HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2303 II .1 ,I 11 I 1 ..Jl._ltLllllOUJIl' "'UJS TO _._._~llI.Jl~D B04P P".&a~ft _~ rI,pR:Q)'. . .... -.-- -------__.__..___._. .____________.g_~_!'I.~C ~.~ !~.g_~.~Q__._._.. _.....n... 503 r---- -- -_. .'.- -- T . TillS ISDF.NTURF.. Madt thiJ._._k,____IJ\Il__. olaf of.____.__.lpr1l.______._..____..__A. D. 19_8a.~ bttwetn. . , --.--.-.------.-..-.- J.....Jt_tlto.m...g.'.' .ADIlU-.U--!D-------:.....-.--~. ; ..f Iht ('''''"ly of .".,.. .,_ .Lu1....._.. _.. -_......_._._._._..snd Stale of. ___.... .1101'14&....... ...__.....__.......,;.. part.11.'"f the lint pari, ~nd j ! r- II lJ "..____tr_ ..h.______,...S 'e.'-t..JlO&I.J)e>>ar.mm.l_AfJU..____ ... . ._."...._m... "__'''___'''' '__"h . .._ 28Stat.. a(_____'lor14........_.. .... ... .." ~rt...7.'h of tM wcond part, \\'ITNI-:~~F.TIl, Tlul lhe <aid rut 1,. <>f Ihco Ii... part. for and in' cm.idtralion of lhe sum of... ... h..l......"..""...-.....- .... .--...--.~-"....-._-..- ...... ftO.. .~_~ ___h_"_,,__ .____.___ _"_._. _______.._..__.n..nau. in hand paid by lhe "-lid part... 7..- of Ihe _I part,. tbt receipt wherNf i. henby acli:no..kdlltd. h~ n ______._ nmisnl.. rcl~~<td _I quiH~imtd. and b)' the<(' preotnts do.__._.. rem~, r..leue and quit-dain, unto tht said part 7...... 01 the JtWI\d part and...l 'Q81J.OO"S~t. ._.;Eg and aU;llns f<>rh't1', all lhe rilhl. title<, inlern!. claim and demand which the said part!.'. of Ihe lint part ha.. TO. _... in and I.) tht fdlowinc describtd i I I Iodl~ ri<<e... or par~UL of land, CI:ml: 81tuah. l71ns -.4 be1D8. in 'h. Oom\.., of 8t. Luo1e.' state ~t. P).9Z'lcl....m~9.~~~.'.!.___. .____..____._________________ ...---.... ~..~8.~, ...~~~_.~J!~Il.J'_!@'_J).lm..I'_9l._,~~....,.QUt.l:l_""..qQt'H,~ _.of _lh...,n..Of.lll_.I.W,___ ..._-.-,~ QllOJ'tR. o:l..,'b...,Q.ll"'....~~__Q...QH!'-I'_OL3.t.Q.U,Qn ~7~..' .~t..M .s.~.. llt...w..!.: .u~'AO,_.~...S!L ....- .....- ~~. 4,&~.. .~~ .~11.1.~.A..l~.._~'l~tjLf'_'_~..3LJlO-h~'_ Qt_.HgiQ,Qlpg uQt_.'i'IQ.\.hll".'b.1_..QUY...YOuO-. -. u'" .._~~~~.~ _~.... t59.u~'B_!.. .64r_~~.~__"b _322....lJ..t"_~'....'1l'nQt_~_._8'OllUl. _"I.~_ f'I'._~....ih'JlQt_- ...____u~_!_J~(L~~t.t~...~__~~~_.~..!L~6.' f..t-.a: thence - B. 88 ~g..__.!.!J.~.Q!~~.e.~_~.~_R9.1n~__C!~_ .___~SIJ1~.~~i....~~-'.Ia_!P.!~8...M 1100.. of _~~t!_~.~1-:.~..._.IIl.~~.~__~._.:t.~~.. ______ -....--.' 41~.,~ I.. a._ 1II~~.l.P..of.~~~_.~.~..!.Q...l!l!l.~_~_!'_1.~ll1.._~~~.~_~_._~.__~~g!l ~._~l...~_~~__.~..~~n.I,18_Qf '.."--"- S, . ~ .4,g_, .K.. 1I1n.t.I.,;_"lO.D8._'1l'._1l0.n1LR1.v _814'._Qt_.tlaa t. >>V.'-Qt..lll...S.lll.1L4.._ot_..tb. --......... J. . ,..l/._.Qt~n.....~~~.!.)./~_Qf. _~'~..t.J.,?..__~!.._36_~! ....JJ.!-_~_"_!..a:"'.~_I!9-~..~....Q.t.. t!t~...~.,.q'.!,.t .._._....!.~..~.l1.e.._()~~_~~O'~~u~_,_~I._~!._"..t of th~_ ~.~Jq_~Q1LR~.c!!.. , ~ TO 11.-\\'1-: AXU TO 1101.1), the sa_, 1~lhe ..ilh all and singular lhe appurlMUlln's Ih~fl""ll" be.......ltil1jC or in any..ic.. a",,"l~illin!l'.- and "II lhe ~"~I.., rillhl, lille<, inlfft<1 and cbim "h.Ucotnr of I~ uid part 1,1.' "I the fint parI. ci,her in la'jC ..... e>tU;I)', ", ,he (01)' I'ropn- Uot. ''''';efil and '......,.,f of the uid p~rt-7,._ of I"" ~d part, __.1tS._SlUlOUSllU.__._._....__..____._ JlilXand a..ixns f"r~nr. IN WIT!\F.SS WHEREOF, Ihe said parl18S of tht lint ~rt haTe._":':" herelUllo ~t ___... thalr '_._ .___haOlS ... and <('al 8 . I"" thy and )TU fint aoon .,;lten. Si((DCd. se<~d an.1 ddi\'erN in_pr(~e of: ___.IlI.. J.t.B~...'n Bl-.! ~nQ4)lIJ1e.l"_ --I _____ __.__....._.__..B IL. nBroml_______(StaI.) _.-- ......._ .._'. .Annie. J. B~C)!J:l:..__ u"_. (Sta!.) STATE OF _.___._.._.l.or14a._____ } l'uanl)- of -. .---...--~! ..-~..!.~- J I IlEI<F.B\" l'ER1'IF\". Thai on thic .Iay penoD"Uy aP!>e"rtd before _. an nftic:~r dul\' anl""ri,nl 10 ~.Imioi".. ....110. and talc... ~clcnnwltll~mml" .._.__...~.._~...n.Bro~._~~_~_6_J. B~~___ 10 fM ..ell "..a..n 10 r..- Iht' totrson8 okscrihnl in and who tsKUled the forqrr.inll in.'rumflll and 'U" 'he7 . n H __ . . ... ac:L-no..ltdlltd her"re me thaI ..._. t;he,...._.. ......._.__. e",culed the ..me fredy and yollUltarily for ,he purpo~ IIltrrin nprr..ro. ASI> I FURTIII-:R CERTfl'\", That the uid.___~.U_!_.J.N.L_.__________.......u_..__..._._...... 1m01f1l I.~ me 10 be Ibe wife of Ihe uioL_..._____~.__~n Bro!fg.______...._nn.. ..___u.____...___ 00 a Kl"'rate a",1 prinle eumin:alion. laua and made by and before- me. s~p..""ldy and apart from her u;.1 hushand. did arlcnowkdRe lhat she eucuttd 11,10 forqcir;ll Dttd f,,,, the PUrpok of relinquishing. a1imati... and conye)'ing all ber righl. lille and inl~resl. ..hriher "f down, horD<sle~ or of separale< proptttf. .talutor)' or equitable. in and 10 the lands described Ihtrrin, and lhat she ucculcd !laid Ilftd frnl)' and \'oImlluily and without any com- puhion. cooslra;"I, aPf.rehension or fnr of or from her said husband. WITNESS ..y hand and <.Aic:iaI seal, at.'_0l'.1i...l1.u._--:.CoaIlIY oL..Jll..Lllo1...... -_.___--'UId Stalt oL_ '1.01'14&...__ Ihis______?Ub_, day 01. ~1..--C;...---____._A. D. 19..2& (Seal) ~--.-.... . l(~. P. S~ 1;':&J:~I~~~I~i~lflt~~i8!-Jr~.~~-~-;- \ . . ST\fE 0,11 FI.ORWA, C.oun!r of 51 LlICit. t .7 . i . j i i i ~ I BF. IT l<F.UE1.I8ERED. That 011 thiJ.__Jti.h thy of ._...JlUlI"..&L.l116...l'.. II. --^- D_ 19,24 J. ___ l. C. RToPRKJ) ____nnk of the Circuit Court in and for said CounlJ'. ha\'~ duly rKOfdtd tM f..eaoi.. Onit.Cbim Ilt(d in the Public R<<ords of uid COlIOt)'. I~ WITNESS WJlfo:kF.oF. I haYf htrnmto ad my hand a~ sui of said Courl the day and )tar abou .ritttu. . . ill . . . - . ~ -------.-/7 :P.:_c.._E~m8JD Ouk Cima.( eov1..SeaJ.) C~. SUL) ; .~, B/.___..._~ct:L- ~ t)' Clerk. ; ~ .<J'" . '.., t... ....~ t:\' Q I C C'f' .' J .1;.,..., I if I;; ./ ~~;~Ji~~~~~?fJ~~.~~t~i:t!r~~1~~~:~~n c. t'-Cj'~~ ..~...,t.,:___~- ii~4."" $...'1-~ . "'-1r_' .-- ~!",,-.~ ~~-~~~;~ ~~~ ~~{~;~~~~t,~;'~~ ~!~;~1-~ :~~.~:~:~~ ~tI~ ?~~ .... . '.' . ;.;C?~:~t~~i%~i