HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH' E. SMITH..., CLERK'.OF' THE- CIRCUITCOURT - SAINT IiUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4432660 OR BOOK 4129 PAGE 1.377,,, Rec �9O5J10'8/2018 1`1.: 37:.25 AM SCANNED RECEIVED ST LUCIEcoUNTY BY ! i ' THIS 18- i O CERTIFY i AT THIS IS A ff TRUE A�4D CORRECT' C y flF 7IK s' St Lucie County JUL 2 3 2018 P rextnTNOMeex: : WPM ed8 , pef I itti � � ` E. tl Mlitj ris NOTICE OF' CO1V11 MNCEM _Mt;�GL_8_2MA- �• Iite'Ubdeisigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made.to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statuics the following Wormaiion is provided,in t e: Notice.of commencement. ] . DESCRIPTION OF pnj t yy'(l egal description and street ad8ress) TAX'FOLIO _NUMBE.R • SUBDIVISION Sp eesLodk R4CI Y OT___ —BLDG UNIT_ _ - 5 section 261 Townshj n "3 2.GENERALI)ESCR1pTIONOPWROVEMENT:I single. faitil'y residence 3. OWNER INFORMATION:-. Namefpy­o a,;; 1 r1; � CC�r Grata"e1n b.Address BON .S. USl, Suite 402., PSL, FL 34952 c. interest'in property d. Name and address of fee simple titleholder;(if other than owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME;AD)DmsAND PHONE NUMBER: Wynne Development Cornoration _-8000 S. OS1, Suite 402, PS , PL 3495.7 779 R7R 551 a n 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS ANA P,HONEMMIR' ER AND BOND AMOUNT: L1�iDEIt'S NAME, ADDRESS AND: PHONE NUMBER: 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom botices'or other documents may be served'as provided'by Section 713.13 (1)(a) 7., Florida Statdtes: _... NAME, ADDRESS AND. PHONENItIMM- Doug .Brantley l Silver Oak Dr. ?PSL, FL. fd] =Zuh B. In addition tc,bimsdf or herself, Owner designates:the fol 713.13 (1)(0); Florida Statutes: lowing to receive a copy of the Lienor s Notice as provided in Section NAME ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER:, / 9_ F41ration date of aotice of commencement (tht expiration date is I year from the.date of recording unless a different date is specified) • -20 WARNING TO OWNER'- ANY PAYMENTS MADE By THE OWNER AFCER rTv THE EXMA71ON OF TKE N TIC OF�C)h_ ENCEMEhi t ARE CONSIDERED Qv1PROPE2PAYtvtE.N't'S LnJD1:R CHAPTErr'713 PART I SF4MON 713 13 ORIDA STA7VM.AND CAN RFSTJL� 1Pj YOUR PAYING—TWME FOR 7MPROVF1r EM TO YOUR1PROPE-MY A NQTI OF'� O jMt7•I �IEra'r• MUW BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON TH : JOB s - 8EF0 1= THE FIRST INSPEC1fiON IF YOU INTEND 10 OBTAIN CONSULT Wirth )MU)& LM - R A [F WO B Matthew'Lyle Wynne,, Vice-PZ2Sirient Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Ofiice Owner's Authorired Ofiacer)Direetor/Parfner/Manager State.of iforida County 0f �t, . T.n r' j, e • t The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of By Matthew ,Lyle Wynne- ,as �, (Name of person) ('rypa of authority...e.g, Owner, officer, trustee, attomey in fact) porwyrnrie B,uil'din4 Corporation (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was'exeeuied) Personally Known Z or produced the following type of ID: a 1 wv Ntctary Puhie Sate of FWAfi j +y J Ift Ninassl t, — Q t i ;fir r�r comtntuton GO oses•tx (Printed Name,of Notary PubLc) ('' atum of Notary Pobhc} (dal E�Im3'lolter2o20 Under. Penalties of perjury. I declare that I have read the: foregoing' and that the facts in it are.true to the best of my knowledge and. belief (section:92.s25, Florida Statutes). Signature(syof'Owner(3) or Owner(s)' Authorized Officer/Direetor/Partner/Maaager who signed above. By: By I asr.aartotmoit�ooginrl � ' .