HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2355 I I I , I I i j ! L , ~ ~ i t r f ",.? I, I ?I -anaWOOD-.JI..-.~QI-UU1...~'1 ---___.8!~_RQfJLDJEf.lB.fL..O. PLA I ..-.--.- _._________.____ __. . .__.____ Q~IT:q_L!'l.r~:L~~~J?_..__._... -,..,., ~a:) - -'. -'" ,p.. -f..-------...--'------.... ..--.-.--..--...-..-... -. -..-- ..__._n.___..... -..---. -...'. -..--..---.. ----'..... - --... - -..-- 0 -.. ._.. --'-."- j TtIIS INm,NTURF. lhdt this.._____.... 30.th___~_.lay of..__.. Ka7....-.-----.-.......-----.-..A. D. 19.~8..~ bttwttn ! I --.-.-...----.--.-She~.004 -K.....Plnka1'.too.....n4....ll.l.an..Y.._.Plnke1~on____________ ! ! or Ih. l"OUDt). of. ..-.. _.... Dr.."ar4 ___._._ ............_. .._..... ...&",1 Slate 01__. Pl.or lda.,..__. '_"_'_'''__.''',,_, tartl.01.. of the first I"rl, and ..._..___._._....S~....~., ROI4._P.~1.Pl.r.lm."u\0. Q(.tbL___..____.__________.._..__..._ ........~....~-. .. . - ..... .lIll Slalt of _. 'lor 14a _'''_' ._.. "'_n ........ .n. ... ._....n_~rt '7... of the s<<ond part, WITNr-:~SI\TII, Thai I"" <aid I'!rt lae of 1M lint ~rt. for and in ('(lO.i<krali....1I of I"" sum of -.-- .. -.., ._-.... nO' .. ",--..._.-.. _______.... ..T.\IO..-!.!!.!.______.____.__..__....._._..... . .' .... ............._.._.. _"__ -.._......_..__.Oollars, in luud paid b)' II.. !laid part.7.... of the S<<Ond pa..t, t:te l"Keipt whutoi i. htrthy ac1:n",..kdlCtd. ha"'.._ ....... remistd. rcirawcl aD.I quil.tlaimtd, and by I""~ prtsm.. do .......... remi.... ~lnse- ar'" qait.claim unto tht said part..1. 01 lhe -.I part and..1 \8 au.OOe.BOrS_. JfaX and ..,;g.u rorenr, all the riehl, title. inlerc<l. claim and demand .hlch the said parties. of Ihe liut part haye .... u. aoJ 1.1 Iht foIlo..u." de5Cribtd 101..._. pi<<e_~ or parcel_ of land. I...... 81tuate, lying an4 b.lng in the County of St. Luoi., State Q.t..l1Q.\'14.1, ..\O~WUL___. .______ ..___. ,.:_.B'8i~~lM ..~~._th.~..Q!th_eeet ..(l..~!..~.!r ot....!!!.~-.! Oll~b ..!.e~~._ q.~~rt_e.!_.~~o..!..orth_ wee~9.ua rhr _._.of ,n9.r~h .8e~.. .q~.!~.._!...~!-.!I.!~.t19E_!?t. ~. ~__~.!~....~o!...~~_.~~.!___t_h..~~~_~S!~p_~.fJ.!... 66_ mln_~_l!: on lan4 lint, 622.6 f.et to pulnt of beginning of treot hereby oonvey.4. being the .. '.'oeotre -'otnStote-'ioiliCifo:-'jlght::-i-henoe- -S..-'62-d.i~-iIColii.ii-;w~-:-'13()(r~9 "lee\::-:tlien~ - "'n on .. out'". .to-ric-ht-of"'ratll"of---EB9Ih-()-fee\--to't -....(11 stanoe ot.-1~.a-t..t-y- theno--.- -.--..5...70..41&.. l7_mn. __1'(.....106.~...._t~!Li=n..__1cL~... P9Jtl~....~.11_Q.en!!..!..9J'_nll~!~__:r~.~~L~!.' 9 fee~ north of 80uth .est ooroer of 80uth .ast quarter of 80uth w.at quarter of north west -.. -'-quar;-;i'(;f-eBld'se ot fon"i9~ t lienoe- if;-<)-ifeg. -'63n.iiifi1-;-i~:16~(f-te8t:-; :th8rioe:-if~--- -.. 70 4.g .n'l" mln.. If ..n-l06".8--tee't--i-.t;h.noa-"onaourYe-to 'left. of-l'84H'ot-2ao~.(}---' . .n_. fed.. f01_.8n ,cll.\.na..of__6.~3_.1n_t.,.~_t_~...._~_b!m~~~_N!no..f)_g..!~6!. ~?:..m.!~_.'_._~.~t__!.~~.~!~_.!88t- ~___ _._.__th~~o.-. S. 0 deg. 66 mIn. E., 41.0 feet \0 point of beginnIng. oontolning 2.33 aore-;: mor';-or-ies'u:-';n4 beIng. 8tr1p oi"18iici-'33';Ofe.t'-frlildth mes'sured.'iiorth=-- 0"_. en,"lit-.rtght .'aDgl'8Bnf'r0lll'08nt~e-'-j,-tn.-ofmota.ohob.a' rod-,-" othu.iee-Imown. 8&0"~'.- .._- Ba4 nWllber.E1&ht ,..8 ad.._.b'lP&_~M...n.Q~~h8!'.!Y_~"'}'_f_Q.~!l~Q.~.8i:1l1l'l_.rI.811~_~~~al..!.!q ul r!!..... for 8.1d road. . . - ~ .~_______.n __ .__._. ._.~___.___.._.______. __________.,________.. TO if.\ VJ.: ASIl Tn 1I0tll. lhe qmr" 1~lher .ilh aU and siDcubr Iht aWUflroa........ Ihuranl.. 1",l.lO/Cinll or u. an)',.i<e "PPfrt"illinll. and aU ::;;. t,t;ott. rillht, ,Iillt. illlnt-\ and claim _hal<..e.u or Iht "'; I parties. of I"" fir.. pari, eilhtr in I".. .>r ....uily, I., II.., only prop.. not. lonlefil and lodtoof or tho: ...id pari ~.._- 01 the S<<ontl parI, _.....1.t8..s110QeJlJlO.rlL..u._______...:__.. _.n..... ._.. JIIIa an>! a..i,[n. r..rert!'. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF. tl>C' said loart1ee of tht fifOt part ha ""._... hntunto $<'t ." the! r _ . n._... _ ha'''' 8 . an>! lul .~, II>C' day an,1 )'...r lir'l ah.ne ....ill<n. Si,;:ottI. _led ,,,'" d<li..rtd in ptC'<ftltt or: ! ___BllPI.tl...u.XQ lIltgo_r.4....Jr J __.____-_ ____. .Jt... UOKll.rt'.y_._.____._____. .. Sharwood. 1l.PlnkertoD -________..(Stal.) Rden .. V ~Inkert on .____.__ 0_" .'''.'' ..o(S....1.) STA'fE OF ___._ .110.1'14__ c-nty of___sa1ntLuo1a..._____ I HEREBY CF.RTII'\". That "" thi. day personally appnrtd btfort mt'. an officer dut). aulho>ri....1 tn aolmini<lcr ...Ih. anol "'k<, aclrno..I...I"mtnl<. _-._.Shu.oodJl..Plnker.ton_,and..H8l.eIL.'l~ke.r..1i.QD_______..___. ____.______ to.1Ie _Ulrnown 10 II<' the J'fuon 8.k<cribtd in and ..ho ruc"IN th fOl'fC')u.jt in.t....MnI and_....._. ._ l).,ve n.__ ,n_ n..-_acknowledICN herOrt mt IhaL... th.1-.-.., .... ......- -:. u<<utrd lhe ..._ rr<<1y .nd ,,"'unlar;1y rot the ....rpoon Ihtrrin e"prr<\td. At;;' I "'URTIlf.R Cf.RTIH. T!-..t II>C' said._.___.IlQ.U'L1,-f.J..I!~_~.r~QJ).__..______.__...n._..._.__no__ known to = 10 ~ 1M .ift of II>C' ..id......_ SherwQQd.. ll. n.p1nurton~~~___.___...___._______,_._.__.___':_..o__ on 1 HV"ral<, and prinl<, eumin"Ii<"" la1:rn . and madr b)' and btfort me, .tparatrly and aparl from htr <aid hu......"'.. did ....k"".....litt lhat .he Uf':Ultd the fot'fIlOinx I><td rvr 1M pufJ'O't of rrlinqui.hmC. alimatinc and connyip( all her filth!. lille and mlrr.... ..htlhrr of .....", hornr,lrad or of separatt property. ."'10101')' 01' tfJuiublc-. in ud IV II>C' bnds tkst:nbtd lberein, and lhal .he e"ttUttd ..id I><td freely and 1vhmblrily and .ithOut any rom- pul.ion, ~'Iraiul, aPl'rthmoion or fear or oc from her said huobaQ. 0 WITt\F.SS my hand ..'" .&ial sea" all.O.r_\.~n-'rO' _County oL.~ln~_I,,!lgJ~ _____..aod State- o,-_~~or lcla_.__..._ -~~~ Ihis___.aO.\h _n.._..da:r of .____JI.OJ__.:___A. D. 19"'?J} ( Sat) 8010 r;-puD~i OE.fO~'?~h~~~~toeo-r-.fE)l' I ailor.tar-ge U1=~~..!I_~~~E~E~!~~'.:nl~c.._~?21t_-:~-, _ _ I STATE 0 . f.oRroA, J /' CGlTo>ty 0 f S ',*lICie. ' ;.' --L..;;;..- 8)0: IT kF.lIEI.WERf.I>. ''ibat (o!I Ibis.. 1. _..day or..aOll\ .. . ._S' .3.: ll..1>>.lt.._-A. D. 19..2Q. I, ____.--P_L.c..-Elllr.H ___.___...t"krk ur II>C' Cirtuit Court in and for Wd Couney. hart duly recorded tl.. f~ing Oail-Cbim Drtd in the Pul:Iic: Records 01 sald COUIIty. IS WITNESS WIlf.REOF. I lun litrnmto set my haad 100 the seal or said C""rt Iht day and )l'ar ahoYe wrillm. r'" . "'\ . IC~."C. .S..11 ~ ' "'". / .~.~ ____.F._~.-.n4r.t_..__.____ -__(SnL) , C1ak Cimait Court. B) ._~..--~---Dtputi ~k. .. . ~ ~ ~ '-.. t~ _._,....-~~.~~v.-:.~-~--:-~.~<':~~:":".:'-.,~~"'t':T~~~<!",:_~..I.-:~-"~~ " . . . . .~.::':>:i,:r14?;1~~~~#,~~; ~i~A~~~~~~2~J~it