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"". .' .., ... ., .,..,.' ,.... .' . ~ .onl noilarl~.;ftq~elp~:.blreor h bel'tb,.aoicDowl'4,,~,'do li'Ye ,'lran.,H'ba~I.1n..aeli;.'al1en/ : . '. '. '. r~.l'I~.~ll~..,:~'Jit.~tt, '~~~ef~f,~~~l~~'wi~'ci:~h~~'A~~',~~t~e' ~~ ~,~r<,h~i~f~ 'a~il1&1iI"ln ..-:c t.e'~illpie~~ba laJ1di 'IIiU:A' 1nS'."iAlGle9oWt\7,S~.~.ot"J:lor14a, dt.or.1mae. :tollonJ' ~"'" '''~~'h':tlttT':t.8''~0~ i.9~la'~ju,ok, 16 Sl~ua~.~' in' O'ol'ola"~k, Cltj.' ot.v.ri>',:n0r14a~~ ~ , ~ .~'..", . . ,,: .:.~ :. '~". . ,';. ..'. . .', .(. ~ ~ .: .... ,'J. ;,": :". ./'.. ..~.. ~ :. ;,lfO un: m TO..HOLD' ,be 'i.me 'oc.'b8r .~,,~. "h'be-n.d1"aa~~~1 &ndap.Pllr'..~oe.', '~t()..~~.'..~ld '" . . ".'. ~ ~.,~. -.' .' . - ': " :'~.' . '. .:": . --..~" ',' . " .'. ". .. . .'. ., , . .:"..... ;.' 'I~te.. 'aDd tbll~h8frliand a,lleU li1.t,e'l1mple. - ~ ~'. _, '.'u "..-.":" :----:--......---~~~.-.---. ~-' . . ~ ' ~ ....'" . '~_''-:'_~:-:~-:-:---:-.~----L->'''.~~'__---,__",__"_:,~,__;-~,.,_,, ---u----r-:~ . AID .the: la1el .ran~r8 ~or. 'thelllelYeI and th.~ h.e.lrl'. ,;nd l'i~l repr..entaUn"~, ,Goy.enante -, '\. . .. . .. . . . . " ~'. . . . . ':'1 th-'he' 1i.14,raiite.. ,their he1re ,11'U re1re.entaUvctland .a8;'1Cn.:~ '! .. ,:.-=----:-'.."..~-.'. -"." ':'., . :--.-. > '. ',~.'~' .'.-~' .."-' ..,'..: .. '-. . .'.:" ." : "~. .,~ :.,' '. .'. -"..." . ~ ... . !-h8.~8&1d. ,rantor.' ln~.ttaillb~)' ..hedo! ..14 ).&D4:.1'n:te.~81mp:te... ~ha~"8,1d Iriuito~-.;tl.lll ~, ~ 51 /. .' -. ~ .... . .,_. ,. '.,',0("", '_ . .. ".~ .- . ~'" .,' ..... . _' :~ '. " . }lower ~aD4'~ lawto.1. .r1Ch~ .to:';oon~.Y'a1diand8-ui .tit~,~j.'9-!o-;-a8 ~toreeald;' th&1t fi:8~'11 '_el:a!t'l,1{ .~ ... .,' '.,' ,_~ - .,'~. ,,' . .'_ -'. .'~ ".~ '." :i . ',,'." .. .... ,. _ ...' , ~ tor. 8&14 .~ te...thet_.belra, ~~ ~ le,~l ~p,re..nta '.1ve~ ..and.. as ~1'1)~ " &1' _a.ii~~~ee .p~~oea.l)lY .~~.:; ~~1e" . . ~ " .' '. . .. '.. .... . " .'.' . ~. p - _' '. 4 - . . .'. ':)lY'iioelite.r Upota',ho14, ~o~,oupr 8,114 .n~oY8!l1~ ,laD'4"; .~hatl~ld '~~~18t... ~m"'1l1n~))r&no8l; ; , , . '. that.kid crantor.'tileb' hi1~1U1d', li.a~'~p';'~~"t,~t,ln~" ,.111 ~e lu.'ohtUrther 1L8~z.an'oes~ ~, .' ..',_~' ..-;.~.~.t.-':'1 ..', -.. ,'. ".". '. . .". .' .... .-,.. . -. ".~' .. :"":.'~ ,.;. --::. . 1:1.,., _. : perteot "h. '1,"ee ai.plt U t11' ~o la~o. 18Dd 2f.\ ,la14 ',ranteel.tb8~r'heIr. le;&1 representathesan4 ' ~: '.:' . '., :. '. .. . . ~ :-' '.., .' :_' . ~ 'i .' ',_ ", .' '. ;'., ..", "';. '8'~~I, ..i_JiIl&7 tteuonablYbe rtqu~-4'4; and '~li&t.' '8.1d'ar~t,or.,40e8hereby ~lq.arrant the 'tU'~~' .- .' _ ...... 'l>'. --'~""'" ....._t.'." '.~ '_. '. -'.' ". .' 3>'- '. :..,',.'-, ". .to laid, ~~d~' and w1l14.ton4 the. i&llll aca1na" ~ "helawtu.l olaim.ot, a~lp'J"80ni ~hoia.oever. Wl1'nssthl. ~d'; and' seal. or.aid 11"&D'Or8 th'da1:~d').ar tl'r8~: ab~.;'Wr1,U'~.' ~ ' '. ,.~ . I I ~ ~ . I " " Slant4,;-SeU,d an4Del1nred in.'1;he &r...noeot: .\ .~ "" .',;//. -. -'.' ". .., ,,~- .-.... ' - Il. D. ,'I , <6. ~ ",i · " ". '.) , . " " , i ,..:-1 " '(. .. ...,.:. ,~, .. '... -~. . )~\ . -~'. , ., I' . . -". . . 'I ~ > I " I ~ I ,Bi11~" Dahlltrom. ~.;. ;..~. (Seal) ). i" . . Johanna Dahlttroau... ... . t Seal) ~ ~~- '-l~:" .' H~ C.Sharpl.~~ , , ..~~' S'lJ.n ,~o, rLoRlbA. . I . ~ '~Ot1fty o',S~.i,LVC~~. " 1 I' . . ..' " ~ ,) ~ ",' . . .~ '~.' 1 '~.. :1 HlUBr ,CEIlTII'r', ~hat on thI. dlLTlpereon~1)4' appeared ,b"tDre~!_. . ~ , ~'./ .,. !. ~ ~. "tot ~&da1n1t~'r .oatu Q4" takl aotnowle4pelitl,. .111.' if.., Dahll,t"m ..... " . . ~""',. I ' ",':,~ , , known ~__:o~~. ~o .',-)9 betbl 1~~Y14U~1'1~~~~b.cl, u.and Who ~. . .l , ,'.;'~ ' '~"'" . I ~. " ./ I .. -.. .- , P. : ., ~.. . I ! an '~ttl,er d~1T ~uthod&el1 , . Joh&lu1 Dahl.t,l'Oa'. to .. "11.' "~. " , > e~~~..~' tbe'J~or~ .:~',~'~'.".;' I ,,;'~> ,f,.oo}.." ,~,:~..........,;,..~~L:, , I I '1 t f :.. . "