HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCTS APPROVAL'St yr ✓,. - �.��...� "fir:\�i; +_'.`#p.`2'�'laii�•.���. aCIS Home i 'Log In j User Regfstrotlon ;I Hot,Topics j' 'SubmitSurch&ge j Stats: d Facts' 1; Publications ;i FBCstan Fl ntla . . Product Approval =' USER:; Pubilt User' �,;,_ 11 AroaOct Agprovai'menu > Prgdutt.oi FL # .Application Type Code Version .Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/PhoneJEmall Authorized, signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance,Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect. Name: who de, Evaluation Report Florida License QualIty Assurance Entity, Quality Assurance: Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of.I'ndependence, MAY 1 1 2018 > AQolicatian List > Application oeiali ST. Lucie County, Permitting F1.17443-111, Revision 201T Approved' THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. .3.A TAYLOR. ROOFING 302 Melton, Drive. F rPIERCE, FL 34982 (772)466-4040 kylew.hite228@aol.com Kyle, Taylor kylewh ite228@aol.com, PAJ— ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING D][ViSION REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE Roofing' REVIEVgF Y Metai`Roofln ATE ;` IOB �LANS AND PE MIT MUST BE K MADE SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) W Evaluation Report from :a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida .Professional Engineer 0' .Evaluation Report Hardcopy Received the .Locke Bowden PF_40704 PRI.Constrgction Materials Technologles; LLC 01/23/2023 Zachary R. -Priest, P,Es ri Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL11443 R1 COI FL -17443 3_A Taylor Ul7.Cod6 Eval �Rennrtrwith Details RSSS:R� - _ . Referenced Standard and Year•(of 'Standard) Standard TAS 125 UL 1897 UL580 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections frorn the Code Year 2063' 2012 2006 CONCEALED FAS i EVuiS OR Ai i Ai:Fifvifiv i 6 ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE nOWRACTOR OR RECORD FILE COPY Product. Approval Method Date Submitted, Date Validated Date Pending FBC-Approval Date 'Approved Summary of Products Imo--' '! Method 1, Option D 01/2412618 02/14/261s 02/17/2018: 04[10/2018 FL # Mddel, Number -_or Name Description 174:43.1 .5 V Crimp 26GA 1/2'.rib height:over 15/32" APA, plywood Wmits-aof Use Approved for PP oVed for 'use in HVHZ: Nouse, outside HVHZII Yes Impact Resistant. N/A I -Installaon ns' FL17443U Rl' j. PL 1c74431 A Taylor 2017 code Eval Reps. w1 D Calls RS,p& Verified By: Locke, Bowden;. P.E. 49104- Design Pressure +NjA/-129;25 Other:-129.25'@-6" o.c. -69.25 @ 67 o.c. margin_oftsafety 2:1 wlth.24" max.. coverage Install per, manufacturers-detali, Notfor• use: in HVHZ. I Created_by Independent Third Party: Yes t.livaluatioW Reports FL1Z443 R'1 AE FL 17443 1 A Taylor:2017 Code. Evan Reps with Details. RSSS.I2 Created by'Independent Third Party; Yes 17443',2 VICFORIAN CRIMP'SHINGLE , ,'26GA 1/2" RIB- PANELS LOCK INTO PREVIOUS PANELS; OVER -CDX/APA 15/32" PLYWOOD' Limitsrof Use Approved for, use in HVHZ No: Approved for use outside,HVH.Z .Yes: Impact Resistant N/A. Ins tallation'4ristructions. FL17443 Al II FL 17443-3 A Taylor 2017 Code Evah Repgtr with Details RSS%Pdf Verified By Locke Bowden, R.t 49704 Design Pressure +N/A/-105 �lnstall Other:-105PSF`margin;of safety Z:1: per :manufacturer's details and in complian a with FBC2017.6th ed. Not for use: in HVHZ. Created byIndependentThlyd Party:'Yes Evaluation,Reports FL17443. R1 AE TLL1�7443 i A Taylor'2017 Gode"Evai Rep= 'Details-RSSS.p_dt with Created'by IndependentTttird.Party: Yes fiack �7Qirt Contacfusl:; 2601 BlalrStone Road. Tallahassee'FL•32309 Phone 850-487-1824: The Stetb,of Florida is an,AA/EEO. employer.. Ql Qy&jIj 2007-2013.State of Florida.:: PrIVacV Statement a Ac'cesstblllty. Statement c Refund Statement Under Florida law; email addresses are public m&rds.I If you do. not wantyour e-mall.address released in response to a pubiic-records request; do noCsend'dedronic mall to this entlty . Instead, cantact.the.oMee by phone or by traditional mail. If you-have'any questions, please contact 850.487:1395. •Pursuant to Section 455,275t1}, Fiorldo Statutes, effective October 1,�2012, Ilcensees:licensed under Chapter 455, F.S, must provide.the Department with anemau address if they have ane,,The emalls provided may be used for of8daI communiratlomwith the licensee. However email addresses are publlc.reco?d..iGyou do,not wish to supply personal. address,.please•prodlde the Department wltM ar-email address which can,tie. tnade-avallable to the public. To'determine-if 'you are. a licensee under Chapter 455,. F.S., 'please click ligg. Product ApprovalAcceptse- I �I Credit -Card' ! Safe Compliant with Florida Bi iidirig.Code 2017--($ned ) Compliant -With: Florida Produict.Approya.Bule # 61G20-3 Compliant Quaility Assurance ,Pcograth," PRI :CO.NSTRUMbN MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY FBC Sections:1SO4.3.2,1507 SV,Crimp thru fastened.W.7 xib_at each.panel+edge) A792;:G-50, AOS, 018, 50ksi min, over :ruin: iS/3i sealing washers, metal to wood.connettions with of the rib in. -the center of panel'and: along -the lap. nails1spaced:6":O.C: kerdofft. with'lessthan 19/3 existing, attachment..Deckslope 2:12 or;greater ai ed., Sec. '1507 Talife'150 AA Fort Pierce, FL 34962 . . (772) 466-404-0 i !fastener in the center,of. the panel, 24":net coverage;;26GA ASTNI - . Hick CDX plywood deck. Corrosion Resistant fastener tt9-15 HWH with teneraength to penetrate S/16" thru substrate: Fasten a[ the:_crown Afastener to:Rie within 3" of panel edges, Min. 8Dx2" annular ring shank, plywood (min.,1$/32"),,this:attachment.it to`be used in: addition to shall,be camppant with,FBC 2017 6Tr ed: UnderlaymeneseeF8C2017 0 **Design.Pressure:1L,,Spacing:, ' 429.25.PSF Corrosion Resistant:fastenerli0.x 1" Zincplated, M,Pancake Head,:nstalled at 2;pdr panel into Iock.seam. :Panels applied with l2" exposure; adjacent shingles inserted irito lockseam Ofprevious shingle:-Detk slope 2 12:or greater:and':shall be compliantw th FBC2017 6n' ed. Undetlayment .SL-e F$C 2017 67"ed.,'Sec..lS07Table,1507.'1.1 --' !DE$lG?4 PRE$$URE.!NCtUDES A SAFM- MARGW OF24 • __ . R Reference Data:: TEST REPORTS Hury ( TST-1527) _. . rricane Test,la6orato d0224-0501=06 US 125 (UL 580.941j: gT 5878); #fFA5-023.02-01, 11L.580-05/UL1897-04? PR4'Construction'Materials:Technoloi .es(TS' I: ;UL 580-94:test standards ore!equivalenf #o Uf 586-66 test stantlord;:. 2. Ut 189.E-04. test standards are eau►valent to UL:1897.12;teststandards. 1. Uriderlayrr entto,be. compliance with current.Flodda Building Code. (FBC)2017 6T" ed..-see Chart>1507:1.1, 2: Minimum slope,to.-be compliant with. Florida Building Code2017 Wked.,-and perwith Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant with State of Florida product !approval per Rule 61G20 3 Compliance Method:.1-D 4, Engineering analysis:for "project specific approval'by local -authorities w/jurisdiction. is allowed by, other registered engineers.. 1 S. Fire classification isnot part of this acceptance:. Shear, diaphragm: values are outside this report. - 6. Support.fiaMitWncotnaliancew/FRC-2pi76`hed„Chapter22Steel,Chapter23,W6odand`,Chapter165tructutaCloading.. 7. This report does riot imply, warranty, installationi recommended productuse outside of this report. Certifitate of Independence: Locke Bowden,:P:E. does:not.have,not Will acquire a financial interest in any' companymanufacturin�?(,Ili iputing products under this evaluation. �� aQ W rrtyrrr, Locke Bowden, PC is nwed;operatedmfa cturerp.dr, i aro�i ti reporthis t ��� �5 '.._ R r sear tW. • w T 5 V Crimp Fastener- #9-15'borrosion resistant wltealincr washers 24' Fastener, #9 x 15; corrosion in Compliance with 20117 Florida Perimeter fastening: 6"o.c. Main- Field fastening 1 To.c. Panel Width: 26" Panel Coverage: 24"rhaxirh.Urn 26, GA Architectural' Metal Roof, VfCTORIAN CRIMP with sealing washers ng Code, Section 1507 MINIMUM .2 FASTENERSAT LOCK SEAM I CUT 1/2 SHINGLE REATE STAGGERED. E�N )RIAN'CRIMP GIBES 9",EXPQSURE CO a CL >e, F6stener.#10x1" Zinc Plated M.TW Pancake Head B04'Horne Log In j User Regigtrati.q.' kH'ot Topics Submit SUrcharge Stats & 6cts 11 'Publications; 4 FBG Stag 9CISSit. map I -U."kij, -Search 'I Product Approval: USER: Pubffif User Product _..,At)prQval Menu > Pmdurt arAD '�goal t[cation Lis 'i.Applhpdqi`�e.bill. RECEIVED Fl. 4�, FL9777-1111 RECEIVED Application type Revision M Y 018 Code version 207" MAY 12018 Application Status AportiVed ST. Lucie County Permitting Per itti ---------- lz_� Comme .. . mts. Archived Product.ManUf6dUrer OW6ns Corning Address/Phone/Email One OWens:Cdhj[ng Parkway, Toledo; Qk 4A_�§ .(740).404-7829 ,gr.eg.keeler@oWenscoming.comi -Authorized -Sid n6t.0 eb I Greg keel6r. grej.kqeler@pwen.scornlpg,.com Technical Represent.ative Addr6ss/Phon6 /Email Quality Assurance, Representative Address/Phone'Email /Emall Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayrnents Comollanco'MethQd I Evaluation Report from a. Florida Registered Architect .or a Ucensedr Florida Professional Engine . e - r Evaluation: Report - -Hardcopy Mceived Florida'Engineet or Architect Name wh10 developed the Zachary R, Priest liy?klU.atib,n -Report Florida Ucense PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity I UL LLC­ Quality Assurance Contract. Expiration Date! 12/311ZO20 Validated By 11 .. Locke,Bowden StValidation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate. of: Independence FL9777 R1 I COI 0CR14002.8a 2017 FBC: Evaluation Report Weatherlock Non-HVHZ:odf. Refe.renced Standard, and Ytar•(of Standaed)i Standard. AM ASTR Q 0,70- 2015 AST. 'D 226 I 'M , - 2009 AStM'*(j 155 2005 TAS 103 1995 UL 1897 2012 Equfvalence of .'Product Standards Certified By Sections'frorn'the Code II i Product Approval Method.. Method 1.Option, D Date Submitted 10/11/2017 Date Validated' I 10/11/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10%17/•2017 Date Approved i2/i2/20i7 Surdmary of Pioducts: A- :FL # Model; Number or Name Description • .9777.1 Weatherlock G Weatherproofing Underlayment Limits.of ,Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: L Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure:. N/A I Other:.See:evaluation report for limits of use. Installation,Instructions FL9777 R11 II OCR14002' 8a 2017'FBC Evaluation Renort Weatherlock Non-:HVHZ.pdf Verified' By: Zachary R.. Priest 7.4021 Created by Independent Third Party! Yes Evaluation Reports FL9777 R11 AE OCR1400 _Ra 2017.Far Evaluation Report Weatherlock Non-HVHZ.Ddf. Created by Independent Third Party; Yes. 9777.2. WeatherLockp (High Tear)' Weatherproofing Underiayment Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No. FL9777 Ril II 'OCR14002 8a 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Approved for use outside HVHZ; Yes Weatherlock Non-HVHZ;odf Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressures N/A Other: See evaluation report for limits A use. Verified By: ZacharyR. Priest. PE-74021 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes tEvaluatlon Reports FL9777 R11 AE OCR14002 8a 2017 FB yalivation Rawit Weatherlock df I Created. by Independ' nt Third Party; Yes 9177.3. Weatherlock.MAT Waterproofing Underlayment Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approvedfor use In HVHZ: Yes FL9777' R11' I1 dCR14002 8b 2017 FBC Evaluation Rem Approved: for use outside.FIVHZe. No Weatherlock HVHZ.odf Impact Resistant: N/A Design. Pressure: N/A I Other: See evaluation report for'limits of use, Verified By:; Zachary R. Priest74021, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes. Evaluation Reports FL9777 1111 AE` OCR14002 8b 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Weatherlock HVHZ.odf I Created.by, independent: -third Party: Yes ' 9177.4 Weathefock MAT i Waterproofing Underlayment Limits of Use { Approved for use in HVHZ: No: Installation Instructions FL9777°. R11 II O _R1ann�_Ra �nr7 FRr Evaluation Renort Approvedrfor use outside'HVHZ: Yes Weatherlock Non-HVHZ:Adf Impact Resistant:, N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other:, See evaluation report for limits of use.. Verified By: Zachary R. Priest.74021 Created by Independent Third Party:, Yes Evaluation Reports FL9777 Rif AE 117-FBC Evaluation Report W eatherlock••Non-H V HZDdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ;9,777.5 Weatherlock Metal Weatherproofing.Underlayment Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No for use outside HVHZ: Yes 97.77 FLRil II O R,idnr»,aa �m7 FBC E i ration ReportApproved Weatheriock'Non-HVH .odf Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: "Seerevaluation report for limits of use. Verified By: Zachary Re Priest PE-74021 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL9777 Rli AE OCRi4002 8a' 017 FBC Evaluation Report, Weatherlock Non-HVHZ:odf ` Created by Independent Third. Party: Yes 9777.6 Weatherlock Metal 'Weatherproofing Underlayment Limits of Use; Approved fok use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use.outside HVHZ: No 1nstaliation Instructions FL9777 R11' 'II' OGR14002 8b "2017 FB - Evaluation Report Weatherlock HVHZ:odf lFhpqct Resistant, N/A Design Pressure:, N/A Other; 8de evaluation report for lIrrlits -of. ust. 9777.7 Weather6ack-Speciailty -Ple.&. Metal Limits of Use II Approved for use In HVNZr No, Approved for use outside HVHM, Yes IrnpAct Resistant,,N/A 1, Design Pressure: +0/-142.5, :Other: See�evaluation report The lirri,its of use. Verified'By, Zachary'R. Priest PE-74021 Created by Independent Third Party, Yes EValuation Reports Created by Independent Third- Pafty: Yes Undedayment 'Installation Instructions :.FL9777 1111 11 OCR14002.8a 2017 MCEV6luation Report Veath&16ck Non Verified By: Zachary R. Prie�st 74021 Createdby - Independent- Third Party: Yes ,Evaluation Reports PL9777 R11 Aff OCRI4002.8a 2017-FBC.'Evaluation Report Weatherlock Non-HVHZiydf' Created by" , Independ6nfThlrd'Party: Yes Contactl Us Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phones 850-487-1824 The'Stife. of Florlda is an.AA/Eto employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida, :.: Privacy-Stptemen ACCessibillty Statement -:.Refund Statement Under Florida layv',email addresses -aFe,"pUblicrL-co s. it you do not,want,your e-mail address released In response to a I pu�lbi cwrecdrds request do not send electronicmail 6 ffi this entity. Instead, contact the oce phone or by tradltloW mall. If you haYe.any questions,, please contact 850,487.'1395. 'Pursuant to'Sectlon 455.275(1),. Florida Statutes, effectivp b'er' 12;llcensees licensed under Chapter 455, NS. must provide the Department wlth.an email address If they havb one: The.emalls provided maybe used for official munlcatlon with thellcensee. However email addresses are public record. if you do notA h to supply a personal please,proWde the 0 ;—en, with an'eni;�t address whfch:can be made availibleit"o the public. To determine it you area' licensee under Mptef 455, F.S., pjease dick here . PjvduA Approval Accepts: I �1 CREEi<, TECHNICAL SERVICE EVALUATION REPORT- Manufacturer: OWENS C 1 Owens'( Toledo, OI (800) 438- Manufacturing Location: Brentwood, Houston, T, Quality Assurance: UL LLC(Q1 Certificate of Authorization No...29824 17520 Edinburgh Drive Tampa, FL 33647 LLC (613.) 480-3421 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,. 07 EDITION' NG ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC Issued October 1:1,, 2617 g Parkway Category: Roofing Subcategory: Underlayments Code Sections: 1504.3..1, 1507:1.1 Properties: Physical properties REFERENCES_ Enti I Report No. Standard Year PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) NEI-039-02-01 ASTM D 1976 2015 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) NEI=042-02-01REV2 ASTM:D 197.0 2015 PRI Construction.MaterialsTechnologies (TST5878) NEI-045-62-0.1 TAS 103 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) NEI-045-02-01 A9TM-G.155 2005a PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) NEI=053-02-01 TAS 103 1995 PRI Construction MatedalsTechnologies .(fST5878) NEI-053-0.2 ASTM G.155 2005a PRI Construction Materials:Technologies,(TST5878) NEI=093-02-02 ASTMD•1970 2015 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) OCF.217. 2-01 ,ASTM D 1623 2009. PRI ConstrucUon•Materials Technologies'(TST5878) OCF-237,=02-01 UL 1897 2012 PRI •Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) OCF-252.02-01 ASTM D 4798 2001 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 0CF-252-02=01 ASTM b 10o 2015' PRI ConstnrcUon.Matedals•Technologies (fST5878) OCF-253-02-02 ASTM D-1970. 2015 PRI Construction_ Materials Technologies (TST5878) OCF-272-62=01 TAS 103 1995. PRI Construction: Materials Technologies (TST58.78) l 0CF-25M2=02 IC ES: AG 188' 2012: ICC-ES AG48 2012 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878). 0CF'297-02.01.1 ASTM D 1970 2015,PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) OCF 318-02 61 ASTM D 1970 2015. PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 00E-320-02 01 TAS:103, 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) I OCF7320.02=01. ASTM 6:155 20056 PRI. Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) Construction 0CF-321 02-011 ZCF-322-02-61 ASTM D 1623 2009 PRI Materials Technologies, (TST5878)' UL 1897 2012- PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) OCF-355-02,01' UL 1897 2012 'Determined to be equivalent io ASTM D 226-09, Type 1 and If This evaluation: report Is provided for State of Florida product Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or -quality as This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, ii specifically addressed herein. of 4 ind'er Rule 6:1020-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK ranges throughout the duration -for which this report is valid. reoommended use,.or other product attributes thatare not I L" I'1 OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC CREEK' 'WeatherLock® Self --Sealing Ice & Water Barriers TECHNICAL-SERVICES.f LLC I PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND LIMIT$ Om USE WeatherLock@ G WeatherLock G is an: ASTM D, 1970 self-adhesive undedayment.constructed. from SBS (Brentwood; NH) modified .asphalt, a -fiberglass mat reinforcement and, ."surfaced With granules. The, product is supplied in 2-sq,. rolls With nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 66.7-ft. WeatherLock@ G is permitted to be 'used: as prescribed in FBC .S;ection 1507.1.1• for mechanically attached rooting coverings. Exposure on the roof deck*shall he limited to a maximum, 30 days. WeatherLock@ Mat WeatherLock@Mat I& an. ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive underiayment constructed from. (Brentwood, N14 or SBS modified! asphalt with a fiberglass,mat reinforcement.. The product is supplied in 1- Houston, TX) sq. rolls. with nominal dimensions of 34 x 33:3-ft and 2 sq., rolls: With nominal.' dimensions of 3-ft x 66.74. WeatherLock@ Mattis permitted to be used: as prescribed in FBC Section 1507..1.1 for P mechanically attached roof coverings. Exposure on theroof deck shall be limited to a maximum.30 days. WeatherL' dek® Metal' WeatherLock@, Metal his an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive undeerlayment constructed. from (Brentwood, NH) SBS' modified asphalt with a; fiberglass mat reinforcement and plastic: film surface. The product is supplied in 2.0 sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 66.:7-ft. WeatherLock@ Metal is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 for mechanically attached roof coverings; Exposure on the: roof- deck :shall be limited to a maximum 90. days. WeatherLock@ WeatherLock®.Special Tle & Metal is an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive, underlayment Specialty Tile & Metal constructed from SBS modified asphalt and surfaced with a non -woven polyester fabric. (Brentwood, NH or, The product is supplied in 2.14-sq, rolls with. nominal _dimensions of 3-ft x 71:3=ft. Houston, 7X) WeatherLock® Specialty) Tile & Metal. Is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1. WeatherLock®-Specialty 'rile &: Metal is permitted to be used with adhered clay or concrete) tile ;roofing using either ICP Adhesives, Polyset AH-160 (ICP ;Adhesives and Sealants,. Inc.) or TILE BONP,' Roof Tile Adhesive The Dow Chemical Company). Exposure on the. roof'deck.shall be limited Ito a maximum 90 days. The maximum roof slope. shall. 'be 6:12 when Used with -Gay or concrete tile installations Without battens. Tile shall be,stored on battens for roof slopes. greater than 6:12. Tiles .shall not be:stacked greaterl10 tiles per stack. WeatherLock@ G (High WeatherLock&`-G,(High Tear•) is a self -.adhered', undedaymeni used as' an alternative to Tear) ASTM D 226, Type I orType�ll roofing felt and. ASTM D 1970 self adhering polymer (Houston, DO modified bitumen underlayment. The undadgyment is composed -of SBS modified asphalt with a fiberglass mat internal, reinforcement and is surfaced with granules. The, product is supplied with a nominal thickness: of 50 mils in 1.95=sq rolls ;with. nominal dimensions of 3=ft x 65-ft. WeatherLock@' G (High Tear) is permitted to be• used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507;1.1 for mechanically :attached roof. coverings-. Exposure on the roof'deck shall bey limited to a maximum �90 days: 'miff f r-rcri - Page 2 of 4 This evaluatioh report is proyided, for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3c. The; manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or qualityassurance changes throughout the 4uration for�which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,'installatibn;, recommended use, .or other product attributes that', are not specifically addressed herein. � I CREEK. TECHNICAL $ERVICES, 'LLC i PRODUCT APPLICATION OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC. WleatherLock® Self -Sealing Ice & Water Barriers Min. Roof Slope: 2:12 in accordance with the FBG i Application: All underlayments shall be Installed -in accordance with the FBC. Deck. substrates, -shall be ,clean, .dry, ,and free. from any irregularities and debris: .AA fasteners in. the. deck shall be checked for protrusion and corrected prior to underlayment. application. ,Prior to beginning, installation, -the underlayment shall be unrolled and allowed to relax fdr a, minimum of 3-5_minutes. The underlayment�shall be installed with the release backer removed and pressed.firmly into place to ensure complete: contact with the.. deck. The undbdayrrterit shall be installed. with the roll length parallel to the eave, starting, at the eave, and with minimum 3" side. laps and minimum:6° end laps staggered mina 6-ft:from preceding course. Additionally, if applying WeatherLock® Specialty Tile & Metal, end laps shall be primed with ASTM D 41 primer or sealedlwith asphalt roof cement a minimum of 3-4 inches across the width of the lap. It is permi'ssible4d back nail the underlayment 12-inches on -center as needed (nails shall bR installed perpendicular to deck with the nail heads flush to the top surface of the: underlayment)..Additionally, WeatherLockO Specialty Tile & Metal shall- be back nailed` when installed on rooflslopes gfeater`thin 3:12. Mina Application 40°F Contact Temperature:. application ter WIND RESISTANCE The Maximum Design Pressures shown below,were uouovuonc �yarcnr Roof Deck: rVV..I i ry cGultlrLUGR AUtlGIj, Min. I32=inch CDX plyw Underlayment: WeaiherLock® Special' manufactueer's. installation selvage with minimum, C optionally primed,, 32ga. underlayment shall be rc application. Maximum Design -142,5 psf Pressure: when installing. at temperatures below the minimum using a 2:1 margin of'safety per FBC Section to wood supports spaced as maximum 24" o.c: Tile A. Metal shall be, applied in accordance with structions to the fastened: deck. and backnailed along the ,, 1-1/4-inch galvanized, ring shank- roofing. nails.through 1-5i8-inch 0 tin caps spaced 12" o.c. The applied with a minimum 751b steel roller immediately following 3 of A This evaluation report is -provided for State -of Florida product approval "under Rule V G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical services, LLC of anyproduct; changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty", installation, recommendeduse, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. a �A ACEEK, OWENS CORNING ROOFING'AND ASPHALT LLC RWeatherLoclvS Se(f-Sealing IceA.Water Barriers TECHNICAL SEl7YICES,',LLC GENERAL LIMITATIONS. 1) This evaluation.report is not use in: 2) Fire Classification is not within the st 3) Installation.of the evaluatedproduct application instructions. Where di$i compliant installation detail •shall pre' 4) The roof :deck.shall.be constructed o 5). The space under the deck area shall '6) .AII side lap seams shall beJnstalledll 7) 'The Linderlayment maybe used as.d 8) Design wind load pressures shall 1 1609. 9) The :roof deck shall be designed by load pressures for components andI 10-Maximum Design Pressures for a determined for the roof assembly. t1) Ali products listed in this reportshall: Rule 61 G20=3. HVHiZ.' )wof this evaluation. all complywith this report, the FBC,:and the manufacturer's published pancies exist between these :"sources, the more restrictive and FBC closely fitted plywood sheathing -for new or existing construction. be prop6dy ventilafed;imaccordance with the FBC requirements: stied water from the deck. ascribed in, other current FBC:product approval documents. e determined for'components and. cladding in accordance wlth F.BC: Others. in,accordance with. FBC requirements to resist: the design wind' ,given undo layment shall ,meet or exceed the design: wind Loads manufactured under a quaiity�assurance program in compliance,with The products evaluated herein by ,Zachary RI Priest, P.E..have demonstrated compliance with the.'Florida, Building Code 6" Edition (2017) as evidenced' in:the referenced documents;submitted. by the named manufacturer:. r No, 74'0`21 5k 'STAT E �0! two OFINDEPENDENGE. 2.01 T10.11 0906:29 -0A104r Zachary R'. Priest, RE. Florida Registration Nm 74021 Organization No: ANE9641 CREEK Technical Services, LLC does riot haye;. nor will it.acquire; a: financial interest -in any company manufacturing or distributing products, under this evaluation: i CREEK Techhica('Services;; LLC isrnot-owned, operated; or controlled by any"company manufaciuring_or.distributing products under this evaluation. i i Zachary R. Pnest, P.'E. does not :have, nor will acquire;. a financial interest in any company manufacturing, ordistri6uting products under this;evaluation. parocdh cry R. Priest, PE. does nothave;,nor will, acquire, a. financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the This evaluation report is'provided for-StateW Florid Technical' Services', LLC`ofanyproduct:changes or This evaluation report does:ngt express nor imply v specifically addressed herein. EW)DF REPORT 11 _ Page-4, of 4 if under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer:shall notify CREEK changes throughout the duration for which this:repod is valid: m, recommende'd use,; or other product attributes that arez not