HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2379 II I I I -11. c. .OStIa AD ~_ _Xl.. OftO 9_U~T-C.LAIM DEt;O I I II Ii ~ 'rillS 1.Nm"NTURJ.~ )Jade thi,__.PlftJl. ..:. -<'.ay oL_...APBIL ----...--------A. D. 19J.tL, bttwa" -_.....C.....J!OSta .AD..lonSS--4-.ouJa (JIm lIIR}--..QL. 'In Cilfl._OI._CHItJ.QO & "Ihe C"lI'\I." o:.f ..----.....COOX._.....____ --~...___and Statt or._.lLLIB018.. '_'_'__" ______partlU of the lirst part. nd .--.---._.-_...l__.O'l!O......Il..1'u:9UX_M._CB1CAGO.... ------.-- ... 1M C......I). of -. ... . . .COQE.... .-.-- ----....-..__......_..._. ___ and Slate 01.... _... IiIIIJIOI8 .. .._._...........,___.._..._._._ pari 7--~ of tM sKond pnt, . WITNF.SSF.TIf. Tht Ihe ,..1 roart 1.. of II~ lirst ~rt. f"r and In C\lIUid~ralion of 1M .um ..f. OD DOLLAR ADD .OTHER.... _ ___ .YALu..AJ}Ll.J;.QKQlJ)~I.Qlto.._ -----------..-.- --....-..... -'_.-._.._.__._~_....... ~...... in ha.... Pl;.1 b). lIlt ...;'1 ~rt.-7 . nf lhe ItC'OIkI part, the r<<eipt ..berNf it Iltreb)' aclmo."~tot, ha.V. _.._._ remiwd.. nlu<nl and quil.daimtd. and b)' 11lt~ puuuts 00___. remiot, rtl.~.ut' and quit-c:laim unto tht said part.. ,._ of the S<<ond part and .._..hal'..._.__.__..._....__heirs and &Slips forner, all lite rilthl, tille, inlernl, claim and dmwld which the said part.l.a of 1M lirst pari ha. "a..__.... in and 10 the following described Iot~ piKe.._ or par<<l_ of land. ""'.1 'uat., 1710g en4 being 1n the Count7 of n. LaGIE,I'.t. of ~LQRl~,__~Q~.U..t ----- .--I.O'.l.-.fdat.%-1.eQJ._ICIP.1rR . :D1IU\d'D 18 SUBDIY 1S.lQI... SECT ImLlUD1...{.9.).._~ - .--.- . .-_SBU.. iBlBft~l'lY...-lU.L..8OlJ'1.B._JWlOll..'OBft_.L 'Ql..BAS!.:.. 4.B. D -. -"'-"'-- BOBawacn"QUUltD-Q1l-JfB--80iJ1RBBAH-QUAMD -C.. 8" )..8~lCllu~HBD"(.h-_ hU'__.__._.. - ~OIIDSBIP .fB11ln~.J.oUB.h.(M,)~'J!ll.--1UJIOB. .~H.mn..ilIn~..tai.l.as~.-_..__.___.._ ----------.---.----- ------------------- -.--".- --.----------- ._------_._-_._~ ---.---- .---------------- -.----.-----."-------..--------------- -.------..---- -----.--..------.-,--;--------..------ --------------------- ---~---------,._._----_.- -------.------------------------------------- ------ fI ~ TO If" \'~ ,\XU TO 1101.1). lhe qme, I~lher ...ilh aU and .singular !Ite apparttfUDttS lherntfll.. klonl(i"ll or in an)",i... apptrlailling. and all .he: c:.lalc, righl. litl~. intue.! and claim "hah<lt,rr ..r Ihe oaid part.1aa of the Ii... put, cit""r in law or c.Juit).. 1<> Ih.- onl~' pr~r not. btr.dil and behoof of the s;tid part-.1- of lhe _1 pari. ____ har ..._.._hei.. and auiclls fo"".tr. IN WITNF..5S \\'IIt::IU:OIo". the said parlle. of lhe lint Plrt ha ..~..__ htrcunlo> sel ,.. their _ ____..U_.._._. hand. ..and seaI8... Iht .by and year f.ut aooye ..-riueD. Ngntd, >nkd and .klinrtd in prnmce ..f: ! -----.W.L~L'~"~.r._____.____:__(Sta!.) -...._-..'-.,. ..11 ,.'Q8t.". _.(Sta!.! -__._B.. 8'~Du _'I,...~....s1Jqt.OD. STATE OF.. n.T.T II 0 I3.. I (.'OUDly oi_'-..___GOOx...______~ J I 1II:WF.II\' CF.KTIJ'\', That on this day personaUy appeared before mt'. an olIicn duly autMrittt.I tn a.lmini<lrr ""lbJ and take ac![fl(nrltdgtnftlt<, __.W._.C...'IDSTBB_AUD ,tCQm}S...G.....!OSTlm IHIS ..w1.P.K) :0 me trc:!1 ,,~ ,<!' ~ !~ ~.!~ ,-~:;~J i:: ...,..:! "":.> ~"..;v;;:J t.L~ fortg~ bufrlUnfi.j and...____ '5b,1' -.--..--.......&ctrno..-kdittd beCore me .hat .-- the, ..---_.......__.uttUlcd the same freely al!d Yolanla.ll] for the pa~ tlwrnn e"pre<.N. AND I FUKTIIF.K t:F.RTIF\', That lilt sai<L. .A.GBMS ...G...B.s!m Irno... to _ to be tbe .ife of lite s;t;.L_. W. _.C...-JlOSTEB 00 a ~ale arA prinle haminatioa. IUtn and ~de b)' and before Int, sc:pankly and apart from her ~id ha<N!Id. did acknowkdge lhat site UKtJttd !be iorcaoin:t I~ I,'r the purpose 01 rdi"""i,binc. alienating and c....n,.;ng all htr right, litle and intertst, whethrr 01 d.>_r, bomutnd or of ~rak propu(y, sta!utory cr t<j1Ii'dJIe. in &.'>11 to Iht lands dtscribtd thenin, aDd that shot U<<uted said ~. fr<<ly and YulUlllarily and without any Coot- puhioo. cClIIllrain!,. ai'f'nhension or fear of r,r -rom her said busbaDd.. . WITN~S my hand and oIicQt snl. al_.cnY-a_CR (CAOOcounty oL__COOK-.__ .... --:and Stale oL_ILLIliOI8..__ A. D. 19.2.8 ~7.L_lu.~rJ1.. ~ -Qaa._u.p1u.,~BH1_______ -- '1. _ _ .__ ',0,,',,1' ~: ~ f " f r ( t 27 BE Ii' RF.lIEW Bf.RF.Q. 'lbat 011 !b;c cia)" of.. J),.CLa... _.al...11.:..2t..,..A___L ". D. 19.2tl f. L.....C.._.nt~ Cled: of the Circ1lit Court in and for said Coan(y. hase duly r<<wtkd --roi(~~it.CIaim DffiJ in ~ Pablic ~ of said c-ty, S WHl\kEOF. I,hal't herCtlDto set ~ hand .... the seal or said Court I~ day and )'ftr ahoyt writkIL , .~ ~--t..C.t_Kl4r."-_ (Stal.) cc,.ca,S..ltJ , Ouk Circuit c-n. .J ~"'. .'-: e,~ ~,~__:1~~ ._ ""ok '-0", " # I . (~ .' . ., '. ,. J~. l' 579 I I i I i i i I I I ; f t ! i \ I I } I " , ,