HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2338 538 UlQILt.1..8 ...mmm. p>> ATfRllAlD.__ TO --.-._._St.us..1UWLDxrA~IftqJl'... J~~I:r"_Q~AI~LQEItC 1'1II~ INOI\NTUR..:' lIatk Ihi.. ....18'h._____~~.~_...._._..__da)' of_.____lv.nt..___.____..___A. D. l'>IEL. betWMl ----....-..---____.~1!~.~)..;Lt._.~.!...I.fZH._~4...1J..lfQD....>>....r.rDr..._b.u'..lnl'-~tM .__.._.......___:...__..______ of !he ('._Iy of. ....- ....-..... !l.O.' .....-.-.. .....- . ...._....... ___ and Slate 01. _................_ Ol:lla ...._m..._..___...____. _... part t . 01 lhe first part, and ....-.---..-..-.. .-....-.....-....---.. Q.~ t~.J~~~... >>~~.~.~~_.9~_ ~ ~,___...__....._..__.._._.____.._... _.. ...._. ''''':' _.._.....__. ._.......__._._..._ '1.-----. ~ ~.._,. -'" ........ .:- ....... .....m.. .0....-.... -.tSlalt of _ ...'101'14a '."'__._m." ""_"'"'' ...... .....part 7 '''.. of Iht <<<onJ ~rl, I WITNESSF.TIl, Thai lhe _sid rarI7..... of the fi..1 part, for and In .........ideratio>n 01 the SQm of _... "n.. _ .. ...,. ......_... _ .... ... ..... ...,. ..... --.--- -----.--...- _....!!Y_____._.._.___...___ ..__._.._...__._.._,__ _._.o.. ._..._.._.. DoHa.., in haM paid 11)' lhe sa!d part 7.... of 1M J<<Ot>d vart. lhe R\:eipt ..hueof II htrtby llflmo,.\tdat.i, ba. n. '_"_... rconi'C'd, rtln;~d s<ld qDit.(bl~ lnd b)' thew presents do.._... r~mi~. rtlu't and quit.dalm 0010 tht ..lei part" .._. of the tmlnd ~rt and ...lta Bo.OOeeeo:r.8 ...:JIiI:IIi and ''ii<<ns fornff, all lhe rillhl. tille, inle"'"I. cbitn and dnnand .hjch the said parL.les nf the fint part baft __._ in and to Iht fur...win. d"frlbtd 10L~ riKe._._. or parcel__. ';f 1and.1lIIIIIrx 81 \uate, 17ln8 an4 be1118 1n lhe Count7 of 8t. Luoie. stat. of..~larl4...'_'o~.1t L_ __ _____._.._.__ ___....___.____._____..____ -..-- ~~.g1.~!l6_..~.,,>>o~I1~.h~l1. .~~n~.!.~ _~-~..J'-g.ll. .J.~8lS_ :8~8l:lt..:. ~..,~.,~ .,t'....'.9\1.n . o.t _~'e~___ _..h___.~.o~.......ll.d.~~n. .~'Ot;iOllJh~1 ~__~~..~.._.L.~5..::;~.Jl!l . 3.~I,,,".n.n.q. '_~h3 ...69 -<<-g, 61;) rain. ...-.:--'!, .J".loDS . ,.Uo,.n'l'o.. ot.l'O.O 8('-6.t7_.f-'.. ".n_.. .~..on a ourH_ to 1'1&l1t otra411 ot.. :.... _m.. ~?~.' .1I.6_!~." .fo".".:4.!..~~o.~.~~..i~~.!~. fl., ,... tiM.POt . ~ J:S_L.'l.6 ..th8. ..U .....uBI ._, ~ " .20 ,.n .'" __,-!..h!.noe ~ ." 0 _!.,.8~..~!_~n.L_!.a-L_34 .~_~~,.:.~~E~.!...:_.J..!h:.!~_~.~g!..:...~?..~.~.!'._.B ".:~:J.~_,E? .t.t.._. --- 'll'AQ.....!'.-..QJl.-"..QJJ.UI...t.Q.._1.ttL~.t_ ~uJ,Lo.t...fi6i6..6_t'. ..foz.ah41I'-ana.. .ot.. 64V.i. ft. ...__ - --~~,~..~-.!l.!h..6~.J)~gll..~~_..!P1l..LI.h__~1.?,~Lt~h_1;b4f10I~_.S .!!.. Oh..4,g'.11..alD. _I... ,,~__t2:httt" to' . . - ----- RQip,.o.t. b,g1umu.. Q.oA~-s,mpg__l.tQ9__"~~!tI.',JItOJ'o,.or.le el, ..e.Il4.. "lAB. 81;r1>>ot .lan4_ _h.___.~!~Lftf _"'4.,_.t~~pg_ tq~_~1g:rJL.p..-1f_ .~t.t',1abt .Qt.. trN'.o.t.8t".~,ao80. .J,-gbti,other- ...----.~Q..hgQQM._.Q.t"QhO"t..1l.'O.~.f. _.___ _ ____.__._.__.._ -.---.____._....h_.__.h..__...._.......... _ h_ _.._._..!rbl.~..4.~~4 ,.i.8. ~ .~~_!.I~.te.()_'_~..!'....C?_O'.!:.4!!.....O'~~P8... ____....__. _.....____.__. _'_"'__.._.. "_.., .____-. -.- .-..--------....-------.-..--....-.-- ~-._..--____._ .___ _ _._n... __.___.._u _._ __~_.__.________._......___.______ __._...._._. .." . ._ ._...... __ TO R\ \"F. AXI) TO 1101.1). 11M- "'me. I.'llrthtr ..-ilh an an<J .inj(ular lhe appurtmancn Ihtffllfll" bd''''lti"lf or in 'n)W'i~ a~rtainin~. Ind ;011 11M- c'lale. riJ(hl. Iii.... inant'l and claim ..hal'Ot~tr nf Ihe .aid part 1...e. ..f 11M- fi,,1 part. tilhtr in 1;oW' .... "Juil)'. In lhe ....1). !'fOIl<'; uv. '....tfil and IS WITSRS~ WlfF.REOF, 11M- .aid parlie.. nIl1M- li"l part haVe _ . htftUnln .el ... ..tlle1:r.. alMJ )"tar first atlO\-r .-riUen. l'illnN. 5t;okc1 and ddinrro m pr..'Coce of: ! _~_.,Larg .,.....Jl'nr.._:._..____,.___.__.____ __'._' K1~4re.4.K...._~h.~~.1' __ ..._ , ._ ___ ... hand 8 2nd ot-21B . lhe- day I ~hor>ibf lhe ...id pari 7.-. of lhe otrond ",rt, ......1 tQ.. Q.Y9o.t.'.QO,I'..._.._....._.._._.... ._....... ..... .nd a..iJ(n. f....t~tr. -....-.--....-...-...---- Luo1l1e. S.. 'r,..r._.._ __.. _(Stal.) G. D, '.r7er.. _ "...(Sta!.) STATE OF ___.O'l;l~o______.__..._..___._____.__ } ('....nly of ......_.B.O.~~______"__....________ J 1 III\RF.RY ('F.RTIFY. Th21 on Ih~ da)' I""r......lI)' appeared befort me, an "ffittr dul)' alllhorittd I.. ad...ini.ttr nach. and lI"t aclrnoW'~I'nwnl', -.-----.--.--._..___..~~~n!.._s~ .'.J"D~ ..~ GIJWll.J)tl.t'8tl'_ ___....____. __.H".' 10 me ...11 "......... 10 he. lhe 1~...,,8 ....rihM in and .ho u.....ttd Iht- forttrr>il;jt in.intflKnl and Htb08 lhal . ...- tbe7........ ,'''.... extnll<<l lhe ..me freely and ..u1uniarily fo: lhe purpcoon I~.. ,,"pr...wd. MiD 1 I:UKTIIJ.:R I'J.:RTlfY, That lhe R;'L..._ G.1,pp.J)~ hl~n~.._....._..h.__h.____...:._._.____._....._..___m...'. kn.".n 10 _10 he Ih}13r~~ laid...___ .LUO~.u~~-.,,~.Y~:r.--h18-.-....w1f. _...._ _ ___..__..___._ '__'"__._ on a wparal~ and pcinlt e.....m.lion, lahn a~ mack b) and btfon trIP, Stparal~~ aparl Irom g qid ~. did ackno..ltdlle Ih.al ~ extnltt<l Iht fon,ro;lIIl Ilttd for the purpnot of rtfinqui.hinl{. alimalillC and canvt)inl( all -gill. lillt and inter"" .htthtr of doWft'. ho_tad or 01 wpara~ PfOIltrty. '''Iutory or cqtritablt. in Ilnd to 1M. !3nd. deKribtd Ihrtrin, and thaI /,t eu-cuted <aid Oftd Irnl)' ....j t'oluntaril)' and ..ithoat an)' rom. . pubion. COI1Slrailll, apprdwn.ion or fnr of or from ~tid 1IlIImIB. wife. . at""".ltdlltd btl..rt _ WITSF.SS my hand and o&ul &tal, .1.JH~l;U\.9_Qt.~_'_c....ot,. oL.___Ro.fle____..__-.. Statt oL._.Ob!Q _ Ih~.--~~~~i.~~'-.-----;.. D_ 19~ (Stat) r .' . . U CR. i. SJW,~ J J' ffj.----.. ..-..h---...~~!"~l--~~l~l!L..__---.--__-... otl~~lio R~8!reg1lfil OD1o~ b' 92 . ......:'..h .OJlt. P... .,_ '_.1"1'8.... t. 'h..1 ... ~ _ _0.._ STATE OF FI.ORID~. .} .' Count)' of Sf. Lucie. IJR It RF.WElIBliRlm. That on Ihis.___ 26tl1 ..da)' oL..l'~L~LjJ:"3...,....!_..._L..____A. D. 1928, .." ; I i i ~ i t f I, ---__J~...9~JL-. ____ -__.._..___Cln-k of 1M {,irarit C~ in aad f.... qj4 ('....IT. have d:aly reroctktl the lortJloing Quil.(,bim llttd in the Public R<<onIs 01 u.d eo.t)'. IS WITNl-:SS WIIF.RF.OF. ( han hertunto se III)' hand al1!l tht sui 01 said ('''''.. tlot day ..... )Ur abon _ritull. I/'?~~"" -.....-----.,-.-.---.-,~.!._~, XLP9~kCi;;;il..(,;;.~~lI) Jet. Of, 8:84) ~-~~.) . By-----hh~-_~~_~~De,taty Clerk. ,. '('I) 7 ---- ! ~ ~~ '. q [', .-./;..... ~,~. '~''7 ;~~{~~;~J.!i~l~~l~~~1i -.~ '""('"-