HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2352 552 OJOaGI .-naOIl J.lm wrn TO J. .lJ.'UBt 'I~ --9_UtT.~~!'tM o~g.O r I I . I i ! I I , I I l I i Tms INOF.NtURF~ Vade thlL ___..81&'..nlh. day of.-_Auaua' . _A. D. 19&6.... Iotlwem ---o.or-ao... '.-MuoIl.-aaA.-I.au.-xaaoD~.~" "' tb# County of _.~.--.Sl.. . Luol.._-___.__.__._..._.....___and Stat~ oL..--norUa......-.____._--:..___part.l.. ol'IM first part, and -.--.-..l....Allll.r.'-..l.ut__________...____..__.____.____._..:..__.......:.:..~_.____..__ ollhe COUIlt)' of ......--......- .3",,, L"o.h.. '....... -. ...__..~nd Slat~ of. _:...._...10r1.. .__._._._.___..___.____. part... l- of the -..M pdt. I WITNJ.:SSETII, Tlut lhe ..;'1 paral.. ..f lilt lint parI. for and In C'M'*ntion 01 tilt SlIrn ..f..._ '_" Ona Dollar _ ant ..oth.r... "alwf 1 ..glt...~~R,j.~U..U.o..QD ' . .----:-----___.__.~ i I in hand paid by lilt said par"" .-- 01 the SMJnd part, tbe rtttipt wMreof Is htrtb)' atkn.l.~ h.I.Y'.___ nraiN'd. rtln<td and q.it-dal1lWd, ! and by Ihtse pnHnts dc...-__ nmiu. nleast and 'luit-dalm unlo the said part.J'___ of lIw: aecond ....t and...hl.______ .---_.__..Iltin and aul&OI forner, .11 lhe ritht. tillt, inlen-sl. claim and demand which lIw: said partl.'.._ of 1M lint part ha..Y._.~ In and to Iht f"'lowir.c dttCribtd lot.__., picce__ or par<<l._ of land, -.M.Uual., 1:,>1118 an4 b.1OB in t1\. COv.nt7 ot st. Luol., stat. of J11arl4a.....iQ"!'II1'1__~_ __'___'___ ----,.1!~-I.'I!'_bl.lt_twtLQt_lm SiD .,uill....o.t....t.. "1lI.r.'-.'1eh..r..!.I._.J.uIl41Yla1.oD....o~_'_ l_ ----P8d...of . SaClu.OJl.~h1r~~a1x--C.a&J_1!OlIDBhlp...~h1t..t'..fl..-(16J.aoulh....Bana. 'Iorl~.__ -...-.-.-.- (101.Eaat. ..an4. par' ...O~ -.thLIodhweat.. .Quar.lar...C.wtl. o~..'h.-hdh1l.8t_Que~hr __._._.:.:.. (OiL9..f-~t.O.UQP-$)DL..U.l..._t9.D'-llU.-Th1.t.,J:~.i&_.J36Llgll'h._1lID&LIOr "_l~o.) '_ ,._..._ --JII!i...-~...-rt.QJ~.f....t.tJ.g_lli~._.I~.ot_L_-lU.t_n1...._jl,t....3.t__l.WlU_ (iount7. ' '.b.r1cla._Beooru.. I p t I l- I " I, I' ; r r 1, r: If 1 ~ ,'. i ~~ ..--------- :~: ~. ~ -------..--------- ;i I '. !~ !:i -----------'T----- --------------------------.--- . I - - f i ," H !~ i-',. ; 01:: ..---------------------..--------.-. ..___.__..____.u____. ._..___._ .__..,_ 1'0 HAVF. ASO 1'0 HOI.I), lbe q...... I.....IMr wilh all and sinllllbr I"" appllrtrnan<<<< I!!efftlflto bttooainc or in anpri<e al'P<'<tain~. and all I"" ~....., r;."I. lillt. iulert<1 and claim "hal",.enr ui Iht ...id part 10 of lhe fir.. ",".' rit""r in Ia.. nr equity. 10 the onl)' pr~>pt. 11<('. bntefil aM bt-Mol of the ~id part 7-.. or lhe !C'Cond part. __hi. '___ ____._...00 .hrin and aniKrL' fl)f~,tr. IN WITNF.sS WIlF.I(F.OF, Iht uid part.i.. of the fiut part ha-"..c-. htrl'Unto ~I....-'h.lr.._...._._._.h.nd. .nd oral 8. I"" day I; , and ynr lint abo\'e ...rillen. Sil(IItd. Inkd and drli,'erc<l in prr<nICe of: -"-.1:._ .n~.w ...uaua Jl1uU1U ---~ '- ~- ._) . (Seal) I; t.", r. .-__~.!P_~,__w..._~_1t9.IL ...-.____. ~ur,...91L.___ . (Sea!.) STATF. OF _.~T'QA . County of. ---.~.LUCU.-. I If F.R 1-: OY CERTifY. That on t.hi. day penonally appeared ""fae _. an 08ic~ daly aUlborittd to. admini<ltr tilt," and Ia"~ zdmowlbl<<menl" f' , 1: J ..- ..G.t.Q.rg....... _ JIaa.an....and_L.lur...JIaaon_h t. .11. , 1 In - -II knowo 10 be lhe penon$ drscribrd in and who Utc1Jltd t~ fortj[oinjr in"''''..-I and__.th.,_._..._ __...._.. ._ Xknn...ltdJ:N bel.,.... _ llut . ..__...._t!~,....' ...-.-_..~..tnIlro lhe "'me fret/y and '....-mtan"/y for tbe 1-"'1>M"S Ihtrtin up~ - ! ? ASO I FURTIfER ('F.RTIFY, Thai the said. ~~_~~_~_---,..~.~.P.__..__________.____ \mown to 1M 10 be !be ...ife of Ihe said----QB4r.....~.._1.IaaoD_..:. on . M'paule and prinl~ uamioati<>n. lakm and made by and before -. upantdy and apart from M' said h.......... did acknow~ lhat she e".tCtllN 1M r~ Drtd for the pufl>Olt of rrli!lQ1lilhinc. alimalina and ronnyinc all her rillh!, lil~ and inter<<I. .a.dMr of dower, honor'lead or 01 5fParatt pl'Dptr1,.. sta!1ltory << <'qlri1a1H. in and to the la:Mlo dacrilltd thtrtin, and Ibat she u<<omd said Dttd Irtt/y and "ohinlaril)' and without an)' rom- palsion. conslraiut.. apprehension or Inr 01 01' from ber said husband. I.'. i,'} , '~1. \\'ITSF.SS DIY hand and oIitiaIsnl. al..l.or, Pi.ra.. Count,. or.__.S.L__L\lOle . \ Ibi,_..AUl..nlh.._day of.-ADCua.~___._A. D. 19.28. ( s..-aL) ~ -lid Slate of ~ ftAr.1u_._..._____ :... li i y: ; '-.j ~.~t r~:~ i-~ ( ~.7,P. S..l ~../ - lf~a!I.i!~~I:6.~~l::i!:'.J:-rlt~li~uL. .. . i ST.\TE OF FLORIDA. Counl,. of 51. L~ } \ ~ i . \ ~ i~. :~: ; I I j. ! I ! I I ! 16 BF. IT REYEllBF.REO. That on tIt'- I. _ 11, C. &14r.4 ....,. ha.-r dal)' rtcOrdtd the forccoina Ovit-Oair.> Deed in tiw Public ~. d aaid c-ty. IS WlTSF.6S WffERaOF. I haft htrftmto Sd nIJ' hand ~,,!k IaI of said C~ 1M da1 and )ftr abon .riltm. h, --.-------1t...C.--JD.4r.e4______...______(SnL) Clak Cil'niit Court. By..___~-_ )"d'~__lJqIat)' Clerk. ...., af_.A......&-~1Ja...R._L.ci-_A D. 19.2.8. It ('ltr" of the- Cir....it Court .. and for Aiel C_ty, ~ 1 , (~l.Ct.8..1) ~ . ,\ '", . >. ,-' . (;'.' .( I).~ ../ ..- .):a. ~(~~~~~:~?Jt{f~~i~r::p~J~~~~r~~ -'~~-:~~~il~~)".~~.! !.-~'~'t '''i.; '3"t..~ .-f ):~~''';;'.'>..:~4~~ -!;';':~~:~. -~~~:~t?:: :;~':~~)~i:f..~......:'f. "~'.~.J")~~f"-:~~. .,