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SCANNED By 6AOARD(LO, ntv COl9NTY COMMISSIONERS 1A21 [L4] TANK 1_1" 1-3 SIZE L2] [Al] GAS PIPING SCHEMATIC i [p 4] [L8] i 1 ' R91 f L11 L6] " I[L10] [A3] TANK SIZE: n�. 67-0 GALS. [A5] PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building and Code Regulation Division RECEIVED ] MAY 10 2018 ST. Lucie Q9unty, Permitting APPLICANCE — TYPE/SIZE Al 6P11e(cCCU BTU A2 BTU A3 i BTU A4 I BTU A5 BTU- A6 I BTU IPINGLENGTH &SIZE P(PIPE I 3 SIZE WAS TAKEN FROM T. INCH DIA. THE 284,4 FBC FUEL GAS CODE- L2 FT. INCH DIA. TAbL492(____)) L3 FT. INCH DIA. kc)`7 ��U�i L4 FT. INCH DIA. L5 FT. INCH DIA. ! ��Q�•C_� Crcls '��1� L6 FT. INCH DIA. L7 FT. INCH DIA. L8 FT. INCH DIA. L9 FT. INCH DIA. L10 FT. INCH DIA. L11 FT. INCH DIA. L12 FT. INCH DIA. Website: www.stlucieco.00v 2300 Virginia Avenue - Fort Pierce, FL. 34982-5652 Phone (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1578 Revised 7122/14 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST X OF THE SOUTHWEST % OF THE NORTHEAST OF SECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA'.THENCE RUN NORTH 00'1536' EASTALONG THE ''/,- V,, -'/. SECTION LINE, A DISTANCE OF 13.69 FEET, TO THE SOUTH RIGHTOFWAY LINE OF OLD EDWARDS ROAD; THENCE FLR. 1/2 RUN NORTH 89'09'04' EAST; ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY NO ID. LINE, A DISTANCE OF 17..53 FEET, TO THE EAST RIGHT OF -WAY LINE OF OLD EDWARDS ROAD; THENCE RUN NORTH 00°0449' WEST, ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-0FWAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 16.02 FEET TO A W IRON ROD AND CAP STAMPED RLS 2391; THENCE RUN SOUTH 85'08'33' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 37122 F. FEET, TO A W IRON ROD AND CAP STAMPED RLS 23941-1 THENCE SOUTH 00'0924' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 555.09 FEET, TO THE APPROPRIATE EDGE OF WATER OR NORTH ST. WCIE RIVER WATER CONTROL DISTRICT CANAL NO. 29; THENCE RUN NORTH 41'36'04' WEST, ALONG SAID EDGE OF WATER, A DISTANCE OF 117.84; THENCE RUN NORTH 42.1835' WEST, ALONG SAID EDGE OF WATER, A DISTANCE OF 18436 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 40-SX21"WEST, ALONG SAID EDGE OF WATER. ADISTANCE OF225,78FEET;THENCERUN NORTH 342v07' WEST, ALONG SAID EDGE OF WATER, (Ny A DISTANCE OF 64.42FEEL TOTHE AFORESAID, '/,-%-% SECTION LINE, THENCE RUN NORTH 00'15%'EAST, ALONG SAID Y,,-Y..-V. L�>,:;'• cY) ' SECTION LINE, ADISTANCE OF10821FEET TOTHE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 3.146 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. CERTIFIED TO: M' HOWARDP.SPECKER,ASTRUSTEE OFTHE HOWARDSPECKER LMNGTRUST DATEDJUNE12,2003;CHRISTOPHERJ.TWOHEY, PA.;OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY- off'} �:: 00 PNC MORTGAGE A DIVISION OF PNC BANK, NA, ISAOA/ATIMA SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONS, Qr -CATCH BASIN =CENTERUNEROAD --o_ NSC.FENCE L 0=PROPERfy CORNER CEI=COVERED AREA ®'a=MU,, % +%A-044TING EVATl0NMr =UMTyn, ®pm=WATERNETER © =MANHOLE ® =WELL —'—=NIETALFENCE _.—=WOODFTNCE MXGUNDITIONER— CENTERLINE FI.R. NO, LD. CENTRAL /DELTAANGLE L IDENTIFICATION LB LENGTH LICENSED BUSINESS RA.V.D. NORTHAMERIOWVERTIC4LDATUM RG.V.D, OHL NAAONALGEODETIC V6tPCAL P.C. OVERHEAD UTIUIIES POINTOFCURVA7URE P.C.C. POINTOFCOMPOUNDCURVE P•K PARKERKYLONAWL P.R.C. POINTOFREVERSECURVE PSM PROFESSIONALSURVEYORMAPPER P.T. POWTOF I-ANGENCY R RAN RADIAL/RADIUS RIAWMIroev DA1UM rvfL 1Wl= ASPHALT DRIVE .: rr U`1 n • I F.LR. I&' 1 ?35' NO I.D. y 2R' 2 Uu uT L 3) Ct--�, G c-> � C, 13 '-.f' '4r, U 4- PAGE > OF 1 BOUNDAR�y SURVEY �uu"u>�4lW 555.09' PORTION OF b $ THE N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION 29, I TOWNSHIP 35 S, e sg RANGE 40 E ,B COvLr7E0 'a "� o (� BUILDING (INCLUDED) PORCH Sr a �H #3131 �y Ey IB97Mi P.O.C.N00°15'36 E OLD I P.O.B. 108,21' EDWARDS I �R. Lw ROAD ' 1J LEGAL DESCRIPTIONPRONDEDBYOTNERS TJ THELAN0.SSNOWNHEREONWERENOTARSM4CMDFOREASEMEWOR07RERRECORD® ENCUMBRANCES NOT SHOWN ON T HE PL A): 3J UNOERGROUNDPORT70NSOFT-OO7INGS.FOLWD,770NSOR07H�lMPROVE7IEMTS yYERENOTLOCATED, as WALL AESAR"07HEFACEOFTHEWALLANDARENOTT007ne?DTOREQ7NSTWMENOTIOC47ED 1 ONLYVl31BLESVCROACWENTSARELOCA7ED. t4a� �� SCREENED p W r PORCH y1 4aa, N O SCREENED— CJTa PORCH o !_A 4- rti •rcT LD BUILDING 1" S.I.R. 112' IBM93 i �/ 31.3' SIR, 112- LB #7893 e. S/.R 112' COMMUNITY NUMBER:120286 LBNM3 PANEL-12111CO186 SUFFIX: J FLOOD ZONE: X/AE FIELD WORK' 1/13/2017 V~ REMAINDER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3131 OLD EDWARDS ROAD FORT PIERCE, FL 34981 SURVEY NUMBER: 279011 THE N.E. 1/4 OF Sage a : SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 35 S, ti <60 RANGE40E (NOT INCLUDED) SCALE 1'�0' SLR. 112- LB #7893 T.TNA BEARING DISTANCE SURVEYNOTES L1 N�°1536'B L2 13.89' ASPHALTDRIVECRQSSINGIHENORTHERLYSIDEOFLOT. N89°0904E N00°04'49"VV 7753' 7HEREAREFENCESNEARTHEBOUNDARYOFTHEPROPERTY 15.92' ANDCROSS7HENORTHWESTANDEASTERLYLOTLINES. 0/MENS/ONS SHOWN H[FEON ARE P[ AT AN D MFAS fENCEOY✓N(FSHIPNOTOETERM/N® ��5507RERIMSENOIQT QLYA770NS IFSFIOH7V,AREBASQ7ONNGV.D. 19�pA7f[t( UMESSOINERWLSENOIQ) 1NSO.UEWSTANCES G17APHlCREPRESENTADONHAVEBQ�JENAGGERATEO )UMORECLF�iRLYILLUSD7A7E RQA770NSN1PSBEIWQNPNYSIC4Ll6TPROVEMEN75ANgpRLOTUNES !NA(LC4SES,D/MHVSIONSSNALL CONTROL 7NELOC4770NOFTNEL4IPROVEMEN150VL)7SC4CEDPOSNIONS. REVISIONS• Maximum Caplty o gof PE Plpe Ih Thousands of BTU ttlth q Gag {�fessure o per Hour L OPetroleum Gasn 11n f .0 In. bi/C and Pressure Drop of 0.5 i. WC (based on a 1,52 speclBc gravlty gas] 139j 1073 720 671 484 425 .� 67 so 45 934 740 627 383 325 286 257 . 41 98 38 33 t 1983 1331 1064 561 497 421 370 235 218 204 29 26 3663 2391 893 786 333 305 283 192 169 252 4724 1894 1605 1, 1272 600 628 475 264 249 219 3247 2608 2232 1078 948 435 403 376 354 197 10063 6755 b351 1978 )792 1634 854 781 729 676 311 280 4635 3989' 3592 3044 2678 2232 1133 7054 636 934 560 504 °a 24)] 2207 20420 -4 19110 1797 828 750 °101 1581 7424 12 13 702 15 86 7a 12 11, 10 9° °°, ,s °° 147 132 112 68 63 B8 9 8 8 „ +, 211 2097 427 376 188 760 140 89 81 76 70 66 51 48 46 44 7 642 376 398 287 252 126 116 107 .100 63 60 87 42 40 1207 1061 956 8 0 . 712 642 B6 303 286 269 55 252 146 1 81 8 76 7 644 508 255 244 233 134 Maximum Ca ty 1 478 463 437 411 224 276. pact of AE PI o In Thousands of BTU per Flour of.Liquefied Petroleum 39q 379 With a Gas Pressure;of 2,0 psi and a Aressure r o 2516STUh_1CFH (based on a 1,52 specific gravlly as p of 1.0 psi Gas ° - 886 , 71300 7586 6008 779 702 595 ' t+ 14652 9835 5092 4479 4033 523 471 437 2oen 779d 6602 6807 3418 3007 2707 2478 399 373 3" i4014 11100 9408 5229 4432 3898 2296 2144 2018 309 27 37574 25183 19946 8275 745) 6315 3510 3213 2975 2780 1775 15S 43429 29848 23969 205105 14869 133' 11348 9982 5002 4876 4239 2617 2302 207 1105963 71131 18182 16474 74100 12496 132 8226 . 7618 7119 3729 894 295 56339 47750 42000 37820 11322 10417 9697 692 6700 5894 32054 28194 25388 9092 8689 530; ° s 23234 21617 20708 18926 764 4 91 236 207 187 15B ++ � ° sc et+, . 16647 14991 1356 1192 139 125 1757 1546 1391 19174 800 720I 659 606 g9 93 88, gqs 2503 2202 1037 934 571 637 80 77 1983 1680 855 792 608 484 74 4498 3956 3563 ]478 1391 1218 740 696 659 627 462 443 425 5903 5232 3019 2656 2391 1128 1054 992 939 599 574 551 12705 4740 4067 3596 2)89 2027 1783 893 853 818 11175 10063 8529 75 3758i 2997 2788 616 1668 1605 1533 786 02 6756i 6182 5725 2616 2471 2347 2239 1469 1412 Maxlmurn Capaclty of PEPIpe In 7taousands oP BTU Per 6036 4767 21`#1 lobo 1985 4636 439I 4750 avlth a Gas Pressure of'10.0 Psi and a pressure Drop o 3988 ' p Hour of I.I uetfed petroleum Gps8166]'Uh,1CFH (based on a 7.62 speclQc grove Sur p 0 1.0 psi -�_ 14234 9556 "" ° 1116 981 884 ,jjI '0 ° 18455 72388 7568 6414 5642 6080 749 659 593 543 0 9812 8316 7315 4306 3787 3410 b03 470 442 ° 26296 17652 13981 11849 1Og29 9386 15583 4910 3121 2890 2701 389 350 47252 31720 26123 11243 10423 9865i 7954 6997 4422 4047 3747 3602 6 2236 2014 63960 37087 29782 14294 12572 6300 .5766 5340 '4990 2899 2611 733476 89601 70967 6548 22591 20469 17619 11321 70361 4697 4131 3720 15527 74068 9696 8967 8440 7423 6685 ° b2905 47640 '40376 35514 3)980 29267 22004 25329 23671 9458 8569 ++ 297 261 235 149 ++ '+' ++ �;1e 20970 18882 170 1501 1352 1146 1175 158 144 134 125 +, ++ 1946 1753 1485 . 907 830 769 218 111 )06 ' ++ 2213 194 7306 1176 1077 119 676 640 609 82 97 93 3165 2497 2116 1862 1676 997 932 877 682 557 636 4983 4487 3803 3345 1534 7421 1328 830 790 764 723 7334 6500 5890 6041 3012 2757 2553 1260 1163 1726 695 16004 14077 12676 10743 49 8 48 3724 3465 2386 2246 2126 2022 1075 1030 990 i7787 7272 3251 3077 2916 2782 1931 1851 1779 6739 6343 6005 57i2 5 65 2660 2466 Ph: 1,800.662,0208 ,Fax, 615.325,9407 . 6227 5024 Web: wwwgastlte.00rn 2516BTUh_1CFH 7 L ti 1"U" �, � VU �R P-, r. X 041 QUO) VV % V L earth W. V an t1nderC,,,,,, p applicti FOPMm Twyts In OI�5rcjc,plasb '* t , . , , c'OlF WiliTet teolf �J- 7% ,;! . . . . . . . . . . . ... R-1 g`~U�►�eCiir:,���SupertDur:' ,h rfcR��htarf I' MM, Ou a u1b, @ r.IT di eageyPtotccf4Unl w4n, it Dual -service options for above Or uncle, Option im: rzOaClY-tc)-buYy red oxide gl-Clund @PPlications • PolYethylqne AGUG dame' durable POwder cOFtifl_q Optioll Aboveground Id option with steel With black, All valves andflOat gaU9PS are 8" AGUCI dome* Fabricate' centered urcler dome d lb 11le latest A.S.M.E. COde, ' 1�egislercd witil file Section V111, Divisior, I National Board . 11,72 liquid level outage valve orifice reduces re . Vacuum pre -purged 10 fl-lehriq emissions -save time, money and Product 'Applicable federal, state, orlocal :re Wallons may contain Sr[Ccif1cIetI.q o un'renerht,sP�for coatings and cathodic protection. The purchaser and instaitel"reressijjror compliance with all fiedoraI'stO'G,10ca1andNFPAfrcusjprofeatio, G`110cOirudanl c;Oafin9 must be c,1lit?('Ous and uninterrupted and me co'n)ly'"11-a" 10caf, slate or ralional coje, y eru,a. C.jo vt/VVW.T"14iiitYContainer.s.cO):n Gall Toll Free; 886-558-8265 r LI 9 4 �J • General S ecmcatlons Conforms to the latest edition of the ACME c Pressure Vessels section Vlll, Dfvislon f NFPA Co.ode for Complies with Rated at 250 psig from .200 evacuated to a full 14,720 F to �2ti' F, All tanks maybe psi) vacuum, Vessel,Finish. Coated with epoxy red Powder, With the epoxy powder der, tanks maybe coated with TG j� buried), (Tanks coated } ForAboveground use; App11cable federal, state or locap der. ProtSpecectficion requirementsforprotectivecofatfnnsmaycontain protection, The compliance with all federal, s ale Purchaser and ar joer are respons a or cal regulations, FLOAT WITHDRAWAL GAUGE �VALVE Lq W ANODE I �; CONNECTION PLAATE VALVE RELIEF FITTINGS LAVpUT UNpER poME ROW Jan. 97 9na. Ideal for _. �,$ use as a first stage regulatar on a InStallatlons reolUldi Up to 1,600,000 BTU's y domestto size P�eeure to an intermediate pressure of approximately 10 PSIG SME or DOT container In ` Per hour, The regulator Is factory set to reduce coma net t�1G*��G'�itA�j OH��®G'G�ilM'. � A'm LV3:1a3" . -- v d ° t LV31103 i i?tfg <" F NPT %" F NPT 7132" Maximum Oov based on inlet pressure eelling and de 20 Pi higher nvary pressure 20% lower Ihen the So1enIhan the 90 11 gallinPgSIw�p,� 1011 500,00Gdevryut-0 T 1 20% lowarthen the regulator Provides accurate first st V a n intermediate age regulation Jr. at Industrial bulk tank systems, Redu Industrial fur 8ces pre of 5to 10 PSIQ. r bolters. Also )nco Ploreted ldtto aupply high pressure burne s ta for cs a pressure to an Ordering Q��®�����©� multipte i linder Iss;I8 iat(ons, pp►ications like NPT %" F. NPT F AoL�n FNPT When uaod ror n 1 wllh NFPA Pam oat 590 pressure control " Maximum now esad on I ' must either incorporale fnle nlel pressure 20 PSIG hl Brel ghat than the Mautator se 5� Yes J 2,500,000 valve or separate rellerva(ve should be speel0ed r Ind deliverypressureMI po % n accordance 2 lower than the selling, .!' Designed to reduce flrststa e t Ideal for medium commerclaHlnstallat're O m to 20 PS10 down png ulftple cyllnderinst�ttatfons and normal normally 9�n �atuo, I rural domestic loads . R LISTED Why Tanks Corrode Underground steel tanks corrode due to an electrochemical between the tank and the surrounding soil. The r occurs due to small voltage differences on t hemlcal reae in the flow of DC current from one location to ono process of corm; flows from the tank into the soli corrosion he steel surface that re the anode In a corrosion circuit. Where current flowsanother. Where curt tank, no corrosion occurs. T occurs. This location is cal the amount of current flawing between the anode an the moll to t A grass of corrosion is determined Whether the location ' of the anode/ cathode remain cons Corrosion rates area d the cathode ar conductivity of the soil generally higher in wet soil environments tant over tiince h circuit; promotes the flow of DC current in the corrosioi Corrosion generally exhibits itself on underground general overall rustingor tanks In either a may result from . more commonly, a Pitting variations such as rocks, salts, fertilizer, moisture etallurgical conditions of the steel surface attack. Pit locations concentration, etc. or soil concentration, oxygen 4x Protecting Preventing Corrosion underground tanks from corrosion is easily achieved b of two commnlyahe use pro' y AAtied tection .. methods. external coating . and cathodic These two protection. methods are complementary and should be used in conjunctlon with the coating insulates the steel from the soil environmentother. An effective the flow of corrosion current from the anode external protective ixtemal coating can protect over 99% of thea to the cathode, thus the cathode, preventing io coating is peCfect, Damage from construction or oil slea, n effective ny defects, which may result in accelerated corrosion at However, asses create tthodic protection .the defect. current from prevents corrosion at those defects b %de, A an external source, forcing the tank to become pplicatiOn of sufficient DC current to the tank will rev Aplymg •rosion from occurring, The two stems are sacrificial and impressed current p protection d when the a types of cathodic protection mount of currete nt required for the proltectionsts sms are mall h as in underground propane tanks. Impressed current more commonly used for large structures such as large dla ' fines. Electrical isolation of the tank from metallic gesystems electrical grounds 's meter tiveness, I critical for the cathodic protection system's Sacrificial Cathodic protection works Ficial systems work by creating a galvanic connection betwee n two rneI considered in the cathodic protection, design ne tom the tank to the house also Is plastic, .'All underground steel pipe should be a must be a co rosion resistant material, The servicetin unless the service line Isolated at the house with an Insulating,Thvernally coated with Is less than 5Q' in length, the tank anodes will a should f electrically to protect both tank and i fitting or union, If service i pipe, For longer lent Pr of Provide cur Pipe anode;may be required at the house connections, Ape, an additional If another metallic material such as co the pipe should be efectrically Isolated from the t for at connection. Co pper is used for service PIPIna Copper and steal create a galvanic couple that will accelerate corrosion of the steel tank when directly connected to co the fill pipe Generally, coppeC piping does not require cathodic Protection. piping. different metals,most '�— m which when "'Pledtosteel re m magnesium to the steel, material is magnesium, lit The open circuit Potentialnoffsteel js tithe -0,50 volts referenced to a co It potential of ma copper sulfate electrode, out d two metals together,Ithe difference o f j oto 2.80V. 'BY open circuit flown the tank that overcomes the natural corrosion y connecting the the tank. 5V volts results that in current With this current available to the tank n cells that exist on Magneslum Anodes no corrosion occurs. There are a vane Protection. The tvvo of anode sizes and alloys High Potential. The primary alloys are designed as used for cathodic and has an ° H-1. alloy is H-1(or AZ63) and Open circuit' produced�from recycled ma is well suited for protecfiont of )undergroundpropane his alum Potential alloy is 99% Of ppr°xlmateiy — t,55V this alloy up to -1,8V, pure magnesium havinaotanks' The High ohm-cni resistivj� 11oy should be used for soil applications circuit potential pplications over 10,000 The two most common anode sizes used for underground tanks are 9 Ib. and 171b, 10' of #12 The size designation relates to the meta! weight. TW insulated wire 1s attached to the: pro One then backfilled (n a mixture of to lower the in resistancof the anode to soil.odes, Anodes are I ow cost gypsum, $entonite, and sodium sulfate nonhazardous, electrically conductive backll,TTe backfilt (s then packaged in a cotton bag mixture Is a oaper bag. Actual shipping weight of hesetlanodes cardboard box oanode r b, and a Ib, h backfill is 27 11311cation Recommendations "ditto S. anodes can protect underground tanks i ndit(ons, TheH-1 alloy Isgeneraliyve Ivides size and u very effective, ll most soil quantity iyrecommendationsforvarioussizetanksbased conservative design assumptions, to 10,000 This chart covers soil conditions )00 ohm-centhmeter Aene�aj�y eepresent v tri Reslstisoils higher than oil resistiv(ty can be performed 30Ign recommendations n locations here anal s18, Venation �0 ohm -cm y Contact us or (f there !s no effective external coatiress t(on the exceed propane service it 9 on the tank. . Soli Type tank Cap, (gal.) f20 S 50 250 Fertile Salle, y Sandy Loam 5 to 5000 chm.cm Size oty. Alloy 9# 9# 325 9# 1 500 17# 1 1000 17# 2 f500 f7# 2 2000 17# g mp, Gravel, Rocky Are Mechanical Connection Under Qom. 5000 to f0000 ohm•crr: Size Qty, Alloy 9# 1 H-1 9# f H-1 8# 2 H-1 9# 2 H-1 9# . 2 H•1 9# 4 H-1 9# a H-f 9# - 'Based on 90% effective external cean , 1 6 H-1 yearAnode life. 9 malo currentdensl Anode installation n% and31 i. Determ(n'e size and quantity of anodes from application 2• When a single anode ►s installed It should tank center on either side of tank. , loca edchart. 3- When multiple anodes are Installed, space t be located near th the tank. See examples below, hem evenly arounc 1 anode Z anodes 4 anodes ¢.Anodes are, shi y ~ papersacks. Aped in either cardboard boxes or Remove outer container and bury the clo h ha -Wall anode, If anode is supplied before installing, ppl1Ad in plastic bag, AAed 5. install anodes a A, remove plastic bag at least as deepas pproxlmately two to three feet from. the tank and In locations wih the center line tuthe tank. Anodes work best the better, Permanent moisture, so generally the deeper 6-After plaoing the anode and extend over to a connection point on the tank n s retch out the anode connection wire 7,Cover the anode with nectio ill pipe. Pour 5 gallons of water on the anode to saturate the ck approximately six inches of backfill and backflll. Water Is necessary to activate the anode. 8. Connect the anode wire to the tank with a to prepared resistance connection, tank fill pipe or an Examples are threaded stud ion rthe tank. All connections cess should be etallic connection a Material. Point to the 9.Ideally, the tank connection Is moisture -proof Pipe within the covered made in the area of the tank fill subsequent testingdome With access to the anode wire, anode output and verificationaOf performance, 0. Verify performance of nk can Include measurement of Procedure, the anode using an appropriate tR.t !n Cathodic Projection T88111lg Procedure & Black Equipment Needed; Digital Voltmeter Red lest lead pha a Half Cell) 2' Longs Reference Electrode : Co M1ner/C Long i peer/Copper STEP 1: Using a digital voltmeter insert the red test lack of the meter and select the 2 or 20 volt DC scale, lead connector to an uncoated metallic area of the lead into the Volt It' the fl(i pipe mult(valve. Clip red test (DO NOT connect to shroud] °0d soJid connection istve k' preferably STEP 2: Insert the black test lead into the Co m ry important and connect the opposite end of the lead o °R lack on the meter, electrode (� cell), t a charged reference STEP 3: Remove protective cap from the porous Plug Of electrode. Place porous plug end into native soil eat bottom end necessary) at tour locations around the tank ions on each s tank, and one at each end of the tank , move grass if obtaining readin s side of the the soil. A moisten sot( with water or di ulty Is encountered STEP 4:Record all four A Ceti deeper Into least of all four reading should bereadins minimum of -0 negative, y s on an appropriate form. The {Note: if an of the four readings are below (less negative) more -0.850v then the tank Is not fully protected}, Aative) Charging Reference STEP I. Electrode electrode,Unscrew and remove porous crystals, filing elec rode com distilled plug end °f new reference Water to the copper sulfate color.and there should alwa s beeexcess c Y The solution will turn blue In the tube. DO NOT USE TAP Y rystals at the bottom of STEP 2:Replace WATER. position so that the porous g end n electrode and and let stand for 1 hour beforeuuse, d is facingi place In an upright to become complete! saturated before hi se.ill allow the Por own position Caul/on: 00 dpt allow electrode p°rous plug substances that to contact al/, road sa/ls, or other tbrough poraas may canlaminate the sa/ufion ry plug Do n0P allory%iroqre to /teeze. absorpt/on ro Polly