HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2376 ----.-....-----. -.- --..-..-.---.-----.---------.---... -~-_........ ------- -I' I i } I , I r I I i, I ! j. 576 __--maRs. aa_.UllKaILJ!J.>> ~l. TO .LlWBllHCLJI._UJ11IY1iQi ..---:... _____Q~ '.T~.c;._~~'M .Q. ~ &;_Q___._______~____________ _____. '___ .._.____._... - TillS INPf.NTVRJ.:' If!lde this .._.._......3r4_______.__._.day of__._.___.D.G...._....______......_.._._.A. D. 1928..., bttWM\ --JOJI.ph.B. ..BaWlkee..aD4-CUi.U-4a-Jl.... ~ .._\:.. ..-.bi....i-l.. of lhe Counl)' of .....___....8\. ..Lual. _.. ....-_.-_.._.._..._._and Su.te of. ..........._..1'101' i48. ......._..m....__..:____partl.& of lilt first part. a~ ....____. Lan Inal.H.n .BaWDktr._.__..__ I Oil lhe ('ount). 01........ .... st. Luoleh' ,...... ,-- _.. _...._....and Stal~ of ...... .......... -. _.. 'lo~lcia ............_ ._..___ _.. partl n... of Ihe _.. part. }\'J'1 :.E~~I\TII, Thai lhe laid part i.. of lhe fint pari, for a~ in coo.'."'ral;OO of lhe .um ..I..... on.. (.1.00) 4e>11.'(' .nd ....... ..othu_W'alua bl. -oou14.ra.Uou. .. --.-----------..:..-..------........-1klh9. In hand paio! by :he .aid ..art. 7. -. of the ot<'OIld l>Irt, the Itceipt wbc-rNf i_hereb)' ultnow\tdlltJ. ha....". '_'_'_ rtmistd. rtln<td and q!lil.daimtd, "'" by 11_ 0(' prtotnt' do........_ remiot, rtleaoc and quit-clailll unto tM said part... , _ of the wcond part ancL____ hla_.__ .__....._..._ _ ..Iltirs and auigns fort"tt, ;all lhe rilhl, titl~, inlc~1. chim and dellWld which the said part.le. of the first part ha.... ".._._ in and to Iht fo>li.}winr d~ribt<l I, r 1ot.-~pi<<~.._C)rparctl__ofbDd,~.ltuete. l)'log aDd'being in tbe Count)' of St. Luoie. State of ~l.2J'J.~_a...._~Q~.l \ ;..__________. ___.___.___._____. _._..__....__.__ __._!nt._J1.....,_OI1t ..J1alt_u12Lot_\U_lIeB.t_ Q.U.tH.alt_ .u/t. Lot. \ h.....al....on....Hall..ll/2.l __._._.__ __Qt._.~.b'...Bea~ ..0.Dt _lit If_ (l/~J_".~",,,,,,, __teJWJ_ot_ ~ h.h~O\l'b"..'.C1J. '''''hh ....'-__ -...... ~wnhter.. ot.... t he -lIor\h.We8t..QUa~ter...ot._Sao._J.2..._ ~o.Dahlp at). 3ou.th...1iaDB.39. ... _..._.. ..' _'__ kal.. ~"8..any~4.4u.oUQn. :for...drainagLaana1a. or..pu.b1.1o..roacLdght...ot~. ~.___.._.._........_ .-....- CQDl.lnlng_~..'O_.D41..OD...llG.~t..l2J.lt. {_aaUB..JllQr.e_..or_~ea...._ _'_'_'_'__"U_'_ i: -----.--.---.-..----------- _._-----------_._~._-------- ------------.---- _.-.-- -.---- . --..~.------.--..-- -.-.----. 'u ._n_____.__ .........--_._._.__..___.___.______._._________..___... _______.....__ _. ,u__._.______._.____._ _.._...c-____. TO HAVF. A1'\1l TO 1101.1), lhe ,,_, 1'~lhtr ..ilh all and .illJrUbr lOt ;apportmlncel' Ihertunlo> bd,>nll~ ..r in :In,...i~ apptrtaininl(. and ;all 1M tOlal.., rillhl. lillt, inlnt't antI cbim ..hal~nr 01 lhe .aid part.iaa of 1M li"l part. rilher in b. "" fqll;I,.. tn lhe 001)' p..oprr uor. benel;1 and 'brhoof of lilt ....id part.1'-.. oi the otCOnd part, --.--hla. ._____________._____u___ hrir. and a"ign!' f('rl"tr_ 11'\ WIT'sF.$S WnF.RI~OF. Iht ..ud part 188 of lhe 6..t parI ha..T........ htrtuntn ql...._1ibelr..__.h..._._.hand 8 and onl 8. Ihr d;a,. and )"f'ar fir\t aoo'\"f' ..rittm_ ~ixntd. ~ ;and deli...."" in pn-.mce of: l __JO.Bttllh.a._ BaWDk8.E'._.________ ___ (Stat) ...Chri8tl.ne .J&.1laumlter _...... .m....____... .1 St~1.) -----1:. -.~. -S.n4...ea.. __....: P.. -C. _..I1clra4. :O:T.-\TE OF __,J.oricla. Cou.'1ty or. ...___ st. Lu.cie._ - - I I .1IF.RJ.:llY CERTIFY, That on Ih" tb)' J>ftoon;ally apptarN bcfor~ rnr. an <6tt duly ...."''firtd 11'1 admini'l<< oalh, and talec ackno..ledllmtnl" .-- ....Ioa.P...R...Bau.lr.p an4-Chr.laUp. K. B.ullllre~...-h1a...lta. 11'1 rnr _II Itno.... I.. br lilt ptrson..Sdewrihtd in and ..110 n<<cltd lhe fot<'ltNn<< in..r..-nl ;and_tbe, _'_'_"__'_ lhat..,-.....---th.i..--........._. .u~ttd lhe "me frttly and ~oIunlarily for 1M V-Jrpows Ihtrrin uprtutd. ASD I FURTlIF.R CERTIFY, T'h;at the said__-Chr.1at1na...Jl.. B.I-lr.r..._.._________~_____...h.____ kno~ 11'1 rnr 11'1 be tM .ife of Ihe s.aid_J9.Ul!h~,._.B.awaku._________.____..______.____..__._.___ aclmn..1Nctd brf..rr _ on a oeparalr and pri...le ~umin.tlion. "Un and 1Illl<k by and before me, s~r"rly and apart from h.. ~ huoha...J, did ack....wkdxt lhal .he U<nJltd lbe fot~ Drtd lor lhe PUrpo5< I'll rWDqUuhiDg, alimalillf[ and coon,.;nc all bet riKltI. lid~ and inlnt.., whdher of do.er. bomr.lr.ad or oi ..,panlr property ....Iutory DC tqlIilabk. in and 11'1 the bndJ ckscribrd !herrin, and lhat she ~"<<1It'" $lid Ilftd fr~1y and ..oI....tar;1y and .ilbcoDl ....,. rom- pubioo. coost~int. apprmm.;oa or fear of or i rom htt said buoband.. WITNF.SS lIlY hand and oIIicW seal. at.B.a....P.1u.c. Counly oL_.Jlt....-Luol. _.__.~ Slal~ oL..lUorida....... _':"-":"'''{'y of_.J)ao. --^_ D. 19..28 ~ (Ct .ct .S..l? STAT'" (>!~LO~~/l Count)' of St. ~ie. , . .P ._C!.L~Ill'.ed____. __.Clerk J~1rauU..(;ourt \.-'. !~> ;.; ~.~- ::t- OF. IT HF.UEMBERF.D. That on tbis.-L-______"aJ'ol.__J)eO....._.t_.~:2-'..-.~_II_A. D.19-28 I. P......c;...-1I14' e4 h;aw daly r<<onkd Iht focqo-'.nc Ouit.Cbim u-s in the Puhlic R<<ords of said COUGIJ'. IN Wn'NF.SS WIII\REOP. I ha~e hernmto set ID)' hand aM the seal of M.id COOIrl the daJ' and 1ftr aban wrinnl. -~~ t::., I~M..S.~\J \. r ,,' i ", -,,/ ......~ - __.~_Ckrlt of lhe C;rClli, Courl in aod for <aid COWII)'. 1.<; ::1 I,.,..,. t.~.' . .It '\'f;'" -(".. ,.t; rv ~ 'II _.____P._.c.._JU4r.a4.__._... _.___._.(Su!.) , Onlt ('ircuit Court. n f1' 1~ BJ'..._~JAL -.. ~_'CO _'~'_P_..Dtpaty Clttk. .'. h. ~!i-"-.~~!-;""";:";~r~ ~.~~.. ..; :-"\ ",r. ..;:.-,,~..:-_ j-:...~_':..- .._;~ '.,,,,,~ - ~ ~. -'V. .,.~ ;$-" ,- ''7.",--".-:t;;;'_...~ f~r!i~f11'f~1~~~,;"J~~MJ;?; '. i~-'~'--"'- !~"''''? ,'.t.=.....oo, h'~"~ .it ..;.'.... .:~:;;.. ~if;"i-'-~ f.. ...j..4~,:~S..t;~~.~ """'>-.!f"'>,~: ~ ., ~