HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2220 420 -..l-t-l-. ~J.4101Cl1l1L.~.J.-ft_...t.. r TO . _.wD.I..QI..Jt.... .IIDPllnllOOl.._. wi~9", QU1T.CLAIM__DERO ,. THIS lNOF.NTUKF. )b~ this ...____~~~__~__________.<!\)' <li..__~~.~b!.r.~._.__:"-'____-^. u, Ie} ~7.... WIWfft! r _J.LI.t.jlU.'.9~..@IU\~U-'. .IL '1-.1~'-o.p~ .:J.'-l'_~..L. ...tml..l..t-.Q.t.~lDR~._~_I..It'n.JLltiJl@,.'~ ...bS,..1 wite , I of lilt C-tJ' of ...._.._.__.._..3._,_~1., ,.._..______.._.aIMI Sial. of ___._._ll.U'lAO'...o_._.__.___.__part .1.. of lilt Ii.., part, ..." f ,__________________ )It._tn..q'_#.!..JAM.lt\J'Oot:.. ..1114.011. .____.._~ ___.__..___...___.._......___...__ i ~ 01 Ihfo ('_)' or __'''_'' 8-.. Luol1 _._.. ...__.._._.__..,_. and SUle of _.___._11or14&_........ .....--.-....-....-.-.part7..._ of 1M s<<oIld ...... WITNF.S$F.TII, Thai lhe Q;.J II&rl188 01 lilt linl part, ror and in ..._ickrali,... 01 'M I"'" of.._..... _...._.._...__..............._...__ ____ ._nO............. ! ! i I I I j I i t i 1 _JmLDOT.U.~ un _OmRB Y~nHSlrtm...'l'IOHS______ --'--" 'YInIr(y. ill hand paid by Iht' Nid rary--..- of 1M secood ...rt. lhe n'(('ipt .beftOr is hfoceb)o aclmo.~ haYI_.._... ,eaoised. reln<N and lllllt-clal-.l, . aIM! by I....~ preunls do......__ nmioe, rctcaw and quit-clai.-. unto Ihe u..1ol part'S.- of lhe ItC<lDlI pari and ._.._..._'_ hlr ._.__._......_.._.. hei.. &nd ..sips r"'ntt. all ,he riehl, lil~. inlrft>l. claim aIM! IkawKI .-hleh the said pardea. of 1M Ii", l'&rt ha .YI.___ in aIM! 10 Ihr "olio..... d~ribtd .... --. I'i<<r__ or parcel__ or land, .-at situate. lying and being in the County of St. Luoh. state of '.l9J'_S,u..'_lo~wU L_. .____..__ _________.__...___._.__. ..____.__... __...._.... ______~_'_..._..f.~yt~~'~~.'.np.Nl.l..!ll'__....I..'_l..ty.Il'_Jl~~-t1 y,..;t'~'..ot_LQ\....lgb.'" Il'Qk ~X~. ..._.. .~qQ.J.UI)g ..t.9....tb,.. ..Pl$.'....M~Ll,)J'_~o.tL~'-......DrY.tn.l'... M4."ClO~,4 _1n _tht.._Oltl"t' B.. ot1~o. .._ ~~ . ~~~~~. .~~_ ~'....J,~~~ ..,,g.~~..~!.~, _.l.}.~..!da_!-_'_____'____'_______'___'_'''_''''__'h'''_' ._..'_... . I I TO 11..\ \OF. Asn TO HOI,U, lhe ~mc. "'II<'Ihn- wilh aU and si"l[1Ilar lilt' appurlmaR('C" Ihrrn.nt<, brlnn~ihj( ,.. in anywi<r a;tp('rt.inin!c, allol all 1M "1.lr, rillh!. lil~. inl('(('<.1 and claim .hal....nr or lilt' said part 10 vr lhe liul pari. ri,ltn in law .... tfj..:I)". 10 Ibr noly l'r"""r noe. t.enrfil and _-R~__..L._wti~. 1r. :B. Vaa8U _. ._._un _ I J. W. Wilson Della B. WilBon .________I.,.._..Q..t .....lp..tr.\ ..._. .._......_.... ~er.t!s.~_~~1neri ( S.al) (S.al) .(~.I.) I hrboof vf I.... said part..-7-- of lhe _J tGrt.~ .AII"-___._.._.__ _....._......_. Mln and ...iI[11S I"r('>'('(. IN WITNF.SS WHF.RF.Of'. 1M said part us of 1M finl part haft ____ henanlo ~I ...._ t.h,lI' __.__.halM! P . and snl B .nd )"ttr first abo..e .rillm. S;lltXd, snkd and ddinnd ir, prr~ 01: __. lilt' do)' '. .(~al.) STATF. OF _J.UIlID~. Counl)' oL___"':"~_~.! _.I~,-~_....____- 1 I IfF.RF.RY CERTIFY. Thai on Ihis cia)" pnsoaally a~red brrore PIC. an 06>ttr d..l)" aathoriud 10 admini<ln Nlh, and lakr acl",owl<'<l_u. J. W. Wilson and Della B. W1l80~ hi8 wite.: and.!!_~!.._!.!n~~~...~.~_~~..~!lJa..__e~tIIr.'.h1s ..wUe. ! i i I.' me. _n kflO1m 10 br Ihe 1'<'..011 B l.:..ribtd in and ..... U<<U1ed lilt' loe<'llOiD~ in"rumenl and __._ th.y....._ ..._..' _..__. ....kno..IMIrM Io..r~'rr 11M' . I~I __.__._1!~.tt7._...._.___nrculed lite lar.l(' frce:1' and ..ohontarily for Iht' p..."...... IMnin ut><<'...... AND I FliRTIIF.R CF.RTlf\', That lite saUl...Di.;I,.la B. WilB~~~(t. Th~;~IHL!~!!l~~________..:.~______._ Wiv.s __ 1 ' kno.n to In(' 10 be lhe~ of 1M oaid.-.J.t-I.t-W,IlQJLJ.D4.--'.t.-.c..L.II1ner'---...1;h.b..--~---......--.--...tJi.~-- ..... a U(>&,alr and prinlt' e-<anUnalion. lakrn and made b)" &rod brrore me, npank~ and apan rr~laid hll.t.andJldid ackna.IM~ lhal R'\.rcuIM lhe foreaoin<< Dred foe lhe PUrp<JO<' of rdinquishineo a1ienatina ar.d e....nyina all ~ Inle and inl('("I, whether of do.-n, '-sind 0( of npar.k proprrty. .utulMy 0( cquiulW, 'in and to lite bnd. de.cribrd Ibrrrin" and thai .. r~ed said Dred ft<<1y and ""Iunrarily aIM! withot.l &oy com- paWon. alItslrainl, aPl>cdJftt.ion or rnr of or from JIi5/li~nc8 . WITNF.SS !DJ band and olIiciaJ aeaI. ~T~_- B. P. SOa1J. ST^T~ FI.oRIDA. } CollDt)'o~ a.l.oI'U1t.n._c-.ty oLS.l._:t..un1._._......... $tall' olllo.rt4.a .........__.._.. A, D.19~. . W. B. Vassar I;t~~m.;~mi.l;:.]~~~;~~l'i~.ldti......a~~~!~..: DR IT REMU18ERED, 1bal ClII .... 41th doT of__.o.nA1la;r__..aL.10':.05.a.aDl~. D. 19. _.27 \. C. BD)UJ) ha~ duly rKOl'dcd lhe I." Quit.Claim Dred in the PlIIliir R<<orck of aaid C-')". ,RF.OF, .e h<<ftI8Io set ..,. haIIII and the seal of oald Court lhe day and yrar ........e .rillftl. Clerk or the Cjrnait Court in and ror oaid Coaoly. .1 I. . IN WITN...<( (V .' t r{\ 'J er\t\ed ~.p.(",O _.._______...l....~._~nmm. .______(Scal) _ /7 } au> 7 Cin....it Court. By--.-Ud.&. ~_v-f':::-~---' l:>orpaty Clerk. II l ~._.y--------------_..,_._- . . .:'.' '.':~:'.'. :: ..~.>.S~l:i~~it~~:J\;~~~1: . "" : , .,....-' .'i'.' i~"*,,-""O~I' "f~ ~ .. " .."'~ ...~ -If; ,~:~. ~ _" ~"".JI?-"!~;i '.~""'-i'~..-.4 . l~~l:~~~;~~~~il;~fi~~