HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS\t1 4 1/212018 Florida Building Code .Online fit ' r sI �F1o[7op '� Sdbmtt surchaigc,,I Stats9 Facts �, Puhlltatl°��, al7S Home% �i' Log'In W& Registrations _ ns ,FBC Staff] i3m Site Map i�' unim l search Florida .. PProduct Approva(' ro USER:PuhUc Used 'Product Annroval fipmit > Proud oi. AnnlicaNan Search Aontiatian 1.14 i Applie tion Dateil - - FL':# FL9555,-R4; RECEIVED -- - -: - ' Applicatidn,Type'' Revision Cdd.e! Version'' 2017 Applicatidn Status' AC�I �pUU Approved: J U N 2 2018. (('�� �111�IliiVV���J ST. Lucie County, Permitting 'Comments' . 'ikchlved St Was (00 11�/ a Product`ManufacturiC UNION CORRUGATING -COMPANY Address%Phone/Email 7,01 S. KINGST' FAYETTEVILLE,, NC 28301 (910) 483-0479 'Ext 256. jsUe 6y@u nlon_c_orrugati ng:com Authorized Signature John-Stfeby, . jsHetiy@unfoncorrugatirSg,cam 7echntcal'Representative Mcifess/Plione/Email Quality Assurance Representative- Address/Phone/Email' 'Category; Structural Components.' iSuhcategory- Roof Deck, Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered' Architect or a LlcenseOlorida Professidnal Engineer' Florida Engineee or.ArchitectNan.f ,who devil the. Evaluation, Report, Florida' License Quality Assurance Entity Queillty'.Assurance Contract Expiration Date. Valldated ,By Certificate of Independence'' Referenced Siandard.and Year (tif Standard) Equivalence of Produ&Standards Certified,By ,Sections from, the Code Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received 1ped Bala Sockalingam PE-'62240 1. Keystone 'Certlfications,- Inc. . ;09%07/2027- yoosef Lavi, P.E. Validation Che.ckllst.- Hardcopy Received FI9555 A4 'COl -Certificatelndenendence.odf. Standard Year. ASTM E1592 :2005 FM 4470 2012 ,' v0ROQkZA5RE8EOgziUdl7nluFlu2jC ° 113: .� .Py 11/212016, h ttps://Wmflo iida b Wild Product Approval Method ;Date, Submitted -Date; Validated Date Pending FBC Approval, -.Date•AppMyedi Florida 13dildirid Codei Online Methidd'i'Optibn D 0 Si23/2017: 0 __28/10i7 ?/ , 09/0q/2017 32/12/2017 Moak,. Numtie or, Name:. bescrip6on! 9555.1 51i Panel; .29 ga.,24" . !w1dej , fhrp6g , Wirastened panel over wood- supports' Limits of'usei Instaliationlinstiructi . on I s Approved for wie.ln HVHZ, No. AAAp6eoVed for use outside HVHZ. Yes l,nResistant: N/A, . Dig. Pressurq;. +N/A/!770.25, ;FL9555 R4 11'EvaluatidnRe ftC2MLI,*odf1 Verified'By: Balarn -SockalingaPE 62240 Created by._Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Repo M&TIUM11 a dWjQ.,?Spsf qsqpport spacing of.24* d.c., FL9555' R4 AC FT16,10ohleportC217 toff Created by1nd6pendepit Third Party: Yes' I n I Ifisterk b Panel' 26-ga -36'".wide, through fastened panel over steel supports Limits of'UseInstructions Instillation,555 Approved for use I IH�Wk, No .R4 Waluati WeIidrtC217Z_2 Approved for . e-outside HVHV Yips, Verified By:, Bala Sockallngam PE62240 In pak&RIEsEtant, N/A. Created by Independent -Third 114rtyt Yeg -VWig-n Prpi;sure:+N/AP47.1 p @..supp Othew:,Upllftjoad_of47.2' psf ort 'ce q acing of60" o:. Evaluation Oeporiis FL9555 R4 AE'EV6[uaEl6riRenoifC2i'�2-"2112a Created by'lndepenoent,Thlrd Party: Yes' Master-Wb Panel I 29-gaL, 3_6.!' wide, through hrough fastened panel' over, steel supports„ 'installation instructions Approved for use Infor-HVHZ: No -outside 1`1_95551_ R4 IF 6a1 'Approved f�use HVHZ.: Yes Verified By: -Bala Sock6lingam RE §2240 Resistant: lmpa�ct btarit., N/A; Created by Indep dent7hlrd Party: Yes' en Design Piressur6: +27.1/-37.7 Repdft Other: Design load 6f,27.1 & -37:7 psf at wpporE.§p acing, of -Evaluation FL9555 R4 'AEL:EyaivatllohReoo=172 3.odf: 48" Q`.c. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes - 955S.4- MasterRlb 0and., 2through fisteriiidpanel over woad supports' .9 da'., 36V wide, Limits of ds'6, Installation Instructions; 'Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use otitsWe' "V_H4:,Y_es, R9555 k4 -.11 E%iaIuationReyoftCZ172 4.od Verified By: Bala So6kalingam.PE 62240'- stant: N/A Impact Resistant: treated byIndependent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +27.1/r36.2 Evaluation Reports Other: Design load'of 27.1 & -36.2 psf at upport. spacing of FL9555! R4 AE EvaluatlonReportC21 2 4.odf 48" oec. I 'Created by Indepiandent7hird Party` Yes 5 Mastei[110 Panel 29'ga., IV wide, through fastened' panel. overnom. V x 41" wood supports Limits ofUsei installation_ Instructions - ,Approved fdf Use in HVHZ; No FL9555 R4' JT- ]Eva 1wtIonRer)6rtC2172- 5,j)4. Approved for use outside HVHZ; Yes Verified By:. Baia Sock6finga.m'PE 622401 ImpalFIt Rdsistant,:, N/X Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-i38.9 Evaluation Reports Other: UpliftJobd of 138-.9, psf @ support; spacing of -24" o'c. V. FL9555 -- SAE' E­ Iija6onReoortQ1172 'Sod Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9555.6 'PBR Panel I M In."26 ga., .36" wide, through fa . stened roof.piane! over. - open. steel supports' ,Limits of Use. Installation on Instructions, !Approved for use, in. , HVHZ:'No FL9555 R4, TT, tvaItja06neoortU1jQ - 9.pdf- Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes "'Verified By: -.Bala Sockalingam PE,62240 Impact Resistant; N/A. Created by IndependentThlrd Party: Yes Design Pressure: +96/-163. Evaluation Reports' '0 De sign loads of 96 &,-i63 psf at 20",o.c. support spacing of FL9555 R4 Ar:' EvaluatlonReportC2172 6.pdf Created by.Independent Third ParLy: Yes coritaEtt-ul...; The Matp of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Qqoy Under Florida vy,-&naladdresses are Outillc qp6irds, il III Blair Stone Rba&TbIIahaS5ee'FL M0 Phone: 850-487-I824 ght 17-20X3 Stago of Floes- a.:, Privacy Statement In Accessibility Statement::, Refund Staterrien iryoii do hot waintyatif L-mall address released In response th a public-records.request, donot sendelectronic ng.org/oyipi_appj(l.-aSppp_qram--wGEVXQwt" t-V-OROQkZA-5RE6Et)qziUd.17ptuFlu2jp5s%.3d, 13 112/21118 Florida Biildirlg Codebnfine mall to;thls entity: Instead, contact the ohkc by, hone or by traditional mall. IF,you have any questlons, please centact850.4ff7.i395. •PuiBuant to SeWen ;455.275(1),. Florida Statutes; effectiveer Octob1;'2112, licensees licensed under Chapter 45% F.S. mustprovide the Department with an ema0 address if they have ode. The'emails provided maybe used for official communiotlan with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide Ihe'Department with an email address which can be made available to.the public To determine if you are a Ilaensee under Chapter455,•F.S., please cltdt, re . product APprovat Accep I=, . . rJ•®; Safe firips://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app till.aspx?param=wOEVXQwfb'qtvbROQkZA6k.EgEOq;iudl7nlbFlu2jC5s%o3d 313 EVAL"TION.REPOR.Y OF ,UNION' CO i"WATING: COMPANY �26:GA. ASTERRIR.PANEL" . OVER STEEL SUPPORTS FLORXI)A 'DOW) G COOE 6TH EDITION �(2017), FLORIDA, -. RODUCT APPROVAL . k 9555.2. R4 STRUCTbRAC COMPONENTS . OUFFDECK .. Prepared For: Union ,Corrugating Company . 761 Si I�g t.. . Fayetkeville, NC 29361' Teleph. ne::.(910).483-04,79' Fax: (910) 4834091 P t epared,By :Bala.Soc_ aIiutgam,;Ph.D.,P,E., Florida: Professional, Engineer #62240 1216 .N L.ansing Ave:, .Suite 'C Tula, .OK • 14106 Telephone: ,(918) 498-5992: FA;K: (866):3664543 'This r?.port consists. of Evaluation Report_(3-Pages including cover), InstallaZu Details (I Page), Load Sp-n Table:(1:Page).0,6 v®�aKALIiV e8�96 0'� Report No: ,C2172-2 . Pat 8.20.2017 m �� ; '• �c : Lu Cr ..� . . ••`S s.lf`r O`�.•Lay.• FL 9555.2=R4 - C21.72-2 8.20.2017 Page 2 of.3,. Manufacturer: Union. Corrug -ting Company Product Name: MasterRib Panl el . Panel Description: 36" wide,.covetage with 3/4" high r bs•at.9" o.c. Materials Minimum 26 ga; 80`;ksi stedIA'alva1.nized coated steel (ASTM A653), or Galualume I coated steel, (AST(" A792) or ;painted. sie6t fASTM A755), S,u" "ort Descri tion:. PA...:. -.P . Min` 16; a 50 ksi "steel: (Must.be'd'esigned, by' others) g Slope: U2:12 or -great r-imaccordarice with-FBC 2011 Section 1507.4.2 D'esi n `U 'lift Pressure: ..g. , . .. 47.2 . m:imum su ort s p acin of;60" o:c. 1? Pp :. P g ,p ... (Factor of Safety = 2). Support:Attachment: #12 14 ac 1" ,lon self.. -:drilling -screws with washers At endsupports; @ 3 5" 5 5" 3." o c across panel width. At intermediate supports .@ 9".0:6. acros panel width, Sidelap ,Attachment: 1/4"=14 x VV to I g,SDS with washer @ ;30"' o:c. Teststandards:; Roofassembly, tested ins- accordance with ASTM E1592-01 `Test Method for.:Str, -ctural Performance of. -Sheet Metal, Roof and, Siding Systems by Un form `Static' Air ,Pressure Difference'. -arid FM :4470. Section5.5 `Re istanceto. F60VTraffic'.' Test. Equivalency: The. test ,prbced re.;in ASTM, E1592-01- coripl'y with test procedure prescribed in A TM E1592-05(2912). The, test procedure, in, .FM .4470 .(1992). comply -with test procedure ;prescribed in FM 4470' (2012): Code Compliance: The ;product;desc gibed, herein, has demonstrated compliance with FBC .2017 Section 15 7.4. Produc(urnitaiions 'Design wind, loa _s shall::be determined for each project'in accordance with. FBC 2017 (Section '1609 or ASCE 7-10: using allowable stress design.. The ,maximum support. spacing listed herein shall, ,not..be exceeded... The design uplift" pressure. for reduced support spacing .may, . be computed using rational analysis prepared by a Florida Professional. Engineer or based on. Union.Corrugating. load span'table: This product is not approved lfor use �in-the High Velocity Hurricane- Zone.. Fire classification is of within scope'of this'.Evaluation Report Refer to FBC 2017 Section 1505 and. current .approved '.roofing rnaterials directory for fire ratings ofthis product. IC' PANEL FASTENER .. SEE PANEL-SIDELAP.SIDEUIP FASTENER . D 9 O.C.DETMLO 30 0 C INTERIOR. SUP.POR75 �". ` -9OC , MASfERH MINA6:CA. STEEL..' '(DESIGNEO.BY'OTHERS) .. . .. .PANEL FASDEHER'O. _SIDEIAP FASTENER - g 35. 30'6.0 (9! . II PANEL: - ENE) SUPPORTS :. r I ; MIH 16.f1 STEEL •. � - - � - ' �(OFSICNWEIY l]THER$) o' . TYPICAL: PANEL. INSTALLATION, �X-SECTION, m YI Rtl' Y MASfERRIB -PANEL FASTENER ��SIDELAP FASTENER PAN0.NER :FASTEO V In O PANEL- O 97-O.C. O 30 C O.. Q n� -I V MW 16 G6 STEEL' - - _ _ _ . _ - _ _. _ (SE WAD SPAN TABLE FOR. TARO LE LOADS Ma SPANS) . (OESIONEO BY OIHEILS): , SECTION VIEW ,$�3 GENERAL NOTES =; T ROOF PANEL HAS BEEN- DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA yy g SIDELAP FPSTLTJER• . MASTERRI9; BUILDING CODE (FEIC): 1/a'-tA: SDS .IYITH PANEL, 2. ROOF PANELS SHALL BE 26 CA: (t - 00177-'EFFECNVE COVERING WUTH 9 F WASHER O 3D' O.C. - _ .PANEL FASTENER. '.OF PANEL'- 36' - II12-14 R I 'LONG 3. ROOF PANELS'SWBL BE INSTALLED, OVER STRUCTURE AS ;FP CIFIED'ON THIS IDS WITH WASHER-" DRAWING. 4.'REOUIRED DESIGN WIND LOADS. SHAD, BE DETERMINED FOR EACH PROJECT: THIS PANEL SYSTEM MAY NOT BE INSTALLED WHEN THE REQUIRED' DESIGN _ - ;WIND LOADS ARE; GREATER THRN.THE ALLOWABLE. DESIGN LOADS. " S. ALL FASTENERS' MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DRAWING h THE F ORIDA MIN 16 CA: �STEEI OUILOING-CODE. IF A DIFFERENCE OCCURS BETWEEN'TKE MINIMUM (DESIGNED BY BOTHERS) REQUIREMENTS OF 111T5 DRAWING. ✓Y THE .CODE, THE CODE SHUT CONTROL DIED PANEL SIDELAP s` REQURED TS FOR EACH APPUCATION ANO ARE THEST BE DESIGNED JO WITHSTAND IRESPONSI6071T OQF OTHERS. 7.'PANELS MAY SPAN,BERYEEN FAVE TO RIOOE SUPPORTS OR RAKE TO: RAKE . 'SUPPORTS. T ` _ - . . sin w UNIQN; CORRUGATING COMPANY MasterRib Roof.Panel 3.6" wide, 26, ga .'(inin.) Steel ParieP over Steel Supports ' . Span Condition Loading TYPe,Support _. ,Allowablel:oad'(psf) Spacing (ft) 2.00, 2.50 3.60, 3:50 4A0; , _ 4.50 '5.06 Two Span Upli& ' 138 3 l I8 5 103 7. 83 0' '69.2 50.3: 51.9- 46.1 3 - Three Spap .. Uplifi, ,1.57 2 134.7.' 1179 94.3 18.6 67:4 58.9- 52:4 47`2 Four•or More; :Spans _ `- Uplift 15'1-.3 129 6, 113:4 _` 90.8� . '75,6 •64 8, 56,7 . 50.4 — 44..1 - Notes• l . ,Allowable. load for each condition is'the smaller load calculated $ased.on.#astener :capacity, panel strength and and deflection Icmlt of I/180 Allowable lgads a. a calculated for minimum 26 ga panel 2. Themind load is taken' as 0:7, tithes the"compo eht and cladding" loads.for the purpose of determining,deflection_limit. 3 The panel altowable:propertids are determined om full scale ASTM E1592 tests at 5' 0" _span, 4 The panel fasteners are.#12,14 x 1" loggselfdri ling"'screws with: Washers,. Fastener spacing, across panel width is 9:0" o.c. in the interior supports and 3:5" 5':5" I13 5" o c. at panel ends. . 5. ,Sidelap heeners'are .1/4"-14 x 7/8" long self drilling screws with washer at 30" o.c: 6:, Sfeelaupporis are -minimum 16 ga: All supports must bg designed to.resisi all loads•iinposed onr the panel, 7. The paciels inay span from eave to ridge or;reke t ' rake: 8. Fanels :must be installed -as EvaluationRepor FL 4555.2 and Union, currentinstallation procedure. 1 .�+�919,�89AEA8®p 9 4c6vCALIN ®en ��,a 5Q . ,q� d •S o ;,CCU m F � .• � �?tea, 1216 N-Lansing Ave, Suite'C Bala S.ockalingam, PhD P.E. . Tulsa, OK 74106 r •} ° a •' PE 62240: 918A92 5991 -4. r2•. a. 2cx t�