HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2281 ....tOBJl..A.....1\lm1t 1lY TO B. J!-PARIlBLR 481 _..______..____ _._.._______. ____________g,U 1~:.9.l::~I..~_._P~~~__.___..__..___.._....._ _.... _.._.._..... __ ._. III .-._-- -.~---_._._---------~-....- ..~-- "------.--.- ------- -"---_. --------.---'------------.----.------ --_._--_._-~- - _.._----_._-----.~.._-?--- I . i '1' TillS INIlf.NTURK )Jade Ihis_..__,_.29.\h ----cIa)' of__...Ka.roh-_..___.....____...A, D, 19.28_~ belween 1 .-----_..._..~.9!Yf...4.L~~.f.m...._~f!~!'.!..l!.4.. __________.___ i , I 1 . i I , I It 1 i ~ ____....__._......___1......1 e.. .PA~W;tE.J\ ..,____ of I~ (\>UtlI)' 01 . ---" ..., ............._... ___..___..__... "'___'''_'' _..__.... a,'" Slale 01._._ 'lOf14. ....... __..._ ...___...___....__._ pul 7.- of the 6rsl pa,l, and 01 "or l'......I)'t.L.. . _)~t. Luo 1- .__.'" ...... _....___.._.. and Slale of__._._.'lor1da ._....._....._:.................... ......part~__ of lhe secoad part, WITN~~:~f.TII. ThaI 1M .aid part,...... of lilt' finl parI, lor and incoo<ide,.lion or lilt' ium or ......-...00. >>011., nnd....-.............-. _.other _..YrUuabl.8... QoualdetaUolJR ---_ .__._____.__.....ft~- ill hand paid by the laid part ")l. - of thfo seroad put, lhe receipt whereof Is hert'by ackno.ledced. ha..6 "'_ .._.__ rrmi...... rc-lra<ed and quit-cbimcd, and by I....sc (>CflC'nI. do. 8..: remise, "I('lt(' and quil.da;", unlo lbe said partY...._ 01 lhe ucond part and .-.-hle....__._:~.._.......__..._...hciu and auian. forner. aU lhe. right, lillr, inlrrc<t, cbira and demand ",hic:h lhe A.id pa'l..'__ of lhe finl part loa ..._._._.. ia and 10 lhe followDe rlctcribcd 101....., pi<'tt_ _ or parcel._ of land, fllowi... situate. ly1ng alld being 1n the to..loty of St. Luo1e, stote of . Plorld4.._ to....l t:-____.__ __ __.___.____.....______.___..__.____ -.- -- CQ~~.n~lpg _aL~h4L.!Ib.Qr.t._.Qt...~h'.._lDlUD.n..jU:u.r._.2~..11.feet _.odhot._the .1nteru.aUon__ .. .-'.... ot..thln~outh .nUne.ot.. LQt.~. .SeQUon..one.._~o.nBhlp !h1rtY~B1.x .South.uRange,ot'.t.J ___ .... h l'.-,,1, .. thence ..I'1lDDlug.Weat.u.lNll'all.el.with_theSoath.l1neot.. enld .10t.to.__U8.ea~__..___' .-. _1108 ,.. lh8UQfllior th.. on..th~..lIeaLl.1.n.....ot._..8814...r.o~..350.J.O teet.._ ~henoe-..l.a8t..to....t.h...._,.._ __.~h()l'-'....J 1P'..Q.tu_~JHLlml.lg,.JU..n_r.... thenoe ~.QJ.lU&l'~ ...oD..sa1d u.ahQr.fI.._tQ....p18QfLi1L.hegl~_ _.- __lnB.LJOQ). ~!J.1Jlg_u~11_~~Jp.f!r..lf.lIL.r.J.K..l}1u_b..lDg ...tluLlIo..rth._trre lYIL&O.t'.e.tL.o.t _the-1anda_de.e.d~ . ~._.~~~..l:Il..LU,l,~ !! ._ijJ;U...~..._!.h~._.!'1 cJ.Q.!._~nd J!ill_.h~.1~_.iAn.cl~r._ t h.~__l~"~Lot _.t It..Q_.8tQle_..Ot.___ ......_..I10.r ide._. of . Ii 8orge..W.._Hllla._d.e.Q.oaae.d_.b;I,.d.eetLda t:ed .. Sep.t.ember...16......l9l8.. - .. ...~_._._,_....._-_.- --- -,-_.~_._-_..-_.__. ..-.- -- _n___.__._____________h___.._..__._.._____.__... ___. ...__. ______._____ ..__ _.._______._.u_._ .____________ .a i TO 11.\\'1-; ANn TO JlOI.Il, t1~ "mr. h'lC<'lhrr...ilh ~U :and .iogul:ar lilt' appU'lWallC<'J thrrcur.I., l.dOl:;(in!r .>r in anyw~ appnbininfC. and all II... "Ial~. rixhl, lillr. inlrrc'l :and claim whal<<~'rr ~.f Ihr said pa'.. Y_ "f the finl pari, cilhn in Ia. .... hluil)', to, I.... .",1,- ..'opec uoe, lorncfil and lorhoof 01 Iht' .aid par. ~_._ "f Ihr _nod rart, ___ hia.._ 'U_,__,___+_._ .____h__ ____. ___..._ ht-irl al\4'l ;a~,i.-nl f",.,r\-rr. IN WITNF^'i5 WIfF.REOF. Ihe .aid 1'l'I.uY... of Iht' firsl pa,l ha.,____ hercunlo stl.....__uhJ.8 ._._._._.......ha",l._ _.and seal___. the day. and )'rar firsl :aLu~e .-rium. Sigrwd. _l:d and d.linrro in prr<<nce of: I -----..lil18h.-811Olrd_.... _____ ___...._~. .Jl. .LIBlle _.._.._....:........_.____ .-.-_..luO. .9... ~eutla~__.___.._ _(Seal) .............---..-.-............. --....-..--. -.-._==-=.=-_.~tSral.) STAfF. OF ___ K"Q.~~. (mmly bf.._____.P lke_........_ I IfF-RF.IlY CF.RTIFY, Thai on Ihi. day J>Usooally :appc&nd lxfore ....., an olIM-n dul)' ablhoriml I.. a.lmini'ler Nlh. _I lah- :ackno.-Irdgmml<, -.-....-.......- -- JOHB--A. .BENT-liBYr I1D1Ml'-l'le4. 10 me: ..dl ........'1> I.. t", Ihr I'<'r........ tkocribrd in and .ho txl'C1llrd thfo fOC('lCoinlf iastrulMfll and.. _... he lhal h. .. ......... "" ...._ . . u<<ulrd lhe OIlDC' frrcly :and yolanlarily for tlw ""r(>OKS lherr-in ul'r~!-c-d. .._......wacknowlcdltrd brloct' IDe ~~~lC.'(lflM'niv. ~~"'.... '~ __...:......--:.....___h_____~ ;;_------ known 10 me 10 br.lhe ..fe of the $1id....-----.:xX....--..---.--...----...--.-.X ._..._______~ on a s.rp:aulr aud p,inlr rumination, I.km and made by aOO~~. srp:lratrly and apart fro,.. hrr "id hu,banoxditl .cknowktlcr lhal !hr u<<ulr!l thfo fon'KOinll Dftd lor II", "urpo<e of fC'lioqu;..hiac. :alitoati.nc and c~all ....r riltbt, lillc and inlnrsl. .hnhu oJ( do.-rr. ""","Iud or of stparalr !,r~r1,., <!211>(0<)' N' <<:""2","" in and !'> !~ bn<!! .!t!Cribed thern.., and l~fXlo&~::;i<! lked frcrly and h~aril)' and ..itbual &1'y CUC1l- I)~..-nr..--~trx..-d~...:~xxx XXX X al..p-tu..u.l.r--'"-Coanl)" oL...___.P1U_______....._. _...and SI>le."f.~.. Kent.u.oq _.__ -.Aprll. A. D, 19~.a , , ,. _:~h.Jbro.c4: .._..____~. ___.__ Iita!'Y P,tb 10 statEl of ;,. ~ OoCam1BB on ex lrea~uu/.h.9____.~___ . en"~, -. 'Pfke.-------;;-.----..-;:---=---=--= I ! j I I I r f J 'I" ,.. !::.:....; ii' ~ I I I Coaaly of SI. l.ucie. OF. IT IU~J.lUUlERf.D. Thai on this__9.._ . . 2A --- ..da7 oL-A.-Pt11..-...-al....lD}3l._....U- -A. D. 19~ J. f..L..~.....nllre4 _.~_______Ckrlc of lhe Cirnrit CclOrt in and for said Coanty. ..a.., duly ,ccnrdnl Ihr fOl'qoiac Qui. . ~m [~ ia thr PuWic ~<<ords l'f said Coanly, . I baye he 10 set my lwtd aDd the leal 01 said C""rt lhe day and )-ear &boy, ..rillal. ___..J._~A_j;.ldr.ed..:......._._ (SW.) CkrIc Ornrit Court. BY-"':..,.~~-:~ __1>qIuty Cf.erk. ,. Record Verified ~~~~~~~S{t~~~~\~f~ . .,;.>':':4.~~l~~~ I .. l ~ ~;~