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I .__.i...ll.._Bar\..an4...Jluth .R.l't...hla"..U...______.__.______.~_____._.___'_ ________ i
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nllht ('_I, 0' "--_'''' S\. Lllal....._..... _...... ...... ...._._ and f;lal~ of. ._.-....-.~10r1d8. ...............______.._..._. part 1... of lhe linl part. and
___.__....__._,. ..._ J.....Bl:rk ._____..___.._..._ _.______...,___._.._._ ._._._..~.-_.----........-..--.---.._-..--...-.-. _............._....._
of I!lt ('_Iy of ........_.._ S~. . IAo 1, _..... .............._......._. and f;lale of....... J'lor Ida....... ......... ._..._.......... ...._ .part.7 ._. . bl 1M ~. part.
WITNF.!':':F.'llf, Thai lilt' ..id part1'.. 01 tilt' finl pari, for and 'n C<1...idrtalk'" of I.... 'Ullt of. $10.00 .04 othlr .alQ8bll.
.-- -...-....----.--..----------...---...--.-__._-____..D<>nart,
III hand paid by the .aid part... 7.- of Iht I<<OIld part" 1M _rlpt .h:reof i. hforeb, .tknow!N<<ed. ha...1"" ....., remi...... rek-a!l<<l arM! '1uiHlaimcd,
and by Ibrse prrsenll d.>......_.. remi..., rrlrasr and quil-cfalm unlo lhe "lei (1111.7.-.. 01 Iht eecood part alld.__hl...__.__...._..._............Mirs and
aui<<n' fore'..., ~!I the ",hi. litle. inlr,"" claim and deman.-I which lhe ..id ",11",,7,,- of Ihe lirsl part M ..e.__ in .and 10 Ibt 1.410",10<< de..-n'bed
Io'-_~ pi<<~- or par<<1.__. <>f Iarwt.~...... eUua'e. lJ'111g and being 10 the County ot 3t. Luole~ 3tate
_. A'..t.... o.t ..~Qr..14a...-tQ~.1.t.:--~---__.__-....___..-..---_"---....-.._.-_---..._____..__.__.._..__..._......
__._...l!9.'-._1i~~~!...~l~...(~.l..9t... Dl.99.~_~..~9_.UL_lD.. .c.Q.~!'.. .h.\'ka ...uluUYlalou.o.t Lots... t2 ...... ....__
....... ,p4._t.~ _.Qt.. Jlar&Y1U.a.S."-WlYlIl0D._O.t...s.tlo.tlo.n..,ot.S.atloD u...~0.oahlp...36 sOllth.............._
_..~...~8......~Q_~~h .~.8.P..-,:.. P~~~. 1,"~qct~~_'4. ..~!L.r..~Q.t.. .B.QQk...ti. Page. Z8.....s.t.._LlloleCollD\Y. ""'_'_"_"'_
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TO "AVF. ....:-or> TO 1101.1), lhe 52'.... l"Il"IMr ...-ilh all and singular lilt al'l'orkna....... Ibr<<unlo ht~ing .... 10 anrwi~ apj..-'Iainiog. and aU
1M <'Olatr. riltht. lit~. inlne-I and claim ...-hal<otnr of lilt !laid p.nl.. ~e. of 1M r;r<1 rart. rithn- io Ia" or ~uily. In I"" (01)' pr"l'Cl' a..., hmrfit and
bc-hoof of lilt said part --~..._ of 1M steond rart. ___.h.1.a.____._........__.._____... ......_. ._._ Ilti.. ~ ....ixn. f....rnt.
. ,
....s,...~-'\. ~
It-; WITNt-:S~ WIIF.RF.Of, Ihr ",id part 1.801 1M forst :>arl ha y.e __._ ht'tt'Unl" oct .... their ._____._........ h....... and .eal . ., lhe d..).
and }'('2r firsl abovr ...-ritlr-n.
Sillnrd. ..-akd ..nd &linRd io p'r5rnCe of: !
__....lW.. _.1. _ wan 811 __
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___..___If.I..B.. ..Ha.l".__...__ _____..._.. fSral.)
..._....' . Rll\h Han....__.._ ................:..::...::.:=:.=.~fSral.)
STATE OF --.~IDA----
Count}' of.._._....._M....LUCU_.____
I tlf.REBY CF.RTI".... Thai on Ib;, day peflonany appeared befol'(' _. an of6cer duly alllh<'oriud I.. a,lmini,ln ....Ib. ...d bh ae".......IMllmrn...
.._..LJl....Bar.\...ucl_IDUih...Jlart.._ h1....JI1f~_____..___...n._..._._...~......___. __,_._...._..__. ........ .
I" In(' _Ii Ir.nmrn In Ilt' 1M I'u"". dr-<crihnl io and .ho u<<uled lbe fort1lOiox ",\lnrnwnl anot._ ..' they _ ..
lhaL. ...._ ~b.'J: ...._..,_.._......n<<o!ta I.... QInt frerly and wolunlarily lor I.... (>U~ Ihtnin ul'ft"ttd.
aclmowkdllN ""'orr m'
ANU I FURTlfIo:R n:KTn:\', 'ThaI lhe said..___B.ulh...Har\_____.______.__...__.._.... ________.___.....__...............__
kno.-n 10 AI(' 10 be lhe .-ift' of the ..id...._ ~.!.......<'l..~_!l'_rL._______.._..._....._..__.____.._.._........_..__.__...... _....._____....
. OIl a separalr aM pri"l~ na...ination. laktn and mack by and bd",e -. srraraldy and aparl I rom Mr .aid hu.band. .Iid aclcnowkdgr lhal she u.......ted
the fOftKOin<< f><ed for lilt' p~ 01 rmaqu;,bing. alimalillC and eonw~nc all hn- right. lit~ arod intfftOt. .t.rtber "f down', ho_rad or of separate
p~rty. sta!mOlT or <'quil..1M. in and 10 Ihe I~.ds drocribed tbtnin, and thai ~ u<<utcd said Drrd "<'<'Iy and voltrnlarily and .-ithout any C0m-
pulsion, cotulraiol, appcdlension or fear of or from her said husband.
WITNF.SS IDJ' handEnd snJ. at...Jcn'L.P1eu._.-:...-C-y of .3'.. Luc1e .._____.....2ftd ~ale 01 J'lor 148 .-..
Ihi. .__l~'h __ lfay 01..._ D'O.JIllU.__A. D. 19..26
(Snl.) \
\f1.P. S'.l) 1 lfOt-ai:J.Mmo .ll'o-:aft:>>-st8tear"ior ldaatL8"'''ge
<: .30. ..... ........-. ..
ColJlll,. 01 SL Lade. .
at ~:67 A. u~
BI\ IT RUIF.IdBKRF.r>. Thai 011 dtit___i______..da, ol'--JIIIH'eb- __________~... O. 19 8.
I. p..!.....~!._mr'.L__ __.____.(.kfk of 1M ('iraUt Court in and f.,.- saiol C......IT,
ha.... dal, rKOrdcd I~~.~laira Drrd in 1M Public R<<on!. of hid c-tJ.
IN \\'ITNF.SJ \\'IU:I<<l\OF, I ~n hemaoto Ht .., hand a.... lhe seal of said <'<*It lbe da, ..... )'ftt abon Iniltm.
/!. \ , .0
~ cJ. ___R.. _ C a ...Jldr.e4._ ____ . ______ ..... . _ .(Seal)
\'. . ,::,. . Clerk Cinuit Court.
~. (Ct .Ct .8e.~) '~, e ,';: .?<-:. ,_.........
'" / ~ B'-..~~o.L!~-~-.-..----_u..._...~I, Clerk.
':. 7
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