HomeMy WebLinkAboutREPORT PILE INSTALLATION MONITORINGMiming � � Jl,. Igoe D 3 L/ Geotechnical &Construction Materials �,� _ngineering, Testing, &Inspection Environmental Services Engineers 1,AWD � Offices throughout the state of Florida of Florida Inca Established 1967 www.nuttingengineers.com info@nuttingengineers.com YourProjectis Our Commitment SCANNED i August 31, 2018 S$ LucieC®unty RCCE11!'EY Mr. John Butler Bodax Foundations, Inc. 1101 NW 55th Street Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Subject: Report of Augercast Pile Installation Proposed Residence and Pool 4570 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Butler: Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. (NE) has cor proposed residence and pool at the subject site. piles for support of the proposed construction. SEP 16 ZO observation of augercast piling operations for the Foundations, Inc. installed cast -in -place augured Bodax Foundations, Inc. installed a total of 75, 14-inch diameter augercast piles for the project. The piles were installed from August 21, 2018 to August 27, 2018. Please refer to the pile plan for the numbering provided to our office. The pile size and depth recommendations were based upon our review of the Report of Geotechnical Exploration prepared by GFA International dated November 14, 2017. The pile installation characteristics of each pile mp presented in the attached Pile Installation Data. Identification of each pile location followed by the pile number is shown on the Pile Location Plans attached. Each pile record in the attached summary gables shows the following information: ■ RECORD NUMBER IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER ■ THE PILE NUMBER (AS FOUND ON ATTACHED PLANS) • THE DIAMETER OF THE PILE • THE LENGTH OF PILE FROM GROUND SURFACE TO TIP ■ THE THEORETICAL VOLUME OF GROUT FOR THE PILE ■ THE NUMBER OF PUMP STROKES FOR THE PILE ■ THE ACTUAL VOLUME OF GROUT FOR THE PILE ■ THE GROUT FACTOR ■ THE DATE OF INSTALLATION ■ T_HE REINEOR.CEMENT-TYPES ■ AND GENERAL COMMENTS AS NEEDED The drilling operations were monitored in the field by our field engineer and inspector in order to approximately determine the type of material being penetrated. 1 1310 Neptune Drive • Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 • (561) 736-4900 • Fax (561) 737-9975 Broward (954) 941-8700 • Port St. Lucie (772) 408-1050 • Miami Dade (305) 624-0060 This identification was done based on the augering time, the materials received during the drilling operations and the relative hardness of the soils/rocks as indicated by the vibration or "chattering" of the hydraulic lines. The augercast piles were installed to depths of tl enty-three feet below the existing ground surface of approximately. The piles were designed for an allowable compressive capacity of 30 tons for the residence and 15 tons for the pool as required by the structural specifications and the recommendations made by others. Generally, during the installation of the piles, easy drilling was observed from the ground level to approximately twenty feet. Below this depth range�hard drilling was encountered to the final tip depth. All house and pool piles received steel reinforce bars with #3 ties spaced 10-inches on center and as stated in the structural documents. We also i on the pile location plan. Upon completion of this inspection process, and rE augercast piles installed for the residence attained thl the pool attained the required compressive capacit` were constructed in substantial compliance with the Drilling Condition Note: We note that due to very the site, in order to develop acceptable piles, the pl needed within many piles installed at the site. The grout placed as best as possible; however, site con( within those piles. Upon completion of this inspection process, and i augercast piles installed for the project attained the piles that were presently installed were constn specifications. t consisting of fifteen foot cage with 5, #5 reinforcing full length #7 reinforcing bar in the center of the cage that six pool piles were battered 15-degrees as stated of the recorded data, it is our opinion that the required design compressive capacity of 30 tons and of 15 tons. The piles that were presently installed Mans and specifications. nose sand soils throughout the subsurface profile at cement of grout well beyond typical amounts were ling company attempted to minimize the amount of tions still resulted in excessive grout being needed of the recorded data, it is our opinion that the red design compressive capacity of 35 tons. The in substantial compliance with the plans and We note that it was monitored and ensured that the piles began installation at the survey locations provided in the field. If during drilling operations it was discovered that gross deviations from original locations have occurred, the deviation was attempted to be rectified. Nutting Engineers is not responsible for minor deviations which have occurred during drilling operations, along with incorrect surveyed pile locations during piling installation. We also note that some deviations may be due to the augerdrill shifting when attempting to drill through the hard rock or other encountered debris conditions. This condition is beyond Nutting E Engineers o(Flodda Inc.I Established 1967 YoarProjectis Oar Commitment 2, Our client for this geotechnical evaluation was: Mr. John Butler Bodax Foundations, Inc. 1101 NW 551h Street Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 NE shall bear no liability for the implementatic described in this report if implemented by others. or proper technique of such procedures if perforn The Geotechnical Engineer warrants that the findir advice contained herein, have been presented after professional practice in the field of foundation engii other warranties are implied or expressed. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these sf we can be of any further assistance in this matter, Respectfull Su ed, NUTTI NEI INC. C o er P.E. #6994 Senior eotechnical Engineer Attachments: Pile Location Plan Pile Installation Records LTR BODAX PROP RES 4570 S-OCN DR JENSEN BCH ACP CEG Nutting Engineers of Florida Inc I Established 1967 Youfftjectis Our Commitment of recommended inspection and testing services as E has no ability to verify the completeness, accuracy by others. recommendations, specifications, or professional ing prepared in accordance with general accepted ring, soil mechanics and engineering geology. No 3 for you. If you should have any questions, or if feel free to contact us. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 J15 I 16 - I 1 N BEARING WA 6' Z Z O 0 ���� !31 5 TOP 3_31 T-4• V-S• S.O' T-6' 4-0O• F' W °23 'Z° BAR TYPICAL 5'-IO, T.O. P-O. S 6• coNCF�Te s N SLAB i GB-1 TMP 0 1�2 - :-t: :A ' �,'. 7• @;'-^ .h,, -1' PC-2 �.,, __� C-2 f / / / t I0- dab U U ti: ti f I • ` 5 o a• UMO. ■ ;;•i� ''� ,. Z1' THICK CANS SLAB w)15 BARS c-2 •P' 3+. ,�! . . �i PRE DOWEL {:� •-` 010E O.O. EACH WAY ON 6 MIL VAPOR I,`•�;f `:•'•I (3) 5 BOTTOMRM BARRIER OVER TEITE 1 f J TREATED WELL COMPACTED FILL m L 61-2 A 14' GERING CAST PIL y.. 0. _ a a L1 GRADE BEAM 4 m'61 gym• ;,:: '9:� 6m GARAGE N.T.S. AT ELEVATOR PAD oR en NA�•D 61•0' >s'.c• - wr YYI�) . 6-4 g E n °4 -U' x6'-0' < 16° Oc _z TRANSFER STEEL " �4- ;: Y'e-2 � I`' • , ..� .2�-I Ivy . I `SWIMMING POOL A50vE R. OVER INfER1OR '• �2�U%1•��'9I I °• {�) GRADE BE)U•I (31 5 TOP I `.'*' L�xJ.. m v a - _ f _ ��°y/ , Pc-z I` BY OTHERS T is- ;•, �.._ •. '1 ' amp Z m ° J b' CCNCIcTE SLAB 06' THICK CONIC, SLAB w) IS BARS (3) 5 EOTTOM o I: :.: U I! I I I I ` `? - - 10° OZ. EACH WAY ON 6 MIL VAPORBAFRI�• •' S .I.` : n I I I I� ■ ; -::-- > TREATED OVER COMPOTE .f• :: 7 O ri PILE DOWEL STAIR ABOVE . • . TREATED WELL COMPACTED FILL W Y 5• 5• I I I I {• I If a H Ia° AUGERcasr !� ° I I i I I I. m' m" y a r y■ U s 2 PILING ^ lie "x G1 GRADE BE AM 3 ..;-3 N.T.S. s : - _ k ■ y Q t lit Po a ' a' Ga-i { �� ce-T ` (3) TOP �y� G rb _ ELEY."AS'RAG �•' : ■ � C-2- — — —z -a dEB _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ��{5�11 - - J_ 4 012E x4'-m° ° T)° OG. OR em wAVD , _ _ b° CQlCRE7E SLAB S0 DEGREE HOOfC :. C°'AE PC-2 •o _ _ _ _ _ '.•✓': - -__ _ _ -� 3 o Q• STIRRIP UNo• _ _ _ - _ _ _ I'VMR COVER `j ra _ _ -- _ -- ml ■ �f a ' THICK CONC. SLAB w/ 15 BARS - ■ I E �^ 010E OC. EACH WAY ON 6 MIL VAPOR m .... • +- BARRIER OVER TERMITIC ; a ■ ■ ■ ■ ._ .. _ `' r�, cc$ '1 PILE DOWEL � ;:. r • TREATED WELL COMPACTED FILL .........-.-.,-..:. -• -. .. . _ .A.,, )"°I 79'•0' 3'•a' � W N E 4a° '� 4i° AUGERCAST PO.OVCa ¢; - _ or. is Naw {9 � ,72 . r 9 �i+.: a`: '�°,)7 - .'' _ i'• nor r.,' .. ,':: Q� q� D-1 GRADE BEAM 2 - C_4 D N.T.S. - 3P-5• >.i' - �_y, 'nr5=>Tlw::e 'Ls?dux�s.. -n2.- . sav_'�'>tio:rExr2a"'�p`2e+ror�iaoe e€+n1�g�:;;N � a° CCONCFHm BLOCK WALL OF)LP4=_RU•IETER) f AU65RC ST FILE'. . 6m-AL Xuamw Fu:s ARE FIAcw BY FamnNS A CONTIR10U5 FUSHT HOLLOW SEAFT WITH �CIENr PRESVJRE THE AI161� WITH:;pAI'BT THE HOLE FMENTIN6 HOLE C •4 -Ea- x4'-0" a D° OG So DEGREE HOCK ' E••°='A1✓D'TO OAIEE-7}�'LATE+PL-FEMIRATION-OF-De74CRTAR-WO--01-7Z POp� ZONES OF ME StMa l✓ M 501L, A HEAD OF AT LEAST SEVERW- FEET OF MORTAR ABOVE TYPEENTIRE (3) 1 TOP TIME 1KECTION POW SHALL BE CARRIED AR= THE F9il11ETH2 OF ME A 16M FL16HT1146 AT PERIMETER (2) 5 MIDDLE ALL TIMES DURlNGTHE RA MINE OF THE A116ER SO THAT THE HIGH-5TREN61M MORTAR HAS A 121SPLACING POTION REMOVIN9 ANY LOOSE MATEZAL FROM HOLE, 'MIS METHOD OF - PLAG6•@TT SHALL BE WED AT ALL TIMES RD NOT BE DEIMMHtf ON HE:THM THE HOLE 15 '4 o 12• 5 0 to- U)LO. XFFTCIEMY STABLE TO RETAIN ITS SHAPE MEOIR aPFORT FROM THE EARTH MUM A ISER EA WAY iS 115" MIL COVER � 1I6H'STREI GSN MORTAR THE MORTAR LISTED TO FILL THE HOLES SHALL CONSIST OF A KXILRE • b• CONGRET-e SLAB - OF FOMAND CB451i, FLUIDIFE R SAND AND NATEL 50 PROPMOND AND H>W AS TO PROVIDE.A MORTAR CAPABLE OF MAINTAINING THE SOLIDS IN �5115510N KTH= (EXCEPT GARAGE) TPILE AFPgGIABLE WATER SAW, YET WOCH MAY BE RAC® V-07fLOUi DIFrICULTY PSb Y#IIOH WLL B DOWEL LAURAL.Y R1ETRA3E.AJ0 FILL ANY VOIDS K THE FOWATION MAMZIAL KIERAL FILLER MAY BE ADDED TO ThE ABWE MU! IN UEU OF A %MALL' PERCENTAGE OF•THE PORTLA Np (3) ! l BOTTOM CB•S1T AT THE PILING CONTRACTORS' OPTION, THE 14ATBUALS SHALL BE 50 PROPORTIONED 14' AUGERCAST AS TO FROVIDE A HARDBW MORTAR HAVING AN U_rIMATE COh&�REa51VE STRENSTH OF 4a• %. 7' PRPIG 50bo F51 AT 26 DAYS. THE MORTAR MD! %HALL BE TEMW.BY K'nM ONE SET OF 2' CUE S FOR EACH DAY DURING AVSMW Sr PAPS ARE FL.ACED.' A SET OF Q1BF5 5HP1L OODLalST OF B' 2 atEES TO BE T8im AT r DAYS, AND 2 a>EFS TO BE TESTED AT 2b DAYS. TST CLEFS SMALLS MADE AND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE H TH ASTM C109, ATM THE EXOB'1'ION 7NAT THE MORTAR °SHARD EE REFRAIN FROM EXPANSION BY A TOP PLATE, '�GIT.GR��O �`R BF1Wl9pFACEY� •: •.-y�r�"�y� �;.;. �:D£01C]J CAPAC[(Y-�mIW4A}L.bVW1BE .,st+ .\y,`� r ---- • . MATCHING DOW7LS Pn1r°I Na Q $ d a EAR DIA MIN C GRAD 1 W/STD. HOOKS (4 "o TOP EACH WAY CmE R. N0. uV u• HOOKS (:` I • f4) d MOT EACH WAY I:, •,�• EW 12' HOOKS DATE I+4 •I' � I � C7. 2EYFA 04-1°�18 p L`F o PAD REBAR B SEE FOOTING SCHEDULE EDGE BARS ALWAYS F?1ARSPACE OTHERS EOIIALLY EQ E4 '-� Sheet No: a PAD/PILE CAPLA ISOLATED A-1 GRADE BEAM 1 OQ A-4 PILING PLAN G4 A N.T.S. a D 1/41'=11-0" N.T.S. or --:Teets 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 1F GRADE BEAM SCHEDULE MARK SIZE(Oetpj RENFORPIG - - DESCRIPTION DETAIL Na. BOT TOP ry1DLE 5 TIES GB-1 24° x 30' f4) r1 (4) -1 (2) 5 6' 010 TYP. EXT. WALL GI3 GB-2 24• x 241 (4) 16 (4)-. (2) 5 S. O/C - LB GB-3 la° x Is'1 (3) 5 (3)'3 _ la° O)O GARAGE 6• STEP GI GB-4 �4° 1 (3) 5 (3) 5 Cj) 9 a• O)C BEAM AT STOP SLAB LI i PG-1 361.amd 0 f476 AT LCNG WAY (S)6 AL SHORT WAY — — PILE CAP HOOK BAR AT EACH END 64 PC72 413-�48-40'-f673 EAWAY CH = 4nD BOTT_ — — PLE CAP HOCK BAR AT EACH END G4 SIMILAR PC-3 36•xV'40° ( AT LONG WAY f176 AL 5RCRT WAY _ _ FILE CAP HOOK BAR AT EACH END G4 SIILAR pa-4 4a'x605r70 feM Lam'RT WAY 67b SHOWAY _ _ PILE CAP HOK O BAR AT EACH MAD 04 BIMILAR �1av 10, i 10,t -10, 61_611 1 LD4t 1PA1.L �' I �o I I I 6'-6" l / I I POOLFLPOOLPLR I OOR , a-T�cxe oR.w.v,L LJ 8r_2u 101 e z D ztt Tros .0 s .O l NOTE:. EX. RESIDENCE POOL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL PROPERTY LINE LOCATIONS AND POOL ELEVATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. POOL LAYOUT AND DMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED W/ OWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION POOL PILING PLAN SCALE:1/4"=V-D" . . ............ i Y 81 4'-11" 24' -- ---------------------------- ----- -- PR VIDenuo EDCE I I °VAViPFIIJ.NO 2' ' no PREYCMTWATER I- 80TI15U)ES) ING pYP. I ULFLATC DATL ATs UATsw Csour VAN6IRING EDCE 1U ,� RL•�FME� I I ANCEwl CRD.DSAEEry :RREQUMEMIOMPER SRTHEOITIONPSID lr AQUASTAD.]iCDGL.n- CUANHELDILUN p1a CPM Ge ]9 }T/SECTHRV CRAZE -SINGLE I II SS -SCR Ja IR7Bf OC Ck fPLLINTw/ \ ASMEGNSIAECOn11i193-]aW I I OR EQUAL I I POOL EQUIPMLNT UNDER DECK POOLEQUIP: SMSITEPLAN MT-ORCED OR MODUCrAPPROVED CONCRETESLABM (FIELU VERIFYSRE & LOCATION) 1 i 94 ;1� Z>1-c,z co L C z N a t 161-2", a PUSUNS Q. ryullm S-SCH+ I II PI �NI.G7=FROM ]+O SP THE D REC. MP TOP TREAD , A I SP) IMEIS FROM IIIRI LICRTS POOL°°LCLEANA GDCEPUMP F I 11 �Gm 4 — I I 2'-8„ 116E _ _ I -- ss-Scem i•sc+P51 --- — — — — — — — — - — PERm>ErERBoemINc G ----- --- w@EGIS-MINA4-11AX .� FROMwL(SEEDETAD.) V NOTE': ad POOL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL qz zU PROPERTY LINE LOCATIONS AND POOL Fi+ a • C ELEVATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. POOL LAYOUT AND DLVIENSIONS TO BE © F p q Z. VERIFIED W/ OWNER PRIOR TO z O O CONSTRUCTION - C w G a a a Gp LO NOTE: EX. RESIDENCE PROVIDE WINDOW AND DOOR .FN. ALARMS ON ALL OPENINGS THAT LEAD ONTO POOL AREA PER CODE U . POOL LAYOUT & PIPING PLAN o SCALE:1/4"=11-011 F' ('.M2+ o ��M O C We Q T a one V col CD W W W W w W w W W N N N N N N N N N N --' --' '--' -- -� -� � -� -� -� (D 00 `1 (A (n .P W Z 00 00 -1 M Cn .A W O (O 00 --4 0)()1 -NW N " CD (DM --I O Cn .A W CD 0 -1 (1 W Cn -4 C31MCII()CACA W-N..A -ICA N W -4 CD 00 W W -1 W -lw CZ)-1 w(nN� C 7 O O (D -N O-4 OD ID �-a-� N CD N Ul .P .A O) 00 Cn .P (D N W .P 00 (D CO .P, -� CD i O — — — — -- — -- — — _1 — _1 — — > 1 _1 _..1 — — A P P A a bA A A .AN -P a A A A p A A P O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I N N NJ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NJ N N N N N N N N N N N N M W W w W W W W W W W W w W W W CJ W W W W W W w W W W W W Co W W W co co W W co W to fD S N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ° -p cD A .A -A .P. .A .P. .A A .W .A .A 1N P A A r: .P. .P Dl P J� A A A A A A A O M O O) W W W W 6 M O O M M W d) w w O) M O) .w O O) O IM w (A 0) () O (A M M M o) 0 W i ° cn = w w IN 41 .P. IN .tom W p p W Co .P .P' N' cn .p M.p .p -N -N -N,.tn N.P..p . .p p p .p p p p p A p Cn -1 W O O W O Cn O O (n M O W `1 Cn W N M O w W W Cn O M W N O N �I W N W O N W Cn X w ww Pww IN. ww wwwww-P.P.P'A(n.A.P.A.A.A.P.w.A .A.Aw.A A(ANOONO A OO A A ON(A PN -�CnCOCnNN ACOcn NCO-�(AN-�N(O-�N A ' 0 W O p . . .. N. . N N — N N— — N rt D] m _ Q. O 1 ._f 1 1 _1 1 _1 N —1 _1 1 '_1 1 .� ._1 1 _1 1 1 _1 1 1 .s Y/ A A -I C n Cn -I C31 .A U1 Cn 41- .A Cn J OO �4 v O 00 (O 00 --4 -4v Cn 00 -I O (n O Cb -I O v cn 6 J -j 0 O CD-4 -� C° (.0" (.0 CDCO CO CD O (D -x -I (D -� -4W (D W CO CO W v O -I -1 " -4 (O -4 (O O R 1 O O O O lo O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O, O O O O CD O CD O CD O O O O O O O 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 w w M co 00 00 00 00 00. Oo Cb 00 00 00 0o co 00 00 00 0D OD Oo 0D 00 w 00 00 00 Cb 00 NI N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N v W W W W Wj coW W W N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN N N N -� --� -� -� � � .� .� � -. �� _ ''W. 1 — — _1 _1 -- _..1 l — — — 1 _1 _1 — 1 — — — — _1 _1 — — — > > — — — — — — — _1 _1 _1 _1 _ CD (� w OO 00 co 00 0o CO 00 00 00 CO 00 CO 00 CO 00 N 00 CO 00 00 CO CO CO OD CO CO CO 00 w w Co 00 Co Co Co Co Co (i O O O O CD 0 0 0 0 0 W W W O W 1 0) v N V r m zo v p 'V no c Dmo00 zpCD(�v G) D z ° Cnn m � oo -I mm.D= M v -1 0 ccnn=C);uC mmz or-zcnv OF=x0 �mEjw m 0Zacz 0 D CJ) M 0 Z z n n1 (7 D z Z -�ODAX FOUNDATION PROPOSED RESIDENCE 4570 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA PILE LOG DATA OF AUGERCAST PILE INSTALLATION NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. Record No. Pile No. Pile Dia. (in) Pile Length (ft) Theoretic. Pile Volume (ft3) Pump Strokes Total Volume of Grout Pumped ft Grout Factor Date Installed Remarks 39 27 14.0 23 24.6 35 34.3 1.40 08/23/18 Pool/Bat 40 26 14.0 23 24.6 33 32.3 1.32 08/23/18 Pool 41 25 14.0 23 24.6 36 35.3 1.43 08/23/18 42 35 14.0 23 24.6 40 39.2 1.59 08/23/18 43 38 14.0 23 24.6 40 39.2 1.59 08/23/18 44 39 14.0 23 24.6 36 35.3 1.43 1 08/23/18 45 36 14.0 23 24.6 36 35.3 1.43 1 08/23/18 46 28 14.0 23 24.6 38 37.2 1.51 08/23/18 47 29 14.0 23 24.6 38 37.2 1.51 08/23/18 48 66 14.0 23 24.6 44 43.1 1.75 08/23/18 49 47 14.0 23 24.6 36 35.3 1.43 08/23/18 50 46 14.0 23 24.6 44 43.1 1.75 08/23/18 51 75 14.0 23 24.6 44 43.1 1.75 1 08/23/18 52 74 14.0 23 24.6 36 35.3 1.43 1 08/23/18 53 31 14.0 23 24.6 38 37.2 1.51 08/23/18 54 44 14.0 23 24.6 38 37.2 1.51 08/23/18 55 60 14.0 23 24.6 38 37.2 1.51 08/23/18 56 58 14.0 23 24.6 40 39.2 1.59 08/23/18 57 57 14.0 23 24.6 35 34.3 1.40 08/23/18 58 51 14.0 23 24.6 38 37.2 1.51 08/23/18 59 37 14.0 23 24.6 37 36.3 1.47 08/23/18 60 23 14.0 23 24.6 35 34.3 1.40 08/23/18 61 1 13 14.0 1 23 1 24.6 -3- -42-1- -1.71--- --08/23/18 -62- 2 14.0 23 24.6 78 76.4 3.11 08/27/18 Redrill 63 52 14.0 23 24.6 43 42.1 1.71 08/27/18 64 56 14.0 23 24.6 47 46.1 1.87 08/27/18 65 32 14.0 23 24.6 44 43.1 1.75 08/27/18 66 53 14.0 23 24.6 43 42.1 1.71 08/27/18 67 40 14.0 1 23 24.6 68 66.6 2.71 08/27/18 68 30 14.0 23 24.6 47 46.1 1.87 08/27/18 69 43 14.0 23 24.6 35 34.3 1.40 08/27/18 70 1 14.0 23 24.6 40 39.2 1.59 08/27/18 71 45 14.0 23 24.6 38 37.2 1.51 08/27/18 72 22 14.0 23 24.6 37 36.3 1.47 1 08/27/18 73 21 14.0 23 24.6 40 39.2 1.59 08/27/18 74 42 14.0 23 24.6 43 42.1 1.71 1 08/27/18 75 41 14.0 23 24.6 47 46.1 1.87 08/27/18 Total linear feet drilled 1725 1 Total Grout (01 114 maximum aeptn arlllea .1 1�3 Hutting 11 E Engineers of Florida Inc. I Established 1967 PILE LOG FL BODAX PROPOSED RES 4570 S OCEAN DR JENSEN ACP