HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2269 II II ....:.~.I. 8. ...u..DXUlllLAlDLltI,Q TO -=-GlOaQllaJ1lIllDXB~ 469 QUIT-CLAIM DEED . _ 'm_..___ .-.----.....----,.-------~-~_..-----______~-- ___..._..____..____._______.___~~_ .__4__________.. __._____ ._____.~. ______ ____ _ II,'. Ii U l t ( . t i I ! TillS 1NIlF.NTUKF.,. Made this.__..16t.!t d'7 ol._"~.rWlt'~._.__.. -~-_A.......s...._.CLII.w.mLUll wtO~1mC:. If. eLW'RT~.1). hla....U...____ , ,.f .he (~oonl)' 01.. ...-.. st ..-LllOle,..._____ __._ ____.__and Slale or. -no r.14. __..___ -.---.----.--'ard... of 1M firsl part, and A. D. 19...28., betWtal r-- .--.__._,.-__..gJ..QIl.QJ-L_DUU~l'.LI.___________.____ . . .., lbe ('l>UIlly nf _.__........._.__. __...___.._.._......_._...__._._._. and Slsle or. ,l,p.n~71 TeoS.. __................_.._....__.._ part___ Y _ of 1M s<<GOd 14ft, WITNF.$SF.'rIl. Thai lilt' ulcl pall 1.. or I~ fi"1 part, ror and in ""'<idenlioo or 1M 'IIm or. au DOLLAR AlID 0TRl:R '_'__ ..__."_ _.Y.lUI.4BLE....Cth1SlDDAflOllS .--------.----..____.._._______...___:lw... in band paiel by tic ....itl parI.Y__ of Ibe s<<ond ~,t, the f<<tipl .Mreor i. bveLr adcnowkd,:..1. ha_Y.._:_.. renik"<l, rtkascd an.1 quiHlainwd, and b7 lbese I'rtUnll do._ remite, release and quil-eIaiDl unlo the Kid I>'rt.l___ or lhe s<<ond pari and .-Jt~...-__________._...hdn ud aWans fore.cr, aU the ri<<bt. litle, inlerest, claim and delNJld which the saIclp.1rd.... of lhe 6uI pari ha.._.l'.'..__ in and I., 1M following d~rihN Iot..._, piece...-:- or pa<:ttL~ C}f land, 1lI'WM8Uuate. ly1ng end being 1n the Gounty of st. Luole. stat. of ....!~!J~.~......~.~UL -__...__ ..AU....o.f. that :PG.rL.oLIdl.L~hu.....QLthLllQdhean._Qu.ar..tu....Qt..Se.alion...D1ne.te8.l1y_-- -..---.--. !QIOJ.hlIL!hlr.'~~:fiu....lQJlth..BangLJ.odi7--.ia.at. ...~lng....at-.D1'--Ule...D~th .a~.--__ ..._._._......_._.~\l()1~..~l V.!!. P.r!lJJ!!l8' ..~l.'..\r1.Q.~ ._Q.~_Q41.j_Ml_..S.8..1oQa\.d..QrQB8 .UlILLot...7hr.80. _... _. ....__..~ 1~ o~Il~.~..~~.~~g.._!~~~.. aa North ~~.J~~i..~.. Rly.t.I'_.P-J___lp.lgt_ D.1!1~.r1Q1..C'Da1_...___ .--.- _.1I.Q ..:37..._.Bal4....t raQ.t....Q.t~.Ja.nd:...cODtA 1 D 1 ug...ona-:toLU'th. aora.llor...-Or...-leaa. i ! I I ! I I Ja ~ f \ i ! TO IIA \'1-: A:o<n TO Hor.o. lhe UI11('. l<J8dher wilh aU and singular 1M awu,Irn1nCt'O Ibrrcunln hrlooging 0' in any..-i'r a~rla'ning. and ..a lhe ,..laIc, riab!. lillr. inl<<('it and claim .hal"<.>rur nf 1M Jaid part -1.. "f the 1i..1 pari, '-i'....r in Ia.- '"~ "'Iuil)'. I.) lilt' 001)' pr"l'<'r asr. bmrfil and kboof of lhe Jaid I>~rt.~._ of lilt' s<<ond part, _h1....___ _______......hrin and ....ittnl forenr, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe said part 1.. of 1M fiuI pari ha.. Y.__ hrnunlc> ""... \h.1~ and yrar firsl aooye ..rillm.. Sicmd. snkd and drlinn.1 in I>rr'<'flCe of: ..._ ..ha...1 8 . an-! wal8 . lilt' day -'--".lD8tl..-aw.nel'- .~ 1 '-Jl..ll:I.g.~'.OD. .-.__........!..Q.!. _.~,l"..J....8r.l4. .---____.(Sea!.\ 'lor~~(t~ 1(...~leYela n.d.. . .. .....(Sea!.) STATE OF _naR~ Connly of__.81!....LUC:1lt... I llERI-:BY C'I-:KTIFY. Thai 011 this da)' pe~<onaUy aJll)ftred' befoce _, an oIfirrr duly autboo-i'ffl In adrnini'ln' nail.. and ~lr 3cknc.w\tdgtrmI" J -~..,.....t....B..-CI.E'l.EUllD.....um..JLOBUCE -lI..-CLrlEUllD~...h1a.-.1t... to _ _II """;"n 10 lx the (>('..on8. &sc,ibtd in and .bo uctulffl lhe: ro.-l'l[nina: in<lrumml and_...~hey.__... 11..1. ."__' th.~_._......_. _. e:<<<Ulffl Ibe lame f,edy and yohmlari'" lor lhe purpoon lherrin uprcs....t aclmowled<<rd bd''I'r 1M . AND 1 FllKTlIl':R ('FoRTIFY. Thai lhe "'id._--n<mmIGI.L-CJ.KlI.m.UD-.--. Imown 10 _ 10 be' II.., ",ill' of I.... aa;.L_ A!..__~..!.._~~IltA.J!JL ________. C>G a separale and p,inlr uamirlalion. lakm and madt- by."'" before mr, Arparal...,. and apul fr.- b<r said hlUband. did acknowlrdge thai the Ut'....Ulffl the forc-goiac DMJ for lhe: parP<>-'<' of rdinquitloinc, alinnli". and eonnyiq aU be, rilCh!. litk and intcrr." ...hether of do.-er, hornestnd or ..f ..-paratt pl"llpeft)", s...tutory or C1J11ilabk, in and I:) \he land. &scril..,.j therein, and 1M! W utt'_oted ~;d l>erd Irttl). ~nd \''''''''~ril}- a,..d wi:houl .any cum- pulsion, conslrain!. apprrbcruion or ft'u of or from 10<< sm hrnband. W:.NF.SS My !Jar'" aod ol6dal seal. aIJ.9.f.t...l.!o.U._Countr oL..8'......lt.\lo1.e~__...and St.al~ oLl'lo.rl.d.L.-__ Ihi> ._._1..'l.Ut ___:___rlaY uar~~_A. D. 19.&8. (Se..'-) i , I I. I II I 1ft I~ ~ STATE OF nORIUA, COlIIII)' of St. Luc:ie, BF. IT RF.1U:UBERF.D, Thai 011 thb p~ e. n4red Idlth J8okeon Houij""PiiUro"'St'iteorl1or id88l l'ge IIJ. ~.~~iQ~iOJL~Dl_l'.'.'Lm._...lL...l9.t3 lal. _day oL___r.oh....d:....ltJ:VS'" A.1'1'----^-- D..191B, I, r- ..Clerk c.f the Cimait <;OU'I in and for said c-r.ly. La"" "ai, !~ckd tM f...~ o..".Chi... ~ in \he Pablic Ruwds of laid. Co.I7. . IS \\'('rNESS WllERF,OPc' I hue -'lCr~o wt my haDd aDd the seal of sUi Coarl the ria)" aDd )ftr abMe ....illca. - '" ~ C .......r... . ". .A.. --. ..,.- .a........__ ~_(SeaI.) "-r.; Clerk Cimrit'c-L . . i ft. or. S"H ~ ~~J6..,....""/ t ! O~/ B)'..... '''-.-. --D:tuV Clerk. t.. "'# '.....~.. "'I': '& .,~ . ;" . .n."" ';" '..:~' .~i-~!t~?~~X{~~~~~ig~: ... ..........~ --"'....~~..>-~...q.~-.......~iN-~~rt- r . . _~" ":~ .;,,"'. _ ~ ~~-..::~}:.~7r.=~~~::;:~~~ ~&..