HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOF UNDERLAYMENTSFlorida Building Code OnlirL- s� Page 1 of 2 �.v3 8usinq&li )rofesSion61 1_. _ •, BUS Home Log in 's User Registration : Hot Topics O Product Approval USER: Pub'.ic User FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived MED BY is coune9 Surcharge ? Stats & Facts r >�� Publications 1 FBC Staff ' BCis Site Map 1 Links � Search P!YA,%aLf;ciizign_t�?}.f. r Application Detail Product Manufacturer Address/ Phone/Ema ll Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category I Subcategory Compliance Method FL6785-R4 Editorial Change 2010 Pending FBC Approval Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing 900 Hensley Lane Wylie, TX 75098 (7.17)245-7000 Ext7456 wert@syntec.carlisle.com Chad Wert wert@syntec.carlisle.com Roofing Underiayments Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name' who Robert Nleminen developed the Evaluation Report Florida License I PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 02/20/2013 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE '' Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence I Ft_6785 R4 COi irisitr_FRp._Ci...._.�aiem nt n.�dt Referenced Standard and Year ('of Standard) Standard Year I ASTM D1970 2001 f Equivalence of Product Standa Ids Certified By Sections from the Code http://ww-w.floridabuildiug.org/pr/pr_ Ipp_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvkdvKrmfaLgB... I i 5/ 22/2012 f �\ Florida Building Code Oidin'_ I Page 2 of 2 Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval :Summary of Products Method 1 Option D I04/11/2012 04/25/2012 04/28/2012 _. .... _..... __................... FL # Model, Number or Name IDescription 6785.1 CCW Roof UndArlaymenls Self -Adhesive Roofing Underlayment jLimits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ* No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes !:It-.ntlf IlInstallation Instructions I FL576S„._fty II. er{3419I.2FINA� CA I aLi ! INDERI AYr3EtzTS Eta?i35._ Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nieminen 59166 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: 1.) Refer to ER Section 5 for Limits of Use 2.) Refer to ER Section 6 For I Installation. Evaluation Reports IEL67N5 R4 Ai=_L'r�JA1g12F7ii&I. CARLISL.E UNDERi�AYMEN'll S._FFt.r7t>s:_ R4.pf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes contact Us ;: 11940 No-th Monroe Street Tallahassee Ft. 32399 Phone: 850-487-t�7y The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer, Convnaht 2007_2010 State of Flonda :; Privacy Statement :: AFCe55lbliity Statement:: Refund Statement Under Florida taw, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact;the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions regarding DSPR's ADA web accessibility, please contact our Web Master at webmasterOdbbcstateRi, Product Approval Accepts: sec urity.ft£�i*�m,cs, I I I Ilttp:I!ukN,-w.flaridabtlilding.org,1prlpr .app_iti.aspx?param= w.GEVXQwtDgvkdyKrmfaLgB... 5!22/2012 I i I EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DESIGN, LLC. Certificate o(Aummrization#9503 353[HRJSTlA0STREET, UNIT #13 OXFORD, CT 05478 PHONE: (203)362-9245 FAX: (203)262'9243 Evaluation Report C39180.12.11-RK1 FL6785_114 Date of Issuance:12/0912011 Revision 1:04/22/2012 SCOPE: I This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 9N 3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the Stat I el of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. T�h e products described herein have been designed to comply with the 2010 Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: CCW Roof Underlayments LABELING: Each unit shall bear labeling in a( Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Re changes, the referenced Quality Assurance d relate tnthe product change. Acceptance of agreement to notify Robert N|eminen, P.E Assurance documentation changes. Trinity Report relative tuupdated Code requirement! ADvsmTzsEMEmr:The Evaluation Report numb be displayed in advertising literature. If am shall bedone inits entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this en TRINITY ERD Carlisle coatings &waterproofing 900 Hensley Lame Wylie, TX 75098 ancewith the requirements the Accredited Quality iort is valid until such time as the named munnentatnn changes, or provisions of the Code that :his Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes if the product changes or the referenced Quality ERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation with each Code Cycle. ,rpreceded by the wnrde°TrinitylERD Evaluated" may portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Uffida|. This Evaluation Report consists ofpages 1 through 4. Prepared by: / / ~ | The mcsi=ile seal appearing was authorized Robert by P.E. on 04/2212012 rh,,d�""m�"~�.,°""/°ctromcanrsigned Robert 1M,NVexninen,P.E. . «�"m"�sw"��"u" and ^ — | ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION' 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing Compliance Statement: CCW Roof Underla� have demonstrated compliance with the follov in accordance with the following Standards. C Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth hereiril 2. STANDARDS. Section Property 1507.2.4' 1507.2.9.2' pxwxca| Properties zsn7.s.s ' 3. RsFsmEmcss Entity Examination MTI(rsT2508) Physical Properties mn(rsrzsua) Physical Properties Mrz(TSTzson) Physical Properties Mi'o(cen1soz) xvnzcumnuance Icc'es(svooso) uoosIBC Compliance m-LLc (Oux9*25) Quality Control 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 [CW WnP10O is a seif-adhering, fib mnfundedayment. 4.2 CCVVVVlPl50 is a self -adhering, fib , S. LzmsTArxmms: 5.1 This Evaluation Report is not for use 5.2 Fire Classification is not part of t Directory for fire ratings of this prod 5.3 C[VV Roof Undar\aymemtm may be specifically referenced within FDCap the AHJ for approval based on this. roof covering. 5.4 Allowable roof covers applied atop tt ts, as produced by Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing, sections of "he Florida Buflcling Code through testing Hance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Standard Year @gference lDate pxoa*ux 01/17/2011 pxz*mux 01/18/2011 pxzsmmo 0//18/2011 09'0630.173 no/tz/zone ssn-11ssa 08/01/2007 Inspection Report, nzo*7o 02/20/2012 reinforced, granule surfaced, rubberized asphalt lass reinforced, 0m surfaced, rubberized asphalt roof deHVHZ report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials U with any prepared roof cover where the product is val documents. If not listed, a request may be made to uation combined with supporting, data for the prepared underaymentsare follows. Table 1: Roof Cover Options Underlay ment :siphalt Foam -on hi ngles N.H-0.� Tile Tile metal Wood State & Shakes & Synthetic Shingles Slate/Shake No No No i No _Ssw WIP 250 Yes No Yes No No Exterior Research and Desig=LLC. Certificate of Authurization#9503 Evaluation Report oo*1mm1z'uu'mx FL678S-R4 Revision a:m4yz9yaw12 Page 2mf* f t : ERD 5.5 Allowable substrates are noted below: 5.5.1 Direc>-Bond to Deck: Self -adhering membranes applied to New untreated plywood; y Primed new untreated plywood; Y Existing plywood; Y Primed existing plywood; Note: While not required, CCW-702 or CAV-GRIP primer may be used when deemed appropriate or when temperatures arle below 40OF. 5.5.2 Bond to Mechanically Aach r.._Bpe Layer: Self -adhering membranes applied toi > ASTM D226, Type I or II felt; For installations under mechanicall attached prepared roof coverings, base layer shall be attached per minimum codified requr ements. 5.6 Exposure Limitations: 5.6.1 CCW WIP 100 and CCW WIP 250 shall not be left exposed for longer than 30-days after installation. 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 CCW Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing published installation requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application. Prime the substrate (if applicable) with CCW-702 or CAVrGRIP Primer. 6.3 CCW WIP 100 and CCW WIP 250: 6.3.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for ASTM D1970 underlayment in FBC Sections 1507 for the type of preps led roof covering to be installed. 6.3.2 While not required, CCW-702 or Q V-GRIP primer may be used when deemed appropriate. Priming is required when temperatures are below 40°F. 6.3.3 Cut WIP roofing underlayment into 10 to 15 ft lengths. Remove 2 to 3 ft of release film and align the edge of the membrane, sticky -side down, so it overhangs the drip edge by 3/8-inch. Continue to remove release film and press as you move across the roof. Use a hand roller and/or hand pressure to press into place. 6.3.4 Horizontal seams should be minimum 3.5-inches, configured to shed water. Vertical seams should be 6-inches and staggered not less than 2-ft from vertical seams in the course below. 6.3.5 Consult Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing for steep slope & back nailing requirements. 6.3.6 For Valleys and Ridges: ,Cut WIP 100 roofing underlayment into manageable lengths. Align over the center of the valley, hip or ridge. Remove release film. Press the middle of the membrane first before working Oward the edges. For open valleys, cover roofing underlayment with metal valley liners, Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Certificate of Authorization #9503 Evaluation Report C39180.12.11-R1 FL678S-t14 Revision 1: 04/19/2012 Page 3 of 4 I RHNITERD 7. LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name, logo, city, state and logo of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. 8. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Official or Authori y Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 9. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact the manufacturer or the named Q,A entity for plants covered under Rule 9N-3 QA requirements. 10. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: UL, LLC- QUA9625; (847) 664-3281 - END OF EVALIUATION REPORT - Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Evaluation Report C39180.12.11-RI Certificate of Authorization #9503 I FL6785-R4 Revision 1.- 04119/2012 Page 4 of 4 61 BUILDING ROOF LAYOUT SCALE: N.T.S. ROOFZONES SCALE: N.T.S. REVISIONS COMPONENT & CLADDING DESIGN PRESSURES: ROOF LOCATION ACTUAL ALLOWABLE ZONE 1 FIELD -30.0 PSF -84.25 PSF ZONE 2 PERIMETER -46.0 PSF -84.25 PSF ZONE 3 CORNERS -87.0 PSF -102.7 PSF WOOD DECKING: O 19/32" (MIN.) PLYWOOD OR WOOD PLANKING @ 24" O.C. SPANS ATTACHED WITH 8d RING SHANK NAILS OR #8 X 2" SCREWS @ 6" O.C. MAX. IN THE FIELD & 6" O.C. MAX. AT THE U a PH PERIMETER. CALCULATIONS BASED ON THE ROOFING APP. STANDARD (RAS117) p O 5-V METAL CRIMP ROOFING ATTACHMENT: #10-12 X 1" PANCAKE HEAD S.S. OR GALV. WOOD SCREW W/ SELF SEALING WASHER AT MAX. SPACING OF 6" O.C. @ THE CORNERS & 24" O.C. THROUGHOUT (BASED ON FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL #FL11560.3). U ZONE 1: o ALLOW. UPLIFT = -84.25 PSF > ACTUAL = -30.0 PSF 8 ZONE 2: B l _ _ ALLOW. UPLIFT = -84.25 PSF > ACTUAL = -46.0 PSF t o OZ w ZONE 3: U�vt C� c 3 ^ 9 ALLOW. UPLIFT = -102.7 PSF > ACTUAL = -87.0 PSF S NOTES: DESIGN CRITERIA: a 1. ROOFING OVER EXISTING WOOD DECK. 2010 FBC 2. INSTALL FASTENERS PER REQUIRED ASCE 7-10 3 w FREQUENCY LISTED ABOVE FOR WOOD WIND LOAD: 160 MPH (Vult) DECKING & ROOF COVER. 124 MPH (Vasd) 3. FOLLOW ALL LOCAL & REGIONAL WIND BORNE DEBRIS REGION DRAWN MUM w" ORDINANCES. MEAN ROOF HEIGHT: < 15' BY JASON W. SFi im CRM71-2M 4. USE FASTENERS AS PER REQUIRED HIP/GABLE ROOF CONDITION MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS & FL# ENCLOSED BLDG. ws .rB 11560.3 FOR THE "IMAGE II" PANEL. BLDG CATEGORY II 5. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE VERIFIED BY EXPOSURE: "C" AS SHOWN CONTRACTOR. ADJUSTMENT FACTOR: 1.21 SI3E ur GCPI: +/- 0.18 END ZONE (A): 5.8'