HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONCRETE SCHEDULEA a• r lli,h I�Iu 1� 1Ithi �.� ��� �f tFa Ii� {, oll Hill 1142 Water Tower Road, 'Lake Park FL 33403 Office 1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dis 07-339 P.P, Concrete. Tested ❑ Yes ❑ NO LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No SIL L11y, Perm- cle Count" ; Request f��I� 0 ANN,go gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added St Lucie l .R pa NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with SURFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or. CONCRETEWILL REDUCE' ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY., ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME cement products. i 7�_-,7 PCANTr TICKET# r . -, ORDEFL# TRUC4� # LOAD SIZE ' MIX „ r ., i CUSTOMER# q'-, SOI,DTO._ P.O. #`., , PROJECTtI,_ DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER YY -I.`_ I INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE • ^), SIGNATURE WARNING OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD asc meyer Concrete Company will not assume liability for any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line. TAX ' AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL I S ek-1 A OFF Sfoi?>'JEC, f ±i "HH(" CYLLOVANG CCYND I IF ON S- N r) Vie PiF to zo ti W"very ofrnal ?ni,l, "73u, �;to4i-tef,aqvees 3 14" 3cn I e :o a dvv �ns Z;r'_ no arov It", {.,no, vv-- f0e,. , e V I e (I q to Floe -�rAvet ie�- ,,.AnV1 condilaps ate rnmed-4:,;d an(k such r'l, cwf�tom��.OMI ;4, heid re -ny p tht,��ebyvo��84e, f Wi i ceprem-.ntativa',s reques�arw d�arnagos ,VfZfy )5 M!VVI- "111*0r.'t cOSt but rot Iinited to, sicle '068, rw)0sry. tars and oeptic systema, includirg the dreJn are 3'L owner's rl�' Trg� custlomiof agteos lo rernbuize sa'd C�lmpariv 'i-r los, of firpe an equipmsra b,,,r bts:r,)n of sudh delivery, and also to S, i,Ywwn�fy save fkarm,-;e�ssaid kCon)pany from any andall. dernanis and ,wts is oion account ofor ir, any (r!?;, ne,,­a (j�w,;d s v r arisiNi from pnvvate dv;'V1?Vva'V 01,010P{ ry ac.know!s diges that al; rnatereal and. servlcos shovvn riabeen rscqi;,id, that truck times shown are oorrect, and Tna, tbeianncunt of water added at the custorner's request is Shown correctly, CAUTION: The addition of water reduces d"imn,'ith a­J d,4rabil�-tv, Tie not RSponiible for fin'4shed results obtaine,d,"Mrrl ��,iis load of concrete', m, any important far..Ilos affecting the ul t fr,c "'orripleted job are beyond our rosponsibility and contre). 6, A p.,,vminute will be charged r`er cubicrd unloading ticnp, is eix0edqd, 0, 1 Ph) apeas t orovid,, :a sutp_Na wash 6ovin fcij�,iiW for andt3ols aJ tile Place of dellv-ery of rrab?riaU Tni, c�lislxrer herebv grp_6st.',) 'pay 4 zfld c­,,xp9i,,1r-p;s fncluding a, real or�able afytorn*'S fee"N he 1? ! to na�v ',o,, oc-fiected ht Vnis �ov�):ce, v,;h­e.n Jue- are, ssubiectto a 1-1;2".- Sr.`, RECEIVED OCT: 0 8 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County y__Plaftt _�. BeginLoiidingf - ToiaEa Itrr6vr..fo'b '^ + StarknYadR E!�[fYstlitloadL �'__-.[aP�c- • 4. vRetsrLmE ' CastcrosrCadc^ cultameO&M. :� CusromarJafvRlumtser ]1der,,Q J117ta1m: fR',.,.yii5tt�'`,�_iJ.�! �tt? _ �,R[aiocC.-ads:,ProjectNema Proj@d F tx [+liiml C CrderFUl:Numttar� - ' r7lcket.Qe - QeLlreryAddiess _ _ _. - - - - _ 4la4aE7ge:' WdP7MWCbtbmm; - r, Qefiveryrinetntchnrts; � , asp. : r,�..'.'j,c��s., .`��r. •," i)'�q,�. ^ro.w-Fe sue; fl.��},r�Y .1•-. ,1 e.d �'�.� i •C Y+ t�'1 ><f X• `'EV IN �• &wi t,:. i '. _t �-' { ;^��Cy"�®r��1`t�..�"c ' �Z"S:r •$ 1 d. ",.i { u. r ww..s .l. r S `..+. '(T i Fes,- 1' t6 � e'S,..J �1 9 �; r.!�itib� . - _ } DuoQrt,loo= Slump: - Tnrck Number ' Driven umber. Qrl'verNamec ,.. ..l�L'ser LOAD - : Ct1ffGULATIYE. ORQEREO _PCtCiltiGElQILiIf�GWIsGIL11G .� U�1 I� mirinaw AM12 .C. QUANRTY QUAN�IFL _ QUAWMY' MATERUACCODE 6, r,: i.. s, V �''.:.. a_ _ .'.L•a� - ,. r .7 � E PII'II .ca.7'u..-._? IL X:,El - $71u r IL Ce&fir Check#Muth Cods: Signature aill fiver Receiving Casht i - cash Raeaived: 7 a2xfiL'OIDord� AmcanCt� CIN[aott YUitfiaut 5tatrdfiy/Cttargo3F ._;Check - - comments.. J, -WATERADDED- GALL 1 S fNi 12RLfug SdtShiEM ADME M.. I.SISNATUFM j ':_ � _ - - - li �13�'H.Lft3�7E3�Rm'��-2Bi^,�,{+dEt��'13�i'��'iJ7"�"fRE+'�E�•_' _ � �_ LOADIWASTESrED- ELY Notice: Cur drivers will make every effort to place rnatdrfals whore the.et:siainar designates;, but the, J5PE=L' TERM Any, watatadded hattmata rimsawrrrink caaaratbsuengttn Company assum®s na respansitilrity for damagea fnaide curbor prepertt lute. Cusfomar agrees as the iS 1m orrgergltararR�d. 1NAannnrz P adl�cCmaylraus�sAimeradlare�iMtattbn. CITNT1t1flt ICtataiatl' ;t amr of aaia and derivew and c=Rt& c*cmftr as IS Qua to impartart fadats which aral,aut of our nr�c be hazardous yourss�a'tg, and liaatitr Eta reran tm the bm:Hafde+af t8iui dcRet fin? Impnrtautt control 'aftardailvery,ttasCampanywillnettacaapCany'responablIty'farthe finished resultm Nauadltfar _safatghandlj infarma6mnaridltrathmmatArial'.safev datmsit fmadiiiltorraliihfmmatlarn. iatumed cohcreta, Buyers: exceptians and daims shaft ba deemed: waved uNas&rroft Ea imwriiing AfLTK0F Z9DlSIGfi MRE within,ormibusinessdayafterthemcelptd-materfalsr �y s , . atone r Begin4Loadtng`; To Job"~sA"'� ��4�r3veJob 4 Stact:Unload; Finish Unload: . .Leave Job: Retum Plane: F. r "' _ ccm i Custpmer•Codei CustomerName , Cus_tomerJobNumber.: Order Coda! Date: k f Ptoject Co59�'^ h Protect Name:" 4, Protect P.O. Num6ar pp Order P O. Number .. ' & ,•.;.t C7 } r 1�_ � < $ .0 1,f { °-;.E ".? �,a+ 9 1., 1 Y },t _ tO R I r 3d, d.F' .. Tlcket Date. " DeljveryAddress p� fry Map Page: Map/Row/Column, , 3 Delivery, ,Instructions,. " Dispatcher: TF 0t%I.� MIA j, �Ex;�•��'�.,�i .�I•,.i i`t.�r' ' s v e a'` a r 4 - - - ' t 4 r t x t r�� # i t Ticket Number. r `E rw 4` ISO " 7 Due On Job Slump: Truck Number Driver Number Driver Name. End Use: rlr_J t I ` I LOAD CUAANTITY ORDERED MATERIAL CODE I PRODUCTIONMESCRIPTION UOM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY l *. , i i�{S � -!. ii%xi'`f��l `.(`•!�i I �..�. Cash Check # /Auth Code:' Signature of Driver Receiving'Cash: I Cash Received: Total COD Order Amount to Colloet' Check Without Standby Chhrgos: ' r Charge Comments: - - WATER ADDED:' ' GAL YARDS IN.DRUMu WHENADDED. SIGNATURE CURB LINE CROSSED AT OWNER'S/A•GENT.'S REQUEST:' j SIGNATURE ❑ LOAD WAS TESTED BY: ~` Notice: Our drivers will make every effort to place materials where the customer designates, but the ,SPECIAL TERMS: Any water added Is at customers own risk. If water is added on job, concrete strength. Company assumes no responsibility for damages Inside curb or properly line, Customer agrees to the Is no longer guaranteed. WARNING; Product may cause skin andfor eye Irritation, CAUTION: Material terms of sale and delivery and accepts concrete as Is. Due to Important factors which are out of our may be hazardous to your sz} ety and health. Please refer to the backside of this ticket for Important control after delivery, this Company will not accept any responsibility for the finished results. No'credit for safety handltng Information, Ito the material safety data sheets for addlfional Information. returned concrete. Buyers exceptions and claims shall be deemed waived unless made to us in writing AUTHORIZLD,,,SIGNATURE: 'k 1 within one business day after the receipt of materials. j6t(I 'xV I 68UNIVERSAL�'..'! 1- _`s.� r, t.t"�tt Ii rI'r1AER it,`�°