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TO ..-
-~-.o.aooaft.. Anl1 Jma...n..K-JOIlNSOI.__.
TIII~ INIlF.NTURF.. ~adt_ thb..-..--.-.,__.30tb.___.__.__...t1a7 of.___..__.iluU&l'r__..__._______...:...A. O. 19, ~~_.. btt.tftl
of I~ (''''''1)' oL......._. 3' ....lR1cl..._._..____...__._.__a04 Slltt of..____.)llor14a...____.._____~._l'&rt.'# __ of lhe lint I'&rt, and
. -.--..-X..--!....-Cr.ockAU_an4.llr.._J)....M...Johwl.cul__._________ _________.____.______~__.-'-__
...II~ Ccanl, oL_ ""'--- ...NOI'folt__. .-..-_ ..-.........__._and Slatt of .,'__ ._Yl~glu!a .._..___ ....__._.__.. ''''_'''_ ~rt ..19:~ of I~ _-.leld pari,
WITNF.~~I\TIl. Tmt lhe ~id part. 'I.... (If tlv lint ...rt. f(W and in cmoilkralion of lite- .u", of. .._.. __....".._.........__._...._... ._..... "'_'__ ._...._......
--!.an..llollar.a-and.-.Q~bu_.T.aJ.uab1.a_QDJUl14AnUDna_~._,_.____ ---..-----.--.-------.m&IiR
in haud paid by lilt said ...rt.le8of l"e SffilCId ~rt. t~ receipt .htnof i. hereby .tkDO.~td. ....8______ remistd, rcirased and qU;I.c1aiawd,
and by Illtw preltllt. do.U." rtmi<C', "Iuot and quit-c:lairn unlo tht said part lea of lhe .food part and .._'h.lt'__... '-'.-..-_.loriu and
auialll fore\'tt. all lilt riaht. lille. inle....t, chim and dtmuod which Ihe said part. .T _ a' Ihe lirlt part hi 1.__. in anot 10 the f&lo.inl dtscn1wd
~'-;apltC~I-:i:- or P1rcd..I. of br.d,1lK&Jl: eUuah, lJing and being in the C01lD''1 of st. Luo1e, State
o~ E~or Qa, 10". ta _ .
. ...-.---...--..-.-... ---'~- ,L~:~J5~~ ~::\'i" ::~::~::ri::~ ~8:_;~::.,.~:b:~:1~~::;--...--_.--.-...--_
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....-.-. ""-"'-r--'-- m____...__mC~~J~..g~~ t..~~_~,~~_Lu.~1!t_<!~)!!lJ'~ ._~.!!r..!.~_a.. in ~!a.t_.___._._...._.._...~____.._
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TO H.-\\'I-: .-\SO Tn 1101.1>. Iht ..._, h'll<'lhn wilh all and 5inpbr IIv appllrlmantt~ Ihcr""",... btb'llir'l( .... in anywi<t appertaininll_ and all
lhe C.I;II.. rilChl, lille. inltre,1 and cbi'D wml'<>tnr of Iht >aid part~_ 01 the fir.. part. tither in law (~ equiIY'. I., I"" ant,. I'roper u.... '.....elil and
behoof or I"" said parties. or the --.J part, -=-..____:\bt.1.l'_ ._._..____.._._ .__._._ .htirs and a..ian. rorner.
IS \\'ITSI\SS \\""':REOF. Ihe said part '1_.. or tbe finl part haQ __.__ -htrnmlo ......-.--__b,~.I3__.____..halld... . .,and onl .. _. I"" day
and )'tar firll abon wrium..
~i~ -W and ddi.crtd in I'r~ of:
Baxter Qoo41eU
.-____.___Jl,,__ 4_!....QJ'_Q.Q.ttU _ ____..__{~al.)
.- ... t ~all
STATE OF ___r.l~rt~,_____ )
Counl)' oL._ ---,--~..~!!._~~! t!t____..:._._...._._ J
1 HEREBY n':RTU:V, TNI on Ihis day ptuooall7 ~td btroce _. an olIittr c1u1y alllhnriztd I.. adraisti'ler oalh_ and t.k~ acknmrirollmn:l<,
.--------------------- _JI.!.. .l.,.._Cro().~~___...:.__ ___._.____._.____.__._~__.._'_u_.____.,_ ..__,_.__.. ._.......
16 ow .tll I<no....n 10 be Iht ptrk'lll._ dc..,rikd in and who u<<1Ikd the foc<1r..... ilL<lrumtn. and _.__. ,hl..__.._ _ .....,_ .._ ...k....wlcdctd bd.>tr 1M
Imt..._____AI .-..___.._........Utollro lhe ..me fr<<ly and yolantarily for I"" purposn Iknin uprnscd.
. .u:R I n:lRTIII:R FI:UTlfY. ~"'I ~::.
1mo'lt1l to _ to be tht .ife or the... _.____.....
--/- ;"~
Oft a sepazalc and prinle euminaticA>. laknI and maclc- by and befort one, s f rOlll hrr said hllsbaAd, did acknowledge 1""'1 .... ueculcd
tilt lor~ Deed for lilt parpose or rtlinqui.bing. a1imatiac and COClyO)'i.. all hn ri&hl. littt and incuts . homtltnd or or scparalt
....opnly, slalutMy or equilahk, in and to Iht land, ckKribtd Ihtre'
WITNF.SS my hand and oaici;al snl, at_~or'_nt.r~.._CoanI}' of__.l.1i.LLJlQJ.J..__.-d Stak oL..'J.9_:rJ,~f;
~~ _ _day of._J.AnWll'.Y ----A. D. .92.2..
P. Se.1,
-. - JIJ--~'..--';;;>>k~!!I__..l~L..ao,_.19g~__ .. ___.u'n''''_
~TA1'~ OF FI.OK~~ }
Coanl}' "tf..-st.. tUcie.
BF. IT RE!dF..UBF.RF.D. That ClII this. 318' _da7oLlDILtyJ,I:'Z_'u 3; 38..l.L11.L_--A. D_19~j
I, 1.- P L.Q.... RT.UY1i!Q.. _ _.____ .Clerk of tlw C'ircait Court in and fOf said C....nIJ,
ban duly r<<nr<kd Iht foregoinc Quit.Claim Deed in the PabUc Rmxcll of ..w CoaGty.
IN WIT 'FoSS \\'HF.R.F.oV. I hue Mr~O set my hand and the seaJ 01 aaid l"ourt tJar tb)' and )'UI' ~It w""D.
_'-____--P ._._0.... Jr.pIiKTI. nu_Y__.__(SnL)
Onl< Circuit Court.
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pnr~()f(f Vf;ri.:vti