HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOAMI®DiADE St LLICIE C anty DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING, ENVIRONMEN AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS (PERA) BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISI NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE ( A) Wayne Dalton a Div. of Overhead Door 3395 Addison Drive Pensacola, FL 32514 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued unde the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documenta on submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County PERA -Product Control Secti to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction ( J. This NOA shall not be valid after expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) aid/or the AHJ (in areas other than.Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or materialested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails. to perform in, the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. PERA reserves the right to revoke t is acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or in erial fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as scribed herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High V ocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: Series " 00" Steel Roll -up Door up to 16'-0" Wide APPROVAL DOC : Drawing No. 035-0032, titled "Series 800 Service Door Up To 16' Wide X 24' High, sheets 1 and 2 f 2, dated 10/26/2006, prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by David L. Monsour, P.E., bearing a Miami -Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number an expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMpm RATING: Large and Small Missile. Impact Resistant LABELING: A pe anent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, Dalton, 014, model number, the positive and negati a design pressure rating, indicate impact rated if applicable, installation instruction drawing reference umber, approval number (NOA), the applicable test standards, and the statement reading `Miami -Dade Co my Product Control Approved' is to be located on the door's side track,'bottom angle, or inner surface of panel. / RENEWAL o this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicabl building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINA ON of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or Change in the materials, use and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement ofany prodUCt, for sales, adverti in or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to Comply with any section of this NOA s 11 be cause for termination and removal of NOA. LIMITATION: Roll -up mechanism is not part of this approval. A rc r.ar -c-:„ V JeA11aAMEIN 1: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the in its nt date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. or its distributors and This NOA revises NOA # 06-1101.07 and consists of this page 1 and evidence page E-1, as we» as a doc ent mentioned above. p yoval Th submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. NOA No. 11-1202.01 Expiration Date: January 11, 2017 OJr 231ZO1 Z Approval Date: April 19, 2012 Page 1 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 035-0032, titled and 2 of 2, dated 10/26/2006, Monsour, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA # 06-1101. 1. Test report on Ignition Temperature prepared by Southwest Research Ins - and signed by G. M. Miller. 2. Test report on Large Missile Impact 203 Uniform Static Air Pressure Tes "Series/Model 822 Rolling Steel Sla 01-46387.01, dated 11/14/2003, sign 3. 'Test report on Surface Burning Char insulation, prepared by Southwest Ri 04/28/2000 and signed by A. B. Wei 800 Service Door Up To 16' Wide x. 24' High, sheets 1 1 by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by David L. est per ASTM D1929 on polyurethane foam insulation, lute, Test Report # 01.11850.01.418, dated 02/27/2006 Iest per TAS 201, Cyclic Wind Pressure Test per TAS per TAS 202 and Tensile Test per ASTM E8 on Door" Prepared by Architectural Testing, Test Report # ,d and sealed by J. A. Reed, P.E. cteristics Test per ASTM E84 on polyurethane foam search Institute, Test Report # 01.03048.01.193c, dated C. ' CALCULATIONS "Submitted under NO # 06-1101.07" 1. Calculations for attachment of guide o steel, concrete or masonry jamb, prepared by the manufacturer, sheets 1 through 4, si ed and sealed by David L. Monsour, P.E., on 10/26/2006. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance 01/27/2012, signed and sealed by Da-, "Submitted under NOA # 06-1101.0, 2. No financial interest letter issued by David L. Monsour, P.E. Environment, and Regulatory Affairs (PERA) 2010 FBC, issued by the manufacturer, dated L. Monsour, P.E. 7ayne Dalton Corporation on 10/24/2006, signed by -1 dS'�ig�2Dr2 Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 11-1202.01 Expiration Date: January 11, 2017 Approval Date: April 19, 2012 I ADJUSTING WHEEL(AW) STOP! CURTAIN (SLATS) GUIDE BOTTOM BAR OPENING WIDTH, 16'0" MAX /- SEE GUIDE MOUNTING DETAILS OPENING WIDTH + 6.00 (C) 035-0.032 5/16-18 CARRIAGE OPERATING BOLT AND FLNG NUT, 13/16" (TYP) MECHANISM HALFA 24" D.C. 2.Sx2.5OPTIONAL BACKER TE OR 3x32.5x2.5x3/16 SLAT AND POLYURETHANE STL OR 3x3x3/16 \ a FOAM INSULATION BY. ` STL ANGLE j FOAM ENTERPRISES, INC. COD--- N ASTRAGAL BOF I OTTOM BAR DETAIL MOMENT OF INERTIA = .05171n"4 ' SLAT DETAIL 4DLOCKS ON _RY SLAT 03/16" LOW CARBON STEEL RIVET (TYP) .44�I � .a7 .44TT�1 .a7 n175 � h� i-- 2.88 -- I p PROD11C1'REVlSm r ODoplyi*wwmd. "..d. WINDLOCK DETAIL � 1. DESIGN PRESSURE = ±47 PSF, TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TAS 201, TAS 202, AND TAS 203 BY ARCHITECTURAL TESTING, INC. 2. ALL WELDING TO CONFORM TO AMERICAN SOCIETY'S LATEST EDITION AND FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. USE A.W.S. A5.1 OR _WELDING A5.5 E70XX ELECTRODES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT THE WALL CAN SUPPORT THE JAMB FORCES INDICATED ON THIS DRAWING. 4. WINDLOCKS ON BOTH ENDS OF ALL SLATS. 5. HOODS ARE 24GA GALVANIZED STEEL, STAINLESS STEEL, OR ALUMINUM. Approved �'+•L - 6. ALL GALVANIZING PER ASTM A 653. SHOP COAT OF RUST INHIBITIVE PRIMER ON NONGALVANIZED STEEL SURFACES. ly�mipe>R1bs Ion our, F.E. 7. DOOR MAY BE LIFT UP, CRANK, HOIST, OR ELECTRIC OPERATION. }TDrrb vD L1s _ 3395 ADDISON DR., PENSACOLA, FL 32514 B. CURTAIN IS 028 MIN STEEL PER ASTM A 6539GR.40, G90 GALVANIZED. FLORIDA CERTIFICATION 46475 9. GUIDE AND BOTTOM BAR ANGLES ARE STRUCTURAL STEEL PER ASTM A 36. .NO. OHIOMISS CERTIFICATION, NO. E-55077 10. TESTING PERFORMED ON A 16' WIDE X 8' HIGH DOOR (SHOWN), APPROVAL APPLIES TO DOORS UP TO 16 WIDE X UP TO 24' HIGH MmmfDrSr"' 1 ol�.a:,+. AND MISSISANA CERTIFICATION 11946 WITH COMPONENTS OF EQUAL OR GREATER STRENGTH SIZE. _ O. LOUISIANA CEk?IFICATION N0. 25457 _ 11. OPERATING MECHANISM NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL MUST BE CERTIFIED BY AN INDEPENDANT THIRD PARTY. Dote: 11 %-t 01e -QG PART NUMBER WEIGHT (LB.) TITLE DADE COUNTY TEST DOORS AND DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPVD. BY TOLERANCES (UNLESS APPROVED MODIFICATIONS,. SERIES 800 M. DAUS DLM OTHERWISE' SPECIFIED) REFERENCE SERVICE DOOR, HVHZ, ±47 PSF DESIGN 10/24/2006 . 10/26/2008 LINEAR 3 .0 LINEAR * 1 t .01. 1 PAGE I OF 2 UP TO 16' WIDE x UP TO 24' HIGH SCALE — WHEN THIS RELEASE LINEAR .XXX t .010 Mom• �::•• 1 MED 12/18/06 MATERIAL AS SHOWN JORIGINAL BOX IS .50" HIGH ANGULAR t .5cr .512 u-'. W� D•u•a QhW 41511 REV TITLE BLOCK, REV NOTES. REV SLAT DETAIL. REV WINDLOCK DETAIL NONE DIMENSIONS IN INCHES SIZE DRAWING NO REVISION REV. . REVD. BY APPVD. BY RELEASE DESCRIPTION B 035-0032 1 REVISIONS 5 " .65.25 MINIMUM ►{ 2.63 v ° °' O. °• *ALL DIMENSIONS TYPICAL FOR ALL d GUIDE CONFIGURATIONS UNLESS ' v d:. OTHERWISE NOTED OR SHOWN . I , NEGATIVE WINDLOAD 3000 PSI MIN CONCRETE ° v ° POSITIVE WINDLOAD c- ° ' MTG BOLTS W/ WASHER, 05/8 GR.5, TAPPED OR NUT, 1.63 1.38 6" FROM BOTTOM, 18" O.C. a c �Rc I,R4x-" ' .4 Rx �7l/TITl 3.5X2.5X3/8 3x2.5x3/8 ASM BOLTS, 05/4 M 3x2.5x3/8 GR.5, 18" O.C. M 05/8 x 7.0 P _ 00 F _ WEDGE ANCHOR, 1.38 y 1.00, I y .375 SLIP 6" FROM BOTTOM, 1 3/8x1 WINDBAR (TYP) 7.5" MIN O.C. ,f I-- 4x3xl/4 (TYP-ALL MOUNTS) '-2.5x2xl/4 (TYP ALL MOUNTS) (Z) GUIDE MOUNTING. DETAIL (E) GUIDE MOUNTING DETAIL GUIDES BOLTED TO CONCRETE JAMB GUIDES BOLTED TO STEEL JAMB JAMB MATERIAL FORCE (Ibs/ft) - POS WINDLOAD NEG WINDLOAD 3000 PSI CONCRETE Rx = 2059. Rx = 2059 Ry = 2107 Ry = 2501 Re = 1731 Re = 2877 Px = 2059 Px = 2059 Py+ = 376 Py- = 376 STEEL Rx = 2059 Rx = 2059 Ry = 4740 Ry = 4056 Re = 4364 Rc = 4432 Px = 2059 Px = 2059 Py+ = 376 Py- _ .376 ' I .IMCU 12/1e/0e1 ^r M I IREV TITLE 5.BEOV . .5 CONCDETAILS E SPACING I 1.63 1.75 Ryl Re �.38 SETBACK, THIS MTG ONLY / 16.25" O.C. - 38 1.25 Py- OPTIONAL BRUSH (E) .GUIDE MOUNTING DETAIL -GUIDES WELDED TO STEEL JAMB AT SLOT AND TOE 035-0032 1.63 1.38 Ryi IRc �_ 3X2.5X3/8 .38 VI.25 18" O.C. yJ OPTIONAL VINYL WEATHERSEAL (E) GUIDE MOUNTING DETAIL GUIDES WELDED TO STEEL JAMB AT SLOT AND HEEL MOLKJCT itEVISEp, 0c�y®swOYtlielluidi - A roved: PP Atnr• z •:.:.:...:..:::,.c.,°. DavTcT M6nsbur, P.E. 6wwafts mil- O O/ 3395 ADDISON DR..`PE:NSACOLA, FL 32514 FLORIDA CERTIFICATION NO. 46475 BY nlrelosuaer,, : ,q[y,;n1<vs OHIO CERTIFICATI6N•.NO:.E-55077 -NO, MISSISSIPPI CERTIFICATION 11946 .. LOUISIANA CERTIFICATION NO. 25457 Date: Ilk L, .00i MBER WEIGHT (LB.) TITLE DADE COUNTY TEST -DOORS AND DRAWN BY CHECKED BY 8Y TOLERANCES (UNLESS APPROVED MODIFICATIONS, SERIES 800 M. DAUS JAPPVD. OLM OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) CE SERVICE DOOR. HVHZ; *47 PSF DESIGN tD/2t/20o6 t0/26/2008 LINEAR .X t .0600 I PAGE 2 OF 2 UP TO 16' . WIDE x UP TO 24'- HIGH SCALE —WHEN THIS ORIGINAL RELEASE uNEAR Jcx t .D3o LINEAR .X%X t .010 won, oall°n MATERIAL AS SHOWN 80% IS .50- HIGH ANGULAR t .SO' 12 Me W-y ' NONE DIMENSIONS IN INCHES u°D.n• oIn° N 1e SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION 8 035-0032 1