HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2368 I 56~ i I ~==-~-=-.=------- . I I , I I , i I I I ! ; ~ ( f . i I I I I i \ I I i I I I I L'_._' ., J;L.lQDl_L....JlAlllU:LUlLnD.____ TO __..I.LIW!'1'lL.DOB1.fl'O.l.. __Q.un:"CJ",AIM .p-=.I;:p_____ - ~, . . . . __ __4..... .___.. TillS INl>F.NTURF.. )lactt lhis.__..._..l."h.__.___._..--da)' of__~Oh __...A. D. 19 se.... btltRCn _-_..!a.u4....L.....Harr.1a.-8Dd-.~.U.~__~.r.la-1al""'..1t.; . ------- nf the (',_t, nf....._.__.... S,.. . .1.11018........__.____....__...00 Statt of. .-.-....- 1'101',14..--.--.--.__...:-....,.1.. nf ~Ilt ficst part, and -_..__.__.__..._J1JII.~llt_'.b.9.r.q~,9.~._.________.__.____'_'''__'_ __._._-'-_._...._...._..._..._.__..........__..._ I of the ('O\IOt1 oL.....-..-.UIl.oogo. ........-.... .-.-..-....... _.._. ahd Sl1le nf_....._U.ozogi.. ..,...__ _.____.._.....__._ part 7 ...... of t~ tffilftd part, WlTNF.SSJ.:TII, That lhe 'lid pari 1.. nf lilt fint part, fl>r ~nd in "......idtralktn of the ,um ilL" ODa . Dollar .and other_ .... .. _.'luullll...lhlD.814eu.:Uu ---...-....-JdIaIIIx ~-_.__........__._----_.._-_.- --_._._-------------.__.-._---_._~_.- -- -------------.----------- -___0____...-- _______ ____.__.____._____...__..__..___.__._ __... -------------.----~-------- -.----~--.--._~--.-..-- -.-..---.....__.___._. ____.__._..._ ___.. - __._d_____..__ _________. _..____.._.._.._.._ TO "A \'F. ASH TO 1I0tH. lhe q...... lug. Iller ...-ilh an and tinll1llar lhe apparlmaocn Ihnnmtn I>tlnhlli"ll or in an)'wise apptrlaininR. and all lhe "Ial... riaht. lille. inle..'.1 and claim ... hal'Otnr of 1M ~;d part lea d the 1i..1 part. eit...... in law ~ t<JUiIY, III I~ ....t,. proper II.... ,,",elil and behoof of I~ ...id pan~._ of lhe oteond parI. _______haf ._..__.....__..__._ ._.. __ ._._..!orin and a"icn~ forner. 11'\ WITSF.SS WIIEKF.OF, Iht ~d parlies 01 the lint pan ha. VI _.. MfUnto <('t ._._ their __.. _.... hand B and ~18 .. I.... day and ytar first above ...rill.... SiKned. ",>lro and ddiverro in prtomce of: I --J)...-]l,,'-Aii8\.lo.. ---.K __-.J. ...WU.l.1amaoD_____.. .0.-' - .__'la!.JdQ ._L.._H~n'.1,. ____ EtUal1eJl._ HlrrJ,.e. ......... ... . (Stal.) .-- (Stal) ;:::~: o~F.~~~;~~~Ol~ __ ___________ I I HEREBY CEKTII'Y. Thai l>II Ihu day ~nonally appurro bei....e DIt'. In oIfittr d..ly aU!hori.... I., admini,ttr Nlh. ..... take aclmo.k-I<<mml'. ..----.Cla.wlI..L..BarrlJL8.l1CL.EIllalla H. Ha r r.J.8_______ to ..... ~II Ie...".n 10 I>t lhe ~n..,,8 tk",ribed in aNI who utcalro the fO<'fllOinR in~l~t and -.,_...th81_..._. .. .,Jcnn.-Itdllf'd ....1..'.. ow lhaL_..... th.,...___. ".... _..u<<ulro lhe ..me fr<<1y and yolantarily Cor lilt pu~ Ihtrtin upr....<td. ASD I FURTHER ("F.RTIFY. That the, said..__ BulRl1a H..._..Harrl&_________._.____.__.__....._.__ Icno.n to me 10 be lhe wile ollht 1Iaid.__..Q,jM\~_r.~rtl~. .___.__~___._______.__. on a sq>arat. and privale uaminalion, tw-n and made ., and kfore -. ttp&rakly and apart from her ~id hu.haDd. did acJcnow.ItdIl:" lhat .he U<<ulro the: fci~1n1l lMd for lhe purpc><< of rttinqubhing. a1mlinc and con.eyinc all her ",hi. Ink and ;,;In",. ...et....r of down. hono<-slead or of separak' property, .talutor)' << equiuhlr. in and to Ih.. land. ckocribod Ihtrtin, and lhal ,ho! ~"'<<vtro said D<<d Irrtly ahe! ~"luntariJT and withoul any tum- puhion, C09slIaihl, ap;>rdtmsion or ftar of or from her Rid hutband. WITNF.:;S m)' hand and oI6riaI teal, at-lo~.t Pi.ro. c-.ty oL_~!.!..1!~~!!t.____.and Sta'te oL.!'J~~J!~._.._m. ~1._____A. D. 19..2.8 I ~ I A._.B.,. In.O'''''~~_._____..___._n_ .._ ote~LnnAg, ~ln: ..!i~~~1H: nR~~d.~_.~.!..~rge. ... -....-- --- - . .-- - STAn: OF FI.ORmA,--} COUDly of SL Lucie. I. hF. IT REWF.wBF.REU. That OR this__~-1.. L.-'.L.I14.Ud ekrk of ~ Cimlil Court iA and fvr said C.-.ll, --day oL_.D,oy.....Jl~_8t~~lL..aI.___A. D. 19..26, I han dul, rtC<><"&d lhe for~.Qqit.("bi... Uttd in the: l'ub1ic Records of a&id Cowl)'. IS WITNF.s:; \\'~F.O'. I 'u" Iwrnulto HI lIl7 haad ....s the sui of said ('OIIrt 1M da, and 7far ~hoore trrilt.m. (~' . \ .....____....P. _..C, ...m.dr 04.______ '''__'_ ...____._._(Stal) '. . Clnk ('irrnit Court. \~..,..s, ~ecOfrl V.....li<"" 'T"""~ .._1~__.._ au. '---- - ~i%i~lH1{~~~ . ~:'.:' ..':\~YG~:~f:~~~l? ., .\