HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0077 I . J'Ued, \ 7'-' \ .. --~--'f,. '.-' [' " . " , '. -' '..:, '., ','}' '.~ ;,., \' . .~. ~ ;,. ~r: ~~-. + , I. . - ., . ., .;:. '. "." . ........ ~ ,. .~ ". ,:' ..: .~. "I' !. : .i. -. .$ " J, . . t ....... . i " . I" '. k~' ~ I . I ,', ,,, ,I., . '.J',' ~ <', ,,' I.' 'oJ,. \ ,.\:/'.::: , '. ':, l~, :.~ ~~; " ,',', . :;', .1':' , ~ ,,; If. ., .' ~..' '., If A " ,.:L:;.72;..c.: "":~'~'':~~:7Hf~~r..;;t!t;:~~'~';"''~~V+"''''7'''.:.;:i";>,' ~i .',: . ~$J :,' ,'ota17 PUb l~~\ to'r' the 'S'ta_e ~t~ J'l~~ida'd i:.attge j .. ' , -. .~'. '~ ' :., "'~:'Oo~,d.8!b'n-&X}}1~.,u~oe~e~-.lti ~:. 19S1.~,'." ; ~. 'j, \ L .' ~. I' ,'. . " " I . \. '~, ~ . I ~ ,,' \. "'" .- : , . ... .1 . ."....:.,. -J.,.. ~" .' ..' . '. _ _'.' . . \ . I >,.., .. . reoor !th~8 the I 18th 4al'ot)Aprll, A.D.)1925.at"a.41 'O'OloolC P..l(. ~_ ' i ~';. ; 1 '\ \,1 "', " " ,',j' .~ ' I \ ' ' ;.' I \'. \ . .. '-:!, '\' .Cti.S'!,~)' , '~j'.", ',\,) \ "" '..~..C. Eldred.. ~.' . 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"i'.~' "03_ _ _ ~.. '_~.:'~ _" ',' ,.' ..... ' '. ,.__', ....,.,. ,;,:-. '"._'. _.'..,. ,,: ,;' ..,. .' nine (~9),k8~,. 09n~a1n1l'l<<.aB.7~ aorea a"tl1e,8~'1:8 ~e818Dated 'on,the. 1&8t'g&neralpl~~' ~t.' " ';.,iand~ :o~' the:, .I.~dlan:R'lYer-Farm. co~P~'" '~l~.d'~ in. the ~ot1'1oe .ot th~~le~k ~t the C1rou:~,t' ~;~r\ ' I' . .' ' ': '.. :, . '.' . ',.,.' , " " , , ' '. . .' , .' "'oJ~e:1nt .Lou.o1e', Dounti.. Flo.rtda~'..', :;. .:' . ,':' " ~.' .f' " j ~, , , . .. '. ': '- . - .- .. '. , " ~ ,. 'l -, , , . "~"'Th~B:'~o.nv&;YUl.Oe",1'8 :m$de .8Ub.~e~t~ to: alliAJIe8,8pe,~i.1..11'e~ or 'Q:th.r enoWibranou: ,wh~Oh;' ,~',~. ll". .' ',..' ',:~ ...... :'.... ~ .. ,~,' '. , '.' ~o.w are ~~ ,:maibeoOllle al~~t1" 'aga.ln~t' theab:ove'd~~or.~ bed ;p~p!.rt,:~ l.7.00 ~t~mpil ,O&DOel~eclJ .' .~ '.' .~~ TO R1V!: ~!O,~()LD,th_;8~~ tOge'the~,.~t,:b.~.'-c~1'ed~tar;.D'~4",p~n~~~to-th ~.., 8a1d gr8.nt~ee~:'~4. tl1e'1ri '~~lU'8,an4' a88~. .1~':~e'. l~lDP1~.'_ .' .' ~ .', ".: .' ~~" "\ ,'.~, ,mtne eddgrant~r8tor. themselv'8 'udthe1r'he1r*ari4 legal i-e~re88n1ia\lves, .oo1'enarit.:, .. , .. . . . ,. .,. ~. '. - ." '... .,: ',' ...' . ..,. ", .'. '> . w1th.' sa1d~ gi'ant.~,8' ,the.ir hei-~~', ','legal .repr~8entat1 ~e8 ~'a:n!1' .8~1g~.:" , , '" ,,'" , ~ " . ' ~ ~ ' , , , . .. .' T~~~ 8ald ,gr~--!,ors ,are. lnde~.a81blt 8.~1~'d .ot...~sa.1.d ~~d.:~n ~.e '.81~p~e;. ~ha~n~~~d.:,~r8D'Or8;,~~~. ' >- . hue fu'li'pow.l\aD11~wtulr1ght to.oon.8;Y. la14. ~~1)18 ..1n .te..~illll>~e a'8 ,atore.,a1d ;'thatl~ 811&11.: .-::; "~ '. . .~".' :~. .~~ . '. ~ . . " ~~ .~.'~ ~': ',' . .'.;/ ,:.~ .' '~. ~',~~'~" , b,.lall~1::.:tor,.a1c1 \!rant.e'8:~1ihd~ he-1r8, 1.g8\.lep're~'litat1v~n4'a.81g~.' at'al,l.t1me,s p.ao.~". " '-'-;-'-'>" "." .'------, -'--,'- - _:-~.,.------~-. -'-: .,._----~--->..;" '--'.' ...-:-.-_...-' '" '. . ~ '-; ," , . "~~. ~--":: -." : 'abl":,:~d'., QU1.,tl1,.' ~'~,erit.~. upon. . h~U ~~~o~uPt'~d' enJoj .a1~ol~~t.~hat "8,e;~d llUld -i...tt-a!, tr~al a.ll'lnourAb~anoes exOep~'.,notedabon ~'that. la14 grantor8, th.1:r'.' he1~r8 :ap4 legal. ;.eprf1sentathe.. .' ~'l1fak. '~\l~~~the~ :a~~r~QU~ ~~;op~if:,!~1i'\~.~' ,t'-~~:81IlPie"t.iti~, tO~'~1~~~~~~~ln - _aid ~'gr~t~e;~' --.' their hel:re, ,l$galr"pre8en~at1'v.8~d a~~1gl18" as mai:fl.a.ona~i;y ,~.eqillred; and :that. 8a1~ ~ _ '_:,' :"'.", -_ . . '. '.': . '..., ..... I. : ' . _ ., _' _ $ , . . . ':." _:'-' . .... ' . .' ' . grantor. dO,heJ,"eb;y tulltwarrant the Ut.le' tQ 8a1d land an-d.:. w1i:1 de tend. ~h~ 8~agdn8t the , . ---' - - . ;.' . ~-' -' . : . .' .. . .' .' -' -' " . >' ., . lawtU.J, 01a11118 , ot.'a,l\pe~.on8:Wh0Il1~()4tY8r~ , , .~ nTliE'SS THE. hands 'and', 8eal8 or sald grantors the d~ an~f.~, t1r8i abovewr1 U.i1. S~Ded~ ~ealed an~ 'dellv&!~ "lD, 'the pr~~eno~ .~~~ - . ,. ~" ~~' 'Herman I. Zeuoh. . :. ' . . 'J:' " , , .." '~~. ' ..~ '" , . .~ , . ~ . ; ,c,); -, " aeien Jeannette Zed.h~ ~ ~r~,~.~' Weaver~.. q., .'~ (Seal) ll,.Jorh: Z,. Wea:!er....~.. (S~a~) ~ ~~Tm r;>~ IOWA.' '(1: . 7 .",. ;' < 'COUBTY 0' SCOTT. ; , ' f ' '<: ',', . . ~ ;,-. _. ,; {. I' . ., l~Y aR'l'tn:. That 011 this da;y per80na),1;y appear.~ be-r9~o mt.tan ottioer duly autho,rl-:- " . . _. " ...0 J .. . _;' .. , . ''0_', ,..-1 '. _ . ;' I _ I', , ,'-,' ..' to _adiD1nl.8~er oa~h8 .,lll1' take aoknowlecS.glII8"JIh,fl&rry B. w.aY8ran,d,~Jor~e Z. ~e.yer, to.me .w.ll ~~~an~ lcnO~~"~O' II' ~o' ~e' the ,1nd1vlduU. 4es~rlbed 1ri' and whO ex~o~te~ 't~ toreg()l~ ,~. .~'. ..... '.. . . < .' "" ~ .. ". ,/ ' .~" cteed, 'a;04 tbe)r,aok,il01rl.4ge4 betore IDe t-.t tbf1,'X~Ou.hd tbe~ .a. treel;y and ,~o~~tarll)'l tor ~~!. ~ ~. ,~., .' ~,1.., . . tbere~n "xpr....d. ". ' ~J ~~ I~)...... '. . .:- .. j'-; ~t ' I , ,s,\ --~ 1 I I ,