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J. R. OnOllft UX
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TlIIS U-mF.NTUKF~ 'hell' IhiL.........__..21..'__,_______..day oL_.._..__.BOY.m.r.____ ^. D. 19.'-'l._, belw~
_'_______'_'___ _..J_R..._.Qd.QIl_.an4.....hll.1 .. ()loa.....hla..'IU..____
hI the ('ounl)' of. .......Bl_'___........__...._...n.___...._.____.aoo Slale oL.:._._._.O'or8J,.1....__....__~_____part1,'.'- or lhe firsl part, aD<i
_.__..___........... __...._....._-:-_-.--..l.&.....a _OolJtr _'_'__' ._._____.___.____,_
of the ('ounly or. ... S\. ..I.ule .._ ._..n....._....... ......_nand Stale 01 _"_-,___ .Plor 14................_........_._..._.. p.lrtn'...... 01 1M .<'tOCId p.lrt.
\\'ITNF.S~.:T", ThaI lilt' ..itl part..le. 01 I.. h....n. 'f<< and in ioft,ideralion or lilt' ,"m of.............
____..._...._.........._. ___i'..~.D011af.I...JJUL..Q1.n'L.J.I.1..~Jl1..'-Jl.9Jl.'.I.~.,!.~'.~9g~. .__..__.....___.__....._..___,lJ.>lbrs.
in hand p.aid by w said part.. 7...- of the -" p.lrt, lhe receipt .-hert'Of i. Mrelly acbOwlcdltd. ha ..\h.__..._ ren:isM, rrluted an" qlliHbimc-d.
aDd by tI.tle presenu do_......._ 't'mioe, reins(' and quil-daim unlo lhe said part..._.... of lhe It'CMd part and._..........bl..... ._..._._.......heirs and
aui&Ju lornt'<, all lhe righl. lillr, inlt'cHt, claim &od elrmaod which the said parLle'or Ibt' firsl part ha. _ ,....., in and I" 1M following de>cribt'd
1oL"1 pittt'___. 0. pucel_ ollaDd, lIEa: .Uute. 111ng and being 10 the OOWlty ot st. Luole. state
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_. '''___'__'' ____ _....________. LQ~..htD\;i~r~I!r_.I~) In ..A.lt!.l4!~._..3~~.l.!J_.~.o~ __ ot~___...__________
'.._n...... ..._....~._. "_'''__ ... ..___. .310\10D.8. ._'-QWIlIlbl>>...U...~Q.~'b....Il...D8t._ ..(L,..1.________.____n_....._....
__.h..... __.._. ...__... 'n_""__ aQQ.Qrtllna._lo.. L..glat_~...JIald.lI11lldlyl.1QD _rlool'4e4 .___...._._______.___
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..._n_..____..___.._________1D..~la~n_>>O'OL....._ ,.l..-PU'._.n._~t.8!L~'lq!.t! ..qo~~l.___..._____.___
TO 11.-\ VF. ANIl TO 1I01.U. lhe "'_, "~Mr .-ilb all and singular ,Ilt' aPl'urlrnancn 1.........'1.' lo('lool:in~ or in .n)'wi<r appnl.ining. an.1 all
I.... .<Ill\('. rilcln, lidi', inl...('<1 and claim .haL<oc<Yr of 1M ,..iel part...1Uoi 1M fil<l P'M. ~'Mc in Ia.- or 'flUil)-. 10 ,~ onl)' pltlptc uS('. t....t'61 aool
brhoor or I.... u.J p3<t-7._ of I~ second part, _..
______ _______.Ilt'in and as.~igtn f.lrrt'tr.
I~ WITSESS WHEKEOF, I.... said paMll. or lhe lint pa,l ba .TJ'.__ M<'Wllo srl..___. tl1e~ r...._....... haIltl ..a.... 0('.1 II.. lilt' day
and )rar lint abo.l\'e wrillen.
SiRrwd.. ...ak.1 ano1 drlin,ed in presrncr of: I
___.____J, .a,._~911l.__n_.__..._______(SeaI)
.... :Bthel .vae ..0c1011
. (Seal.)
STA"'" OF __a..gral&.
Counl)' or ....___ Blkll__
1 IfF.REO\' CERTIFY. Thai on ,bi, do)' pnsooally apr>nrrd bcrore _, an ollic<< duly "DIMe-ired I.. aelmini'ln '''1M ~ I.kt' ackno.-ledgrnntl"
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___..__.__J....R._Ollo.!I._eDj~Atl. Ka_ Odo.....J!lt...Jr.it...__.__..
10 me .-e11 kno.-n 10) Ilt' lhe ptr..... . dHcrikd in a.... who ""~Ird the fOl'rtroinR in<trumenl and ...._ the)' .._~...~ ~ .......... . ...l",o..-Irdgtd bdore ~
lhal ~......_ the,................. . .".<<uled the .._ frrely and yolrmtarily r... lhe purposn I~rtin UJ>C<".wd.
ANU I FUKTlIEK CF.KTIF\", TNI the said_..
kllO..-n 10 me 10 lx the .-ilr of lhe ..itL..__.__Je..B.__0!l.9!t.___
on a ......ralc and prinlr naminati<>n, la"~n and madr by aJld lxforr me, s<'l'&l'2ldy and apaM from her .....1 hu.hand. did ackoo.-kdgr lhal .he uttUled
lbe fOl'rgoinlC Drcl It.. lilt' pu~ of rrlinqni<bine, alim.ling and COhyeyintt all btr righi, litk and inlcrnl, .hrther of 00.-('(, homcslrad or of squal"
,.. ; (>1..1,. stalutory ~ equil......, in and 10) lhe bnds ckscribed .....rein, aDd lhal she u<<uttd said 1)('('01 f,ttlr a...1 yol""Ltrily and .-itbont &Oy com-
I'uls"",. COIIslraint, app,.hen...,., (.r fear of or fro... her ..id brnbaneJ.
WITNf.SS I1IJ hand and 08'itia1 sral, al_UaOOD Coanl)' oL.._ Bl\))...__.....__aDd SI~lr -oL()'.Qr..8~.'__.._
f_-.IIQ..,..,.lt-'..t__A. D. IL17
Notary Publlo Bibb Co.. Ga.
:Coa.--Jtq!I'O.. A~.rlUh.!......l~~~"h
In.; 17 RF.i!UIBI,RKD, '\'hal 00 this_
P. 9..!. Eldred
day oL~oellber...~.. at ~lOO ~!__~~_ D. 19-!'
Clerk or the C'imrit C-rl in and 101' Aid C-Uty,
haT(' duly n<ordtd lbe fOl'~ Qail.Claim Dted in the PaLlic Ra:ordt or hid Coanty.
IN WI;~. I .... ..~ ~ ;: hM4 ... ~ -' ~ :~" :-' ~-"" ;:O:~mL "... ~)
{~..O.l'~'?8.al 'C'O""ll~jQ' BA~~- ..Dftuty Clerk.
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