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-__-.J.-.1. nr.r.1ftlS .Ian .{1l!
____~__"'O.I.lUIs L. BIJtt.~U
.._. .__---,-____.__.______..____.9Q~'!:C~AJM DF.:EP_..____._____. ____.._..__.___._____;-____ __.._
TillS INDRNTURR Wade lbiL._.__Ih1r-Uetb. d" of----A-pf-l-l---,--------..-A, 0, 1tla.... belween I
__J ....l......Kellell. .D4-.Jetml--....-~.II8.. h14__U~-
. .
,.llbe Counl)' of -.-__.._..s.t... Luol.__.__..___._.__..~.and $tale of. -'10r.-14. ---.----------"'cl..1u 01 lhe 6"1 pari, and I
.. --- -"- _. OlaQ..-L.....Blelaen..__. I
.., 1M l'UItlII)' of -'-' '.-...._ Da.4.........___.___.-'.......... .._.._ ancl Stale ol.._._._'lor lela .._....__.._...__..._..._... __ part..~..__ of Iht' W<OM (>llri. I
.._.."!~ ,~
WITN"~~"TII. Thai lhe ..ioI pa<1.1.a of lilt' finl part. lor and In ('(l...lcl:ralioa nf tilt' sum 01... TeD Dallal's. 8ndother ._...""
--Yalu.alJle_.QODaldar.at 100.
in hand paKl b)' lhe s.aid part -7-, 01 the s~"Oftd put, the ft'Ceipt wbcreof is hereby lI(lrno,.lcd..<ed. haY. ____, rerai...... r"'noed _I 'l"it-cbimc-d.
and bJ lhese t'esmb do.___ rcmi~. release and quit.ebil1l rmlo lbe Mid part 1/-- of the s<<ond part and..-.hel'..__...___.._-'-..hri's :and
usicus forenr. all 1M riabt, litle, int~t, d.i", and demand .-hich lhe said pa'l.le. of the fiClI part ha _ ye _ in aod 10 Ihe following d('lCr~
1oL..... Pit'U.._ or pantl_ of 1ancI,....... .Uua\.. lying and belng in \he County of St. Luoie. St8te
~~_..lJ.~.~.t~...._~.~t~.l t:
.--'--..Lot.....On...-I.U.....D4-J'our.....{6.J-..1n- Blook .~ -&-U.. .-.In :.Qak.13nd ..p..k.--....." eooPd"~--
....___..In.St.... -Lual....C.QilD\1_Re.oo.r.cla... ._...________ ____
---.B..-B.. .Lt,&eh
or.Ua Balfdelt--
STAn: OF -~I::D&
Count)' oL_-S~...-I.UC-U.
I HKREB\" CF.RTiF\', Tb:al ""
__.J.....I._ l:ell8D.8
. .ll'ltpl. .B. . 4d1eaaa...
TO 11,-\ \'E ANI> TO 1I0f.f), IItr <a-. lOIrthrr .-ilh all and .i~r lilt' apparlmaOC<'S Ihcrnllll.. ....IooKing or in :ar;)',.-joe appt'<laining. :and all
lite niall', righl. title, intere<1 and claim ..hal~nc "f the said partl... or 1M fint part, citbn in law.", equil)', '" 1M onl)' propl'f we, ~lil :and
brhoof of lhe saitl (>&'1. J.- 01 lilt' S<<ond (>11ft, __.A'.r ___ _._.._ hri.. and :au~. fore.er.
fN WfTNESS WHEREOF, Ihr. <aid part-1ea or Ihe first pa'l ha. "e..-- Ilt'rnJnto kl --...the11-'...--...-:.....hand. ....2n.1 val..... lhe day
aod ynr firsl allon ",riUClL
Signed" HaW and tkli\'ered in_ pl('S('IY.:c rf:
Ilia day personally appearrd before mt', an oIfocl'f dul)' aath.>ri...1 Ii' a,lministfl' oalhs and lakr ackno1fkdgment<,
_~..J.J...l.t._L.lltUlL.n4._J.ennlL.X..... i:811811lR_hla..Jl~.y___
I" me 'nll kn61rn 10 Ix 1M llC'rsM. . dr:Krib.:d in and who ;Ul'lItrd the fOC<'lrOmll in,lru-..t and ... haV. ...._.......... . _.___..__.. aclrno-trlcdced bdo~ me
that __.._.._lhe1/____._..uuuted the ..me frerl)' :and ..olrmtarlly for 1M parposn Ihrrrin r~p:nsed.
ANn 1 FURTIIF.K (~F.RTIFY, That the said
..JJlDD1a ........ Xel1.8ID8u_-'-____..
kno1rD 10 II>(' I.. be lbe ..ife of the !<.lid....__L_~._Kel...1ll8
on a sep:aralr and pri.-Ie examination. Iun. and rnatk by and before me. s<'(>IIrakly and apart from hc:r ..id I!umand, did a<kno..kdgc lhal she UKUted
lhe for~ D.ed for I.... PUfJlOS<' of r...inquisb...., alimating and COIl\'t)inC all her right, lille a..... in~rrnl, .-hether of do1f<'f, hc>mrslcad or of uparate
"roper 11, statutory or ftlbilable, in and 101M bods describc-l lberrio, 'and lhal she ut'CUted said Dttd fr<<I)' and ..'lluntaril)' aad .itbout &1'1 com-
pulsion. conllrainl, apprmm';on or frar of C:>c from her said busband.
(Seal) i
~I, aJ~llr.o.L-CoanIY of
St &_LuaiL_
,..... Stale oLJ'lor 14..__
A. D. 1928.
~C..L....I1!1r.K.._ .:
~let'k Clroult ~ourt
.~. e.
Bit 11' RE).I1-:l.IlUiRED, Tbat on Ibh
..day ol....__-----Jllqr......t-i.:ti2....L. 14.
", D. 19-U
Count, of SL I.ucie.
f. . ...-'_~UI'M Ckrk of the.Cimtit Courl in and for saKI Coanll.
ha.e daly ruordrd lhe foreaoina: Quit-Claim need in the PaIllic Rcconb "f ..... Coal>'.
fN WfTNF.s~ \\'1 n hereaa,o Ul Ill)' lwId aDd the wal of said Courl lhe day and Jl'&r above WlillftL
- V
~~ -
-J.. .~..&14~.e4-_:.-.._- (SeaL)
Ont Qmrit C9Qft.
8y-~--~~_DtpetJ <:krlL