HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2299 'I j I I~ , j > I ! i i \ ! I I ! ! i ! i ! ~ I i . . I I i I -- .11 i~ I I~ ~ I~ ~ rk ,; !{ ~" I......~f) WIR , 1lAft,U...~R ~IGDLIJf ~99 Q'JIT-CLAIM DEED -' --- ".--'-'1'--~ I TillS lNIlF.NTURF~ )fade thi~.__._____.-3l.t._____-.da)' oL~_--IIa,.. n___.._______A. D. 1928-..... bttw_ { . I .---.aa:t.-..~n.l'l3ua.-A1iJ)...~ 'l-~YV J!I~HD. -HIS mOr- .'-bnaaa..-CU~. I ollh~ l'ount)' of. ....Jaotaon .~__._..___..~.._._._____.. and Slate of.__lI18sour1.. _..____._____.-'-. parti8L of lilt Iirst parI, and I I I I i 4 I f I , ~ -----.---B4ft1I..lr.-.Cl!AU8ER141tf. olt Iht l">lt"I)' of _... -- 8t. n Luo18. n.________ n", __ '_'" '_' and Slale of____..lor 148...._ "'___'''__ ,_..,._0.''''''''''_ put_~.__ of the StCond part, \\'ITNf.Sl;I\TII. '('hal'lhe ~3id pUI 111s of lhe Ii... part. for and in ronsmralion of the sum .,c.__TWO. HUlIDRlm A1ID .110/100 ... .-----..-------------_ --___DoUars, in hand paid by the saw (>IrlJ_.... of I~ s<<OOd part, the rtceipt wbtm>f i. hereby acknowWgtd. ha.. a,...___ rtmiwd. rma<t<1 and quil-daimtd, and by Ibtw praenls do.A__ remiot. releaot and qu;t-<bim unto tbe said parLJ'..- of tbe StCOOd pari anJ._hel!...;.._____ ._._.____heirs aDd assips foun.., all lhe richt, titl~, inlen::st. cbim aDd demand which the sald part_l tlO"f the fint part ha.. V.., _.. in and IO..lht rollowing dHCribtd Ioc~ pieu--.- or parecl_ of bnd,...... eUuate. lying and beins 1n the County ot st. Luo1e. state Qf_l.l Qr.all__..l O~.wll.t --.----- 8out.bIJ.at.-Quar.t.u---(S\f.t-~-oL-.the-UoUluleaL.Q1lal!.ter.-.C BWi.)--ot...SeotJ.on-El.aven____ -----...-.:.-.. .t.1l.J. ~Q.nah1p-~hlt'ty;'1J.V.8-L36..)"..:8ou.th...-llange..~lrtJ''''nine..C 39..) -Baat. ..oon.._____ _._..___.111 inlng. "..90 _a01'.8 B~_mQr.LQl'_.J.lla8.. ____.___.____._____.___.______________ ---------------.-------..- ..------------- -------.-- --.-------------------..-----..--..-- ----- ---------------------------- --..--------------------.---------.-------.-------.----------- TO HAVE '-\~I) TO 1101.1>, lhe Umt, logflhn wilh aU and sincubr 1'-: appurltnantt. Ihn-rulll.. ....Ionlling or in any..;oe 2pptrlAiDinc. and all Ihc e"al~. righl. litle. j"lert<t and .Iaim ..Iu'<of,.r 01 lhe said partl.__ or Ihc- fiUI part, eilher in bw or t<Iuil)'. ". lhe ooly- proper Uot. l"l'1\dil alld behoor of lhe said part _.~_ o! lhe s<<ood part, he~_ _-______..h<<-iu alHl 3.,~jxn' rore'(~r. . . IN WIT~I'.sS WIII-:REOF, the said parties or Ihe first part ha_"8...__... htreanlo ~!th.el r. __h_________ handS. _ and <tal':::::_. lhe thy am! )'nr liut aoo,'c "rillcn.. ~gutd. ~md and dtlivrrrd in pr~c or: -.-.- Uar.tha..S.....RYaua_ . -E.. L. _~h8et8 ____Zelr.l.. !.~._.ll~bQ!'._______.(Snl.) . Uar3 AlJ.Il~!::. i'1sher _(Scal.) STAn: OF -----j&ISSOURI COWlI,. oL------JACi:SOI I JiF.RF.IlY CERTIFY, That on - J Ihi. day ~..ooall,. ;;appund btrort 1IlC'. an oficcr duly aql",...iud 10 a,l....i.trr nalh. and lake acknowkdgnwnt.. --E.UiL.-E.-l'ISHEa-.\UI>.Kt.RY--. 1'1 f.-Sm. ~ 138m .-h1a..w.11e .___ .__ I., - wtll known 10 be Iht prr5<lOS. deKnl>td in and woo Utnlttd the fortgoinll in<lntmntl and ._._ thell..- ___'_'____'''_'h.. acir.nowkdgtd before mt \ lhal.-._..__th.7__......J'utculcd lhe sa_ frtcl,. and "oIl111larily for lhe purpose. ,huein Ul'......wd. ANI> I I'URTIlt-:R n:RTII'Y, That the said. .--.UABY_ .l T.T.F.tIB ...P.ISllll."R.________..________.___. hOlm I.. "'" I~ be tl:! wif. or lht said._~__.EABL.~. :fISHER __._.______.___ 00 a sq4rate and p<inle naDllml:o". taktn and made b)' aDd ....fo.e """ I<paratrl)' and aparl from her said hu.!-aud,. did admawWllt lhal .ht ut<1Ilcd !be ff)l'tg;,ins Jkrd for lilt pq~ or rdinqui.hing, alimati.... and conn'..... all hn- righa. litlr and iDI.r.... ..helher of dowt<. t.omc,'eAd or of stpara!e . , pro~rlJ'. sta.utor)' or equitahlr. in and 101M land. describrd lherein. aDd lhat * u<<ultd said l:ittd !r<<ll and ....Innlanl, and without an)' com- pubion, con'lraint. apprrhtmion or rnr of (tf' from her said hu,band. WITNF.sS my band aDd 08id31 lul. at-. ~Deas...c.1'tL-Coant)- oL_ .JIlQU~D______._.and Slale oL_.H1DJlQ.lJr.1._ Ibis._-.4th .:.=-:--:': ~Y'of ---IIaJ.___A. D. 19..28 (~L) ~ ~\ .~ ~ l(y _ -'~_~L.B9!l.!.n'___h notary Publ10 Cn_1B8~ eB~~i P.~~_2ftl..l,~.iU __ BF. IT JlUolEWRERF.D. Thal on tM. .U ".y oL...JlW.......a-'_3:ti.2...11...Jl..__-A. D. 19...2.Q , -~ I, ~---RA_CA..JSl4r.fdl ha..e duly rerordcd Ihc- furqoiroa Qlait-Claim l)red ia the PabJic Recorda of saioI Cowtr. IN WITNF.rSS .OF. I IAn bttamlo let In)' band UId !be se.aI ht said Court 1M .Jay antI,J11lr aboye .ritted. , ~ . ! \ . --R+--C. .-Z14~e4 ( (Cit.Ct~S'?) B)' ~~ .; ;I . ./ . f t \ . Clerk of the Circuit Court in utd foe said County, . (Sat) Ckrk CimUt c--t. ....Dtpaty Ck1'k. R(?cord \!, . erl[ilJd . t . \ , ' ~~~~I~#~~~;~~~;;~l~i*t~l~f ,~ , ',' " :::::':' >~~'~~i~~~'~~~