h1 "hCU.tJ'.._%0a4.~CL;paiD.l._o.f ..hegl nni~;_B a1..d_land ..he1~_.in..S.oU cm._
. .
...!h1l'tJ'!!-tM..e - :rQmBh1p...fh1r_t~lY.l.. ~..o..u.ta..:...i.a.~'u_:rOl"t Y..Ee..e.t .~.ancL9.0.~.t.".WmL~.!..4u.."_Q~ Q__
._more ..o~ ...lIBS.
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kMol of lhe ""id parl..1'-- of lilt' s<<ood part. ______hu..
-.-----. ____________.hf'in and &,,,iKl" forn-tr_
---.----------.--.----.- ..--------------.----------.- --------------------- ----
TO If A \'F. .\sn TO 1101.0. 1M ,,.nt<'. 1000her .ith all and .incular Ihr appu,lma",'r. IMrn,"I., 1...l<onllm.r "" in all~wise appc'l~ininll, ~n,j ~II
Ihr <'Stall', ril(hl, IiiI<-, inlrrr<1 and claim .""I<o..nr of lhe said pari 10 of 1M firsl r"l. rillwr in la. '>1" c'luiIY. I" the noly "">p<'f use. ""nrfil and
. IN WITNF.sS WHF.RF.OF, lhe said parli88 of the lirst pan haY8_.__ Mrronlo sri ...... thelr .._..____...hand 8aad <n18 , 1M day
. and ).....r Ii,n .bon wriurn.
Sign<<!, oeakd and drlinrrd in prromn! of:
-- ...."...1. _S8JIIGV
C~.~~..~t.,.J1.. .
-_.._-. ___..__Il~ .1, .. ~'-;n,"y__._..___._n...__.(Sral.)
.._ .......!oot tie E. ~.r.J:'l_...... .n...n....(SnI.)
STATE OF _.I.1Qr1._u_-r- J
Counly 01___J)..~,_
I IIF.RF.l1\' ('F.RTIFY, Thai on Ihi. day p...-.ally a(>llQrtd ~fore _, an oIIir<< duly auth..ri,rd In admini<trr n.alh. an,1 In" acknowledgmml<.
---....-..-__. J.J, _'.!..._~.!~Y_..@t _!t9_U!.! E. !Irr.v. ~1s._1f:1..1_'__._.___...._____'_
I;' Ill<' ..dl koown '" Ilt' 1M per....,..,Q dt'Sc,ihfod in and who Utelrtrd the loct'K,,;nlt insl,umml and ".n ..they..... ........ _..-.-.aclmnwlrdKrd brforr_
lhal ...___n_._.~.. th.7....___eucu'rd the ""_ fcedy and ..oIontarily lor 1M purposes ,,,"<'in upend.
:\NU I FURTHI-:R CF.KTIF\'. Thai the sald..--__:Lo.t..t1Jl.&,_!erl'J'..________.._.__.____.
koown I.' _10 k!he ,..ifr of 1M said.....___ R......!'.!_T.1'!"l..______________~_
on a tq>:lI'.lr ..... pri,'ale euminalion, lak.... and made b,. and ~fore me. "<'J'lral..1y and apart fr.-"" ....r sai,l hu.band. did acknowlrdge lhal .he U<<ulrd
the foc.JCOinc Dred f", 1M purpose of rdinquishq, alimaling aod coa..eyi... all hrr riJthl, Iii'" and inlurn, whn....r of do,..<<, hocarsUad or of srp:.,~I"
I'ropecll'. stalutof)' or rquiuhle, in aod 10 Ihe lands desc:rihcd tbcrw., aod thai sM U.....lrd said Ottd fr<'Cl,. and ,nhmurily and .ilhoul an,. com-
puis;"", (OI>slrainl. af>J.'rhmsion or fnr of or from t.rr said husband..
WITNF.SS m,. hand and fllIicia1 .ul, at Vip"
Ihi..._nll.______. _day oL..~.tJt.tlm~
6..mty 01....__ llada___.__and 5lalt' oL_'.19rt4... .___
^_ D. 19...21
ot8o -ubI'o '-O/th:; si~~:~ llBrfcfa at-Large.
IJ 3Jqvt O!1.;:Q)l l'Vs....JIAY.._ 'u_l.. .. ..~. .__ ._
..cia)' of..._~fl)IJnI.'b.tx-l\_~; t2._i. !(. .... D. 19~.l'
I, P · c. JLDBBb... Clerk of the (jrcuit Cwrl in and for said (Manly,
han duly rcrorokd the for~ Quil.CJaim Ured in lhe Public Records 01 laid Courtly.
1N WITNF.SS \\'f1ER~O"'. I ha.-e hrmUllo id ...,. Iwzd aod lhe eeaI or said Coarl lhe da,. and )T.lr abo.-e .riltert.
. !
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--_._._~.. ..~L-lST.1lRItn (Seal.)
// ,. oC 7 CIaI< "'.... ""'"
BY~",_~ C <<-~..Ckrk.