HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2411 . j l ~ I~ l~ It 11 I; ! ! I; I 11~~... I c I . I~ t . 1. ~ I"..' ~ ~, c. _---..0. ~~ nn: jJm WX. .A.-.H.-WRl.fs-eo.--1BO.. 611 QUIT.~LAJM o~_~_q__ I I I i t t i - I ! I ! ( . 1 , '-- ---.--.....,.. THIS IN(lF.NTURF~ If:a.~ Ihisn.-._____._._,__lilh___.------.d:a)' of...:~___.l\mt.______..._.____A. D. 1929,...:. bdwt<'ll I ----~.-B-"t.. -anA. .ROal_1l._.~t"a.JUa_....Jr1.t4.. I a( tM (0001) of. . - "--- ... .Yo:L'k.......--..---.--.......---.-- and St~le ol..____...__lf.w. ..York..._..____.____._~rt itA o( lhe litst part, :and _~._~._.n.. .trh1.~..._.OOJD>>...D.Y._IIlQ..t. ._jL9...o..m.C?~ t !.2!L~t.. .~~!,...!~~i~._()~ _F.!~!:14!, ) 61 the l'OOIII)' or -.- -.-.~...-....._ ._-... ... .._.__.___.. ..._..___.... ... ._.__. and Slate ..f_ _- _.._ ..__... ____.._.___.._.. ........_.._.._ ___ ..___,_ part7.__ of lhe .f'Colftd p:art, . WlTNF.SSl\TIl, T1u1 Iht' <:aid pa,lles. af lhe finl part, '0' and lll......"ickr:alion of Iht sum oL_ 'l~D .!>ol,la:re and _Q\l1'-~..n..__._ _.Y~_~_~~~.~_..__Q.9~@!~!!,a U ~1!_B --- ._-~.,...", he ha3dpaid II)' the saill part.Y..._ of the _d p:art. "'" n<tipl ..heltof u httell)' lICkno.ltd&..... b:a..V.8._____ ,tniscd, ,....,-a~ and quil-cbimtd, aocl by Iht~ presn\ol do......_.. rtmisc. ''''ta~ and quil-clail1l unto the said part~...._. i)f "'" ItC'Ond p:art and___ hJa.. '_"_"'_. ______n._ _ htirs and assip.. {ocntt, an tht nchl. lille, int..rut. claim and dtm:and .hich .Ihe said p:art.lea of tM fiul part h.a._ V8 ___. in "nd 10 lhe (ollo.-inc deJCh"btd \0(.__. P\<<L__ oc pa,~L~_ of tanel, ~ 81 tu.de, 1)'lng ant. being .in the Oounty o-r St. Luoie.ltde Qt_..norldaa.....to~lIi1i.1.___..._..._______________..__.____.______ _~_~~.....sou..,.~~_~~._~~_~l'_(_~'!tJ. of th~....!!~.!~!a.~ ~ter.J.~L~t SeotIon Ten (10) _.___TQ\lf118bJ.p_ .'lhtny.~ 81x~J3.6L_21_Q.u1;JJ.._l!wJgO.....!Mr.~1~Q1gh'_J 30) . .ja.s", t.. o.onsla\ iD& .. Qf__.__. _...____f~_~)'._.l..Q} _~~~_I;l.t...~Q~fLQr._J.Q~g. .______.____...__..____..___________._ -, -...--..__..~.._--_.-._----_. .-..------..----------------------- --------.--------------------------.---- .-------.--..------------.----------- -----------------.-..--------------------------- -_._------~ ---------------------------- __._______u..____.______..___ _._._________.___ __. ___ _____.__________._ ..__h ___.h .__u._._~__.. . u TO 11.-\\'1': ,\XU TO IlOtil. IJ.e fall1C'. I"grthtr .-ilh all and singular the al'l'IIJlen:a~ I"~nml" 1......"'1tir'!r .>1" in any'"... appntainiag. and all the e'lal... ,~hl. Iii..., :,..Ine.. a",1 ..lai.. .~I.....'..' ..f Iht uid put laa ..( 1M (...I I'UI. ..ilhtr in Ia... .... <'lJUil)'. I.' 1M ....1)" 1''''P<'r u.... Ltntfil and t...hoo.1 of the ~id I'Ul7-- ..( 1M !'Kond part. -.----h1..--.--___.__..__..... ____..._..__......in a~ ,",,\;tr1l forn..._ IN WITl'\F.SS WlIF.RF.OI-', Ihe ~" pari lea of Ih.. first p:art ha. Y8 ___.. htrnml(\..... '_'__' their _.._. ...__...... hand a .__and 'ln1 S ... 1M w)" and ynr first alx,n ..,illen. Signed. scakd and dtli~"rN in I'rt'StnCe (II: I __Frank.il._qar.e1________ .J.~e..P..~ _.J! ~__'?ayfJr._ __ . __ --....._.__O...B. . Fyte.________ '__-:(Sul.) - ..Rose. W. _Fy~o ...._ .. h...... __..._ . .-____.~s-:aL) ~T.\'rF. OF ___ .,rt~~.XQ~_ Coanl, ..1._.__....1lE'rr_YO IE.______ 1 lIF.RF.B\' CF.RTII'\", Thai Oft Ihis .lay pttsonaU, apPeared ) be'or.. mt'. an ~, dul)" alllh..nml ," admini'I'" (O;\lh, "nd tal:.. aclu"'lIltd<<mml" __....0..11.. -F7te.and..HoaLrl. -~8._h1a_Yd.t:a._--------.-._. ____ 10 me .-d1 l:nolln 1(\ I... 1M pt'r......e .s.....ribed in and ...... uulllt:d Iht r""<!I'oiag inllrumml aM..._. the~. lhal ____.. -...... -. the~ -. --....... U...."Icc\ 1M <:a..... f,<<ly and ~ulunlarily 'or lhe pur........ Iht,rin upus....... ASU I H!RTIIF.R Cf.RTIF\". Th>1 lhe said..__R~.I_F:i~___.______.____~._ known 10 _ 10 be the .i(e of the <:aid...______O_..~_F.Yr~ _________ co a sep:ar:alr :and prinl.. eumir.alion. In... and made by and be(o,e -. ..paralcly and apart from hn <:aid hu.hand" did a..knQ.~ lhat she txKultd """'"fIm,w<<~fM''' l'II~M ....~~~.... .......Ii,... ....~Ito'"*-;~..~-''"''"-".....-.a-~L~ ..,..,.,...,.,-~_......._i&-ad~...._~~lt-A:.. ao4.a.\r:a.l.._~"u4~1f~1?I1na ..aluntarily and .ithoul any com- pulsion. conslrainl. aPl'rch.mioo ..r fear of or from hu ",ill busband.. . :aclrno1lfWgt1 before me WITNESS rr.y band and official stal. at -lIl_lLIWL__Coant). oL_.lie.1LJork______md Stale ..r .___1leJr....YDrk_ . 20th - - . -.~. J f}O this.____. ____.. ......____wy OJ-T-_ _..\U1t .... D. 19..&.Z. . "- (Sat) -- ~ : (If.P. Seal) ~. -- "\ " . .' STAT\! OF FWRIUA,..A/ CoU1lI, of SL Lucie. J ,:'. BK IT RF.lIEWBERFJ). Thai 00 this~ w 8x~!ti:~r-: 306 -- Uit-- p~{e?Jt~~l'o!_~~-~A o lon"e ~~. M --day oLJ.une~-d....1O:.M...A.~-Jl... .... 0. 19~ I. -----,--------P _ . 4. ba~ dul)" r~.....okd . .k.....;...~ ~.Cbim Ileal in "'" Public R<<ord. o( said Coanty. 11> WITH SS WHF.REOF. J hay~ M,nanlo .... my h:aDd :and the seal of said Court lhe day and yrar aoon .,itlell: _.It_Q. E!.~d (Sral) a Clerk arcait Olwt. BT-~-1~-___o.,..tT CInk. ('"Jerk o( the CirC1lit COurt in &lid for said Coaaty. \ot' I ".Ot t~e a1)/ -,~ . \" ,\ \i ~\' . _("'\1"0 ~~...f ~.~;t~~i:;~:~:i~~f~l!J%~fi~~~~~~~~: ;. ':"":.~~",,~,, J......-.t1~~.-".""~.~"':\...-.~'.....:'\~""~1..~-: i-,,'jti',,;';...~ ~....." . !:.~:~1~~~~~~-~j. .9~~~~~~Jc1~~~1~i:~? ;y:~~~~~is~~: ,':; >';.<t~:~~}~~~~$)