HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2382 of Ibt C.-.t). oL....._Ruv.,v_.__..__........ ...-...-...._...... _.~ ~tate of..____.___..J.~."..____.:...___part.~...~ l'f tilt fiut part, and ..______lll~.laA.,lll.y..t~__Q~~gQ...MYl~!._ 100 .~.a_..._ll9.:rU.'...~.9.:r.P9..:rQU_~.--- ,_.______. ___._....._._____.~ . 01 Ih* (""""I)' 01......_.......... Bl'o.ar4 .__._......_........_ .._.._.._.and ~..te 01....._ __ .101'14&._...___.......__ ..._..._._._ part '1_.._ "I the S<<Ond ,,~rt. WITN"SSF.TIl, Thai lhe said pari It' of t~ fint part, for and in ...",.idn'alion of the sum of ....._....._............._. ...._. __........_.. __ ._........_.. . , ---~ 1n...l)01lar..8.._{.O.tO.OLe.M....2_tht.t._Yll.qU.l~LO_0DQ14.~e 'l'OJl.______._______._.______._._..__~ I L n_____________ -..r _I _':;;.,.-----.------n---- . -.-.- --~:~~:OJ.:~TURF~~::~:S..--.--~'h.___..___.)' o'-___J).~~m=____~__.,. D~ 19.~'-~ bttw:'-l,--'-' ------ ___.....__.__..J......J...... 81tIleJ1Lw...JAD.LI.....J1.....u.._hlI_Jt.U... .___ I I I , ! i ! I I I' _J..-...t...JlllKBHs....JJm...JlI!B . '(0 IRDt 4-11UKILaUxa&_L&.liD3._.Ill.O.__ qJ.J tT"9~~-'-MJ)g1EP 582 in hand paid by lhe said part -,.... ..r tht S<<ond part, tht receipt .hereof is htrtby acbowltdlltd. haV8___._ remiot.t. rdta'td and quil.claimtd, and b~' tiltot I'teM"" da......... . nn:ise, mu<(' and quit-dahn unto Iht said part 7.--. of the ~ put and _.li.I...__..____._._.___...hein aDd assips f.>rt,.."., alllhe right. tillt-. intert.l. claim a."ld Mmand ..hieh the said part108af the finl part haT.. __ in and to thef"'lowin. d~_ ~o-rlc\~~--t;';11i-- of bnd. IPiiIQ: aUuah. 111118 and be1ng 1n the Oounty of 8', LuGle. 8'ah of >; .. t~ i ~ -------------.----..----.---------------..- ----_.------~.._--_..:.-- _.______ __m..._____.__I_'- ..J L t.Qt__~_I1~__..~.!_!._.L,t.. UI.~!"~b.,...,t;I~. J~~J~!_~oJ'_ th.!_~_~u'!l':'...__ ..__.o. _ .._ _ .. -...------.--..-...--.. -' ..-. ..'B_t. ..Quar\uLa'Qt;1~.L~j.x....{6LtollAlhlIL.fqj.J't'-.'.1~J.~~) .__________n_.__. -.----------..--:---..-:-_.80uth._.RansL.'fhU.u.-..n1D.ILt39 1...IU.l._OQlltstAiJl" ..fb.J,t:.~7.~________...__.~_____ ____..__._____~Jgl1..~_J~.!.~9J_~_one _ha~~~.._!~~~L9.!_.~~8a 8.ub1~~_t.____.___.___ ------------._l\Q~"'~:r.,.jq_Q,l..~_ml!.IL~~J~~.~,~!3~Jl,t~_~A~'!3Jt!!er.!..__.._._ ...._.___ _.___.______ ~ ---- .-------------.--.-- --_.---"- ---------- -. ---__________..-l_ _...__.._ -------------------.---------.------.--.-.-.-.--.-.....-.- --.---------...-----.-------------..-----------------------.---.-.---.--.------.--------.--.----.-...-------.----"----_. TO ".-\ VF. ASD TO HOI.D. 1M .arne, I~htt .ith all and .ingulat lhe appartft\ancM thernmt" heloR<<ing or in any,,'i.., apptrt2ininll'. and aU the ~..,te. rJxht, lille, int"~.1 and claim ..hal"'fnr of lhe ....id partIS.. ..f lhe !ir.. part. eithet in la.. or <quit).. to Ih.. onl)' I'r~t use. ~il and behoof or lilt ..id ~rt_.7 - of lhe 'Ift'Ond part, ____.111____._.____.._ ._....h..._., loti", and a"~' forn er. IX WITSESS WIJIo:RF.OF. the Wd part .l'8 of tht fint pari ha.h". __ Ivuunlo ..I ..tluillx .h.__...... __. handl and _18 . .Iv day and )'ear finl abo~e ...rilkrL Si~ ...akd and cklinrnl in i'r~'COCe of: I _____..Itomt..ItlJ}QJl.__ L. J, X.laon ________ _. ____._..____d_..___..___.___" I ____.___.._1.,..1_,_ S.\'JI1'.M __.____.;::.__( Stat) --- '''_'h'''h All.na.Jh_:U._.~'Jm. ._. ......_._.I~..1) ~. STATF. OF _____IM,"". } Cr.wrty oL._.__..__!~ve' __.. J I HF.RER\' CF.RTlI'V, ,Thai OIl thi. day p~nonall,. aPP<'u~ btfore mt', an ofti<<r duly .1Ilhori,td to adlllioioltt Nlh. and uke "knotrktl<<_.ll.. --- _1 J. .J-._S.1.ellltD~Lo.pcLAP.ne._L.t.....~'~~mo. _.bl~_.1fU'''_______h'____'''__'''h'_'_ _. 'h.d h_._ ....__ 10 _ -'I I,.......n 10 ... 1M ptr......., dt!ICri..... in and ..ho utrottd the for~ imtmnwn! ..... _h' the,. h . m_.,_ . ~Imcowkdl(td hef....e tOt t~L ______. thq ..hh ....__.m_...UKUltd lhe ....tnt. freely and ~oIurrtarily for lhe p.,fl'OW" I'-rin upcnwd. 1"- ~ ASD I FURTHF.R ('F.RT.F\', That lhe ..id___' .inn. ~!_3..1.'.lIltnl_____.____,_____.___..____... ,_ known to ..... 10 Iv Iht ..ire of the wL_ l.!...J1_.J!1~!I!~8 __..___. _____.._____'__.h_...__.._ on a separate..... printe uami.uriaa, ..ken and tn2M by and hefou me. separately and ap-arl fr.... het !laid h~ did acknowkdat lhat .he UtCUltd ...... .r' M DM .-.... f r of HI; , . .. It a" r r.C aM ua :'":411 :: ::lI:::' I. ..., 'y_~ _'.~~ ~ L ..... -~. I" U, prill .... ."'.'''- 1W ~ :",u.:.. J II ,.... A. A. "rl,~ tIo...... ... tIoat "". 1 1 !laj.~~~ly aDd withoul any roM- puhion, CODslraint, apprmnuion or f*u of or flom her said hu,band. WITSF_,<; m)- :WI<! aM o6cW Ital. atI.O.nlln.-.i.aA~c-.tr oL_____llArf.7.-__..-I St~e of _.~!'~ _.... ._.' ll__da)' of_.hl.Imal'l'___A. D. 19~ . l~ Seal ____B.!....Q_~~_$.9.~.t_. -!Cl__CO.-1Blf~~ll? ..Jan....16t;h~..1929 - - . - --" ;. f~ , }:- } ~} ,~-: ~< BE IT REWElfBERIiIl. TIlat 011 this -~~ da,.oL_..1.fMtUU,.~~..8t4~LA.~__KL-A. D. 19.9~ .. _____L-~....ILmum .O<<k of the C'1lUi1 Ct*rt '" and ICot w.I C......ly. P.: ~ ' .' ',.,:. 'i. -.1 - ~ :~ , .' #; hue duly rtrordtd the fortgOirlg Quit.CIa;... Dttd in the PubliC R<<wds of tai4 c-ty. 11" WITNF.SS~OF, I han hemrnto .... III)' band and the seal of said Coart tilt cia, aDd 7ftt abM~ ..riftm. ~ Ct. 80~\~ ..' __.__..l!..C. 1<f.DRlm ---c;;;.-"'""-C..~'''.l) c_.. /.1 \t5r,,<1> '1~'J .'r~.'''''''' -- ~: P- h I, .' l t l. -,