HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEY� I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 19 in Block 150 of LAKEWOOD'PARK UNIT - ELEVEN according to the plat thereof - as recorded in Plat Book 11 , pages 32,32A through 32D of the SiD Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. ABBREVIATIONS: St Lud county R.O.W. = Right of Way CONC. = Concrete R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve = Delta of Curve MEAS. = Measured SET = Set 5/8" iron rebar with yellow cap marked "PSM 5543" ,. X—X—X— Chain Link Fence 0-0-0 — Wood Fence = Power Pole MIN, SETBACK RE®. ®= Water Meter �— ® = Bell South PROFIT OH —OH —OH— Over Head Wires ®= Well SIDES S.F.=Square Foot — F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevatio CNR SIDES (*)=Not verified by field meal rement FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebar ` REAR PL=Value as platted MS --Value as measured in field ZNG, #=Value as platted & field med �UTr= Site Benchmqrk 196t. — 40 R.O.W. PAC nn 4 = xQ cn c� Y PROPOSED CONC. BLOCI 1 E00� 0�0' Ln i U') ^ r J / m II Jm V CNI / H N> OO O O CD 32' 7.50' i SE LOT 7 BLOCK 130' j VACANT C25- SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless otherwi2ftted only platted easements are shown her 2. No undergrouf7i I s r improvements were located unless o Ise n. 3. This site lies w F Insurance Rate Map Zone X. 4. Flood Zone shown hereon s anPasoopy. tation by the surveyor and is provide The flood zone should bea determination agency.5. Bearings shown hereon are base line of Lot 19 Block 150 as being N 00'08' according to the Plat described hereon. J 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions shown are per plat unless otherwise shown. PROPOSED PLOT PLAN TO CONTRACTOR, HEALTH DEPT., AND MELDING DEPT. A PS8FEO kNri 1209.37(M) =L ANA LANE 70' R.OX - 20' ASPHALT ROAD 19CVNC. 0 12' X 39' DRIVEWAY DRAINFIELD 5.40' 22 F71 _­'�s00' N SCALE:1 "=30 ' Atlantic -Land Des i gnus of the Treasure Coast 326 SW PRIMA VISTA BOULEVARD Port St. Lucie, FI. 34983 (772) 785-5411 DATE:5/4/05 DRAWN: KAC 2005-0715A DATE: REVISIONS 6/9/05 ADD —FFE"-; & ELEVEATIONS 6/14/05 ADD HOUSE i CANNON PROPOSED i RESIDENCE"- --POKH IOSED 6,0' BLOCK WALL 10' P.UID.Z _ 471.28 471.28 0"00'00"iI/ W 9000' LOT 8 BLO(IK 150 / FFE = 1F.24 42 BOUNDA Certified to: ED CANNON D z z JJ J iJ "1 CD Y O m CJ LO m w Sg Su 00 ad T3 O ao co z AV .T 1` LOT 9 BLOCK/150 FFE = 1740 I hereby certify that'the survey shown hereon is true and cor and Is based on actual measeureme4ts taken la -the S,I,eld. This survey meets the Minimum Technicat-Standards of Chapter 61G171 Florlda administrative code. I NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL James Cez roar., P.S RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA Professional Sirrfeyor & Mapper LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER State of Florida h LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 18 & W 1/2 of 17 in Block 150 of LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT - ELEVEN according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 11 pages 32,32A through 32D of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. ABBREVIATIONS: R.O.W. = Right of Way CONC. = Concrete R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve A= Del.to of Curve MEAS. = Measured SET = Set.5/8" iron rebar with yellow cap marked "PSM 5543" X—X—X— Chain Link Fence 0--0-0— Wood Fence = Power Pole ® = Water Meter ® = Bell South OH —OH --OH— Over Head Wires ®= We I I S.F.=Square Foot' F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation ( +Not verified by field measurement FD=Found 5/8" Iron Rebor PL=Value as platted MS=Value as measured In field #=Value as platted & field measured IQ= Site Bench��ttq 40' R O.. 738.00 (rP� � 73e.041(m6 - SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements are shown hereon. j 2. No underground utilities or improvements were located unless otherwise shown. 3. This site lies within Flood Insurance Rate Map Zone X. 4.. Flood Zone,shown hereon is. an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 5. Bearings shown hereon are based on the East line of Subject'Parcel as being N 00'08'12" E according to the Plat described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. IVLot dimensions shown are per plat unless 4 wis2kabown. I PROPOSED PLOT (SUBJECT TO CONTRACTOR HEALTH DEPT.. AND BUILDING DEFT. APP AL) r 1209.29(P) 1209.37(M) IC_ABANA LANE _ . _ x�o� 70' R.O.W. - 20' ASPHALT ROAD 205 I I I �I o Ln I I I m II m m U, x\'1•' LOT 18 & W Xt OF 17 c I BLOCK 150 O J p 0 x�'U�' O o • y°o °Q I 10' P.U.D.E. o LOT 8 BLOCK 150 N 90*00 00W 135.0 N FFE = 12.24 �5 — - a- PILOT N 9 BLOCK,150 FFE = 11.40 SCALE:, "=30 Atlantic Land Des i gns of the Treasure Coast 326 SW PRIMA VISTA BOULEVARD 0 u DATE:5/4/05 fftt DRAWN:KAC Port St. Lucie, FI. 34983 (772) 785-5411 2005-0715B PROPOSED 6.0' CONC. BLOCK WAi x co 205 LOT 10 BLOCK 150 g FFE=.11.62 LAST FIELD DATE:4 28 05 ,,FAY SURVEY VEY 2 �8z U R.O.W. I hereby certify that the survey -shown hereon is true and correct DATE: REVISIONS I and is based on actual measeurements taken In the field. This 6 9 05 ADD FFE'S & ELEVEATIONS! survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards,.o:1-00ger GIG17 Florida administrative code. NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL James :.:Ces, ro Ji M P. . t ,RAISED 6 OF A FLORIDA Professional yor'dt Mappe 543 LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER State of Florida