HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2415 I j t I Ii I I t I ~ i .' f . ; I t '. ~; ; 'i'1- i~ i j > < , f t l h f l' ~ ~- '" J t.' ~ ~. f ~. ;f. . E I --.l-.-.-------------.----.~--------.- ----.-.---.---...-. --.-- - -:-----.----...--.--.--- -- --T--'- j TillS INnF.NTURI-:' lIa~ Ihis..._..._.t1flo.lntIL_._-----d:a)" o(-..-----.~.._-_._..._..___.__._._A. D. 1~.8L. !ltlwccn I I ---_..._I.L~le_~...A..~ J!. KoKullen ----.----- ---- I I of the '\lIUlI)" of. --....-. 8\.. wale -..--....--....---...._.___ and ~talt: of.___.__..__._nor1.~.._..____.__..__.par1J,~,_ co( I~ ",sl part. alUS i I ~~.~o:~,::.....:~~~~:~:O._~_~~~:~=:;~.~~;:~~=~'-~~~~~~:~!;:~~,:1:== i i f 1 I .__~:'.=:.I-~~~F.T~~~:_~~._I.: ~M~:~_~-.:~ht ""I p:~~or and in::~~=_:.~.::_:~~__~~__:._..~~:.~__....._._.._~_~...~~~_~~~~ I i i I ( . . f ~ --!,~_Q...JI.AM'"T,Ta llm 111."" I. JltIlt.1\Ll!f 1-0 - 615 -----ft..---PI&ROa-..lD-.--It--COd!. 00. -_ - -------- -......:.--..--.--------___ Q~L1::.gJ~~~LM. 0 J;.g_Q___.__ __._____.._u. _'___'___ _______.~__ _________ . In hand p:aid b, Iht said l':l,t.-. ,.-- of lhe st'COftd p:art, lhe nuipt ,.10",,<;; i. Mtb). :aclmo"kdInJ. !u...1I _. _.. ___ wni5hl, ,maw,l :utd quit-cbillDtd, ":and b)' ""'~ plCSffih d,>-......... ,.....i~, rd~a... and quit.d..illl Wllu th~ said part-7--- o( II!e ItC1lnd p:art andJ.\.. 8UOOe8BOra _........ and 'auips !t>rt:,...., all Iht riehl, lillr" inlt1"nt. claim and dtmaM .hkh "'" said Parl.. 7.-' o( lhe fint pa,l ~ a....._.. in and 10 IJ.t: follo.ing e!~scribt:d 10'-.-._., pi....e___ or p:ar~__ 01 land."~ww; situate. 17ing and being in the Oount1 o~ St. Luo1e. State fd-.1J..orl4a.__to....,ll1lt _______.___.______._________ --.I.o,~1Bh'_(8LO~...B1Qok._~~.f!_~.LM"~~~.nJ'~~~.o.~~~g!;l !I~lJ~t._'!.! 8i~ .L..,~_.:t:~~C?~~!..~_L__ --.':""_.1n. Plat.. .~ook ..'our.. .P.agO'hOe._~1_..__;J;qO.S._L<!O~'7.. a~.o..Qrd.~. _..___._...._._._____.___ _.______..._.__~ ---_..._--~_. -----.-------..----------..--.---.------.--.----------- ..----.--..-..-.-.... . .--.-..-.-.---.... -- -". ------- --.--- .-.---- --.---..----- -----------_._- _._------._-----_._.~--_.__.._-------_.-_----_._-_..__.--------.....--...----- ----.-.--.--.--. .---------.--.-- ....--.---.--..---- -.-.--.---------------.----------...----------.-----.-.---..------ ------'- \ i ; -------------.------------- ------..--.---------.----.----------------------.----.-.-- ---- ------..-----.-.-----.-. --.------.---------- ----.----.-----..------- ---_.. .- .--.-.-..- .__.------------_._-~~-------- --.---.--..-..----.-- --..--. .--.------.--.------.----.----------.----.....--------..- ---~.__._-_.._--.-._- ------.-- ------- -------.-- _~-____.__ _d ....._ ____.___ ..__ _____ __..______.___.___.____.___._____.___..____.._.__.._...__~__._ __.._.__.______.__ _~_... __...__________ ----..-----..-.--~--.---.--.---------_.-----.------_____________.____..___h_~_..____,__.~.__+__.___.__.._+___.___ . ---_.------~-------- ----+--_. ---.--...---------- ._-~--.-._----+--._.-._._----- _.~-------- -----'-.- -.-. _.-..--~~+-------.._.---.:-._------.---------+.--_.+- -.-.--. . TO If.... VI-: A~n TO 1I0!.U. I.... !Q_. h>g~I""r .ilh all a:>" singula, I.... :appurl~...",~ I.......unl.. bt:1c...~ill/( 0' in an,...i... aP\l<'fuinir.g. and 7:1 lbe ....Iak. ,iKhl. lill.., inltt~'1 :and <lain! "....I'Ot'nT of Iht ..ad part1.8_B_ of Iht li"l p:arl, ..id~r i!1 Ia. or ~uil}". I.. Iht' ....1,: '.r......' u~, b<Mfil ~nd torboor of Iht: uid pan 7.-- uf Iht- _d part. _..__llJLBWlG.IJlBOrB.__._...___ _.._. ....... ~lrf-an.1 a..iKn. f..r....tr. IS WlTNI~SS W.IJ.:RFOF: I~ s:aid r-:arlle 8 of'the fiuI pari !u .V~..__ M<'1II1lo 'It:1 __ _. t_he lr _.... '_'_'" !un" ~ .:and 'f'al 8, '.... d:ay aoo ,Tar firsl abt.yt: ""11m. Sigrwtl. St:;akd :and .klinrtd in pn'SftK.. of; I -Ir... L.-.Seot~ ----------=-.--- ~~w.1n .Ba41n8kJ._______-==--=---:-.:-___-:..=.;="-~~ lr. ltoMu.llen .-=~.=..~-(Snl-l .,. G. Jrolru.1leJl._.______ ----"....__.._.-.:(s..:al.) STATE OF -~14a-------_.-_ I Counl, oL.....__S~.._.Luolo.___._________ J f IIEREIl\' CF.RTfF\', Tlul on this da)' I'~..on:ally :appeared ~rort: ....., an oIIi<-~, duly authorintl ... admini,l~ o:ath. :and ta\:t: :admo..ltdgmmu, --.-.r.-~...Jlal61ll.'n...an~...~..J..._~le1L~.l~_~.tf~._______._______..._____ 10 ..... ...11 Icnown Inb< I.... ....r..d tlc<cribtd in :anol who UKuttd Iht (orqoinll: instrmnml and.. 1;heJ' . .. ..... .....- . .lcoowltdj(td ~fort: mt: lhal -...- -th., .. ..-'" -.-. .... UKultd Iht- s:a~ fr<<ly and yofunlarily r", lhe purpo..... Iht'rrin UI"N<td_ ASn I fURTHER CUTf"", T!ul lhe s.:aid.__ JI!U~._JI....t._J(!,l~le~_..__.______...___..____._...__.__ known 10 I1>l' I.. "" Ihe ..if.. of the s:aid______F..._~.!. ..~~.JlulleJ!_________..._____:_.__.______ on a ~r:al. :and 1',;,.",. uatnimli...... I:>lcen and madt: b)' :and bt:fort: me. uparalcly :and :ap:art' f...m ht:r said hu.b:and. did a":no.~ Iml .ht: u......ltd ........~~...fo<p *""I1&"-~""'~IIIIIlr.''1~~~lll .M1.:. .~ll'titIt.-.Iotf~-~"--."""_~"""'~""""" ......-.,..~-.................._.."-....., "-_.lb..d ~-mol~~~fw. n~..~_~1f~qrid ,-olunl:>rily:and .ithooJI aD)" com- . puhion, conSl...irt. apprtbt:n.;on or f<aT o( or from htr said hu,band. WIT~~IIly_ nd and nlIitUl ~:al. alPort pieroe Cuunl}" oL_S_'....._~~:l~______and SUIt: of ._'-!orida__ /-" -.; -- lhi.. ~1 ieen\h _..__. )" of___.Klq_____A_ D. 192.i .) 'or.p. Seal) K L. SaoU lfot&r7P11oHo-S\8,teof-F1off4i-a"t-Urse ----:- . oo_ss~on...~1.raa.:-Se~~'~.::~!t~_l~Z~____._.__. _ } County of St. tacit:.. mi 'T RF.1IEU8ERI\D, T....t 00 tbi...__ ~8 ___neb,. 0(Jul..r....!.~..J.J."6 p.~-..!~---A. D. 19.22, J, p-_O" 1Cl4I9.4 Ckrk o( "'" Circuil Court ;. &Ad :0' said Coanl;". Laic dttly 'frordtd the' forqoioc Ouil-C'bim Dt:.... In the }'ublic R<<Ol"ds of saie! ("0GDly. IN WlTNF 'JU:HF'oF. I ban Iwrnmlo ~ my haad &Ad I~ tal o( said Court IIw day and Yft' above ,.till...... I r , i 1 I I -~---..l.!_..Q...._~.~~_...!____(Sal) <:krlt Cimtit Court. By_ ~___1~.__ _._Dtpoty CItdt. ,. , 1+1 -("1 rq v,. . I il,'n '1 ki~t~Jt~~f1~{~fI~:i~:. :', .'.:, :: ;~:'H;~~~f~I~~