HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARBOUR COVE BUILDING CST. LUCIE C 14MUNITY DEVECDPMENT DIRECTOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING & ZONING DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FIJORIDA 33482-565 Pik: 466-1100 ext.344 BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER CONTRACZIOR Tracv Industries OWNER Harbour Cove THIS. NOTICE IS TO INFORM YOU THAT ZONE. 6338 , Inc O T I C E SCANNEL By THIS MEANS THAT THE ELEVATION OF ' FLUOR MUST BE SET AT 7 FEET, NGVD (MEAN SEA LEVEL), OR 18' ABOVE THE CROWN OF THE ROAD, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. YOU MUST SUBMIT OUR AFFIDAVIT COMPLETED BY A REGISTERED SURVEYOR, CERTIFYING THE ABOVE FLOOR ELEVATION, WITHIN T�'Y-ONE (21) CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE TIME THE SLAB IS INSP.E=. ANY WORK DONE WITHIN THE TWENTY-ONE (21) DAYS PRIOR TO SUBMISSION OF THE CERTIFICATION SHALL BE AT THE PERMIT HOLDER'S RISK. THE DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SHALL REVIEW THE FLOOD ELEVATION SURVEY DATA SUBMITTED. DEFICIENCIES DETECTED BYITHE REVIEW SHALL BE CORRECTED BY THE PERMIT HOLDER PRIOR TO FURTHER PROGRESSIVE WORK BEING PERMITTED TO PROCEED. FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE CERTIFICATION OR FAILURE TO MAKE REQU CORRECTIONS SHALL BE CAUSE TO ISSUE A STOP -WORK ORDER Fps PROJEi BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST. LUCIE COUNTY- FORT PI�RCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA TELEPHONE 465-6655 CONTRACTOR: Tracy industries, nc. ARCHITECT: Jack Boyer OWNER: HARBOUR COVE DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: 2426, 2428, 2430 Halbour Cove Dr TYPE OF OCCUPANCY: Residential I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: SIZE OF BUILDING: 6,289 sa-, ft. I NUMBER OF FLOORS: PLAN NUMBER DATE RECEIVED - PHONE NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: REQUIREMENTS: 1. Submit to this office a UL approval on two, (.2)'hour party wall (Design 'Concrete block block with 1/2" drvwall = two (21) hour wall). 2. Recommend'2A-10BC rated portable fire extinguisher in each unit. 3. 'Smoke detectors shall be continuousl: the house electric. County #1658 5-12-88 r r CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS -.� 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRD ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED BY: —,.-If DATE SIGNATURE FLORIDA ENERGY EFF:�,:TENCY CODE COSTRUCTION Section 9 Compliance Program--Rei-------.!'1dentiaI Point System Method Department of CDmmu' Qty Affairs Printowt Submitted in lie6 of Form 900A-86 PROJECT NAME: 1 PERMITTING OFF ICE ------------- BUILDER. 1 PERMIT NO.g ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1% BUILDING OFFICIAL COMPONENT VALUE CHECKLIST R-Values 1-TO) CEILINGS R53- ___ DUCTS Uncond. Space` Length: R-Value: COOLING 1. Central A.C~ SEER: Ceiling Fan: HEATING 1. Strip Heat COP: HOT WATER Bedrooms: 1. Electric EF: INFILTRATION I A~ ' 6.7 i.UU ' /.2 0.91 Practice: ________ Conditioned Floor Area: 0 ---------- AS BUILT POINTS / BASE pOI � * 100 34864.3 38166.4 ' GLASS TO FLOOR AREA I' IO = 0.1645 ' � )x = EPI ^ U FLORIDA ENER IN[� EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDCONSTRUCTION t Section 9 Compliance rrogram tialPoint Sys em Method Version 1.05 1 jgqh, 1987 Department of C y Affairs P i t it d i 900A 86 ______________ L -o-v ______________________________________ PRQJECT NAME: | PERMITTING OFFICE: ` x° _______________________ ___ AND ADDRESS: NA | CLIMATE ZONE: 4 5 �6) / �~ BUILDER: 1 PERMIT NO.: ___________________ _____ / ______________ OWNER: | JURISDICTION NO.: --�-------------- --------------------------------- _____------------------------------------------ BUILDING OFFICIAL COMPONENT \VALUE CHECKLIST WINDdWS Single Tint WALLS 1. Ext Wood Frame 2. Adj Wood Frame 3. Ext NormWtBlock Int CEILINGS 1. Under Attic FLOORS DUCTS Uncond. Space COOLING 1. Central A.C. HEATING 1. Strip Heat HOT WATER 1. Electric INFILTRATION Total Area: 1324.0 Area: 10 R-Value: 11.0 Area: 48.0 R-Value: 11.0 Area: 28.0 R-Value: 3.0 Area: 85.0 R-Value: ) 19.0 Length: PLL R-Value: 6.7 SEER: 10.00 Ceiling Fan: Cledit COP: \1.00 Bedrooms: 2 EF: 10.91. Practice: 1 2 Conditioned Floor Area: 1970.0 AS BUILT POINTS / BASE POINTS 100 34864.3 38166.4 GLASS TO FLOOR AREA RATIO = 0.1645 ( = EPI 91.3 ** PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must Pe met or exceeded by all residences) ** COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS WINDOWS 904.1 Maximum of 0.5 CFM per linear foot of operable sash crack. EXTERIOR & 904.1 MaTIS of 0.5 CFM per sq. ft. of door area. ADJACENT DOORS Includl.-s sliding glass doors, solid coke, wood p.nel, insulated, or glass doors only. CRACKS otherwi. se sealed. -------------- WATER HEATERS 904.2 Must be ar label indicating compliance w/ASHRAE --7:tandapd 90 or comply with efficiency and standb: loss requirements. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric), or cut -of+ (gas) ust be provided. An external or built in heat trap must be provided. SWIMMING POOLS 904.:3 Spas ani,heated pools must have covers (except & SPAS solar h2ated)� Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have minimum thermal efficiency of 75% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOT WATER 904.4 Insulaty - on is required only for recirculating PIPES systems In such cases, piping heat loss shall be limired to 17.5 BTU/H/Linear Ft. of pipe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOWER HEADS 904.5 Water f3ow must be restricted to no more than :1, gallons per minute at 20 to 80 PSIG. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HVAC DUCT 903.2 Constructed in accordance with industry CONSTRUCTION 904.6 standards & local mechanical codes. Ducts in Unconditioned space must be insulated to minimum F,­4.2 & joints must be sealed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVAC CONTROLS 904.7 Separate realily accessible manual or automatic thermostyt for each system., ** INFILTRATION REDUCTION PRACTICE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST ** COMPONENTS REQUIREMENTS PRACTICE #1 Comply with Infiltration Prescriptives in above ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICE #2 Comply wi - th Practice #1 and the following. (' Exterior ' ��^^= � ^""'= '"r r^a^= penetrations ==a^=". ^."^^^ra^iu// barrier iistalled. Sole plate/floor joint ' | Exterior Walls & Ceilings Penetritions, joints and cracks on interior ^ � surface caulked, sealed, and gasketed , DuctWork Ductwork in unconditioned space must be sealed. � Fireplaces Equipped with outside combustion air, doors, and flde dampers. ' Exhaust Fans Equipped with dampers. Combustion devices see 90 .2 (f). Combustion Appliances Provided with outside combustion air. ------------------------------------- In Accordance with Sec. 553.907 F.S., I Hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calcu- lation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: ----------------------------------------- | Review of the plans and specifications | covered by this calculation indicates | compliance with the Florida Energy | Code. Before construction is completed | this building will be inspected for 1 compliance in accordance with Section "64 553.908 F.S. | | BUILDING OFFICIAL: | | DATE: SUMMER CALCULATIONS BASE AS -BUILT GLASS -------------- ORIEN AREA x BSPM POINTS 1 TYPE Sc ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF = POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E 80.0 102.0 8160.0 1 SGL TIV E 40.0 107.1 0.94 4020.8 1 SGL T1qT E 40.0 107.1 0.72 3078.4 S 99.0 90.9 8949.1 1 SGL T1qT S 12.0 ps.3 o.ag 1055.5 1 SGL TIAT S 12.0 98.3 0.89 1055.5 1 SGL T1qT S 16.0 98.3 0.89 1407.---*!*. 1 SGL T1qT S 12.0 98.3 0.59 699.8 : SGL TIAT S 23.0 98.3 0.59 1341.2 1 SGL TIAT S 16.0 98.3 0.59 933.0 1 SGL TIAT S 8.0 ge.3 0.59 466.5 w 145.0 102.0 14790.0 1 SGL TIMT w 80.0 107.1 0.94 8041.7 1 SGL TIV W 50.0 107.1 0.72 407S.? 1 SGL TIV W 12.0 107.1 0.72 923.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .15 x COND. FLOOR TOTAL GLASS = ADj. x GLASS ADJ GLASS GLASS AREO A R E if-N FACTOR PO I 1\1 -1** S ) P 01 1\1 T S i PO I NTS .15 1?70.0 324.0 0.912 31949.1 29138.8 i 27102.2 AREA x BSPM = POINTS 1 TYPE R-VALUE i -------------------- AREA x SPM ---------- = POINTS ----------------------------------------------- WALLS -------------- i 7 Emt 648.0 1.00 648.0 1 Ext Wood Frame 11.0 320.0 1.90 608.0 1 Ext NormWtBlock Int 3.0 328.0 1.40 459.2 Adi 148.0 0.70 103.6 1 Adi Wood Frame 11.0 148.0 0.70 103.6 DOORS ----------- Ext 20.0 9.90 198.0 1 Ext Insulated 20.0 9.90 198.0 Adj 20.0 3.26 64.0 1 Adi Wood 20.0 2.90 56.0 CEILINGS ----------- i UA 985..0 0.60 591.0 1 Under Attic 19.0 985.0 1.10 1083.5 FLOORS ----------- i i INFILTRATION --------- 1970.0 10.90 21473.0 1 Practice #2 1970.0 10.90 21473.0 TOTAL SUMMER POINTS i 52216.4 51085.5 TOTA0 x SYSTEM COOLING 1 TOTAL x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT COOLfNG SUM PTS MULT POINTS 1 COMPON MULT MULT MULT POINTS ----------------------------------- 52116.4 0.43 22453.0 1 7 ------------------------------ 510850 1.090 OZ340 0.860 ------------ 16281.8 i S WINTER CALCULAT-ONS BASE i AS -BUILT GLASS -------------- ORIEN AREA m BWPM POINTS 1 TYPE sc ORIEN AREA m WPM x WOF = POINTE) ------------------------------------- E 80.0 -5.6 -448.0 n� ------------------------------------------ 1 SOL IINT E 40.0 -2.0 0.66 -52.5 1 SOL TINT E 40.0 -2.0 -0.55 43.6 S 99.0 -14.0 -1386.0 1 SGL TINT S 12.0 -10.2 0.94 -114.9 1 SOL TINT S 12.0 -10.2 0.94 -114.9 1 SOL TINT s 16.0 -10.2 0.94 -153.2 1 SOL TINT S 12.0 -10.2 0.58 -70.6 1 SGL TINT S 23.0 -10.2 0.58 -135.4 1 SBL TENT S 16.0 -10.2 0.58 -94.2 1 SBL TENT S 8.0 -10.2 0.58 -47.1 W 145.0 -5.6 -812.0 1 SOL QNT W 80.0 -2.0 0.66 -105.1 1 SOL T:NT W 53.0 -2.0 -0.55 57.8 - 1 SOL TINT i i W 12.0 -210 -0.55 13.1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .15 x COND. FLOOR / i TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. GLASS ADJ GLASS 1 GLASS AREA. AREA FAC:'Tt R POINTS POINTS i POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .15 1970.0 324.0 0.02 -2646.0 -2413.2 i -773.3 AREA BWPM POINTS 1 TYPE: R-VALUE AREA WPM = POINTS -------------------------------------- WALLS ----- 7 ----- ---------------------------------------- i Ext 648.0 1.10 712.8 1 Ext Wool Frame 11.0 320.0 2.00 640.0 1 Ext NornWtBlock int 3.0 328.0 3.80 1246.4 Ad 148.0 1.80 266.4 Ad Wooknorame 11.0 148.0 1.80 266.4 Ext 20.0 10.50 210.0 1 Ext Insplated 20.0 10.50 210.(--) Adi 20.0 7.60 t52.0 1 A L j Woot. 1 1­ 20.0 6.90 138. 0 CEI LINGS ------------ UA 985.0 0.60 591.0 1 Under Ailtic 19.0 985.0 1.00 985.0 FLOORS------- i INFILTRATION --------- 1970.0 4.10 8077.0 1 Practice #2 1970.0 4.10 8077.0 TOTAL WINTER POINTS 7595.9 1 10799.5 TOTAL x SYSTEM HEATING 1 TOTAL 4 CAP m DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT HEATING WIN .PTS MULT ---- ------- POINTS 1 COMPON IRATIO --------------------- MULT MULT MULT POINTS 7595.9 1.14 8659.4 007 1 103-5.5 ..000 1.090 ---- 1.000 1.000 ------ 11760.5 2 T6*'='IdD 21V98V2 O"ZZ89 911091TT o"TWO i V199182 o"V90i V"6998 0"29vzz ------------------------------------ SJ..I` I = SINIOd + SINIOJ + SINT d 1 SINIOd = SINIOJ + SIN TOd + SINlO.J AVIOI 331VM IOH SNUMH ON110-3 1 VVIO1 331VM IOH SNIIVIH 9NI1003 imns-su 3SVG .uvwwns O"ZZ89 0001 O"ITV2 000"T WO I 3TJ4DM13 1 OMOL OW02 z iinw Olivu . i swua3p-( W101 == Ila3U3 x iinw x dv3 J3 ��ioudiuoma i Sim mnw AO wnN nins-sw 3SV9 GUAM AWVM ST. l.UC IE C OU f'umn NCd. 1•: APPLICAIIbN FOR PERMIT TO C014STRU 44 JOB LOCATION/ADVPESS: t -=--d. LEGAL QE:,CRIPTION Se:,- approved site ROAD IMPACT: DISTRICT North Island SID CurpI Qvvg Beach LOT BLOCK UNIT TAX IDO 1425-701-0057-0004 , 1425-701- PERMIT APPLICATION ?1C.- Via, og8 7- SEWAGE PERMIT NO. G�/ii 7G�G �,� /�v u SE L-1.3 214 arb��our -Cove Drive - 3�1[49L/ (attached) E _ 9 FEE P 0181-B FLOOD ZONE �A--10— ELEV 7' 51 25126 vTWp 34S Kt;E 40E 9-0002, 11125-701-0064-0006 ZUNE 111 RD GMPr RM LUT sizE/umENSIONS 275'x1013'x110'x37'x1 O'x256'x' 103'x878' EST COST $165,000 SET BACKS: FRONT REAR ':H SQ FT BUILDING: LI'VINt; ARL'A . 5640 ARCHITECT: NAME Jack Borger ADDRESS IUOO e. 15th Court CONTRACTOR: TATE ROWERT 0 CGC 01580 0K. NAME Tracy Industries, Inc %J CITY Ft. fierce, C%YNIER: NAME ADDRESS Harbour Cove Deve CITY Ft. Pierce "STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Before me, the undersigned authority, personally ap teing duly sworn, deposes and say* that the Information Sworn to and subscribed before me.this IJotary Publl:, State of Florida at Large ►, SEE S1fi� VW SIDE --�- ACCESSORY n/a CITY PHONE 283-3766 Stuart COUNTY CERT # ST FL ZIP 33497 8644 ADDRESS 3201 No. A-1-A STATE FL ZIP 34949 PHONE 461-4646 ment, Inc V rive p►HONE. 464..3266. STATE FL ZIP 34946 /2'%f�� /` � � S �= who upon . raid In the foregoing application is true and correct. Appncent 'day of 19 HOOL IMPACT FEES A P p R E I quired Yes\, Qnp2 ,`10911P t e Pd Alf G PRO 88-0987 r Project Name: HARBOUR COVE UNITS Architect: JACK BORGER Contractor: TRACY INDUSTRIES,INC. Owner: HARBOUR COVE DEVELOPMENT, Address: 2426-28-30 HARBOUR COVE D; Occupancy. Classification: RESIDENTIAL Type of Construction: ev �+ Height and Area: C3, j^ Occupancy Requirements per Chapter 7 Construction Requirements: A. Fire Protection: B. Egress Requirements: Other Requirements: Elevators ® Sprinklers & Sta Combustible Mate O� Roof Coverings O Light - Ventilat Handicap Require Plans sent to Fire Plot Plan Check Water Energy Code N/A Paving b Drainage a SEE LIST FOR EACH ITHIT Special Conditions N/A Threshold Affidavit LIST ph: 283-3766 Ph: 461-4646 ph: 464-3266 apipes ials - Interior --Sanitation - Date: Sever al by Engineering D�ep� � c arc 'te to issuance .� re Issuance Affidavit n NORTH HUT cl OMBOOM ISIER DOIEO 2901 NORTH A1A PHONE: 465-3562 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 33449 Joey 10, 1987 St. Lucie County P.tanning 9 230.0 V�Ag,in.ia Avenue Fort P.ience, Ft. 34982 Re: Hanbon Cove Devetopm Gentlemen: North Hutck&L6on SeAv i ces w Sewer, bon the HoAbon Cove a. St. Lucie County, Ft. Sineenel y yowc-s, NORTH HUTCHINSON SERVICES Ivan S.. Novic' k Vice PAm idea t ISN/ab Zoning Comm. Z be supplying both Water and e .tocated on Royae Palm way, rT E- - L-S. T. - LUCI E COU el _ MIT APPLIg TION P cap 7 Twin NO. _ SEWAGE PERMIT NO APPIICAfION FOIi FERMIT TO CUIJSTRUCtl r-i- nlex 313 on each JOB LOCATION/ADVPESS: Units 9, 10, 11I - Harbour Cove Drive - Buildi LEC-AL DESCRIPTION Se--- approved site plan . (attached) :& C ROAD Iili?ACT: DISTRICT North Island I ZONE 9 FEE \�/ • v S/D �oraI Cove Beach MAP# 0181-B FLOOD ZONE A-10 EL ' LOT BLOCK UNIT I SEC$j 25/26 ,Up 34S RUE 40E TAX IDO 1425-701-0057-0004 , 1425-701-0039-0002, 1425-701-0064-0006 ZUNE H I RD Urti?r RM LUT SIZE/DmNSIUNS 275'x1013'x110'x37'x180'x256'x 1031x878' EST COST $165,000 N SET BACKS: FRONT REAR_52-'SIDE 1�� - i j� SIDEj�- ii SQ FT BUILDING: LIVING AMU% 5640-^ ACCESSORY n/a ARCHITECT: NAD1E Jack Borcler- CONTRACTOR: O K' OWNER. ADDRESS IUUU e. 15th C:our STATE l:F ICERT 0 CGC 0151,802 NA11E Tracy Industries, In 1 CITY Ft. fierce, I --- PHONE 283-3766 CITY Stuart ST FL ZIP 33497 COUNTY CERT 0 8644 ADDRESS 3201 No. A-1-A STATE FL ZIP - 34949 PHONE 461-4646 NAME _ Harbour Cove Deivelopment, Inc ADDRESS 2100 Hai CITY Ft. fierce "STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Before me, the undersigned authority, personally ap teing duly sworn, deposes and says that the Information Sworn to and subscribed before me this Live pfpNE 464-3266 STATE FL ZIP 34946 Tared , who upon 3ntained in the foregoing application Is true and correct. ppllant day of , SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Required Yes No Notary Pvbll:, State of norlde at Large Amt. Pd A-33 8' SIT LUCIE COUNTY .ROAD IMPACT FEE CALCULATION FORM Name of F e e p a y e rAddress Date -_ _ _ Permit;0— Road Benefit and Collection Zone 0�,�' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The impact fee calculated herein has been determined based on the fee schedule adopted in St. Lucie County Ordinance 85-10, effective February 1, 1986. LAND USE TYPE 0 UNITS ...... ...... 0 SQ FT (1000)........... 0 PARKING SPACES ........ • STUDENTS ............. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E CALCULATIONS FEE PER TOTAL UNIT IMPACT FEE PR# 88-0987 1 ' Project Name: HARBOUR COVE UNITS 9,U Architect: JACK BORGER Contractor. TRACY INDUSTRIES,INC.I Owner: HARBOUR COVE DEVELOPMENTIi INC. Address: 2426-28-30 HARBOUR COVE DRIVE Occupancy Classification: RESIDENTIAL Type of Construction: 7+ �► Height and Area: Occupancy Requirements per ChapterlIv: LIST q4 41,3 1 }I I RIIT.DTNr r Ph: 283-3766. Ph: 461-4646 Ph: 464-3266 Construction Requirements: A. Fire Protection: B.. Egress Requirements: AK Other Requirements: Elevators 40414'c Sprinklers & Standpipes Combustible Materials - Interior O� Roof Coverings 0/t Light - Ventila ion - Sanitation Handicap Requirements S Plans sent to Fire Dept. - Date: Approved: Plot Plan Check {dater Sewer Energy Code N/A Paving & Drainage pproval by Engineering Dept. p� c SEE LIST FOR EACH IINTT Special Conditions prior to issuance Z 9 N/A Threshold Affidavi./Before Issuance Affidavit '• -i i L J 1 iv ,.� f� L � �: � �l _ �i C. V+i I iv' . •� - 1 1 • � • __ �Q D'L—��--------------- -- Type of use as defineLi ny 2Dning Ordinance. �P --- io C s� Numb er Required ` Number RroviOea Handicapped Required Handicapped Provided O`fstreet Loading Area? Y:_ . I / 0.) Lanas.cape: Approval Disapproval c.) Signs:: Inaic tea V ... I ... Not I aicated - Note: Separate Permit Required �ec 11 }}��}� (,�y ty, ,;:, 1 ' fr. �. -fit. [".+� i 4�.�.iD��nC�k3 sib yr G'" pdf-�rdvO'fi' M ..�.,e _ Disapp oval Base'luiloing. Line C mpliance Y: / N: Builaing Spacing Formula Usea Y: N: e.) Driveway Compliance -I Reper•Orainance 87-0 Approval Disapprol,val Note: riveway Permit Required ff I N � 1 1 j• '1 1 I 1� . � � a na). Comments: I , Y r" ---- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date In: �� �� Oat- Out: Ll Reviewer: I INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Zoning Administra FROM: Environmental DATE: April 19, 1988 SUBJECT: Review of Buildi Island Coastal Ar Harbour Cove 3 North Hutchins pal Planner Plan Pursuant to the Hutchinson Protection Ordinance (HICAPO) it Townhouse, Building C Island, St. Lucie County ST. LUCIE COUNTY PERMIT APPLICATION: Application No.: PR-8810987 Application For: Townhouse, Building C Development: Harbour Cove Contractor: Tracy Industries, Inc. Owner: Harbor Cove Development, Inc. At this time, the deve opment is approved for compliance with the HICAPO subject to t e conditions set out below. By copy of this memorandum, I am inf rming the owner of these conditions. 1. In the event that it is of a federal or state , otherwise is significant of land for which dev undertaking developmen development work whi( individual species or pi Florida Game and Fresh 1 Wildlife Service, and tl the satisfaction of al: person undertaking development. 0 determined that any representative rotected species is resident on or Ly dependent upon the subject parcel �lopment is underway, the person shall be required to cease all h might adversely affect that pulation and immediately notify the ater Fish Commission, U.S. Fish and County. Appropriate protection to parties shall be provided by the .evelopment prior to resuming At least fifty (5,0) p resent of all landscaped areas, required pursuant to Section 3.2.600 of the St. Lucie County Zoning Ordinance, shall be composed of native or drought tolerant vegetation adap ed to soil and climatic conditions occurring onsite. If d ought tolerant vegetation is used, at least fifty (50) per ent of all trees and thirty (30) percent of other landscaping material shall be composed of native vegetation. ft April 19, 1988 PR-88-0987 (HICAPO: H Page 2 Cove Townhouse C) 3. It must be demonstratedlthat non-native vegetation including that which is drought tolerant: a. Will have stabilizing qualities approximating that of native vegetation, b. Will have a high rate of success; C. Will not displace adjacent native vegetation; and d. Will not adversel impact any existing protected species. 4. All exotic vegetation, su'h as, Brazilian pepper, Australian pine, and melaleuca, shall be removed and, where appropriate, replaced ith native species adapted to existing soil and climati conditions. Removal shall be in such a manner that avoids seed dispersal by any such species. There shall be no planting of exotic vegetation. 5. The Urban Forester, Mr. S eve Fousek, may be contacted at 305/464-3133 for advise on compliance with Conditions 2 - 4.. Please attach this memo to the permit file upon issuance. If you have any questions or co�ments regarding any of the above, please see me. CJB/cjb Attachment cc: Planning & Zoning Director Planning Administrator Building Code Administrator Harbour Cove Development, Inc. File: H.I.C.A.P.O. File: Harbour Cove Site Plan I t Ut ItAI IN' It," NCY�M A I A(,I NCY \i NATIONAL ILOOD INSURANCL PROGRAM POST CONFfi 'TION ELEVATION CERTIFICATEIFLOODPF,,),.,1 ING CERTIFICATE - COIdMUNITY NUMBER St. Lucie Co., F1. (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) 120285 INSTRUCTIONS The registered professional engineer, architect, surveyor or community permit official completes Section I below. Serial D may be completed by any of the professiopals listed at the beginning of Section II, or by a similarly qualified lava! permd official. Print or type the information on t is form, This form is to be used for new (POST -FIRM) construction and for substantial Improvements to existing struct res in Zones AT-A30, AH and VT-V30 and existing (PRE -FIRM) bultdtrtgs to be rated under. POST -FIRM rules and ra es. 5 SECTION I --- -_ - -_ ___.. •-- _ (TO BE COMPLETED �Y COMMUNITY PERMIT OFFICIAL) ADDRESS (or 101 and and numbers it address Isunavailable) a I dust ies Ind 2428- 2430 Harbour Cove Drive Bldg C I (NA L : �ar our ove' Devel. Inc BP y 46338 ) ANNEL ON WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED FIA MAP ZONE IN WHICH PROPERIY IS LOCATED 0181-B A-10 January 5, 1984 CONSTRUCTION DATE Nam and Title 88 I' Terry L. Virta - Con 2300 Virginia Ave., Ft. 'Pierce, F1. 3 Corhplete ' only the Elevation Certification unless th elevation. If floodproofing is used, complete only the compfeW by a registered professional engineer, arct completed by a registered professional engineer or arc ELEVA I certify that the building at the property location 7.49' ( Living Area) feet, NGVD 7.21' (Garage)' I certify to the best of my knowledge, information, ara watertight to an elevation of Impermeable to the passage of water and structural c, hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy that ,would and uplift forces associated with the base flood. In the event of flooding, will this degree of floodproofing Will the structure be occupied as a residence?_ If the answer to both questions is Yes, the fioodpr, certification must be completed instead, •Floodproofed with human intervention means that level occur, unless measures are taken prior to the doors and windows). RTIFIER's NAME E. Brett Culpepper Registered Land Surveyor Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. P.O.Box 1449 Ft. Pierce, FL 34954 ELEVATION AT THE PROPOSED SITE PHONE (r►•iih Area Code) ty Development Director (305) 466-1100 5/20/88 ■ RUCTIONS, building has been floodproofed at least to the base flood loodproofing Certification. The -Elevation Certification may be tat, or surveyor. The Floodproofing Certification may 29k be test. CERTIFICATION escribed above has the lowest floor at an elevation of nean sea level). VG CERTIFICATION belief; that the structure is designed so that the structure is —feet NGVD (mean sea level), with walls substantially mponents having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and be caused by the. flood depths, pressures, velocities, impact Ie achieved with human intervention?* cannot be credited for rating purposes and the elevation will enter the structure when floods up to the base flood to prevent entry of water (e.g. bolting metal shields over AFFIX SEAL OR WRITE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE NO. BELOW: TN tnrwh'hca e48nt *naehet 410 d for new (POST -FIRM) conslIudwn or auD: �/13/88 I (Date) N of the romrleted I m1 to the hood insurance policy application ants a sure Ittal the swcond copi,Is cortihod