HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALSFlorida Building Code Ojai ine DEC 2 ,4? Y pEIS Hame :Log In I User neglstratlon Hot Topk LIMida (Product User ProductAnoroval6lpnu> PEAduct01A110110tlonSearc FL Application Type Code Version Application Status ColmMents Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phohe%Ernall Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/phone/Email: f' is Quality Assurance Represehtalive Address/Phone/Email ._.... Category ----....._... Subcategory Compliance Method Florida. Engineer or Architect Naind who del E"valuatldn Report Florida License. Quality Assurance Entity Quallty Assurance Contract Ezplration Datb Validated By Certificate of Independence r. er iiai}>tf�rd and Year (of ptandarii 207.9' htl ps://flora.dabuildin&Qrg/pr/Pj'_aPP_dtl ray Page 1 of 2 2017 U Submit Surdlarge 1 Stars & Facts i PublicatIDI19 F9C Staff '. BCIS Slre I•lop L > Anolicallon Llst > Application Detall FL17326-RI Itevislon 2014 Appraved EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS FLORIDA LLC 1575 East dlT 470 Sunitervllle, FL 33858 (800) 460-3245 annettds@eagleroofing.com Annette Sindar iihnettes@eagl6roofing.com Annette Sindar a 3546 N. Riverside Ave e Rialto, CA 92977 (800) 400-3245 .s annettesQeagleroofing. cam Roofing-' — ....---....._.._._ ... . Roofing Tiles Evaluation Reportfirorh a Florida Registered Architect or.a 1- ten Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy RecelVed the Zachary R. Priest; PI:-74021 ArChiteetural Testrngf Inc. 12/31/2018 LoclSe Bowden ,v. Valldatlon Checklist- Ir4ppy Received l L17326 R1 COI Eagle Evaluation Re r ANAL for hybrid Insl CaDlstri rro Plallbjind Bel Air,pdf Standard ear ASTM C 149Z 2003 TAB 100 199a TAS 101 1995 Tfr4S :i.02 1gg5 TAS 112 1993 File Copy rain=wGEVX0WtDCIsRVNW... /2/2017 Florida Building Code Online Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method • Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval • Date Approved Date Revised Method 1 Option D 06/08/2015 07/10/2015 07/18/2015 08/20/2015 12/14/2016 Page 2 of 2 SLImmary of Products FL # Model, (Number o Name Description 17326.1 Capistrano, Malibu land Bel Air Eagle Hybrid Installation Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant., N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See Evaluation Report for limitations . of use. Installation Instructions FL17326 Ri II Eagle Evaluation Repot FINAL for I installation of Caoistrano Malibu and Bet Alr:odf Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 74021 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17326 R1 AE Eaale Evaluation Report FINAL for installation of Capistrano MgJlbu and Bel Alrxdf Created by Independent Third Party.. Yes 17326.2 Capistrano, Mallbui and Bel Air Eagle Hybrid Installation Limits of Use Approv or use i", Vl-ixt Yes roved for use ofltside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: IqA Design Pressure: N/A Other: Installation Instructions FL17326 R1 II ERP14001.12014JEvaluation for li) installation of Capistrano Malibu and Gel Air.pdf Verified By: PRI Construction Materials Technologies Created by Independent Third Party: •Yes Evaluation Reports FL17326 R1 AE_ERP14001.1 2014 Evaluation for h installation of.Ca-- stralio_Malibu and Bel Air.pdf -...—. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Sack SUext Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee 3t 2399 Pnone: a5a-4s7-l8z4 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. r1 r 20 - SFlorida.:: Privacy Statement :. Accessibility Statement :: R un Under Florida law, email Addresses are public record . If you do not want your a -mall address released In response to a public -records reques electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.135 section 455.275(1), Florida statutes, effective. October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F,S. must provloe.the Department% address If they have one. The emaiis provided may bg used for official comrhunicetion with the licensee. However email addresses are public a not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To de are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here Product Approval Accepts: M FOR H MR Credit Card Safe ,i I https://floridabuilding.org/pr/px app_, sRyNw... 2/2/201.7 FVAI .UA`d'iOM REPORT Manufacturer: EAGLE ROOFING PROD • 1575 E CR 478 Sumterviile, FL 33585 (800) 400-4235 http'Uw,vtg . feroofing.ci Manufacturing Plants: Sumterville, FL Quality Assurance: Architectural Testing, Inc. �rnPF Category: Roofing Subcategory: Roofing fifes Code Sections: 1507.3.5,1507.3.7, 1523 Properties: Physical Properties, Attar Resistance Ponni rr-T nP.gcRiPTiON Certificate of Authorization No, 29824 17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa, FL 33647 (813)480-3421 2010 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE FLORIDA Ll_G issued October23, 2014 1844) 1523., 1523. Requirements, Wind Driven Rain, Static Uplift Capistrano Profile: ASTM C 1492, TAS 112, igh profile, concrete roof the Description: ' f fAS 112 type; a, high pr fite, Interlocking class III concrete the Dimensions: "J.; .o" x 12.25'. x 3.0" 1. Capistrano y; �1 ERP14001 FL17326 Page 1 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, Installatlon, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS FLORIDA LLC Capistrano, Malibu and Bel Air Concrete Roof Tiles iy/ �'ECIir`7l4✓i�E 5E'R�1t�E�a, ,L;_C: ' ®ata for Atta hmpnt Calculations • Nominal Weight (W) and Dimeris!ons (I x w) Aero Mu ynamic tipliert (ft� Restorlrig Moments due to Gravity - M9 (ft Ipf) , Direct Deck Roof Tile W 0bM - L (ft) w () D!r ApTlication ct Beck 3":12„ �,. 4°:12" 5":12" ti": l2" ?7":12" 1.42 1.02 30 6.83 6.75 6.65 6.52 6.38 • Capistrano 9.7 1.42 1.03 31 0�0_29 6.47 6.37 6.24 6.09 5.93 Malibu 9.2 1,42 1.03 8.27 8.15 8.00 7.81 7-61 Be! Air 11.8 tf ctim�tit Resi Hybrid installation de up6s a MoMent systernj . Fastened Roof Tile Type: Count S!z Adhesive Mr Adhesive.! Paddy Size Paddy Weight - Capistrano Scr_evv 2 #8 Dow nLE BONDTm 6",.v1"x1" 13.7g 47 Dow TILE BONDTm Dow LE BOND 6"x1"x1" 6"x1'x1 10.4g 10Ag 73 66 j; . Malibu Screvr 2 #8 1i #8 ew 2 Bel Air ScrTm Notes: 1) Simpson Strong -Tie Quik Drive WSCD Roof Tile the plywood deck a min. 1/2-inch 2LMinimum dimensions and weight for adhesive Screw shall he min. 3-inch with sufficient length to penetrate through pplication _ _ _ _ _.•. __._ _... LABELING 1) All tiles shall bear the identifiable marking �fthe manufacturer's name or logo as follows. F,.w L 01RIDA ERP14001 FL17326 Page 4 of 6 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warral ty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. REEK j y TF-C:t iMIC,AL. S1;RvtCES, L-L C LIMITATIONS EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS FLORIDA LLC Capistrano, Malibu and Bel Air Concrete Roof Tiles 1) Fire Classification is not within the scope of thl evaluation. 2) Installation of the evaluated products shall co ply with FBC Section 1507.3, FRSA/TR10732018-05, and the manufacturer's published application instructli ns. Installations in the NVHZ shall comply with RAS Inc 3) All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61 G20-3. 4) Installation of the evaluated products shall be limited to projects in areas subjected to weathering indices of -rA A n A AAn 1 e 4 I,See below) t)U Or grea[el a5 luuau aLou Sit �� . •. - 50 Jry� VEATHERING REG] NS Nei NEGLIGIBLE WEATHERING MODERATE WEATHERING r_•-� SEVERE WEATHERING P=rr-oFM1Ir..FR Entity_ American Test Lab of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Lab of South Florida Inc (TST37B2) American Test Lai, of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Lab, of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Lab of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Lai of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Laip of South Florida Inc (TST3782) PRI Construction I Cterials Technologies PRI Construction Materials Technologies PRI Construction Materials Technologies PRI Construction Materials Technologies PRI_ Construction Materials Technologies F-RP14001 i This evaluation report is provided for State of Florid Technical Se!`ACes,jLLC of any product changes or This evaluation report does not express nor imply specifically addressed herein. ort No. Standard Year 510.01-14 TAS 112 1995 310.01-14 ASTM C 1492 2003 510.02-14 TAS 112 1995 310.02-14 ASTM C 1492 a 2003 310.03-14 TAS 112 1995 310.03-14 ASTM C 1492Ti 2003 303.01-13 TAS 101/TAStf,02 1995 F 057-02-01 TAS 101lfAS ,j02 1995 F-058-02-01 TAS 101IrAS 402 1995 F-059-02-01 TAS 100 1995 F 060-02-01 TAS 100 1995 F-061-02-01 _ TAS 100 -- 1995 FL17326 Page 5 of 6 Ict approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. f. Installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not R E E "1~CZYr�3tCa1L S,EIRVICES, I -.>I C EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS FLORIDA LLC Capistrano, Malibu and Bel Air Concrete Roof Tiles COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R Priest P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. a a aaapR/'��� 0q,�paPR�a E N 5'F• ,s� b �' •••� m 2014-10.23 No 7,021 STATE OF ^04!00r •�4 O °rssS11ee�Af a Zachary R. Priest, P.E. gee RegistrationFloridNo.71021 a Organa Rtion No. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not have, nor will it a products under this evaluation. CREEKTec�nieal Services, LLC Is not owned, operated, or this evaluation: Zachary R. Vrlbst, P_E, does not have, nor will acquire, a t under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a fin product. ERP14001; ; This evaluation report is provided for State of Florid Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or This evaluation report does not express nor imply v specifically addressed herein, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under b nancW interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products i ancial Interest in any other entity iquolved in the approval process of the OF REPORT FL17326 Page 6 of 6 rct approval under Rule 61G20-3.I T#ie manufacturer shall notify CREEK assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. r, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not ~ R^ '� -K EVALUATION REPORT Manufacturer: EAGLE ROOFING PRODI 1575 E CR 478 Sumterville, FL 33585 (800) 400-4235 ltttp:/Avvww eagleroofing.c< Manufacturing Plants: Sumterville, FL Quality Assurance: Architectural Testing, Inc. Cf nDF Certificate ofAuthorization No. 29824 17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa, FL33647 (813)480-3421 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 6re EDfTION (2014) FLORIDA LLC Issued July6, 2015 1844) Category: Roofing Subcategory: Roofing Tiles Code sections: 1507.3.5,1507.3.7, 1523 ti.5.2, 1523-,1623. Properties: Physical Properties, Attachment Requirements, Wind Driven Rain, Static Uplift Resistance Punnr Ir_ r t1FRCRIPTION "I Cap1strano Profi� ASTM C 1492, TAS 112, high profile; concrete roof the f' . Desc rption.- TAS 112 type 1a, high p rle, interlocking class ilP�3concrete the Dimensions: 17.0" x 12.25" x 3.0" iY iJ 1Wr -al. Capistrano ERP14001.1 I FL17326-RI Page 1 of 6 This 'evaluation report Is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule BIG20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or qualit assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, Installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREa � of LLC Malibu EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS FLORIDA LLC Capistrano, Malibu and Bel Air Concrete Roof Tiles Profile: ASTM C 1492, TAS 112, medium profile, concrete roof file Description: TAS 112 type 1 b, low pt�ofile, interlocking class Ill concrete the Dimensions, 17.0" x 12.375" x 2.125' 44AI , fiat. Fig re 2. Malibu T, Del Air 'i492, 'TAS 112, flat profile, concrete roof tile Profile: Description: TAS 112 type 3a, flat profile, interlocking class Ill concrete tile Dimensions: 17.0" x 12.375" x 1.2 " ERp14001.1 This evaluation report Is provided for State of Florid Technical services, LLC of any product changes or This evaluation report does not express nor imply speedically addressed herein. Ave 3. Del Air FL17326-R1 Page 2 of 6 lot approval under Rule G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. r, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not CREEK '_ CF_�CNECAL. SF_RVICCS, i_L.G APPLICATION METHOD EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS FLORIDA LLC Capistrano, Malibu and Bet Air Concrete,Roof Tiles bagle-Hybrid Instalia#ioll"I faF.00istrano, Dial bu; -ano 13e! Alr Goncrefe Roof `ill® Limited to slopes 3.12 or greater in the HVHZ; Outside the HVHZ, shall be in accordance Slope: with the recommendations of the FRSAITRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof 711e Installation Manual, Fin Edition Revised or RAS 118. Solid or closely fitted min. 15132-inch plywood sheathing for new and existing construction Roof Deck: at max. 24 in. span; In the � VHZ, new construction shall be min.19132 in. plywood at max. 24 in. span; Designed by others in accordance with FBC requirements. Underlayment: Installed in accordance wit FBC requirements. In the HVHZ, the minimum underlayment shall be Hot Mop 30190 in alled as described in RAS 118 Section 3.01. A minimum 6-Inch x1-inch 1-inch paddy of Dow TILE BONDTM' shall be placed within the 3-inch head lap as shov!n in Figure 4 thru Figure 6. The upper tile shall be set Immediately into the adhesive paddy- All tiles shall be secured by two (2) #8 x min. 3-inch Attachment: Simpson Strong -Tie Quik Drive WSGD Roof Tile Screws with sufficient length to penetrate through the plywood deck a minimum 112-inch and located into the factory located fastener holes. All penetrations in the undedayment shall be seated in accordance with RAS 118 (HVHZ) and FRSAfTR1 Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Fifth �dition Revised (non-HVHZ). Figure 4. Adhesive Paddy Location for Capistrano Figure 6. ERP14001.1 � This evaluation report'is provided for State of Florid Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or This evaluation report does not express nor imply specifically addressed herein. Of paddy Figure 6. Adhesive Paddy Location for Malibu Location of adhesive paddy hesive Paddy Location for {Bel Air FL17326-RI Page 3 of ti act approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report Is valid. i, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not FIN } E el -C . TECHNICAL LAICAL. $EUVICES, L,L.0 Data for i Roof Tile Nominal Weight.(W) and Dimensions (i _x w) W (Ib� L (11) w () . Capistrano 9.7 1.42 1.02 Malibu 9.2 1.42 i 1.03 Bel Air 11.8 1.42 1,03 EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS FLORIDA LLC Capistrano, Malibu and Bel Air Concrete Roof Tiles Iment Daic*tions lnamic Restoring Moments due to Qiavity:- M9 (#t-lbf) pliers Direct Deck t Deck 4 :12° 5":12" cation .30 6.83 6.75 6.65 6.62 6.38 '31 6.47 6.37 6,24 6-09 5.93 .29 8.27 8.15 8.00 7.81 7.61 chiment R�;sista'ad -Exp�'essega a Moment 1►ybrid..inst011etilm system;; FFR�oofTile FasteneP' Adhesive N!r (ft Ibf) TYPe. Count Siz i Adhesive. Padd* Size Paddy Weig6f - Capistrano Screw 2 #B H vv TIE 6' x1' 13.7g 47 44 ' ` > ow T{LE 6 x7 x1" 10.4g 73 Malibu,. Screw 2 #8 QNDTn, f: Bel Air Screw 2 #8 Dow TILE "BOND T"' 6°x1°x1" 10.4g 66 Notes: 1) Simpson Strong -Tie Qufk Drive WSCD Roof Tle Screw shall be min. 3-inch with sufficient length to penetrate through the plywood deck a min; 112-1nch_..- 2) Minimum dimensions and weight for adhesive application ' 1 AnC11BIG ^v1) All ties shall bear the identifiable marking the manufacturer's name or logo as follows: ERP14001.1 FLt 7326-R1 Page 4 of 6 This evaluation report is provided far State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is not i This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, nty, Installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that area not specifically addressed herein. r a H REEK T15Cf LAICAL. Srt?vIcF-s, LLC LIMITATIONS • 1) Fire Classification is not within the scope of ti 2) Installation of the evaluated products shall c Concrete and Clay Roof 'Tile Installation N application instructions. Installations in the H 3) All products listed in this report shall be man% Rule 61 G20-3. 4) installation of the evaluated products shall b 50 or greater as illustrated in ASTM C 14924 so wEATHERING REGIONS V NEGLIGIBLE WEATHERING MODERATE WEATHERING rE,s� SEVERE WEATHERING REFERENCES Entity ; American Test Lab of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Lab of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Lab of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Lgb of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Lab of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Ldb of South Florida Inc (TST3782) American Test Lab of South Florida Inc (TST3782) PRI Construction Materials Technologies PRI Construction Materials Technologies - PRI -Construction MaterlalsT-echnotogies - - PRl Construction Materials Technologies PRI Construction Materials Technologies ERP14001.1 This evaluaiion report is provided for State of Florid Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or This evaluation report does not express nor imply i specifically addressed herein. EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS FLORIDA LLC Capistrano, Malibu and Bel Air Concrete Roof Tiles evaluation- nply with FBC Section 1507,3, FRSAIrRi Florida Nigh Wind ival, Fifth Edition Revised and the manufacturer's published HZ shall comply with RAS 118. actured under a quality assurance program in compliance with limited to projects in areas subjected to weathering indices of figpre 1 (see below). 2eport No. Standard Year �T6610.01-14 TAS 112 1995 RT6610.01-14 ASTM C 1492 2003 RTd610.02-14 TAS 112 '!Y 1995 RT06'f0.02-14 ASTM C1492 2003 Rl'0610.03-14 TAS 112. '?** C 1.492 1995 2003 RT06�10.03-14 ASTM RT0603.01-13 TAS 101/rAS 102 1995 ERPF 057-02 01 TAS 1011rAS 102 1996 ERPF-058-02-01 TAS 101/TAS 102 1995 ERPF_-059-02701__.-.. TAS 100 1995 ERPF-060-02-01 TAS 1 00 1995 ERPF-061-02-01 TAS 100 1995 FL17326-R1 Page 5 of 6 Ict, 1_30roval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report Is valid. i, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not a s 'B ECI-IMICAL SERVICES, L.l!....C: COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R Priest F Code 5t' Edition (2014) as evidenced in the referenced .,e®gARY R. P®°0go PC) •y� G E N s Ck V No 74021 STATE OF W eP>OiC�A, O R C?~ v0® l'1°ss e� N A111111 � rco r�cire nna� nF IMnEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services, LLG does not have, nor will it a products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services, LLC is not owned, operated or• this evaluation, f1 Zachary R. Priest, P.E, "does not have, nor will acquire,(b f under this evaluation. i Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a tla product I EAGLE ROOFING PROI]UGTS FLORIDA LLC Capistrano, Malibu and Bel Air Concrete Roof Tiles I.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building documents submitted by the named manufacturer. 2 15- 7m06 16a®:7 O�tAf, R.6 fLJn7p.PR.-.1 -04 UU Zachary R. Priest, P.E. Florida Registration No. 74021 Organization No. ANE9841 a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing Ned by any company manufacturing or distributing products under ti al interest In any company manufactrring or distributing products E interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the END OF REPORT ERP14001.1 FL17326-R1 Page 6 of 6 This evaluation report Is provided for State of Florida prod1. uct approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. 3127/2018 Florida Building Code, Online �i a �'IA2x �Rd t•� Yw • aF3 �Y' SCIS Home Log In : User RePlsbatian Het Tovics i a� t � nr��d3rY; �" bb� � s� i4i"nY Product Approval `'�rf.�USER! t public User %{ f>r . uct. A, prgei.! lenu > ^� rtydtl4» FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address./Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who de,, the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Y zx p 7y3 t I� {1�� � P f�y 666�'a � O pl': 1� t(� I'tii L-@5�.,'11 i i -/ Y ' 9 �..vL ! Yy✓�a': r L'+oi�t V` 1�1�1 s ibmit Sumharge St is & FOcts Publlcatlons 17BC staff ! acls Sit,„ Kip L±nls sea;'ch Application Detail FL7473-R8 E D Revision 2017 APR 2 6 ?018 Approved I ST. Lucie County, Permitting j EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS FLORIDA LLC 1575 Fast CR 470 Sumterviile, FL 33858 (800) 400-3245 annettes@eagleroofing.com Annette Sindar annettes0q,eagleroofing.com Tyler Allwood 1.575 East Country Road 470 Surntervilie, FL 33585, (941.)302-7826 tylctra@e,iglerooting.com Roofing Roofing Tiles Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer , Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Robert Nieminen PE- 59166 Architectural listing, Inc., an Intertek. company 1.2/31/2020 John W. Knezevich, PE y' Validation Checklist - Flardcopy Received St ida Year ASTM C1492 2009 FRSA/TRI April 2012 2012 SSTD 11 1997 https:l,www.floridabuilding.orgrpr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtD4t8Bww19vliPIVBTji%2f7gT7an/o2fuMUFZfl,IM%3d V2 312.7/2018 Florida Building Code Online Product. Approval Method Method I Option D Date SubrniUed 10/1.6/2017 Date Validated 10/1.8/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/19/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary. of Products w , FL # Model, Number or Plame Description 7473.1. Eagle Roof Tiles i Low (flat)fnedium and high profile concrete, roof tiles Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in NVHZ: No f J 57 itf, 1; ?? 1t� F�'�RRL_E 2 EA ,INON- Approved for use outside HVHZ: Ye r+Iti 1,'1l s R8.,; cif Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert 3. M. Nleminen PE - 5916G Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes j Other: See Section 5 of Evaluation Report for units of Use. Evaluation Reports llle roofs are analyzed for wind resistance throt gh overturning I-LE-2,10j,7 10 FINAL fAL_ [Tip I_i _I iti+r f (- moment. Refer to FRSA/TRI 07320 for overturn fig moment U'tirt17, t=1;_� j-f s,i? limitations of mechanically attached the system and the the Created by independent Third Party: Yes adhesive manufacturers" Product Approvals foridhesive set We systems. 'Coniact Lit " Z601 I be State of I-lorida is an AAICCO employer. ro o fight tinder tiorrda la,, email addresses are puhlie records. if you e marl to this entity. Instead. contact t. s- office by phone of 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, Lcen one. The emails provided may he used ror offi;;ial cornmunicali address, please provide the Department with an ernail adcires hltps:/,Iw%"v.floridabuiiding.oryipr/pr_app_dtl.as lair Ronp Read. lalrabassee FL 32399 fncrine. 1350-1g7^in2.} ;O(11.2 M Stote of Florida. ;: Irr.r ac; St.;crnert ;: Aaes�ibi(ity Statement :: RefLnd :� tt:mcni > not :pant your e—mail address released in response to a pu btic-records recucst. do on!. c—d e1_r tr rwir by tradiQonal mail, it you have any questions, please contact 850AS7.1393. 'Pursuant to Srrtir;,, ees licensed tinder Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Diwartment vdth an email addreSS rf thcti irwe. n with the licensee. however email addresses are public record. If You de net wish to sul:oir a tiersonal w ch can be made available to the public. To determine if you >u: a licensee under r.l,r_ A please click here . Product Approval Accepts: »i - 0 Credit (,a:rd Safe 1 PtVBTji%2f7gT7a%2fuMUFZfl l M%3d 212 EVALUATION REPORT Eagle Roofing Products Florida LLC. 1575 East Country Road 470 Sumterville, FL 33585 (800) 400-3245 EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DESIGN, LLC.. Certificate of Authorization #9503 3S3 CHRISTIAN STREET, UNIT 413 OXFORD, CT 06478 (203)262-9245 Evaluation Report E1322.09,06-115 FL7473-R8 Date of Issuance: 02/24/2009 Revision 5: 10/16/2017 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated fo compliance with the 6`" Edition (2017) Florida Building Code (NON-HVHZ) sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Eagle Roof Tiles LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with thci requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report. is vall IIIuntil such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provis Ions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client consti I utes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity E-RD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requiren ents with' each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number prec ded by the words "Evaluated by Robert Nieminen, P.E." may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion cif the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire EvaIL its distributors and shall be available for inspection a This Evaluation.Report consists of pages 1 through 5. Prepared by: Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. Florida Registration No. 59166, Florida DCA ANE1933 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. Trinity I ERD does not have, nor does it intend to acgi distributing, products it evaluates. 2. Trinity l ERD is not owned, operated or controlled by an, 3. Robert Nierninen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither TrinitylERI project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous vE specifically for that purpose. ition Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or the job site at the request of the Building Official. .' ��;' T'G ihe'acs�mde Sea! apncoriag was aattv;dzed 6, flabert N,Fmir�n, ? ,-.- = 9 ' :.,'•, ='� 2 P.E. An i0/.IG/2037, 4'1d3 dQCS not 1^IVq a5 aCt t?10fEt'pn}[DhY y�nt'rl ,p.,•...,;,, ;v-0�•i' damreen; Signed, scales hardarpties f:nebeca van:rt+rnrf :u t!�^ Product ::ogrcval �drn�ni:',ratof a nd tot!?n named ckersl re or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products fnr financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any sions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained 'i a ROOFING SYSTEM EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category, Roofing Sub -Category: Roofing Tiles Compliance Statement: Eagle Roof Tiles, as pi compliance with the following sections of the 6 in accordance with the following Standards. Col Conditions Of Use set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section Propert 15073.5, R905.3.5 Physical Properties 1S07.3.7, R905.3.7 Attachment Requiremen 1504.2.1.1 Overturning Moment 3. REFERENCES: Entity. Examination ATL (-TST 3782) ASTM C1492 X11 (TST3782) ASTM C1492 — Freeze/th Tile Roof Institute ss n) 11 Al I (QUA 1844) Quality Assurance 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1, 1 ASTM G1492 Type IIItLbWPYqfi.I1*',­' Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Certificate of Authorization #9503 17.1 Juced by Eagle Roofing Products Florida LLC, have demonstrated Edition (2017) Florida Building Code (NON-HVHZ) through testing fliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / ow­ 1 Standard Year ASTM C1492 2003(2009) FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) 2012 SSI D 1.1 1.997 Reference Date RT0310.01-17, 02-17, 03-17 03/35/2017 RT0706.01-1-7, 02-17, 03-17 09/25/2017 Membership Letter 11/29/2005 Inspection Report 06/07/201.7 112W 6"� WITION (20� 7) FBC AION-HVHZ EVALUATION Evaluation Report C1322.09,06-H5 Eagle Roofing Pr ducts Florida LLC.; (800) 400-3245 F1.7473-R8 Revision 5: 10/1.6/2017 Page 2 of 5 4.2 4.3 "ASTM, " 'Z'n ✓ 112% -- 5, LIMITATIONS: SA This is a building code Evaluation. Neither TrinityJERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project o i which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidaric 2 unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5,2 This Evaluation Report is not for -use in FBC I­1VHZ jurisdictions. 5.3 Fire classification is not part of this evaluation; refer to FBC 1505.2, Exception 2 (for non-combustible deck) or listing by an approved testint agency for fire rating of this product. 5.4 Underlayment shall be that which tic Ids Florida Product Approval for use with tile roofing systems. The underlayment Product Approval sl'all specify allowable niethod(s) of the installation (mechanical attachment, mortar -set and/or adhe-ive-set) for use with the specific underlayment. For mortar -set or adhesive -set tile roofing applicaticus, the underlayment Product Approval shall specify attachment: methods for the underlayment system to resist wind uplift design loads in accordance with Table 1A of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12). 5.5 "Color -Bonded" or "Slurry -Coated" files are limited to use on projects in areas subjected to weathering indices of 50 or less (negligible weathering), as outlined in Figure 1 of ASTM C1492-03(2009)`, reproduced below for reference. This limitation qOes not apply to the "Color- I-hrough" product offering. .. ... ........ WEATHERING REGIONS NEGI -f IN' -1 G I OLE WEATH E: 5 IvIODFRATE WEATHEijING SEVERE WE. 5.6 All products in the roof assembly shall� have quality assurance audit in accordance with FAC Rule 614320-3. Frierior Research and Design, 11C, 6"' ECHTION (20 n FBC NON-l-WH7, EVALUATION Evaluation Report E1322.09.06-RS Certificate of Authorization #9503 Eagle Roofing Products Florida LLC.; (800) 400-3245 FL7473-R8 Revision 5- 10/16/201.7 Page 3 of 5 r 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 Eagle Roof Tiles may be mechanically (fastened, mortar -set or adhesive -set. Installation shall comply with manufacturer's current published instructions, but not less than the requirements of FBC 1507.3 and the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual. 6.2 Underlayment shall be installed in accordance with FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) or the underlayment manufacturer's current Product Approval. For mortar -set or adhesive -set the roofing applications, the underlayment current Product Approval shall specify attachment methods for the underlayment system to resist wind uplift design loads in accordance with Table 1A of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12). .6.3 Tile Attachment: .3.1 MechanicallyAttache'd 7111e„ i Wind load resistance shall be in accordance with Table 3 of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) to resist the Uplift Moment determined in Table 2A c 2 of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) or FBC 1609.5.3. 6.3.2 Mortar -Set Tile: .ar.., _I i_..,-1 ,. t...11 t.,.:.. ,,..dam. — ..drL, T,hla 7A nr 7R of PP4ZA/TRI Anril 7nl7 Ind-171 nr FRr 6.3.3 6,3.4 Exterior Research a Certificate of Authoriz 1609.5.3 in conjunction with the mortar manufacturer's Product Approval. Adhesive -Set: Tile: Wind load resistance shall be in accordance with Table 2A or 213 of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) or FBC 1609.5.3 in conjunction with the adh live manufacturer's current Product Approval. Refer to the current ent version of the referenced Florida Pro uct Approval for paddy -placement details and performance data. TILE ADHESIVES FOR-AwItSIVE-SET TILE SYSTEMS' Manufacturer s Florida Product' Approval : E _Product "Touch N' Seal Storm Bond" FL14506 DAP Foam, Inc. " ouch N' Seal Storm Bend 2" FL21374 Dow Chemical"TILE BOND"" FL22525 AdheslJes &Sealants fnc. PcilySet .AH 160 ; , F.L6332' _;" i - Pofyset' RTA-7 11GP -- -------_.____.FL6276 t�liaand Ridi,e:Ti(e. Tile shall be installed in accordance yrith FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12). For hip and ridge the installations atop hip and ridge metal, refer to th_ hip and ridge metal manufacturer's current Product Approval (e.g., FL5374) or test report in accordance with SSTD 11 for allowable loads to resist those determined in accordance with Table 1A of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12). id Design, LLC. 6" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION Evaluation Report E1322.09.06-115 Won 113503 Eagle. Roofing Products Florida LLC.; (800) 400-3245 F1.7173-118 Revision 5: 10/16/2017 Page 4 of 5 l `i R r 7. LABELING: 7A Each unit shall bear the imprint or ide Itifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo. Tile lots shall be labeled in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. LA UL w� {� FLoR, IDA EAGLE FL (1.0C:A1 ED ON UND11,1611A., OF T - ) (LOGNTED ON FRONT' IDE DI: TILE) 7.2 Tile not tested for freeze -thaw sha I state clearly that the lot has not been tested for freeze -thaw acceptance on all lot tags or certification. 8. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Official or Authorit Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 9. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: SUmterville, FL 10. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: Architectural Testing, Inc. — QUA1844; (717) 76 7700 - END �F EVALUATION REPORT - 'ASTM C1492-03, 5tandard Specification for Concrete Roof lile,l(fi AS'iM International Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Certificate of Authorization 119503 60" EDITION (2�17) F8C NON-I-iVHZ EVALUATION Eagle Roofing Products Florida LLC.; (800) 400.3245 Evaluation Report E1322.09.06-RS FL7473-S3 Revision 5: 10/16/2017 Page 5 of 5 3r21/2018 Florida Building Code Online S i L f d Cat d� i r t I N 3�x = BCf 5 NcauF Ong is Use! Real St,abao iiol-iro Sics " uI)IIIA Surcha!ge Stats . Facts F' tlr„F,Product Approval lSSe! . s nl, _ it n �., :ct o. i.._.:: a ! % •iw. j _ --: Application Detail * , FL = FL.6332-118 { ' f Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived 'h $ {l r r i Ir rr sy 7 r t �eRTI z �1 {lNxfs(f r J t d . ` g4,41 +' -r r Pubkato'ls FaC Staff K's sit+ t•'z,11 I.m1i", si�dre�4t Product Manufacturer I.CP Adhesives & Sealants, Inc. Address/Phone/Email 12505 NW 44th Street Coral Springs, FL 33065 (888) 774-1419 Fxt 2.01 rylipelkonen!gllicpadhesives.corn AUthorl2ed Signature R1W Ylipelkonen rylipelkonen;Ocpadhesives. corn Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quaky Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory I Roof Tile Adhesives Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed r-In.r Ida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who dcvei ped Robert Nieminen the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 02/07/2021. Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence I i'1.6*132_ 1_ 5._,COI_-?�17_0I M_.Ni4,m—+if Ikf Referenced Standard and Year( -of Standard) Standard SSTD 11 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By .Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D https:/Av4v�v.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVY,QvA quanClKfi6f%2ffvl%2b3ax6XpXuocQWl<cLtil2j%2bQ%3d Year 1997 IIZ 3,21/2018 Building Code Online Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary,of Products 1.0/12/2017 1,0 ' /14/2017 10/17/2017 12/1212017 'FL # Model, Number or Name l Description — ----------- ----------- 6332.1 l JCP Adhesive-, PolyseAFI-160 Dual component expanding polyurethane roof tile adhesive i Limits of Use Installation Instructions -J_�ff [�_AH 16 -Lj( Approved for use in HVHZ: NO _ _L _L _IQ_,[NAI_JL Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes BIPSK Impact Resistant- N/A Verified By: Robert Nierninen PE-59166 Design Pressure: +ri/a/-178 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other, 1.) The design pressure limitation in tHs application Evaluation Reports 1 refers to hip and ridge tiles in one configuratior. Refer to Table 11(,13 2017 WUL-EY132: t2A— ' -I 12 of ER for- all hip and ridge tile limitations. 2.) Field tiles are H'�L;Nif designed based on overturning moment resists -ice. Refer to Created by independent Third Party: Yes i Table 1 of ER for field We limitation5. 3.) Refer- a Ell Sections 5 I i for other Urnitations Of Use, p! -if Till 1 wissep H—um Rhq 'rhe 5titte of Hot Ida :San WE"EC W.3 Suit-,1 rJoHill. Under Flwida kw, email addresses are pubhe records. If you do ,ol, your e-mail address I Elea sec'. in response to, public -records reduest, do not send nail to this entity. Inst-lad, ccritac, the OMCE by uh0IIQ �r b'j tradItianal mail. If you have a-V questions, please eenlact SSOA87.1395-'Pursuant to Seckk-1 455-775(l), Vlanda statutes, effective 0-tile Deparinient wi!h an i enall address V ha o-er 1, 7 ' 0 12, I,-Ilder Chapter 455, F.S. Must arov!rle t one. The onailt; otovided may be used for official ur n,vn,celinn v.-6i the licensee. i-fowever email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a address, please PlovIde tile Department With an entail addriss v.hinh can b- made available to the public, to determine if you are a licensee under Chapter A .5, F please tjipk her, . Product Approval Accepts: r ­7 4A Gred;[ Calrl https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dti.aspx?paraiTt=wGE\/XQwt quLinCt4ft6f%2fM%2b3ax6XpXuocQWI<cLM2j%2bQ%3d 212 f "+$i ERD EVALUATION REPORT ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. 12505 NW 44"' Street Coral Springs, FL 33065 (888)774-1419 EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DESIGN, LLC. Certificate of Authorization #9503 353 CVIRISTIAN STREET, UNIT 13 OXFORD, CT 06478 (203) 262-9245 Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R8 FL6332-R8 Date of Issuance: 08/08/2008 Revision 8:10/12/2017 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for compliance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: ICP Adhesives Polyset" AH-160 LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valic Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisi this Evaluation Report by the named client constit changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documl Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirem ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number prece advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evalu: its distributors and shall be available for inspection ai This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 9. Prepared by: Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. Florida Registration No. 59166, Florida DCA ANE1983 until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced ns of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of !tes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product station changes. Trinity I ERD requires a complete review of this Dnts with each Code Cycle. ed by the words "Trinity I ERD Evaluated" may be displayed in Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. tion Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or the job site at the request of the Building Official. 10 :,' �! e •Y The facsimile seal appearing was autitarized by Robert Nieminen, P.F.. on 10/12/2017. This does not serve as an electronically signed document. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. Exterior Research & Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity I ERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Exterior Research & Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity I ERD is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nierninen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. S. This is a building code evaluation_ Neither Trinityl ERD !nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Roof Tile Adhesives Compliance Statement: ICP Adhesives Polyst demonstrated compliance with the 6"' Edition I Standards set forth herein. Compliance is subji Use set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Sections 1.504.2.1.1 3. REFERENCES: Entity ERD (T5T 6049) ERD (TST 6049) ICC-ES (EVL2396) Miami -Dade (CER 1592) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TS-r 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) PRI (TST 5878) UL LLC (QUA 9625) 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Property Overturning resista Examination Static Uplift -- SSTD 11 Static Uplift - SSTO 11 2012 IBC Compliance HVHZ compliance Static Uplift - SSTD 11 Static Uplift - SSTD 11 Static Uplift - SSTD 11 Static Uplift - SSTD 11. Static Uplift - SSTD it Static Uplift - SSTD 11 Static Uplift - SSTD 11 Static Uplift - SSTD 11 Static Uplift - SSTD 11 Static Uplift - SSTD 1.1 Static Uplift - SSTD 11 Static Uplift - SSTD 11 Static Uplift - SSTD I11 Static Uplift - SSTD I11 Static Uplift - SSTDI 11 Static Uplift - SSTD11 Static Uplift - SSTD11 Static Uplift - SSTD11 Static Uplift - SSTD 11 Quality Assurance TRINITY. ERD AH-160, as produced by ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc., has .7) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Standard SSTD 11 Reference P39740.02.12 P39740.11.13-R1 ESR-1709 1.7-0322.03 ECM-001-02-01 PFI-006-02-01. PFI-006-02-02 PFI-007-02-01 PFI-008-02-04 PFI-009-02-03 TGRI-001-02-03 TGRI.001-02-03 PFPI-010-02-01 PFPI-011-02-01 PFPI-012-02-01 PFPI-013-02-01 PFPI-014-02-01 ECM-003-02-01 ECM-004-02-01 ECM-005-02-01 ECM-006-02-01 ECM-007-02-01 ECIA-008-02-01 Service Confirmation Year 1997 Date 02/20/2012 01/02/2015 12/01/2016 04/27/2017 09/21/2001 05/09/2005 05/09/2005 10/11/2005 02/21/2006 02/21/2006 10/30/2006 10/30/2006 12/07/2006 12/07/2006 12/07/2006 12/07/2006 12./07/2006 06/13/2008 06/13/2008 06/13/2008 06/1.3/2.008 06/13/2008 06/13/2008 Exp.06/05/2018 4.1 ICP Adhesives PolysetO AH-160 is a two,component expanding polyurethane roof the adhesive that is mixed and dispensed from a dispensing system provided by ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. The components are available in refillable tanks or disposable cylinders (ICP Adhesives ProPack° 30 & 100). 5. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. NeithelrTrinity IERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/,,vas used for permitting or design guidance unless retiined specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in F13C HVHZ jurisdictions. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-IiS Certificate of Authodiation lf9503 6"'EDITION (Z017) FHC NON-IiVHZ EVALUATION rL6332-ICE ICP Adhesives Pol set" AH-160; (888) 774-1419 Revision 8: 10/12/2017 1 Page 2 of 9 5.3 Fire classification is not part of this evalua of this product and FBC 1505.2. r' ' LKL) Refer to a current Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings 5.4 ICP Adhesives Polyset' AH-160 can be used with flat, low and high profile tiles or any rigid, discontinuous roof assembly having a current Florida Statewi e Product Approval or approved on a local -level by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.5 Minimum underlayment shall be per FR A/TRI April 2012 (04-12) or having a current Florida Statewide Product Approval or approved on a local-1 ,vel by the Authority Having Jurisdiction for use with ICP Adhesives Polyset° AH-160. 5.6 Field tiles, meeting the limitations of FB 1609,5.3, using ICP Adhesives Polyset' AH-160 are limited to projects having an Aerodynamic Uplift Moiment (MJ, determined in accordance with FBC 1609.5.3 or Tables 2A and 2B of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12), not greater than the following Allowable Overturning Moment values. Refer to Section 10 and ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. published installation instructions for Adhesive Paddy Placement details. TABLE 1 FIELD TI'LES;IN ICPADHBWES POLYSET®AH 160 " ALLOWABLE;& TURNING MO ' TPERFORMANCE DATA . • ` TO MARGIN OFSAFETYACREIIDYAPPI1tEO FORINDEPENDENT (SINGLE OR CONTINUOUS PADDY) PLACEMENT .., ,,:,�,x •, 4T01.MARGINOP5AFErYAIREAUY�IPPCIEDFORINTERDEPENDENTI' PADi)YJPIAtiMENT,- Tile (FBC 1609.5.3) Adhesive Paddy Placement Allowable overturning Type Profile Moment (ft-lbf) Independent; Single Paddy, Medium (2x7-inch, -30 gram) � 60 Clay Flat Independent; Single Pa Pdy, Large (2x10-inch, -45 gram) .--- - 112. Concrete Interdependent; Two Paddy --- (44-inch on underlayment, 2x4-inch at the overlap) 54 Independent; Single Pa�Jdy, Medium (2x7-inch, -30 gram) 39 Clay Low/ Independent; Independent; Single Paddy, _ Large (2x10-inch, -54 gram) 67 � --- te Concrete Medium Interdependent; Two 13 - ddy (4x4-inch on underlayment, 2x4-inch at tile overlap) 58 Clay High Independent; Single Pa if dy, Large (2x10-inch, -45 gram) � 134 Independent; Single Patldy, Medium (2x7-inch, -30 gram) 65 Clay High Independent; Single Pa idy, Large (2)<10-inch, -63 gram) 109 Concrete Interdependent; Two Paddy (4x4-inch on underlayment, 2x4-inch at tile overlap) 40 Clay Barrel 2x10-inch x-35 gram for pans; 2 @ WO -inch x'-17 gram for cap 147 Concrete_ Barrel 2x10-inch x -35 gram for pans; 2 @ WO -inch x -17 gram for cap 107_� Clay Cap atop 2x Independent: Continuo) s Paddy ("'34 gram/ft) 135 stringer Concrete Cap atop 2x Independent: Continuo) s Paddy ('" 34 gram/ft) 116 stringer �^ ClayCap atop 2x Interdependent: 105 stringer Head: One (1) f110 x 2%, j' screw; Overlap: 1 x 6 inch (-10.5 gram) Concrete Cale atop 2x Interdependent: 76 j stringer f-lead: One (1) 910 x 2f'j Screw; Overlap: 1 x 6 inch ("'10.5 gram) — 5.6.1 Data in Table 1 relates to installation over a '30/90' underlayment system, as detailed in the FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12). Alternate underlayment systerns include those having a current Florida Statewide Product Approval and/or approved on a local-leveI by the Authority Having Jurisdiction specifically for use with ICP Adhesives Polyset" AH-160. 5.6.2 Tile roof systems using tile types or profiles other than those listed above acquiring acceptance for use with ICP Adhesives Polyset'O AH-160 shall be tested in accordance with SSTD 11 or Testing Application Standard TAS 101. For the interdependent two-paIddy method, an additional 2-to-1 margin above that specified in SSTD 11 or Testing Application Standard TAS 101 shall be applied in determining the 'allowable overturning moment'. I Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Certificate of Authorization #9503 6rn EDITION (2017) FBI NON-HVH2 EVALUATION ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160; (888) 774-1419 Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-118 FL6332-R8 Revision 8: 10/12/2017 Page 3 of 9 1 T RINITC ERD 5.7 Hip and ridge tiles using ICP Adhesives Poly 'etO AH-160 are limited to projects having hip/ridge design pressure requirements, determined in accordance yr th Table 1A of FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12), not greater than the following values. Refer to ICP Adhesives ind Sealants, Inc. published installation instructions for Adhesive Paddv Placement details. r TABLE•2 HIP.gt.R1OGE (ICES IN ICP ADHESIVES POLYSET?'AH=160 .. ; 'ALL WABLE UPLiot RESISTANCE PERFURPlIANCE DATA 2 T01 h1ARGlN df SAffTYALREAD�-I APPLIfO FOR INDEPENDENT jCONT/Nuous PADDY] PIA CEMENT "';:,f:•:'.Q"TQiMARG1N"OFSAFETYALAfADYAPPtfEDFOR,INTERDEPENDFNTPIACEMFNT, Allowable Tile Substrate Attachment Method Design Pressure (psi) Clay 2x PT ridge board Independent: Continuous Paddy (-34 gram/ft) 116 Concrete 2x PT ridge board _ Independent: Continuous Paddy (" 34 gram/ft) 107 Interdependent: Head: One (1) 410 x 2%" screw; 90 Clay 2x PT ridge board Overlap: 1 x 6 inch (" 10.5 grarn) Interdependent: Head: One (1) $110 x 2.%" screw; r - Concrete 2x PT ridge board Overlap: 1 x G inch (-10.5 gram) �� Clay or Hip & Ridge Channel Metal (FL5374): Independent: Continuous Paddy ("34 gram/ft) 169 Concrete galvanized only Clay or _ 7rim'Lock`"(FL5374} Independent Contmuous Pad dy-(, 34 gram/fE) 17-3 ,Concrete-,', galvanrzed, Galvnlume��or stainless st ei Clay or Trim Lock"' Plus (F1.5374): oluminum, independent: Continuous Paddy ( 34 gram/ft} 178 Concrete galvanizer, Golvolurne°" or stainless sthet Clay Top Notch (FL8095) Independent: Continuous Paddy 32 gram/ft) 1 125 Concrete i Top Notch (FL8095) Independent: Continuous Paddy ( 32. gram/ft) 146 - 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 ICP Adhesives Polyset° AH-160 and the true roof assembly shall be installed in accordance with FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) and ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. published installation instructions, subject to the limitations outlined in Section 5. 6.2 Hip and ridge boards or hip/ridge metal shz 11 be installed in accordance with the FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12). Proprietary hip and ridge metal shall be nstalled in accordance with the manufacturer's Florida Product Approval. 6.3 Installation shall be performed by applicatprs who hold a valid Qualified Applicator Card presented by ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Official or Autl installation of this product. 8." MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Tomball, TX 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: UL, LLC. — QUA9625; (847) 664-3623; Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. Certificate oJAufhomation #2503 Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the 1 6" i EDITION (701.7) F13C NUN-HVHZ EVALt1ATION ICP Adhesives Polyset' AH-160; (888) 774-1419 Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R8 FL6.33Z•R8 Revision 8:10/12/2017 Page 4 of 9 10. PADDY PLACEMENT DETAILS (FROM ICP ADHESI% 10.1 Independent, Medium Paddy: Nail through plastic cement Paddy (Beneath Tile.) (when required), ` 1 Underlagment 2 in. Battens options) Eave Course Eave Closure .... ....7..'. ., . ,aTRINII AND SEALANTS, INC. PUBLISHED LITERATURE): Nail through plastic cement (when required) Paddy (Beneath T(I:.) 1 f Underlayment �' 22,11 7 in: 4ti.4\ ..� � tin �'` Fi Battens optional 10m�2.in.Js- EaveClosure Eavc Course r — Fascia Fiat/Low Profile Tile I medium hrome I ne Nall through plastic cement (when required) ! Paddy (Beneath Tile) Underlayment f 2 in, Battens optional Exterior Research and Design, L1.C. Certificate oJAuthorization 99503 r EaveCourse �� �` Fascl Weephole 10 2 in, rw �;�� �f rr'°`:+ Eave closure `a, j ,itf Drip edge High Profile Tile I I 61' LDITIUN (2017) r0C NO N.HVHX EVALUATION ICP Adhesives Polyset" AH-160; (888) 774-1419 Evaluation Report 02768.03,06-RB FL6332•R8 Revision 8: 10/12/2017 Page 5 of 9 10.2 Independent Lar);e Paddy; Flat/Low Profile Tile I Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. Certificate of Authorization #9503 f if Nail through plastic cement (when required) IJndcllayment �f c,`�:,; 10in.x` 2 in. wide _ ..... Paddy (8eneath Tile) Battens optional E.1Ve LJos UrQ E.IVA CDISe'� � `= fir' '-- Fascia High Profile Tile I I I I 6"' EDITION (Z017) rDC IV'ON-i)VI-IZ EVALUATION ICP Adhesives PolyseC 1-1-160; 1888) 774-1419 Medium Profile Tile ----i Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-R8 r1.6332-138 Revision 8:10/12/2017 Page 6 of 9 10.3 Interdependent, Two Paddy: Nail through plastic: cement Paddy (between tiles) (when required) r' i fi 8altens optional,-'; , rr ( Paddy hinder tile) I \ ;' Single Paddy Y .�^� on top of tile, 1 11 •. l 4 x41n. 1 Iry Single paddy 't'a r a. I. the Single paddy on uncle0ayment,r' 2 x 4 m. /. a, 'e \ } r Fascia Cl-sure 4� ♦iTRINITY EERD Nail through plastic cement Single paddy under tile (when required) j Paddy (betweeotiles} ✓'� r! 1 Battens ij flail dy(undertil(-) optional Singlepaddy'�4r on top of the \� a.. \- 1 x 4' n, r<` - -y 2 x 4 in.,. „q SinglN Paddy on underlaymont 10 �� � � �• ; � --- Eave Closure Eave Course-''?:' - '';c'' Fascia Flat/Low Profile Tile I Medium Profile Tile Nail through plasticcettnellt Single paddy undertile (whenrequhedl ,I `• Paddy ibetween tiles) Battens optional (; , " ` j Paddy (under tile) r Shtylepad y"``t; •h\i iJ' on undarlayment`,`. - J�4, 4 X 4 1IL Single 2x4in. Paddy on top of tile —. a Ea.eCOurse �Y� ;1 y,% Fascia fr• Eave closure 10fn Drip edge J' High PI-ofileTile Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Certificate oJAuthorkotion 99503 I I �I I i I 6r" EDITION (2017) FLIC NONJIHVH2 EVALUATION ICP Adhesives Polysete AH-160; (888) 774-1419 I Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-RS FL6332-RS Revision 8: 10/12/2017 Page 7 of 9 10.4 Two Piece Barrel Map & Ppn j Tile: t) Place enough adhesivo to chleve 65 to 70 sq.in. Steep pitch Applications In contact with tlfa 0411010. j (when required) 211um Uwatt upvitl=, dr;xn Pi: re n:8,esir' 112 In, fc i inch in from eaulde dim ut cart r. I'Mr.9 crnor tifa, ' a'r Ensura 20 to2!? nq. In, uontart a as mx��. '/r" � , v+.eb Ait:sf W.H t$a. � Underlayment�� 10.5 €M o'and-Ridge (im Sheathing Smotar Weepkole' Fascia OoarJ---"' -vT Remove top porliola of the �course saver tile. Abut to second course of pan tiles. Ensure eave en J of pa� and cover tiles are fiush i t eave Ilne. Two Piece B rrel -High Profile Tile - - •1 !Pend ent_`flacement :` A f`t M 61 r'x i t.{ r P al 16 LJl i 1ntst<50 T `xk. ruk{ 1 a ut it Lints 1 lfi tad of 101-R I}�a a' S1t•lo:r ns�y t.L• sm.Lx s •�Lh st 3xy v 3t x..;tcaff sa,1 - t i'wW, th .jlsd tti xl,r+7 r, t ^t3 <�' H 4`x• hlt.xst:_ i i .r seF.iratni GY.'....ant. hr',n�n �Itues.{Ndd>;ib ,C"Airi, Exterior Research and Design, LLC. { Evaluation Report 02768.03.06-RS Certificote ofAothori:ation #9503 6r" EDITION (2017) FEPC NON HVHZ EVALUATION FL6332-R8 ICP Adhesives Polyset" AH- I60; (888) 774-1419 Revision 8: 10/12/2017 Page 8 of 9 10.6 Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. Certificate of Authorization #9503 TRINITYERR Evaluation Report 02768.03.06•R8 FL6332-i:R Revision 8:10/1212017 Page 9 of