Building and ZWng Departmelt
i 7,
2300 Virginia Avenue
• SCANNED Fort Pierce,. FL 34982
ORl 561.4�62.1553
St Lucie County
Posign Certification for Wind Load Compliance
This Certification is to be completed by the project design arch.6et nor engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all
applications for building permits involving the construction of ne I w residence (single or multi- family), residential addition, any
aFcessory structure requiring a building permit, and any,nonresidentW structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior
renovations. (provided that uo structural walls, columns or other s I imijar component is being effected) -and certain other minor building
,permits. For -further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection - Office at 462-1553 or 462-2172.
4 Uoect Name
'CAtifJ60 r7iz%vtkc
Office Use Only
Street Address
0AMOU -0 viALL' J'
t Number
!..Occupancy Type J_
Pertification. Statement:
IJ certify that, to the best of my, knowledge and belief,
comply with the applicable structural portion of the E
r,ounty. I also certify.that structural elements depictc
1pads and forces. specified by -current code provisions
io$e plans and specifications have been designed to
Ding Codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie
6� -these plans provide adequate resistance to the wind
.12esign. Parameters andks§umutions Used: (Pleasi check e or complete the appropriate box.)
1. Florida Building Code 1001 Edition ASCE 7.98
2. Building Design is (check one) Enclosed Far0ally Enclosed Open Building
Building Height: 4. Wind Speed Used. in Buflding,Design: -3 second gust
S. Wind Exposure Classification (refer to exposure tables in MIAmg Code identMed in Line #1):
6. Average Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faceo-of Structure 445 -0 _PSF
7. 1 Peak Wind Velocity Pressure on Exterior Faces of, $tmdure 4-0 PSF
.80 Importance/Use Factor: (obtain from Building Code)
9., Loads: Floor __0/11��PSF Roof/dead W/Ilk, � PSF Roof/live _dA_PSF
-10. Were Shear Walls Considered for Structure (check one): Yes No -(if No, attach explanation)
11. Is aContinuous Load Path Piovidid (check one): I es. No. (if No, attach explanation)
12. Are Component and Cladding Detail Provided (deck one): Yes � No -(if No, attach explanation)
13. Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 'z
As witnessed by my, seal, I hereby certify that4he infrprmation included with this certification is true and
correct, to -the best of my knowledge and beli#L
Name:. -
Design Finn: t>V'YT4nG
Certification #• 2 S-eat` e]
Dam: AUG 232005-_
--I "rA7:1-F