at Lucie Cou tv
Shop/Drawing Review Sheet
Spec. Section No: Project Name: Fort Pierce Turnpike Service Center
Auntie Anne's Cinnabon
Submittal Name: Food Service Info Plans Project No.:
Review Date:' 2/20/2014 Submittal No.: 001
Review is for general confor� once with the design concept of the project and general
compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Any comment shown herein
does not relieve the Contractor from compliance with the Contract Documents. Contractor is
responsible for quantities, dimensions, fabrication procedures and techniques of construction,
coordination of this Work with that of other trades, and for the safe and satisfactory performance
of the Work.
No Exceptions Taken
❑ Note Markings
❑ Rejected/Resubmit
ElNot reviewed
Comments: This submittal is for information only and includes the Food Service
Design Criteria provided by the Operator's Food Service Design Consultant. It
has been submitted by the GC at the request of one of the AHJ reviewers in
order to commence their portion of their review.
Reviewed by:,; Group 942 Architecture, P.A.: DWB
y Distribution: Group 942, File copy
`-- SMG Constractors: Sam Joeseph
r AREAS USA: Marwan Wanna & Roy Berglund
Best Regards,
Danny Bogdany, President
Group 942 Architecture, P.A.
Group 942 Architecture, P.A.
2730 Holiday Woods Drive
Kissimmee, florida 34744 /
1e Copy
Phone: 407 348-9424 / fax: 407 348-2466 / A No. 0016087
Prolecl Name Florida Turnpike Service Plazas
Project FPID Number 422418-5-52.01
Date 02I19Q019
Name of Contractor SMG Contractors
Name of Manufacbuer
Specification Section Food Service Drawings
Subinitial Ntlmbe-r 01330-001.01
❑ Pompano Beach ❑ West Palm Beach X Ft Pierce ❑ F1 Dnun
❑ Canoe Creek ❑ Turkey Lake ❑ Okahumpka
❑ C-Store Rest Rennv X New P,estawant
❑ Site XOther Auntie Anne's Cinnabon Renovation
Applicable ❑ yes X No
LEED Coonllnalar
X Re.—d a Re.-b-I W%Con Pction
Rewewed As Noted ❑ Rejected
LJ No E-ephnns Taken
The purpose of this suhnullal review is sniely In aseenarn oenelnl—tifonnance with -11harl rincumemc and
is not to be ranstmed as ar Geptartee nl Inr design or mlenl Appmvnl nr it suhmillal Ite- 'I'll
relieve the subcontractof or vendor of conlraclual responsiblldy Inr nllanh — d.ni lsmns ni rnnhu,uanrr
wdh comrarl documents This subminal tlas been iewewed Cherkerl and apl`InvPd Ini rnrnpll:inrr \will
Me cnni I dnrumeol,
Rewewed By Sam Joseph Date 2/1912019
Page: 1 of 6
Submittal: 01330-001-01